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In the picture, I can see… 2 people, a family.

There are mother, father, 1 girls and 1

I can see a lot of people in a room.
The boy in the middle.( ở giữa)
Con người:
- Tóc: She/He has short/long and blonde( vàng)/ brown(nâu)/ Orange (cam) / grey( xám)/
shoulder-length( tóc ngang vai) black hair
- The 4 women look quite old. ( trông khá lớn tuổi)
- The people at the table were all quite old.( ngồi ở bàn đều lớn tuổi)
- she has two side bun ( búi tóc 2 bên)
- He wears glasses ( đeo kính)
- Mặc:
+ She/He is wearing a t-shirt/ shirt/ purple(tím) and blue jeans/shorts/( casual pants)
quần âu
+ He's wearing dress(đầm)/ jacket/shirt(váy) +màu
+He's wearing a suit with a plaid tie looking very classy (mặc vet với cà vạt kẻ sọc)
+ They are all wearing a white T-shirt.( Đều mặc đồ màu trắng)
+ The mother wears a blue three-hole shirt( áo 3 lỗ) , Dad and 2 kids both wear shorts.
Địa điểm:
+ I think he's at a restaurant, it's very classy( sang trọng)
+ I think they're in a field ( cánh đồng)
+ I think they're lying in bed. Looking at the picture, I can see, behind them is a window,
looking out is probably a forest. ( Tôi nghĩ họ đang nằm trên giường. Nhìn vào bức tranh,
họ có thể thấy, sau lưng họ là một khung cửa sổ, nhìn ra ngoài có lẽ là một khu rừng.)
+ I guess they have a beach outing, behind them is a very nice beach. (Tôi đoán họ có
một buổi đi chơi biển, sau lưng họ là một bãi biển rất đẹp.)
+ I think they are in a library( thư viện) . Because there are a lot of desks( bàn) and
bookshelves ( kệ sách) behind them.
+ I think they're in the kitchen.( đang trong bếp)/ living room( phòng khách)
+ Behind is the kitchen counter. (Phía sau là quầy bếp.)
+ I think she's working in her office.( làm việc ở văn phòng).
+ 3 women on the left are wearing aprons(tạp dề), they are cooking some food. I guess
Street food . and the 3 of them and the owner(chủ) . The woman and man on the right are
not wearing aprons and are eating. The guests(khách) , I think.
+ They were eating, drinking and discussing something. They wear comfortable clothes.
Each table can seat 3 or 4 people. There are people walking. I guess this is a cafe that's
busy right now.
+ They are being served calves up dishes ( được phục vụ món ăn) . I guess the people
wearing aprons( tạp dề) and uniforms are all waiters( phục vụ) . And they are catering to
the party of the elders. Looking at the photo I think this is an outdoor party.
+ He is sitting on the chair and working on the computer. On the table were bags( túi) ,
vases flowers , cups of water and books. Through the door can see the road and trees, I
guess this is the living room.
Đang làm gì:
+ I think they're in a field ( cánh đồng). On the mat( thảm) there are some snacks( đồ ăn
nhẹ) like orange juice, bread (bánh mì) and grapes.( nho)I guess this family is having a
picnic.( đi picnic) . They all looked like they were smiling, maybe it was a nice picnic.
+ He's wearing a suit with a plaid tie looking very classy (mặc vet với cà vạt kẻ sọc).I
think he's at a restaurant, it's very classy( sang trọng). I guess, on the other table is a
glass( cốc) of orange juice, a glass of water and a plate of fruit. Next to the fruit plate is a
small vase of flowers( bình hoa) and a cup of coffee. I think this is an important date for
this man.
+ They are all wearing a white T-shirt.( Đều mặc đồ màu trắng) I think they're lying in
bed. I guess the parents are reading a book with the baby boy.( đọc sách cùng bố mẹ)
Looking at the picture, I can see, behind them is a window, looking out is probably a
forest. ( Tôi nghĩ họ đang nằm trên giường. Nhìn vào bức tranh, họ có thể thấy, sau lưng
họ là một khung cửa sổ, nhìn ra ngoài có lẽ là một khu rừng.) They all looked like they
were smiling, they are probably happy.
+ The mother wears a blue three-hole shirt( áo 3 lỗ) , Dad and 2 kids both wear shorts.
This family is playing a game with sand. ( chơi với cát). I guess they have a beach
outing, behind them is a very nice beach. (Tôi đoán họ có một buổi đi chơi biển, sau lưng
họ là một bãi biển rất đẹp.) They all looked like they were smiling, maybe it was a nice
+ I think they're in the kitchen. Behind is the kitchen counter. The mother is talking on
the phone, the father is instructing( hướng dẫn) the girl to do her homework and the boy
is playing alone. ( chơi một mình)
+ I think they are in a library( thư viện) . Because there are a lot of desks( bàn) and
bookshelves ( kệ sách) behind them. The girl is looking out, the boy is reading a book
and a group of people( 1 nhóm người) in the distance are discussing something.( thảo
luận gì đó). The girl seemed to be thinking about something.( dường như đang suy nghĩ
về điều gì đó.)
+ She is on the phone.( nghe điện thoại) In front of her were 4 computer, each showing
different figures. ( trược mặt là 4 cái máy tính vs số liệu khác nhau). I think she is a
customer service agent. ( là một nhân viên chăm sóc khách hàng)
+ The 4 women look quite old. ( trông khá lớn tuổi). 3 women on the left are wearing
aprons( tạp dề), they are cooking some food. I guess Street food . and the 3 of them and
the owner(chủ) . The woman and man on the right are not wearing aprons and are eating.
The guests(khách) , I think.
+ There are 4 people. They are sitting on the sofa and reading a book. On the table were
cakes, water and vases of flowers. Behind is the window. Maybe they're in the living
room. ( phòng khách)
+ They were eating, drinking and discussing something. They wear comfortable clothes.
Each table can seat 3 or 4 people. There are people walking. I guess this is a cafe that's
busy right now.( quán café)
+ The people at the table were all quite old.( ngồi ở bàn đều lớn tuổi). They are being
served calves up dishes ( được phục vụ món ăn) . I guess the people wearing aprons( tạp
dề) and uniforms are all waiters( phục vụ) . And they are catering to the party of the
elders. Looking at the photo I think this is an outdoor party.

