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Neurocrit Care (2017) 27:141–150

DOI 10.1007/s12028-016-0338-7


Early Mobilization in the Neuro-ICU: How Far Can We Go?

Brian F. Olkowski1 • Syed Omar Shah2

Published online: 20 December 2016

Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016

Abstract Immobility that is frequently encountered in the The immobility frequently encountered in the intensive
intensive care unit (ICU) can lead to patient complications. care unit (ICU) has been identified as one of the primary
Early mobilization of patients in the ICU has been shown to causes of the complications experienced by ICU survivors
reduce the complications associated with critical illness; [7]. Fortunately, the early mobilization of patients in the
however, early mobilization in the neurological intensive care ICU has been shown to reduce the complications associ-
unit (NICU) presents a unique challenge for the multidisci- ated with critical illness [8, 9]. Early mobility programs
plinary team. The early mobilization of patients with acute employ a multidisciplinary approach to increase patient
neurologic injuries such as acute ischemic stroke, aneurysmal participation in upright activity and walking [10]. An
subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracerebral hemorrhage, and example of some of the features of an early mobility pro-
neurotrauma varies because of differing disease processes and gram in the ICU is exhibited in Table 1. The majority of
management. When developing an early mobility program in early mobilization studies have been conducted on patients
the NICU, the following should be considered: the effect of with acute respiratory failure receiving mechanical venti-
positional changes and exercise, the time from symptom onset lation in the ICU. Prior to participation, patients must
to the initiation of early mobilization, and the type and demonstrate physiologic and hemodynamic stability and
intensity of the exercise prescribed. have adequate ventilation [11–16]. In addition, the inter-
ruption of sedation and management of delirium can
Keywords Early mobilization  Rehabilitation  facilitate patient participation in an early mobility program
Acute ischemic stroke  [11–16]. The benefits of the early mobilization of patients
Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage  with respiratory failure on mechanical ventilation have
Intracerebral hemorrhage  Neurotrauma included improved strength, physical function, and quality
of life while length of stay (LOS), cost, delirium, sedation,
and the duration of mechanical ventilation has been
Introduction reduced [11–18].
Can early mobilization be beneficial to patients with
Survivors of critical illness are often afflicted with the
acute neurologic injuries? Patients in the neurological ICU
cognitive, neuromuscular, psychological, and functional
(NICU) participating in an early mobility program con-
deterioration known as post-intensive care syndrome [1–6].
sisting of a progression from head of bed elevation to out-
of-bed activity and walking not only demonstrated
& Brian F. Olkowski improved physical function but experienced a reduction in pressure ulcers, infections, LOS, anxiety, and mechanical
1 ventilation duration [19–22]. Early mobility programs in
Department of Rehabilitation, Capital Health Regional
Medical Center, Trenton, NJ, USA the NICU have had a financial impact as well as the cost to
2 care for patients can be lowered by as much as 15–30 %
Department of Neurosurgery, Thomas Jefferson University
and Division of Critical Care and Neurotrauma, Jefferson [20, 21]. Patients experiencing an acute stroke may also
Hospital for Neuroscience, Philadelphia, PA, USA benefit from early mobilization. AVERT (a very early

142 Neurocrit Care (2017) 27:141–150

Table 1 Progressive early

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
mobility program for patients
with critical illness Location Bed Bed Bedside chair Room
EOB Standing Hallway
Activity HOB elevation Bed mobility Transfer to chair Walking
Bed mobility Sitting EOB Sitting OOB
Therapeutic exercise Passive ROM Passive ROM Active ROM Endurance
Active ROM Active ROM Weight shifting Dual task
Functional training Bed mobility Bed mobility Transfers Gait balance
Positioning Posture Posture Posture
Balance Standing balance ADL
Education Positioning Positioning Safety Safety
Family training Safety Assistive device Assistive device
Family training Family training Family training
Goal Upright tolerance Sitting balance OOB activity Strength
Standing balance Gait balance
HOB head of bed, EOB edge of bed, OOB out of bed, ROM range of motion, ADL activities of daily living

