Speaking Part 1

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5 câu
In your free time.

1. What do you like doing in your free time?

In my free time, I often listen to music, read book, cook some favorite food, hang out with my
friend. Sometimes I will going home and tell my parents about my week.

2. Why do you like doing it?

Listening to music helps me relax, Reading books helps me gain new knowledge about history,
travel, different cultures, cooking is my hobby and cooking helps me learn some new dishes. Go out
with friends for fun. And when I come home and talk to my parents, I get advice.

3. How much time do you spend doing that?

I usually read books and listen to music in the morning, cook in the noon. Going out with you in the
afternoon, maybe we'll go on a picnic all day. And I often confide in my parents in the evening.

Thể Thao

Which is your favorite sport? Why?

My favorite sport is volleyball. I find it an interesting sport. Volleyball needs to use real combat and
also needs a pair of skillful hands to move the ball at will. This is also a sport that requires
coordination between teammates.

5. Do you think playing sports is important for your health?

Yes, playing sports is important for my health. Because, playing sports helps me relax and relieve
stress, improves blood circulation and has a healthy heart, and playing sports also helps me make
many new friends.

6. How often do you playing sports?

Well, if I have time, then it is quite possible that I will play volleyball every day. Whereas, if I don’t
have much time, I will skip rope in my room 3 times a week.

7. Who do you playing sport with?

I often play sports with friends, old teammates or relatives. Sometimes I play sport with new

Đọc sách

Do you like reading book? Why?

Y es, i love reading books. Because, reading books also helps me to relax, gain new knowledge
about history, travel, different cultures ( cao chờ) . Besides, reading books helps me to be more
confident, increase( in cuy se) your vocabulary( vo ca bu la ry) , find many interesting and
unexpected( ăn ích sờ péc tựt) things,. Reading book will change my life. My favorite type of
books are mystery ( mít sờ truy) and horror ( hor) . Because these type are curious ( ciu re es) and
create( cry ết) a sense of excitement( ích sai mừn) for the reader.

5. What kind of books do you like best? Why?

I like mystery and horror genres. Because these genres are curious and create a sense of excitement
for the reader.


17. Why do u like shopping online/ in a shop?

I prefer shopping online over buying in a shop. Because online shopping is so convenient( cơn vi ni
ừn) , you only need a phone or computer. You can find anything you want with different types and
prices without having to go to every store. Find what you want to buy, press order and receive it in a
few days. Sometimes you can get what you want for a good price, but sometimes you end up with a
poor quality product.

14. Do u enjoy shopping? Why (not)?

I love shopping. because, shopping helps me get new clothes and beautify myself. Shopping makes
me feel happy and comfortable.

15. How much time do u spend shopping every week?

I usually go shopping once a month. because I'm a student I don't have much money

Your next/ last summer holiday?

Last summer vacation I went to my hometown. Because of the covid-19, I can't go far. My
hometown has many beautiful sights and famous tourist attractions. I travel with my friend by
motorbike. we went to explore new places we hadn't been. Traveling by motorbike, you can see the
beautiful roads, the interesting things along the way that traveling by car does not have. We went to
Dong Van Old Town, and Ma Pi Leng Pass. It has a very new beauty, if possible( pót si bồ)
everyone should come and experience( ích sờ pơ ri ừn) it.

Part 1
1. Where do you come from?

I come from Ha Giang

2. Where do you live?

I live in HG

3. Can you tell me something about your hometown?

My hometown is a province in the northern mountainous region. There are many ethnic minorities
living here. When you come here, you will admire the wide terraced fields and the pristine beauty of
the mountains and forests.

Quê tôi là một tỉnh thuộc miền núi phía Bắc. Nơi đây có nhiều dân tộc thiểu số sinh sống. Khi đến
đây, bạn sẽ được chiêm ngưỡng những thửa ruộng bậc thang rộng và vẻ đẹp hoang sơ của núi rừng.

