Name: - Energy Flow Poster Photosynthesis and Respiration

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Name: ________________

Energy Flow Poster

Photosynthesis and Respiration

Directions: The following is a guide to help you create your Energy Flow poster. If you follow this guide, it
is unlikely you will receive a poor grade. Therefore, it is in your best interest to include all the information
requested. Split your poster into thirds as shown below. You will only be using the top two thirds on day 1. Be
sure to include the basics of photosynthesis using the top left third of the poster and cellular respiration using
the top right third of the poster. The bottom third will be completed at the end of the unit when you have
learned these processes in depth.

-Title - Give your poster an appropriate title.


-Sun – What is the suns’ role in energy on earth.

Could include vocabulary such as: “photon”
“light energy”, etc.

-Plants - Could include vocabulary such as: chloroplast, green, chlorophyll, pigment,
chemical energy, starch, bonds, etc

-Photosynthesis - What do plants need for photosynthesis? How do they get those things?:
Could include vocabulary such as:
breakdown “photo” and “synthesis” autotroph/producer stomates roots photon

-Sugar/Glucose – Why did I put this between photosynthesis and cellular respiration?
Cellular Respiration:

-Anaerobic Respiration – does anaerobic respiration require oxygen or not? Where in the cell does this
happen? What is the name of the 2 steps in anaerobic respiration?

-Oxygen – What is it? Why is it so important? How do we get it? How does it get to the cells? What does it
do for us? (Hint: after glycolysis)

-Aerobic Respiration – What do we need to perform aerobic respiration? What are the steps? What is the
equation for aerobic respiration?

Day 2: Tying it all together:

Use the bottom third of your posters to elaborate on the processes in the top two thirds.

-Comparing aerobic and anaerobic respiration Compare the requirements, the steps, the ATP produced
during each, the location within the cell, Which is more efficient for every molecule of glucose?

-Comparing photosynthesis and aerobic respiration How are energy (light or ATP/heat), carbohydrates,
oxygen, water, carbon dioxide, related to these chemical equations

-How are these processes related to the ATP/ADP cycle? How are digesting glucose, ADP, ATP, and bonds
related to each other…remember we eat to recharge our ATP and then we can carry out life processes with ATP

-Summary – On back
– What did you learn? In other words, summarize how energy gets from the sun to ATP?

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