rehabilitation trial) and VERITAS (very early rehabilita- stroke [34]. In addition, it has been difficult for clinicians to
tion or intensive telemetry after stroke) focused on generalize the results of the early mobilization studies
increasing the frequency of out-of-bed activity and walking conducted on patients with acute respiratory failure
within 24 h of the onset of symptoms in patients with acute receiving mechanical ventilation to patients with a primary
stroke [23–28]. The results were encouraging as the early neurologic injury in the NICU because of the differing
mobilization of patients within the first 24 h of stroke patient presentations and management.
symptom onset improved quality of life, motor function, What is the role of early mobilization in the NICU? The
walking, and activities of daily living [23–28]. purpose of any early mobility program is to reduce the
Why has there been a reluctance to utilize early mobility complications and disability associated with ICU admis-
programs when caring for patients with acute neurologic sion by increasing patient participation in upright activity
injuries in the NICU? The success of AVERT led to its closer to the onset of critical illness. The early mobilization
expansion into a multinational randomized controlled trial, of patients in the NICU presents a unique challenge for the
the largest early mobilization trial conducted on patients multidisciplinary team. The transition of these patients to
with acute stroke [29]. The study included over 2000 more progressively upright positions and increased activi-
patients from five countries, but the results were unex- ties such as walking can be physically demanding on NICU
pected as patients receiving early mobilization within 24 h staff because of the disability that typically results from a
of stroke symptom onset were more likely to have an primary neurologic injury. More importantly, the early
unfavorable outcome (moderate or severe disability, or mobilization of patients in the NICU has the potential to be
death) at 3 months compared to patients receiving standard detrimental to long-term recovery. We will consider the
care [29]. Early mobilization did not reduce immobility- following when exploring the potential benefits of an early
related complications or accelerate walking recovery [29]. mobility program for patients with various acute neuro-
Since the majority of clinical practice guidelines recom- logic injuries receiving care in the NICU:
mended the early mobilization of patients after acute
1. The effect of positional changes and exercise on
stroke, the results of AVERT left clinicians questioning
physiologic and hemodynamic stability.
whether early mobilization within the first 24 h of symp-
2. The time from symptom onset to the initiation of early
tom onset should be considered after acute stroke [30–33].
Some clinical practice guidelines have already considered
3. The type and intensity of the exercise prescribed during
the new evidence and now discourage very early, high-
early mobilization.
intensity early mobilization in the first 24 h after acute

Neurocrit Care (2017) 27:141–150 143

4. The impact of medical and surgical management on immobility-related complications such as venous throm-
early mobilization. boembolism, pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, urinary
tract infection, and falls [41]. When the dose of early
We hope this review will stimulate clinicians to evaluate
mobilization was doubled in AVERT, patients receiving a
their early mobilization practices in the NICU. In addition,
higher intensity of early mobilization within the first 24 h of
we hope clinicians will explore new areas that will advance
symptom onset after AIS were more likely to have an
rehabilitation in the NICU with the goal of reducing the
unfavorable outcome (moderate or severe disability, or
complications and disability that afflict the survivors of
death) at 3 months compared to patients receiving standard
neurological critical illness.
care [29]. Animal models also suggest that the time to ini-
tiation of training after induced AIS could be detrimental to
Acute Ischemic Stroke recovery if initiated within the first 24 h. The initiation of
training within 24 h after induced AIS resulted in worse
The guidelines for the early management of patients with cognitive function, neurologic function, and recovery of
acute ischemic stroke (AIS) recommend the early mobi- limb function compared to the initiation of training between
lization of less severely affected patients to prevent 1 and 5 days after induced AIS [42].
complications [35]. The criteria for participation and the With evidence suggesting that the timing of the initia-
recommended time from AIS symptom onset to the initi- tion of early mobilization may influence outcomes, early
ation of early mobilization are not yet defined. During the mobilization of patients within 24 h of AIS symptom onset
initial stages of early mobilization, trials of passive head of should be approached cautiously and on a case by case
bed elevation are frequently used to ensure that patients basis with careful monitoring of neurologic presentation
achieve hemodynamic and physiologic stability in upright and hemodynamic and physiologic response to positional
positions before they are permitted to participate in out-of- changes and exercise. If the results from HeadPoST and
bed and walking activities [10]. Head position within the CHORUS determine that head of bed elevation within the
first 24 h after AIS may have an impact on neurologic first 24 h after symptom onset is detrimental to recovery, it
recovery. Several studies have suggested that a higher head may not be advantageous to move forward with further
of bed position within the first 24 h after AIS may reduce early mobilization trials that commence within the first
cerebral blood flow on the affected hemisphere raising the 24 h after AIS. In addition, there does not appear to be a
concern that reduced cerebral blood flow could diminish benefit to increasing the dose of mobilization within the
cerebral perfusion when ischemic brain tissue may be most first 24 h after AIS. AVERT almost tripled the dose of
vulnerable [36–38]. The potential long-term outcomes and early mobilization which, along with initiation of mobi-
clinical significance of increased blood flow observed with lization closer to the onset of symptoms, ultimately proved
flat head positioning compared to head elevation within the detrimental to recovery [29]. Future research may include
first 24 h after AIS are currently under investigation in both early mobilization at a lower intensity within the first 24 h
the head position in stroke trial (HeadPoST) and cerebral after AIS. Mobilization after 24 h appears safer, but careful
hemodynamics and orthostatic response to upright posture monitoring of neurologic presentation and hemodynamic
in acute ischemic stroke (CHORUS) study [39, 40]. The and physiologic response to positional changes and exer-
results of both studies should be considered when devel- cise should be conducted. Recommendations for the early
oping an early mobility program for patients with AIS mobilization of patients after AIS are summarized in
since frequent positional changes and head elevation are Table 2.
critical components of an early mobility program. The hemodynamic response of increasing blood pres-
The initiation of early mobilization within the first 24 h sure after AIS may protect vulnerable brain tissue by
of symptom onset after AIS may also have an impact on improving perfusion to the penumbra. The maintenance of
neurologic recovery. AKEMIS (Akershus early mobiliza- arterial hypertension during the verticalization of patients
tion in stroke) was conducted to determine whether there after AIS can be challenging. Several studies have utilized
was a benefit to patient participation in out-of-bed activity a tilt table without active patient participation and deter-
within 24 h of stroke symptom onset compared to mobi- mined that passive upright activity after AIS frequently
lization between 24 and 48 h [41]. Unlike in AVERT and results in orthostatic hypotension (OH) [43, 44]. Studies
VERTIAS, the dose of early mobilization in AKEMIS was conducted on early mobilization after AIS provide few
not doubled. Although not significant, patients receiving details on the frequency and timing of blood pressure
early mobilization within 24 h of symptom onset experi- monitoring during early mobilization, the blood pressure
enced increased disability, mortality, and dependency ranges used or how blood pressure was managed
compared to patients receiving mobilization between 24 and [27, 29, 41]. In AVERT, early mobilization was terminated
48 h [41]. The investigators could not identify a reduction in if blood pressure in an upright position dropped more than

