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Player Wanted

For Friday’s basketball match against Barton College-can You help the team? Come to the gym at 3 p.m
today, whatever your level.

A. The basketball team only wants to see experienced player

B. There aren’t enough team members available on Friday

C. The Barton College team will visit the gym later today

Answer: B

Trong bài có nói rằng bạn có nói rằng “whatever your level” bất kể trình độ nào cũng được. Cho thấy họ
đang thiếu người chơi bóng.

Người chơi bị truy nã

Đối với trận đấu bóng rổ hôm thứ Sáu với Barton College- Bạn có thể giúp gì cho đội không? Hãy đến
phòng tập thể dục lúc 3 giờ chiều hôm nay, bất kể trình độ của bạn.

A. Đội bóng rổ chỉ muốn xem cầu thủ có kinh nghiệm

B. Không có đủ thành viên trong nhóm vào Thứ Sáu

C. Nhóm của Đại học Barton sẽ đến thăm phòng tập thể dục vào cuối ngày hôm nay


Đán áp: B

What was damaged in the storm.?

Man: Was the roof of your house all right after the storm, Anna? I saw a workman there with a ladder

Woman: I'd had the roof repaired recently so that wasn't problem. The workman was putting some
new glass in an upstairs window. I think a branch from a free broke. It when it fell off in the wind. I was
quite lucky - it didn't damage my car which parked right under the tree.

Part 1:

Questions 1-5

Here are some questions about going to the theatre.

For each question. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using no more
than three words.

Write only the missing words on your answer sheet.

1. Theatre tickets are more expensive than last year

=> Last year, theatre tickets were cheaper than they are now

2.The booking office telephone is often engaged

=> It is often hard to phone the booking office

3. Peter said, “ Why don’t go to the booking office yourself?”

=> Peter said, “ How about going to the booking office yourself?”

4. Many theatres accept credit cards

=> At many theatres you can use a credit card

5. You can’t smoke in the theatre

=> Smoking is not allowed in the theatre

Part 2:

You want to invite Maria, an English-speaking student who is staying with you, to go out tonight with
you and your friends.

Write a note to leave for Maria

- inviting her to go out with you all tonight

- saying where you plan to spend the evening

- suggesting what time she should be ready.

Write 35-45 words on your answer sheet.

Đán án:

Hi Maria,

I just got home with my friend. Are you free tonight.?

Me and my friend are going to have dinner and go to the cinema tonight. You will participate ? We'll
have dinner at 8 p.m and go to the cinema at 10 p.m. If you want to go, come to my house at 7.30 p.m
See you



Part 1:

1.a. Giới thiệu bản thân

Hi, My name is Anh. I’m 21 years old . I live in HG . I’m a student . I majored in business administration
course 21. I often read book, listen to music and watching film in my free time.

1.b Trả lời 5 câu hỏi theo các chủ đề

1. What do you usually do in your free time?

2. What is your favorite food? Why?

3. Do you have a famous place in your hometown?

4. Is your family your source of motivation? why/why not?

5. What's your favorite tourist attraction?

Name No Questions Note

Nguyễn Thảo Anh 1 What do you usually do in your free time?

=> In my free time, I usually watch movies, listen to

music or cook my favorite dishes.

Nguyễn Thảo Anh 2 What is your favorite food? Why?

=> My favorite food is egg fried rice. because it's so

simple, easy to make and have tastes great.

Nguyễn Thảo Anh 3 Do you have a famous place in your hometown?

=> In my hometown, there is Lung Cu Flag Tower,

Palace of the Vuong family, this is one of the places that
people visit a lot.

Nguyễn Thảo Anh 4 Is your family your source of motivation? why/why not?

=> Yes, because they always encourage, comfort and be

there for me when I need it.

Nguyễn Thảo Anh 5 What's your favorite tourist attraction?

=> My favorite place is Da lat. Da lat is a tourist city with

many famous beautiful, cool and fresh air, beautiful

Reading Part 3

6. Paul was beginning to fell unhappy about the trip until someone saw the dolphins. Correct.

=> " I was quite cold by this time, and really starting to wonder why my family had made come all the
way out there, when suddenly someone shouted “Dolphins!”.

=>Lúc này Paul khá lạnh và không hiểu tại sao gia đình mình lại đến đó. Sau đó có người hét lên Cá heo.

7. Paul believed the dolphins were inviting him to join them in the water. Correct. =>"Many of them
were jumping around in the water as if they were asking us to come and play."

=>Rất nhiều cá heo vây quanh thuyền và như đang mời gọi mọi người xuống nước.

8. Paul felt that he had failed to communicate with the dolphins.Incorrect.

=>"I even made eye contact with one dolphin"

=> Tôi thậm chí đã giao tiếp bằng mắt với một con cá heo

9. One dolphin copied exactly what Paul did in the water.Incorrect.

=>"the dolphin almost followed me, but then changed its mind"

=> Con cáo heo gần như theo Paul nhưng sau đó đã đổi hướng

10. Paul was pleased when the guides finally called them back onto the boat.Correct.

=>"Then after an hour of swimming the guides called us to get back onto the boat"

=> Sau đó khoảng 1 giờ bơi thì các hướng dẫn viên đã gọi mọi người trở lại thuyền.

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