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What we need is not the will to believe, but the wish to find out,

People are afraid to say what they want because of criticism. We find that there is a limit in
our freedom of speech. Lets see what the 19th Article of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights says about this: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this
right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. This right is also taken
into account in the International Pact on Civil and Political rights.

As an example, Tim Chevalier, an engineer from Google was expelled in 2017 for circulating
a meme criticizing the company's diversity initiatives.

Do we really want this? A world where any opinion that does not fit with the actual morality,
even if it is a proven and base opinion, to be censored. Obviously not the same, but do we
really want to live in a country like North korea?

Political correctness does not only affect the way we think and express ourselves. It has also
affected our culture, not just by destroying the judeochristian values that we have acquired
but for banning books and dozens of historical books just for not understanding the historical
context of when it was written. In, 2007 the British Commission for Racial Equality launched
an initiative to prevent the sale of Tintin in the Congo for being a comic that contained racist
stereotypes, in 2018 the reading of The Adventures of Huckleberry was banned in schools in
several North American states Finn (Mark Twain) and To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee),
two masterpieces of American literature. The reason? Because the racist characters in these
novels, written at a time when racism prevailed in American society, use racist language,
and in the opinion of those responsible for education, it is necessary to prevent "students
from feeling humiliated or marginalized by the use of insults racial”.

This has reached grounds such as science, where apparently, morality has no effect on the
results. Now we have people denying scientific facts such that global warming is not our
entirely fault, and that it is not as huge and dangerous problem as we usually see it.

We now find the problem that political correctness has the purpose of avoiding intolerance,
but it may produce even more intolerance. Not just by being intolerant to other types of
opinions that may be discussed, but by creating rejection to certain sections of the
population because of its sectarianism, which will make people to even radicalize more on
their intolerance.


For first, we must explain the paradox of intolerance carried out by Karl Popper:

Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited

tolerance even to those who are intolerant; If we are not prepared to defend a tolerant
society against the outrages of the intolerant, the result will be the destruction of the tolerant
and, together with them, of tolerance. We therefore have to claim, in the name of tolerance,
the right not to tolerate intolerance. (decir literalmente)

Starting from this. That we should not permit tolerance to intolerance. We can see that
encouraging political correctness prevents radical actions such as when Trump in 2021 after
losing the elections encouraged people to riot the capitol.

That a homosexual like Milo Yiannopolous has become an icon of freedom of expression for
his homophobic comments has only been possible in Donald Trump's America, where
anyone, starting with the president, believes they are capable of affirming anything, however
false. or injurious as it may be, with the excuse that not doing so is submitting to the
dictatorship of political correctness.

Under the cloak of political correctness is the belief in the equality of human beings. Thanks
to these movements, it is no longer acceptable to say that women are the weaker sex,
homosexuals are deviant and black people are inferior, things that today may shock us but
that only a few decades ago were not publicly censored. Ultimately, we owe it to political
correctness that two men or two women can kiss in public, that transsexual children can
choose a name and bathroom, or that race is not an element of discrimination.

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