144 Neurocrit Care (2017) 27:141–150

Table 2 Recommendations and considerations for early mobilization in the NICU

Diagnosis Time to initiation Intensity Level of Consideration Solution

Acute 24 h after symptom No benefit to increased 2 HOB elevation HeadPoST/CHORUS to determine

ischemic onset intensity during 24–48 h within outcomes of head of bed elevation
stroke after symptom onset 24 h of
Maintain Close BP monitoring before, during and
arterial after mobilization. Consider
hypertension mobilization if patient stable and not
actively titrating parenteral
vasopressors or antihypertensives
Aneurysmal 24–48 h after After aneurysm treatment, 3 EVD Ensure EVD securely placed and ICP
Subarachnoid aneurysm HOB elevation within levels consistently below 20 mmHg
hemorrhage treatment 24–48 h and mobilization Asymptomatic If stable neurologic exam, should not
out of bed after 48 h vasospasm preclude mobilization
Single ICP ICP spike related to an acceptable reason
spike (i.e., during bowel movement, needle
insertion) should not preclude
Spontaneous 24 h after stable ICH Unknown 3 BP fluctuations Ensure proper control of BP with oral or
Intracerebral volume continuous medications prior to
hemorrhage mobilization
Single ICP ICP spike related to an acceptable reason
spike (i.e., during bowel movement, needle
insertion, etc.) should not preclude
Spinal cord 24 h after spine Unknown 5 Orthostatic Close BP monitoring before, during and
injury stabilization hypotension after mobilization. Consider
mobilization if patient stable and not
actively titrating vasopressors
Traumatic 24 h of Unknown 5 Single ICP ICP spike related to an acceptable reason
brain injury stable hemorrhage spike (i.e., during bowel movement, needle
volume insertion, etc.) should not preclude
* Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine Levels of Evidence Working Group. ‘‘The Oxford 2011 Levels of Evidence.’’ http://www.cebm.
NICU neurological intensive care unit, HOB head of bed, BP blood pressure, EVD external ventricular drain, ICP intracranial pressure, ICH
intracerebral hemorrhage