4. Can you tell me some famous landscapes or scenic spots in your hometown?

The famous scenic spots in my hometown are Lung Cu Flag Tower, Dong Van Karst Plateau
Geopark, Nho Que River, Dong Van Old Town, and Ma Pi Leng Pass...

5. What do you usually do when you go out?

When i go out, i usually go to school, work part-time and hang out with my friend.

6. What do you usually do with your parents in your free time?

I often help my parents with housework, cook with my mother, garden with my father, confide in
and ask for advice from my parents.

7. What do you often do at the weekend?

At the weekend, I often listen to music, read book, cook some favorite dishes and hang out with my

8. What kind of weather do you like? Why? Season

There are 4 seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn, winter

I like spring. In spring the weather is sunny and a bit chilly. The surroundings is beautiful because
trees begin to sprout, flowers begin to bloom. The most exciting event that happens during spring is
Tet holiday. At Tet holiday, every family goes shopping for new clothes, home decorations,
traditional food, drinks,,… Most people visit their relatives and friends.

Tôi thích mùa xuân. Vào mùa xuân thời tiết có nắng và hơi se lạnh. Xung quanh là cảnh đẹp vì cây
bắt đầu đâm chồi, hoa bắt đầu nở. Sự kiện thú vị nhất xảy ra trong mùa xuân là ngày Tết. Vào dịp
Tết, mọi gia đình đều đi mua sắm quần áo mới, đồ trang trí nhà cửa, đồ ăn, thức uống truyền thống,
… Hầu hết mọi người đều đi thăm họ hàng, bạn bè.

9. Do you prefer morning or afternoon?

I like morning. Waking up in the morning and enjoying the early sunshine is refreshing.

10. What style of clothes do you like to wear? Why?

I like the free style side. It's great to just wear jeans, canvas pants with a t-shirt and shirt. There is no
feeling of constriction, no fear of being exposed too much. And the free style makes me feel very

Part 1
1. What do you like doing in your free time?

In my free time, I often listen to music, read book, cook some favorite food, hang out with my
friend. Sometimes I will going home and tell my parents about my week.

2. Why do you like doing it?

Listening to music and reading books helps me relax mentally, cooking is my hobby and cooking
helps me learn some new dishes. Go out with friends for fun. And when I come home and talk to my
parents, I get advice.

3. How much time do you spend doing that?

I usually read books and listen to music in the morning, cook in the noon. Going out with you in the
afternoon, maybe we'll go on a picnic all day. And I often confide in my parents in the evening.

4. Which is your favorite sport? Why?

My favorite sport is volleyball. I find it an interesting sport. Volleyball needs to use real combat and
also needs a pair of skillful hands to move the ball at will. This is also a sport that requires
coordination between teammates.

5. Do you think playing sports is important for your health?

Yes, playing sports is important for my health. Because, playing sports helps me relax and relieve
stress, improves blood circulation and has a healthy heart, and playing sports also helps me make
many new friends.

6. How often do you playing sports?

Well, if I have time, then it is quite possible that I will play volleyball every day. Whereas, if I don’t
have much time, I will skip rope in my room 3 times a week.

7. Who do you playing sport with?

I often play sports with friends, old teammates or relatives. Sometimes I play sport with new

8. Should children play computer games?

No, children should not play computer games. There are many harmful games for children that
parents have no control over. Children who do not know will learn the bad things in the game that
harm children, families and society.

9. Can you name some kind of games?

Action games: pubg, free fire; strategy games: Age of Empire,Arena of Valor; sports games: fifa..
and online role-playing games

10. Do you like playing in a team or individual game?

I like to play team games. Because we can talk to each other in the game, we can work together in
the game. and playing games alone is very sad and lonely.
Part 1
4. Do you like to cook? / Can you cook?

I love to cook and I can cook my favorite foods and some simple dishes.

5. Who does the cooking in your family?

Dad is the main cook in my family. Because mom's work is busy and often comes home later than
dad. So my father is the one who often cooks in my family.

