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Ex: Calculate the arithmetic mean for the following the marks obtained by 9
students are given below:

xi 45 32 37 46 39 36 41 48 36 x
i 1
i  360

Using formula of arithmetic mean for ungrouped data:


x i
x i 1
  40 marks.
n 9

Calculate the arithmetic mean for the following data given below:


Direct Method:
Using formula of short cut method of arithmetic mean for grouped data:
Using formula of step deviation method of arithmetic mean for grouped data:
Ex: Find the arithematic mean of the following frequency distribution
x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
f 5 9 12 17 14 10 6
Ex: Obtain the mean for the following frequency distribution
x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
f 8 10 11 16 20 25 15 9 6
Ex: Calculate the Arithmetic Mean (AM) of the marks from the following distribution
Marks 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60
No. of students 12 18 27 20 17 6
Ex: Calculate the mean of the following frequency distribution
Class Intervals 0-8 8-16 16-24 24-32 32-40 40-48
Frequency 8 7 16 24 15 7

The following are the formulae of geometric mean:

Calculate the geometric mean for the following the marks obtained by 9
students are given below:

Using formula of geometric mean for ungrouped data:

Given the following frequency distribution of weights of 60 apples, calculate the

geometric mean for grouped data.

Weights 65-84 85-104 105-124 125-144 145-164 165-184 185-204

Frequency 9 10 17 10 5 4 5


Weight Mid-points  xi  Frequency  f i  log xi f i .  log xi 

65-84 (65  84) / 2  74.5 9 1.8722 16.8498
85-104 94.5 10 1.9754 19.7540
105-124 114.5 17 2.0589 35.0013
125-144 134.5 10 2.1287 21.2870
145-164 154.5 5 2.1889 10.9445
165-184 174.5 4 2.2418 8.9672
185-204 194.5 5 2.2889 11.4445
n n

i 1
i  60  f  log x 
i i
i 1

 124.2483
 n 
  f i  log xi  
  anti-log 
124.2483 
GM=anti-log  i 1 n   anti-log  2.0708   117.7 grams.
   60 

i 1
fi 

Harmonic Mean: “The reciprocal of the Arithmetic mean of the reciprocal of the values is
called Harmonic mean”.

The following are formulae of harmonic mean:

Calculate the harmonic mean for the following the marks obtained by 9
students are given below:

Using formula of harmonic mean for ungrouped data:

Given the following frequency distribution of weights of 60 apples, calculate the
harmonic mean for grouped data.

Weights 65-84 85-104 105-124 125-144 145-164 165-184 185-204

Frequency 9 10 17 10 5 4 5
Median: “when the observation are arranged in ascending or descending order,
then a value, that divides a distribution into equal parts, is called median”.

Calculate the median for the following the marks obtained by 9 students are given below:

Arrange the data in ascending order, then the ordered data is 32, 36, 36, 37, 39, 41, 45, 46, and
48. Here, n  9.
5th observation in the ordered set is 39.

Therefore, median of the given data is 39.

Calculate the median for the following the marks obtained by 10 students are given below:

Arrange the data in ascending order, then the ordered data is 32, 36, 36, 37, 39, 41, 45, 46, 48,
and 50. Here, n  10.

Ex: Find the median of the following distribution relates to the number of assistants in 50 retail
No. of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Frequency  f i  3 4 6 7 10 6 5 5 3 1
Cumulative Frequency 3 7 13 20 30 36 41 46 49 50

From the above, we observe that the total frequency is N   f i  50, and  25.
i 1 2
In the cumulative frequencies just exceeding value is 30, and the corresponding number of
assistants are 4. Therefore, the median of the given distribution is 4.

Median in case of continuous or grouped frequency distribution:

In continuous grouped frequency distribution, when we are finding median, we first construct the
class boundaries if the classes are discontinuous. Then we find the cumulative frequencies and
then we use the following two steps:
(1) First we determine the median class using .
(2) When the median class is determined, then the following formula is used to find the
value of median.
h N 
Median  l    c 
f 2 
where l  lower limit of the median class, h  width of the median class,
f  frequency of the median class, N  total frequency, and c  cumulative
frequency just preceeding to the median class.
Ex: Find the median, for the distribution of examination marks given below:
Marks 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99
No. of students 8 87 190 304 211 85 20
Marks Class boundaries Frequency Cumulative Frequency
30 - 39 29.5 - 39.5 8 8
40 – 49 39.5 - 49.5 87 95
50 – 59 49.5 - 59.5 190 285
60 – 69 59.5 - 69.5 304 589
70 – 79 69.5 - 79.5 211 800
80 – 89 79.5 - 89.5 85 885
90 - 99 89.5 - 99.5 20 905
N   fi  905
i 1
N 905
In cumulative frequencies the value which is just exceeding   452.5 is 589
2 2
and the corresponding class be the median class, from which we get
l  59.5, h  10, f  304, and c  285.
h N  10
Median  l    c   59.5   452.5  285  65.01  65.
f 2  304
Mode in case of Ungrouped Data: “A value that occurs most frequently in a data is called
mode” (OR) “if two or more values occur the same number of times but most frequently than
the other values, then there is more than one mode”.
That is, the data having one mode is called uni-modal distribution,
the data having two modes is called bi-modal distribution.
the data having more than two modes is called multi-modal distribution.
Mode in case of Discrete Grouped Data: “A value which has the largest frequency
in a set of data is called mode”
Mode in case of Continuous Grouped Data: In case of continuous grouped data,
mode would lie in the class that carries the highest frequency. This class is called
the modal class. The formula used to compute the value of mode, is given below:

Mode  l 
 f m  f1  h  l 
 f m  f1   h
 f m  f1    f m  f 2   2 fm  f1  f 2 
where l  lower limit of the modal class, f m  frequency of the modal class,
f1  frequency of the class preceeding to the modal class,
f 2  frequency of the class succeeding to the modal class,
and h  magnitude (width) of the modal class.
Ex: Calculate the mode of the following 15,13,12,15,12,18,19, and 15.
Sol: Mode=15, since 15 replicated thrice in the given data set.
Ex: Find the mode of the following distribution relates to the number of assistants in 50 retail

Sol: Mode of the given distribution is 4, since the maximum frequency of the given distribution
is 10, corresponding to that the variate is assuming 4 (no. of assistants).
Ex: Find the mode, for the distribution of examination marks given below:
Marks 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99
No. of students 8 87 190 304 211 85 20
Marks Class boundaries Frequency
30 - 39 29.5 - 39.5 8
40 – 49 39.5 - 49.5 87
50 – 59 49.5 - 59.5 190
60 – 69 59.5 - 69.5 304
70 – 79 69.5 - 79.5 211
80 – 89 79.5 - 89.5 85
90 - 99 89.5 - 99.5 20
N   fi  905
i 1

From the above, the modal class is the class corresponding to the maximum frequency 304.
l  lower limit of the modal class  59.5,
f m  frequency of the modal class  304,
f1  frequency of the class preceeding to the modal class  190,
f 2  frequency of the class succeeding to the modal class  211,
and h  magnitude (width) of the modal class  10.

Mode  l 
 f m  f1   h  59.5 
 304  190   10  65.007.
 2 f m  f1  f 2   2  304  190  211
Main Objects of Average:
1.The main object (purpose) of the average is to give a bird’s eye view
(summary) of the statistical data. The average removes all the unnecessary
details of the data and gives a concise (to the point or short) picture of the
huge data under investigation.
2. Average is also of great use for the purpose of comparison (i.e. the
comparison of two or more groups in which the units of the variables are
same) and for the further analysis of the data.
3. Averages are very useful for computing various other statistical measures
such as dispersion, skewness, kurtosis etc.
Requisites (desirable qualities) of a Good Average: An average will be
considered as good if:
1. It is mathematically defined.
2. It utilizes all the values given in the data.
3. It is not much affected by the extreme values.
4. It can be calculated in almost all cases.
5. It can be used in further statistical analysis of the data.
6. It should avoid to give misleading results.
Uses of Averages in Different Situations:
1. A.M is an appropriate average for all the situations where there are no
extreme values in the data.
2. G.M is an appropriate average for calculating average percent increase in
sales, population, production, etc. It is one of the best averages for the
construction of index numbers.
3. H.M is an appropriate average for calculating the average rate of increase
of profits of a firm or finding average speed of a journey or the average
price at which articles are sold.
4. Mode is an appropriate average in case of qualitative data e.g. the opinion
of an average person; he is probably referring to the most frequently
expressed opinion which is the modal opinion.
5. Median is an appropriate average in a highly skewed distribution e.g. in
the distribution of wages, incomes etc.
Measure of location: A central value that represents the whole data is called an average. Since
average is a value usually somewhere in the center and represents the entire data set therefore it
is called measure of central tendency. Measure of central tendency indicates the location or the
general position of the data on the X-axis therefore it is also known as a measure of location or
1. It removes all the unnecessary details of the data and gives a concise picture of the huge
2. It is used for the purpose of comparison.
3. It is very useful in computing other statistical measures such as dispersion, skewness and
kurtosis etc.
Desirable qualities of a good average: An average will be considered as good if:
1. It is mathematically defined.
2. It utilizes all the observations given in a data.
3. It is not much affected by the extreme values.
4. It is capable of further algebraic treatment.
5. It is not affected by fluctuations of sampling.

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