30 mmHg, but they did not use a minimal blood pressure The guidelines for the early management for patients
level [29]. Medications such as vasopressors can be pre- with AIS recommend intravenous fibrinolytic therapy and
scribed after AIS to increase arterial blood pressure and mechanical thrombectomy in the setting of early ischemic
improve cerebral blood flow [10]. The use of low-dose changes [10]. A small study examining the safety of
vasopressors in conjunction with serial monitoring of blood mobilizing patients within 24 h of the administration of
pressure may allow more patients to remain within an recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) identified
appropriate blood pressure range during early mobilization. minimal adverse events during early mobilization [45].
Future early mobilization studies should consider using Although AVERT indicated an unfavorable outcome
blood pressure ranges consistent with evidence-based (moderate or severe disability, or death) for patients
clinical guidelines. In addition, early mobilization studies receiving early mobilization at a higher intensity within the
in patients with AIS have not been conducted in the NICU. first 24 h of symptom onset after AIS, the outcomes were
The NICU may be an appropriate setting for an early no different for those receiving recombinant tissue plas-
mobilization study because the NICU is capable of close minogen activator (rt-PA) compared to patients that did not
monitoring and management of blood pressure during the receive treatment [29]. There have been no studies exam-
first 2 days after AIS when brain tissue is most vulnerable. ining the effect of early mobilization after mechanical

Neurocrit Care (2017) 27:141–150 145

thrombectomy. Patients with improved vessel perfusion or patients from being mobilized out of bed and participating
recanalization after the administration of rt-PA or in walking activities [51, 53–55, 57]. The early mobiliza-
mechanical thrombectomy may be better candidates to tion of patients with an EVD has been observed in other
participate in an early mobilization program. Brain tissue studies [20], but it has not become a standard practice to
perfusion may be improved or restored after treatment mobilize patients with an EVD in the NICU. Recommen-
which may diminish the potential negative effects of head dations for the early mobilization of patients after aSAH
of bed elevation and higher doses of mobilization that are summarized in Table 2.
resulted in poor outcomes in previous studies. Further Historically, a barrier to mobilizing patients with an
research is needed to determine the benefit of early mobi- aSAH has been the perceived fear of the development of
lization after rt-PA and mechanical thrombectomy. cerebral vasospasm and delayed cerebral ischemia [51]. In
addition, there may be an assumption that increased
activity can adversely affect intracranial pressure (ICP)
Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and/or arterial blood pressure, thereby reducing cerebral
perfusion pressure (CPP) and leading to secondary brain
Survivors of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) injury [51]. These perceptions may not be true as several
are faced with a complicated recovery which includes early studies have demonstrated that head of bed position as well
aneurysm repair, prolonged monitoring in the intensive as passive range of motion did not change cerebrovascular
care unit (ICU) and treatment focusing on the prevention of hemodynamics [58, 59]. A recent study found less clinical
complications and secondary brain damage. Patients may vasospasm and a greater than 30 % risk reduction for
be prescribed bed rest or may be forced to limit their severe vasospasm in patients participating in early ambu-
mobility due to continuous electroencephalography, tran- lation [57]. Similar results in a retrospective study
scranial Doppler (TCD) ultrasonography, or an external determined that early exercise following aneurysm repair
ventricular drain (EVD). The guidelines for the manage- reduced symptomatic vasospasm by 42 % [60]. A possible
ment of patients with aSAH do not address when or if it is explanation is that aggressive cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
safe to mobilize patients after aneurysm treatment [46, 47]. drainage along with mobilization led to less sedimentation
Despite improvements in the mortality rates of patients of blood products allowing less clot burden and thus less
with poor-grade aSAH from the original Hunt Hess num- vasospasm [57], similar to the ‘‘head shaking’’ and cister-
bers to more recent statistics after the institution of nal irrigation theory which reduced cerebral vasospasm in
neurocritical care units, the mobilization of these patients multiple Japanese studies, [61–63].
and how it may affect outcomes have not been adequately Patients with aSAH are typically admitted to the hospital
addressed [48, 49]. A recent Cochrane Review was unable for several weeks resulting in a longer LOS and period of
to provide an accurate meta-analysis between early versus immobilization compared to patients with other acute
late ambulation in patients with aSAH due to a lack of neurologic injuries. Although there is a lack of randomized
randomized control trials [50]. control trials examining the effectiveness of early mobi-
There is a significant potential for immobility after lization after aSAH, it appears that early mobilization can
aSAH which places these patients at a high risk for cog- be accomplished safely with minimal adverse events in
nitive, neuromuscular, psychological, and functional patients with a stable or improving neurologic presentation.
deterioration. A few small trials have shown that the early Due to the high level of monitoring in the NICU, adverse
mobilization of patients with aSAH can be performed events resulting from early mobilization can be quickly
safely and with minimal serious adverse events [51–53]. identified and resolved. Future randomized control trials
Early mobilization after aSAH may decrease hospital LOS are needed to examine the benefits of early mobilization
and the amount of time spend in bed while reducing dis- after aSAH and should identify the type and intensity of the
ability in poor-grade patients [54, 55]. Head of bed activities performed during early mobilization.
elevation can begin the first day after aneurysm treatment
and out-of-bed activity typically begins on the second day
but may be delayed in patients with a poor-grade aSAH Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage
[51, 53–57]. Patients were not allowed to progress with
early mobilization if there was increased ICP The guidelines for the management of patients with spon-
(>15–20 mmHg), inadequate MAP (<80 mmHg) or if taneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) recommend that
there was evidence of symptomatic vasospasm or severe rehabilitation commence as early as possible [64].
vasospasm on computed tomography, digital subtraction Although the guidelines do not specifically recommend
angiography and/or TCD ultrasonography [51, 53–55, 57]. ‘‘early mobilization,’’ it is consistent with the other stroke
In addition, the presence of an EVD did not preclude clinical practice guidelines in that it does not define when

