Principal of Management.: Areeba Fatima Roll No 101. BBA 2 M2

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Principal of management.

Areeba Fatima roll no 101.

BBA 2 M2.

Assignment ;

Decision Making Process for buying a house.


Identifying a Problem .

Me and my family had shifted to Bahawalpur recently .We are living in a

rented house. But we are searching for a house to buy. And the task of purchasing is
assigned to me.


Decision criteria;

I Have identified the problem. Now I am going to identify decision criteria. I

decided that price, location, security, energy efficiency, updated kitchen, three car
garage are relevant criteria for decision making of my house.


Allocating Weights to criteria;

Now I am going to allocate the weights to criteria for decision making in order to
give them correct priority in decision . I will weight decision criteria out of 10.
Allocating weight for house.

Price 10

Security 9

Location 8

Updated Kitchen 6

Three car garage 5

Energy efficiency 4


Developing a Alternative;

In this step I have to list viable alternative that could solve my problem as a
decision maker.

Alternative for House;

Criterias Fareed gate Model town C Jail Road

Price 10 8 6

Location 8 5 8

Security 9 6 10

Updated kitchen 7 4 3

Energy Efficiency 6 7 5

Three Car Garage 4 2 4

Total 44 32 36

Analyzing alternatives ;

Once I have identified alternatives. Now I am going to evaluate each one

in order to get best alternative for my house.

Selecting an Alternative;

In this step I am going to choose the best alternative or the one generate
the highest total . In step 5 Fareed Gate scored highest. So, I choose it.

Step 7;

Implementing an alternative;

Now I am going to put decision into action. As buying a house is a long

term decision, I am going to reassess the environment for any change during


Evaluate Decision effectiveness;

Now I am going to evaluate the result whether problem was solved or not.

Yes, problem was solved due to selection of best alternative.

Submitted to Sir Rizwan.

Submitted by Areeba Fatima.

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