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Why do people take part in 


With the FIFA World Cup ongoing now, tensions are high as people pledge fervent
support for their favourite teams. Sports is another universal language, one spoken by
the sheer physicality of the athletes, the enthusiastic support of fans and the source of
revenue for the various multinational companies.

Why do people take part in sports, you ask. This is like asking a bird why it flies, a turtle
why it is so slow. Sports is our innate most desire, it’s our natural instinct. We were born
to take part in sports. Like breathing and eating, sports is integral to oour survival and
existence as a member of the human race. Therefore, the question should not be why do
people take part in sports, but why do the anomalies and aliens of our world refrain from
engaging in a process that is almost as important to us as the process of egestion. Experts
even argue that the need to egest faecal matter can be foregone if we simply live, breathe
and poop sports.

However, since we are on the matter of the utter necessity of every human life, sports, let
us weigh the pros of such an amazing by-product of human ingenuity with the pros of
the taking part in sports. After all, if you subtract the possiblity of injury, death,
emotional trauma and distress, possible temptation of steroids, nasty competition,
capitalist efforts of sports brands, rude and egoistic attitudes of athletes, the boisterous,
and potentially violent actions of a sports fan. However, if you subtract these minute
details of the amazing wonder and miracle of life that is sports, you will see that in its
beauty and glory sports is perfect in every way.

What’s not to like about the wellspring of life, the foundation of society, the building
blocks of the world? When Sang Nila Utama set foot on our beloved Singapore, did he
see a lion or the commonly disputed tiger? No. He saw the malays playing the game
known as Singaball. Thus, our nation’s identity and origin all lies within the all sovereign
entity that is sports. Sports form the backbone of nations, countries, states and the world
as we know it.

Now, imagine a world without sports. Without sports to allow the testosterone filled
males to expend their aggressive hormones, said men, fuelled by testosterone, will take
to the streets like the wild, savage animals they are. Beasts will overrun the streets,
smashing glass panes, ripping electric cables and even stealing all nail clippers so the
world has to continue life with no devices or instruments to trim the dead skin cells
accumulated on their finger tips. This will result in the event henceforth known as “The
Year without Nailclippers” which simply put, is a mild term used to describe the
atrocities committed against humanity.

Finally, the main reason why we should take part in sports is because of the physical
training that sports provides truly pays off, athletes all around the world are SUPER FIT,

And as such, the only remarks I can close with are Michael Phelps’ famous words, “Blub,
blub, blub.” Remember kids, sports is love, sports is life.

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