146 Neurocrit Care (2017) 27:141–150

rehabilitation should begin and the type and intensity of the higher MAP in the acute stages after SCI correlated with
activity. Most studies that have examined the effect of better neurologic recovery, and the strongest correlation
early mobilization after acute stroke have excluded patients was within the first 2–3 days [69]. Unfortunately, patients
admitted to the ICU resulting in a small number of patients often experience orthostatic hypotension (OH) after acute
with ICH meeting inclusion criteria [27, 29, 41]. Only one SCI which may be caused by a loss of sympathetic-medi-
study has specifically examined the early mobilization of ated vascular tone, altered baroreflex function, the lack of
patients with spontaneous ICH [65]. Patients in the early skeletal muscle pumping activity, cardiovascular decondi-
mobilization group participated in functional training tioning and/or altered salt and water balance [70]. Patients
which focused on out-of-bed activity and activities of daily experiencing more severe injuries have a higher incidence
living, similar to other early mobilization studies [65]. of OH and are more likely to require vasopressors to
Patients with spontaneous ICH receiving early mobiliza- maintain MAP and encourage spinal cord perfusion [71].
tion within 48 h of admission were compared to patients The effect of early mobilization on patients with acute
beginning rehabilitation 7 days after ICH. Patients receiv- SCI is not known. Some of the perceived benefits include a
ing early mobilization were more likely to be alive at reduction in the complications associated with immobility,
6 months and have a shorter hospital LOS, higher quality such as pneumonia, bed sores and venous thromboem-
of life and greater independence with activities of daily bolism, and earlier admission to inpatient rehabilitation
living [65]. which has been shown to improve functional outcomes
Since the management of ICH differs than that of other [72]. Early mobilization after acute SCI can be challenging
diagnoses, it is important to develop an early mobilization due to OH as patients often experience OH during the
program specific to this patient population. The early transition to and with sustained upright activity. Several
management of blood pressure after spontaneous ICH interventions have been used to reduce the incidence of OH
focuses on monitoring the volume of the hemorrhage and [73]. Non-pharmacologic interventions such as lower-ex-
maintaining systolic blood pressure (SBP) below tremity graduated compression stockings and abdominal
140 mmHg [64]. Early mobilization should not be initiated binders have been used, but there is little evidence to
until the hemorrhage volume has stabilized for at least support their efficacy [74]. Although used after the acute
24 h. Since upright activity and exercise may result in phase of SCI, functional electrical stimulation has been
blood pressure fluctuations, blood pressure monitoring shown to reduce OH [71]. Further exploration of electrical
should be completed before, during and after mobilization. stimulation in the acute phases of SCI and other interven-
Patients may experience an increase in blood pressure with tions which diminish OH may allow for earlier and more
exercise, and blood pressure should be monitored to ensure frequent mobilization while maintaining MAP at recom-
that SBP does not increase above 140 mmHg during mended levels.
mobilization. Likewise, the early management of patients The early mobilization of patients after severe traumatic
after spontaneous ICH focuses on preventing increased ICP brain injury (TBI) has not been studied extensively. Similar
[64]. Head of bed elevation and active exercise in bed have to spontaneous ICH, the management of severe TBI
been shown to slightly lower ICP in patients receiving includes the monitoring of ICP and neurologic presentation
physical therapy in the NICU [66]. Early mobilization in the NICU with possibility of surgical decompression in
should not be initiated on patients with an ICP greater than severe cases [75]. An observational study determined that
20 mmHg. Further research is needed to identify the the early rehabilitation severe TBI commenced greater than
potential benefits of the early mobilization of patients after 1 week after injury on average and consisted of passive
spontaneous ICH. Recommendations for the early mobi- interventions that included frequent positional changes
lization of patients after spontaneous ICH are summarized [76]. Similarly, another study reported that rehabilitation
in Table 2. using a tilt table to increase the time patients spent in an
upright position commenced greater than a week after
injury on average [77]. The mobilization of patients with
Neurotrauma severe TBI appears to begin later than patients with an
acute stroke. In addition, a more passive verticalization is
The guidelines for the acute management of patients with utilized initially possibly due to a disorder of consciousness
spinal cord injury (SCI) recommend early rehabilitation and/or the patient’s inability to follow commands. At this
and patient participation in out-of-bed activity as soon as time, it is not known whether patients may benefit from
medical and spinal stability are achieved [67]. Mean arte- earlier interventions after severe TBI. The effect of early
rial pressure (MAP) is typically maintained at a level mobilization on ICP, complications, and long-term out-
greater than 85–90 mmHg for the first 7 days to ensure comes may be beneficial to the management of patients
perfusion of the damaged spinal cord [68]. Patients with a with severe TBI. Recommendations for the early

