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flit tartlw


ııııııılttı•ü.ill ovıvııtall ıııııiıvııtüllfi aııııcıı•ııtı•naturall bıüpııt

al anıtrıkaıı
tıııpıvı• üt,ıtt ıııorocco

i anı 118 carl in capıtıs dintııuıtıo

sele. ande tıctx•dcso tire ehven nationall
ın ilik. in .ıuris. in solo, ande

ande canaanıtes. tülle Üaıtheande

statc andc de .İıırc natioıtall

exxetxı.seall at Ihış liıtıc ande at all pointcs in tinıe

itlis in tör klaııns txxgatxiıngland. naturall ande

â (hat a stat". unniticd natione ande acctive
is inıuentaıionall lau

2. a töv (he united statcs I ande 1791 in Nd ande all Iower

ili all casc İNhe arc Ihc ıınıtcd sıatcs ot' anıcrtka? all
et' 'he states lands at amenka uhıchc ıs anncıcntc moıx»ccoande all
311 et' the thcm.
F. se.t!l

enıpire statc seall be ptxyklaimcd

4. a 'L ti) tiyetııozhcr at all (intes sense it iş (he tiag for all öf nıidguardc. it is tx•d ithe Ilıc grecne tivc
;xıınted sar. uc holle earthe as our pı esstatc. ande innhcritensc. additionallic. tıy tlıe
kentinentall land flaş ande t'ourt*athets hiclıc is Nd withc a gıx•cncedar uf
a hite ticldc,

3) tödcratione witlıc galactic eross

• uc hase txx•ne has eli.xtıoncs İşhlğhe atx• 011Ihe pubblic tx•ckorde.we arc gcarıng up tör
tx•ys elkxtiones ın 2022 akkordıng 10 Ihc b) pecpel İlte pubblic ırckötxie on septeınbrr l.
1442. ın ınntenm. ıncıall gosetmors arx•standing at the Icmıtories in pıx•cparationetör (he 1443

ö. Sitall stattıstxs • »e hase ctx•atedande placed our sowıx•ignc living beatlhe atrtdavids ande severcigne
numnıbers on (he pubblic rm•koıxjcin ande in all Iowcr casc letters. sovetx•igneliving beanhe
U'.oc the for further tcOctnpcnc Kourteacctbooc•s

ut the uf affidavjd kcnt.acncd Within the kourte

co.h. of attid.uds at -ali rue stande...-.moretrnmpnant}y. it is by
our statehood stattus

S our unmsersalle commerciall code I liens, kourte acctiooes ande our gold backed
money demonstraighte that •ae are ecconomically inndependente. v.e have
throughout the empre ande placing our acctiones on the pubblic reckorde.

a = hau• xnnciente ennglishe '*hiche kontaines v.ords from all other landgauges. annciente
to us. 's&hicheis the mandate.

10. the iii al moroccan moonshe amenkan konsular kourte system = on may 18, 1439 (2018] the moorishe
koure as reacctÄated earthu ide- our sovereigne moorishe amerikan konsular koune acctiones
are the reckorde ande kontinue to be placed on the pubblic reckorde-

l. inauguranone= had our firste inauguranoneon may IS. 1439 [2018] at house of rea%akening rnznds z
are teratorie. here is the linke to the video:

: 2. Land = the ea.-theis the lords. the fullnesse thereof- the world* ande they that duelle
therein. our status as
eageneall inn&geneous annciente nationalls by deefinitione places all larsde. all naturall reesources.
ande all
kommuurs unnder the authoriteeof our sovereizne ess:ate. stare decisis ande res judicate inndicate
our sovereigne
sz:tus in suche long standing cases as the dred scott case ande the William dungy case.
all treaties arde the
constitutione for the united states 17S9ande 1791are allso innscnhed mnnifesztic•nes ofour
sovereigne status.
nationall ande naturall reesources-the heirs that are Searthed of the matriarchall '*omb are enndless
'Aea)the ande resources that grow our vasst essta:e the innceptione,
nncubatione. bear,hing ande matchuring
innto purpetuit>.

tnnb:gtncous anntltntc moortsbc amtnian autogrzffs aff'.rtntng tbts anbe all

sucrc:gnc tnnbrgtntous annttrntc tmptrc state anbc tbt bc mocrtsbe nanonaU rttpubllt
goucrnmcnttbockumtntrsarc on tbc pubbllt rttkzrbc at amtttia. anntttntc
bestc amexrm.
nzrtbc Ecstc tbc not-tbcgate. tut-tult tslanbc.gzta', mtbzuarbc. tattlg.

ttmc tmmcmottalL Inn to pcrpctutttc

justise m;nfstz
in capitis diminutio nolo. in red ink. in propha personaÄüyi:s in proprio in pn»tio haedes.
knov,'åse —ente is kno'Atise to principall. knov•tise to principall is to agav,z.
ali rightes eexercis,ed t>mes-

empire suze ov morocco

rm•-ishe republic federall
moot-ishe kocsuiue
cair uf gold 2'.eau:
memphis tennessee reesers azione
anncienze hA-upzah
sioa ne» jerasaletn
unni', nationallarea eodde: 7gxsfnthks
latittude longitude 35.103985.-90.015769

seal o


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