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Literary analysis essays are evaluated on how well the student addresses the topic and the prompt, the quality of ideas
and interpretation of the literature, the development of ideas, the “connectedness” of ideas, the use of language and
syntax, the quality of examples chosen from the text, the ability of the student to “stay on track” and relate ideas back
to the main idea, general organization of ideas, and usage and mechanics.

The scale used is the Advanced Placement scale. The point range is 1-9. Here are scoring charts for 200, 100, and 50
point assignments:

9 = 200 9 = 100 9 = 50
8 = 45
7 = 177 7 = 88 7 = 43
6 = 170 6 = 83 When a ‘+’ is added to a scale grade it adds two points to the realized grade.
6 = 40
5 = 157 5 = 78 5 = 38 When a ‘-’ is added to a scale grade it subtracts one point.
4 = 150 4 = 73 4 = 35
3 = 137 For example: A score of ‘7+’ = 90; however, a score of ‘7-’ = 87.
3 = 68 3 = 33
2 = 130 2 = 63 2 = 30 *Note: scoring adjustments will be made only when applicable.
1 = 117 1 = 55 1 = 27


9 = A perfect or nearly perfect paper; extremely well written; organization flawless; insight into the topic is on a very
mature level; ideas clearly and fully developed; writer is “close” to the subject and produces in depth discussion; use of
language and vocabulary is on a high level but comfortable, not stilted or stiff; examples from text are well chosen and
relevant; connections to focus are well explained; there is an eloquence in the writer's voice and style; mechanics are
nearly flawless.

8 = A very well written paper; all areas described in the “9” description are expected, except that the ideas will not be
quite as well developed, the writer will not be quite as comfortably involved with the subject or have as eloquent a
voice, or the mechanics may not be as flawless.

7 = A well written paper; the organization will be correct and insight into the topic will be above average; ideas will be
well developed but will lack depth needed to constitute an “A” paper; use of language will also be above average and
will also reflect a “comfort” of the writer with the subject; examples from the text will be well chosen, but there may be
a need for more elaboration on the relevance of those examples; connections to the focus are there but also may need
further discussion; mechanics are above average.

6 = A paper that follows the organizational format correctly; has average insight into the topic; uses fairly relevant
examples from the text but perhaps needs to use more of the passage from which the example was taken; uses some
elaboration on the examples and their connections to the focus; lacks depth and detail in discussion of ideas; has
average mechanics.

5 = A paper that may follow the organizational format correctly but may have lapses; has minimal insight into the topic;
uses examples minimally; usually lacks quality examples that are relevant to the subject; uses minimal elaboration
throughout essay and has no depth or detail in discussion of ideas; has average mechanics.

4 = A paper that is lacking in all areas, but still manages to follow the basics of the format; has average mechanics.

1-3 = These scores reflect writing that is so far from what it should be that the writer needs to start over; or, the writing
is average and the mechanics are significantly poor, or, the writer wrote on the wrong topic.
9,8,7 6,5,4 3,2,1


CONTENT [C]: logical student has presented student has presented student has presented no
connection between commentary that has made a commentary that has made a commentary that has made a
examples, main idea, and strong, specific, logical general connection between strong, logical connection
supporting detail ideas connection between the the examples and the main between the examples and the
examples and the main idea idea main idea
CONTENT [C]: use of clear, student has made no errors in student has used very little student has used no clear, vivid
vivid examples their use of clear, vivid clear, vivid examples examples

CONTENT [C]: clear student has presented student has presented student has presented
articulation of views commentary with a clear commentary that has vaguely commentary that has not clearly
articulation of their views articulated their views articulated their views


STYLE [S]: usage, student has made no errors in student has some errors in student has made significant
punctuation, and spelling their use of usage of their use of usage of mistakes in their use of usage of
grammatical conventions grammatical conventions grammatical conventions
(contractions, personal (contractions, personal (contractions, personal
pronouns, spelling) pronouns, spelling) pronouns, spelling)
STYLE [S]: mechanics, student has made no errors in student has some errors in student has made significant
sentence structure, and their use of mechanics their use of mechanics mistakes in their use of
sentence variety (sentence structure or (sentence structure or mechanics (sentence structure
sentence variety) sentence variety) or sentence variety)


FORMAT [F]: typesetting and student has presented a paper student has presented a student has presented a paper
literary analysis paper format that clearly shows the paper that shows only a that shows no understanding of
execution and understanding superficial understanding of the literary analysis paper,
of the literary analysis paper by the literary analysis paper by including all discussed parts
including all discussed parts including all discussed parts (thesis, topic sentences,
(thesis, topic sentences, (thesis, topic sentences, concrete details, commentary,
concrete details, commentary, concrete details, commentary, elaboration sentences,
elaboration sentences, elaboration sentences, concluding sentences)
concluding sentences) concluding sentences)


ORGANIZATION [O]: student has presented a paper student has presented a student has presented a paper
evidence of organization that has a clear beginning, paper that has somewhat of a that has no clear beginning,
middle, and end, possesses a beginning, middle, and end, middle, and end, possesses
nice fluidity and includes clear possesses traces of fluidity absolutely no fluidity and does
evidence of organization such and includes little evidence of not include clear evidence of
as transitions, transitional organization such as organization such as transitions,
expressions, conjunctions, etc. transitions, transitional transitional expressions,
expressions, conjunctions, etc. conjunctions, etc.


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