Neurocrit Care (2017) 27:141–150 147

Table 3 Safety checklist specific to early mobilization in the NICU

Yes No N/A Inclusion criteria

h h h If there is an EVD, is the EVD closed and secure for patient mobilization?
h h h Have ICPs been well controlled for 24 h with no administration of mannitol or hypertonic saline?
h h h Is there no active titration of parenteral vasopressors or antihypertensives?
h h h Is the CAM-ICU negative for delirium?
h h h Does the patient have a stable neurologic exam?
h h h If patient has an AIS, has it been 24 h after the onset of symptoms?
h h h If patient has an aSAH, has the aneurysm been treated?
h h h If patient has a spontaneous ICH, has the hemorrhage volume been stable for 24 h?
If all above questions are answered ‘‘Yes’’ or ‘‘N/A,’’ proceed with early mobilization
NICU neurological intensive care unit, EVD external ventricular drain, ICP intracranial pressure, CAM-ICU confusion assessment method for
the intensive care unit, AIS acute ischemic stroke, aSAH aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, ICH intracerebral hemorrhage

mobilization of patients after SCI and TBI are summarized neurologic injuries [80]. Sedation in the NICU may be
in Table 2. indicated to reduce cerebral metabolic demand, improve
brain tolerance to ischemia and control seizures, tempera-
ture and ICP [81]. These ‘‘neuro-specific’’ indications for
Discussion sedation may pose a barrier for the recommended daily
sedation interruptions that may increase patient participa-
Early mobility programs have been shown to reduce the tion in early mobility programs. Effective communication
complications associated with immobility in the ICU. among caregivers and coordination of care during daily
Although most studies have been conducted on patients multidisciplinary rounds may facilitate daily sedation
without a primary neurologic injury, recent studies have interruptions and prevent delirium, ultimately facilitating
begun to identify patients that may benefit from early early mobilization in the NICU [82, 83].
mobilization in the NICU. As early mobility programs Early mobilization in the NICU presents unique chal-
become more common in the NICU, it is imperative that lenges for the multidisciplinary team. Although more
clinicians become aware of the potential harm that may research is needed, some evidence demonstrates that early
result from the early mobilization of patients with acute mobilization in the NICU can be done safely and improve
neurologic injuries. Patient diagnosis, the time to initiation patient’s outcomes. We recommend that clinicians use the
of early mobilization, the effect of positional changes and existing evidence as a guide in making informed decisions
exercise and the type and dose of activity need careful on when to mobilize patients in the NICU. We encourage
consideration when implementing an early mobility pro- you to be receptive to rehabilitation in the NICU and
gram in the NICU (Table 2). The early mobilization of explore new ways to reduce immobility. Evaluate each
patients with acute neurologic injuries may not be indicated patient for their eligibility to participate in an early
due to physiologic and hemodynamic instability, similar to mobility program and develop a process in your NICU, so
critically ill patients on mechanical ventilation [78]. In patients can receive safe and effective early mobilization
addition, a safety checklist that includes contraindications when indicated.
to patient mobilization in the NICU is suggested in
Table 3.
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