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About Me Profile AND Creating a Reflection on the About Me Profile


Context: Look back on your first assignment, called My Personal Culture. Think about what we have
learned in this course regarding job applications, resumes, interviews, Human Rights, discrimination, etc.

For this assignment, you will create two documents.

1. An About Me Profile – information about yourself that is acceptable to North American

employers (based on what we have learned so far), and something that you can share about
yourself and your career aspirations in the ePortfolio that you are building in your program.

2. A Reflection on Creating an About Me Profile – where you will examine the information in your
About Me Profile, and reflect back on the information contained in your My Personal Culture
assignment. Both of them contain information about you. Think about the ways in which they
are different, though. You can choose to complete the reflection by speaking instead of writing
by creating audio responses.

Use the forms provided in this module to answer the questions. Follow the instructions to add your
documents to the assignment dropbox.

Samples and a marking rubric follow.

SAMPLE - About Me Profile
Who are you?

I am Jamila Smith, and I am enrolled in the Help Desk Technician program at Sheridan College. I have
always been interested in information technology, and I think that finishing my co-op program at
Sheridan will help me find a job where I can help end-users solve their problems and be productive. My
hobbies include soccer and running. The one thing that I am proud of is that I won a scholarship to
pursue my education.

Where are you from?

I grew up in in a small town in India, where education was difficult to obtain. Although my school was 5
km from my home and I biked back and forth every day, I learned that education meant something
worth having, and now I am a hard worker who goes after my dreams, even if there are difficult parts in
the journey.

Your Sheridan Journey

I had heard that Sheridan College was an educational institution that values diversity, so I wanted to
attend this college. Since my interest is in information technology, I decided to enroll in a program
where I use this interest in my job, and also deal with people and share what I know.

I will be successful at Sheridan because I know that being resourceful and asking questions means that
I’m learning and that I want to be successful. I am not afraid to ask questions.

Your Inspiration

My all-time favourite, inspiring teacher is Nelson Mandela. He was in prison in South Africa for 18 years,
and when he was released, he was voted in as that country’s President. I admire him because he did not
let circumstances get him down, and he believed strongly in his values that both all people are human,
regardless of their skin colour. Even though he is deceased now, his legacy is still alive, which means he
believed strongly in his message, and many people embraced and joined him. I learned to be true to
myself and my beliefs.
SAMPLE - Reflection on About Me Profile
How do you feel about your About Me profile?

I feel excited to be sharing my About Me profile with potential employers. I think that I know myself
quite well, and I am not embarrassed about my interest in pursuing a college career. I know that
employers want to know about me before they hire me, so the information that I have mentioned in my
profile is what I want them to know about me. I was a little nervous to talk about where I grew up, but I
see that writing about what I learned because of where I grew up will help an employer see that I would
be a hardworking employee.

What is the difference between the types of information included in the My Personal Culture
assignment and the About Me profile?

In the My Personal Culture assignment, I talked a lot about my religious background, and that in my
culture religion is very important. But I have already learned that I should not put religion in my About
Me profile, because employers do not need to know that. My first assignment was also very personal,
as I talked about the food my family likes to eat, and nothing that personal should be seen by a potential
employer because of potential discrimination. I added more education-related and goal information to
my About Me Profile, because I didn’t really think of it when I thought of my personal culture.

What information did you leave out?

I did not put any reference to my religion or the festivals that attend in my About Me Profile. I also did
not indicate that my family is very close and that we like to hug each other when we meet. Potential
employers do not need to know this information, as these items are very personal and do not help me
to get a job in North America.
Rubric for About Me Profile and Reflection on Creating About Me Profile

To what extent does the student show their understanding of cultural elements in the About Me profile?

Exceeds (3) Meets (2) Below (1)

About Me Provides strong and Provides some insight Provides weak
genuine insight into all into the four questions, information, with
four questions. but the information is evidence that no
either not robust or off attempt was made to
target. conform to standards.
Spelling/Grammar No more than one Several minor or two Many minor spelling,
minor error in each of major spelling, grammar or
About Me Profile and grammar, or capitalization errors, or
Reflective Statement capitalization errors in more than two major
both the About Me writing errors, in both
Profile and in Reflective the About Me Profile
Statement. and in the Reflective
Emotion Identifies emotion/s Adequately addresses Does not adequately
about sharing emotion, or provides address emotion, and
information, and only a minimal reason. omits an explanation of
explains the reason for No depth of the reason for the
the emotion/s. experience. emotion.
Types of information Identifies 3 or more Identifies 1-2 Does not identify any
differences between differences between differences between
the types of the types of types of information
information that would information that would that may appear in the
go in the My Personal in the My Personal My Personal Culture
Culture assignment Culture assignment assignment versus the
versus the About Me versus the About Me About Me Profile.
Profile. Profile. Shows superficial
Shows high Shows some development of
development of development of understanding of
understanding of understanding of cultural and contextual
cultural and contextual cultural and contextual elements.
elements. elements.
Information Omitted Indicates 2 items Indicates 1 item Does not identify any
included in My included in My items that were
Personal Culture that Personal Culture that included in the My
were omitted in About was omitted in About Personal Culture but
Me Profile. Explains Me Profile. Explains not included in the
why these were not why this was not About Me profile.
included. included. Does not provide an

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