6. Do you prefer eating at home or in the restaurant?

I like to eat at home. Eating at home can save money, cook according to your taste, connect your
family and increase your cooking ability.

7. How often do you eat out?

When I don't have time to cook or when I'm too busy, I eat out. Sometimes, eating with friends and
colleagues I will also eat out, not wasting time cooking but also luxurious.

8. Do you prefer home-cooked food or food from restaurants? Why?

I like to eat at home. Eating at home can save money, cook according to your taste, connect your
family and increase your cooking ability.

9. Do you think that it’s important to know how to cook well?

Yes, I think knowing how to cook is essential. Cook to serve yourself, family or friends. Cooking
also helps you save money and improve your body in a better way.

10. What food is good for your health?

The foods that are good for health are: Vegetables, fruits, Yogurt, soy milk, carrots, sweet potatoes...
foods low in apricot oil, products containing many vitamins and fiber.
Part 1
1. Do you prefer to stay alone or with your friends?

I like being alone. because I don't like sharing things with other people and I don't like making

2. What do you usually do on weekends and weekdays?

On weekends I usually stay at home reading and listening to music or hanging out with friends and
relatives. On weekdays I will go to school and work part-time

3. What do you usually do when you go out?

I usually go out to study and work part-time. Sometimes I also go out to hang out with friends and

4. What do you usually do with your friends?

I often confide in my friends, go shopping, watch movies, and eat together. Sometimes we will also
go on long outings
5. Do you like English? Why or why not?

Yes. I like it. Because learning English helps me gain new knowledge, make many friends, travel
easily and watch movies without translation.

6. What do you think of the importance of English?

I think English is very important. It helps us gain new knowledge, make more friends, travel
anywhere easily and have many new opportunities for ourselves.

7. What are good hobbies and bad hobbies? Why?

Hobbies are things that make people mentally comfortable. But good hobbies like reading or sports
are good for health. And bad hobbies like gaming addiction will not be good for health and spirit.

8. How many hours a day do you watch television?

I usually watch TV for about 1 hour on weekdays. On weekends I can watch TV 4-5 hours a day.

9. Which programmes do you like?

I like the program "Challenge Comedians" Because it has a lot of players that bring laughter. And
watching this show makes me feel happy and comfortable.

10 Do you prefer watching television alone or with other people? Why?

I like to watch TV alone. Because I want to watch TV quietly to feel the movie better.
Part 1
1. Can you tell me some information about your school?

I studied at Banking Academy. It is one of the top schools in economics. The school is on Chua Boc
street and the school was established in 1961.

2. What is your favorite subject?

My favorite subject is math. I like numbers and learning math helps me to have better logic.

3. Do you think English is a good subject for all students to learn at University? Why?

I think English is a good subject for all students to learn at University. It helps us gain new
knowledge, travel anywhere easily and have many new opportunities for ourselves.

4. Do you like reading book? Why?

yes, i love reading books. Reading books helps me gain new knowledge about history, travel,
different cultures. And reading books also helps me to relax.

5. What kind of books do you like best? Why?

I like mystery and horror genres. Because these genres are curious and create a sense of excitement
for the reader.

6. What do you do in your spare time?

In my spare time, I usually listen to music, watch movies or cook. Sometimes I also go out with my

7. Which is your favorite sport? Why?

My favorite sport is volleyball. I find it an interesting sport. Volleyball needs to use real combat and
also needs a pair of skillful hands to move the ball at will. This is also a sport that requires
coordination between teammates.

8. Which indoor games do you play regularly?

9. Which indoor games are common in your hometown?

10. Do you take part in any outdoor sports regularly?

Part 1
1. Which room in your house do you like best?

I like the kitchen the most. Because I love to cook and eat the food that my mother cooks.

2. What do you like doing there?

I can eat many new dishes cooked by my mother and also cook new and learned dishes.

