Powerpoint Sunusu Hazırlama Teknikleri Useful Phrases For Presentations

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B Level

TASK 2 Speaking- Presentation (10.1)

Do some research and make a presentation about the top two places to visit in the world.

Consider the following in your research:

- What is the architecture like?
- Are there any historical places? If yes, what are they?
- Are there any areas of natural beauty? If yes, what are they?
- What kinds of local food do they have?
- What is the crime rate like?
- How is the transportation/traffic?
- How are the nightlife and social facilities?

Also, consider any other information you think is useful and interesting.

Your presentation should be at least 3 minutes.

Before you Watch the following videos before you start working on your presentation:
start PowerPoint Sunusu Hazırlama Teknikleri

Useful Phrases for Presentations

Outcomes - can give a short, rehearsed talk or presentation on a familiar topic (e.g. people, places, experiences)
- can give an extended description of everyday topics
Task - vocabulary related to cities
Requirements - vocabulary related to crime and punishment
- visual materials
- basics of PowerPoint
- presentation itself should be longer than the information given with the slides

Notes to the
Teacher & Mergen > Assignments/Ödevler > Task 2 Presentation - Online
1. Students will make their presentations on ZOOM on 18.03.2022.
2. Students don’t have to upload any document on MERGEN for this task.
3. The student's camera and microphone must be ON during his/her presentation. If his/her
camera or microphone is OFF, s/he will get 1 out of 20.
4. If students don’t use visuals, they will lose point(s) from “Delivery.”
5. The teachers should let students share their screen for their presentations on Zoom before the
6. The teachers can mute other students so that the presenter will not be disturbed.
7. If the student reads the entire report from his/her notes, s/he will get 1 out of 20.
Presentation Task - Criteria

Components Descriptors Grades

Addresses the topic with a wide range of details (explanations and/or exemplifications). 5
Has some components of 3 and some components of 5 4
Addresses the topic with moderate details with a few repetitions and/or some points
Content are considered irrelevant.
Has some components of 1 and some components of 3 2
Is unable to include most of the details; and/or most details are irrelevant and/or mostly

Speaks smoothly with little hesitation. 3

Fluency Has some components of 1 and some components of 3 2
Hesitates too often when speaking. 1

Uses a wide variety of language forms appropriately and accurately. 5

Has some components of 3 and some components of 5 4
Uses a moderate variety of language forms; and/or there are a few inaccuracies. 3
Has some components of 1 and some components of 3 2
Uses almost all language forms inaccurately; and/or shows no variety. 1

Uses a wide variety of vocabulary appropriately and accurately (word choice and word
forms) with proper pronunciation.
Has some components of 3 and some components of 5 4
Lexical Uses a moderate variety of vocabulary; and/or there are a few inaccuracies and
Competence mispronunciations.
Has some components of 1 and some components of 3 2
Uses almost all vocabulary items inaccurately and shows no variety and/or
mispronounces many words.

Effective use of presentation techniques (eye-contact, audio-visual aids, note-cards,

Delivery Moderate use of presentation techniques (eye-contact, audio-visual aids, note-cards,
Poor use of presentation techniques (eye-contact, audio-visual aids, note-cards, etc.) 0


A student will be given 1 out of 20 if

1) his/her camera or microphone is off during the presentation
2) s/he makes a presentation about a totally irrelevant topic
3) s/he reads the entire report from his/her notes
COMPONENTS Grammatical Lexical
Content Fluency
Competence Competence Delivery TOTAL
STUDENT’S NAME 5 4 3 2 1 3 2 1
5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 2 1 0

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