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Read the following text.

Nowadays living in the countryside is a personal

decision. It may depend on people’s jobs, families or
finances. Many people move to the countryside to have a
better quality of life and freedom. However, it was not
always an option.
Living in the countryside was the reality for many
people in the past, and it wasn’t to have a better life. Life
was hard, people worked on the land and raised animals,
often living on what they produced. Many people were poor because they didn’t have other jobs. They
exploited the resources they had the best they could, but life was very difficult. People
were very tired and seemed older than they really were because of the hard work.
Now people decide to live in the countryside for many different reasons, and sometimes this might be
considered a privilege. Having a farm, raising animals or growing fruit trees is a pleasure for those who
choose this lifestyle. Some families change their lives and try completely different activities, such as the
production of cheese, honey, health and beauty products and even aromatic herbs. Others move to the
countryside because they think it is healthier, the air is clean, and there is no pollution or stress. Who
doesn’t love the idea of living in a little piece of paradise?

1. Find sentences in the text that have the same meaning.

a. People move to the country to have a better life.

b. In the past, many people lived in the country.

c. Some families have different lifestyles.

2. Match the two columns to make true sentences about the text.

a. Living in the country 1. to live in the countryside.

b. In the past, people had to 2. is healthier.
c. It is a privilege 3. grow their own products.
d. Life in the countryside 4. is a personal choice.

1 Come Along 7
© Raiz Editora, 2021

3. Answer the following questions about the text.

a. Why was life in the countryside difficult in the past?

b. How did they live?

c. Why did people seem older than they really were?

d. What activities do people do in the countryside nowadays?


1. Label the pictures with the correct words.

a. b. c.

d. e.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct expressions from the box.

refund return receipt in cash window shopping

a. We should always get the when we buy something online.

b. If for some reason people change their mind after buying, sellers allow them to
the articles and ask for a .
c. When you buy online you can’t pay , you have to use a credit card.
d. People spend a lot of time but don’t buy much.

2 Come Along 7
© Raiz Editora, 2021

3. “How do I get to the stadium”? Help the little girl find her way.
Here you have some expressions that may help you:
go straight ahead turn left turn right go past walk along

Write an email to a friend in about 35-40 words describing the place where you live.
Write about:

– where you live (city or country)

– what your favourites places are
– what things you can do there
– the best part of living there
– the worst part of living there

3 Come Along 7
© Raiz Editora, 2021

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