3. Do you like having guests in your room? Why? Why not?

No, I don't. because I want my room to be clean and tidy. I don't want anyone to touch my stuff and
leave it out of place. If I have friends over, I'll talk to them in the living room.

5. How often do you do any exercise?

I usually do aerobics. It helps me to have a toned and healthy body

6. Do you prefer to exercise alone or in a class? Why?

I like to exercise in a class. Because exercise in class everyone can help each other. Correct the
wrong moves.

7. What do you think is the best type of exercise? Why?

I think the best exercise is earobics. Because it's earobics has movements for each part and
movements combined with the whole body. It is very good for the health of the practitioner.
Part 1
2. What types of books/magazines do you enjoy reading?

I like mystery and horror genres. Because these genres are curious and create a sense of excitement
for the reader.

3. Where do you prefer reading?

5. Who do you enjoy spending your free time with?

In my spare time, I want to hang out with my best friend. We can go out to eat, go shopping or
travel together. We can talk to each other about everything. Tell interesting stories or give advice to
the other person.

6. Where would you prefer spending your free time? Indoor or outdoor?

In my free time, I often listen to music, read book, cook some favorite food. Listening to music
helps me relax reading books helps me to have more knowledge, cooking is my hobby and cooking
helps me learn some new dishes. Sometimes I also want to hang out with my friend.Be it eating,
shopping or going for a walk.

7. Which is the most important room in your house? What makes it important?

I think the most important room in the house is the kitchen. Since people are usually busy with
work, but people will often gather and eat at the kitchen . So I think the kitchen is the most

9. What do you do in the room?

I usually cook in the kitchen.

10. Do you like relaxing on your own or with other people?

I like to relax alone. I can listen to music, read books or watch movies alone. When I do those
things, I need to be quiet so I can focus on what I'm doing.I do not like noise.

Part 1
1. Do u enjoy playing any games?
I love playing the game "Lien Quan". This is a game that uses real combat. You also need to have
quick hands and good teammates.
2. What kinds of game do u play?

3. Do u think children should play games?

No, children should not play computer games. There are many harmful games for children that
parents have no control over. Children who do not know will learn the bad things in the game that
harm children, families and society.
4. What do they learn from games?

5. What kind of games did u play when u were a child?

6. Do u like music? Have u watched music game shows on TV?

Yes, I like music. I often watch The voice and the voice kid of VN

7. What kind of music do u like?

I like sad music, Easy listening, and POP

8. When do u usually listen to music?

I listen to music whenever I can. When doing homework, reading a book or on the bus. Listening to
music makes me feel happy and comfortable.

9. Why do u like that music?

10. Do u like travel?

Yes, I like travel

11. What kind of places have u visited?

I have been to Tam Dao, Ha Long Bay and Sam Son beach.The places I have been to are all very
beautiful. Each place has its own beauty. Tam Dao is a bit chilly, Ha Long Bay is majestic and Sam
Son beach is crowded and cool.

12. What do u love doing on visiting a new place?

When visiting a new place. I want to try the food there, take beautiful pictures, visit famous places
and learn about the culture and people there.

13. Your next/ last summer holiday?

Last summer vacation I went to my own hometown. Because of the covid-19, I can't go far. My
friend and I went to explore new places we hadn't been. We went to Dong Van Old Town, and Ma Pi
Leng Pass. It is a famous place in my hometown. It has a very new beauty, if possible everyone
should come and experience it.

14. Do u enjoy shopping? Why (not)?

I love shopping. because, shopping helps me get new clothes and beautify myself. Shopping makes
me feel happy and comfortable.

15. How much time do u spend shopping every week?

I usually go shopping once a month. because I'm a student I don't have much money.
16. How do u feel about shopping?

17. Why do u like shopping online/ in a shop?

I prefer shopping online over buying in a shop. Because online shopping is so convenient, you only
need a phone or computer. You can find anything you want with different types and prices without
having to go to every store. Sometimes you can get what you want for a good price, but sometimes
you end up with a poor quality product.

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