+ tomatoes ( càu chua) have been sliced( thái) , vegetables. The boy on the left side is
scooping( múc) up the sauce( sốt) to put in the burger.
+ she has two side bun ( búi tóc 2 bên) They are going on a picnic. they are eating
snacks, on the table there are some water bottles( chai nước) , cans( lon) , books and
headphones. And they are discussing( thảo luận) something. Looking at the table with
some sunbeams( tia nắng) , I thought they were having a picnic outside.
+They are attending a family party. The little girl is holding the camera and they are
smiling brightly( cười) and getting ready to take pictures( ss chụp ảnh) . I guess on the
table there are fruit, salad, water and cake. I think this is a family party in the garden( sân)
, because the background doesn't look like a restaurant.
+ Look at the picture there is a carpet( thảm) , a table, on the table there is a plate( đĩa) of
fruit. I think she's in the living room. She was sitting( ngồi) on a chair( ghế) and holding
an album. She is reviewing the pictures she has taken. She is smiling brightly while
looking at the photos, I think those are good memories. (Kỉ niệm đẹp)
++ He is sitting on the chair and working on the computer. On the table were bags( túi) ,
vases flowers , cups of water and books. Through the door can see the road( nhìn ra
đường) and trees, I guess this is the living room. (Phòng khách)
+ She is lying on the bed( nằm trên giường and listening to the phone, there is a cupboard
behind( tủ đằng sau) . On the shelf( kệ) there is a night light and a teddy bear. I guess
she's in the bedroom.( phòng ngủ)
+ They are wearing very thick clothes, which can be very cold. there is a
snowman( người tuyết) next to them, snowflakes are falling and they are smiling
brightly. I think they were made snowmen and they are playing with snow in a great
+ You can see this is a beautiful beach ( bãi biển) . There are people walking, people
sitting on chairs, people swimming in the sea. There are a lot of cars on the road. ( ô tô
trên đường ) Everyone wears comfortable clothes. I think this is summer and it's a
popular beach.
+ A girl is on the phone, a girl is opening a bag. Besides they also have quite a few bags. I
think they just went shopping ( mua sắm) . There are a few cups on the table, I guess
they're at the coffee shop. And they are smiling, they are feeling very happy.
+ A girl sitting on a chair, eating bread and reading a book. On the table are two
computers, some documents, and a cup. Next to the table there is a window. I think she's
in the office. I think she's hungry so she eats while working. ( ăn trong khi làm việc)
+ There is a woman and 3 children, 2 girls and 1 boy. I guess she is their mother. They
have a lot of bags in their hands. In the arms of a mother is a baby girl. They stood next
to a car. Perhaps they come home from outside, maybe to go shopping or pick up the kids
from school.( đón con về)
+ a man is wearing a brown sweater and jeans. On the table were fruits and a lot of
documents. The man is looking at his phone and is cooking. Behind is the sink. I think
the man is both working and cooking.( bấm điện thoại)
+ In the room there is a fireplace, a table, a potted plant, a magazine and a TV. I think
they're in the living room. They are watching a program. They were all laughing, maybe
the show was quite amusing. ( xem TV)
+ wear a sweater( áo len) , a plaid shirt( áo kẻ sọc)Dad is chopping vegetables, mom is
cooking and looks at the two of them. The child is mixing vegetables. There are many
vegetables on the table. I think they are cooking together in the kitchen.( nấu ăn trong
+ they are sitting on a chair. Behind them is a lake ( hồ) , parents are reading books with
their daughter next to the flower beds. I guess they are sitting in the park.( công viên)
+ There are many people walking on the street. Some people are stopping in front of the
store shelves and looking at the items. There are a lot of shoes on the shelf, next to a lot
of book bags. I think this is a souvenir( lưu niệm) shop or a market.( chợ)
+ They dress quite politely. Dad wears a suit, mom wears a skirt. Behind is a kitchen
shelf, with a microwave, a sink. I guess she's in the kitchen and having a pretty fancy
party.( bữa tiệc quan trọng)
+ 2 people wearing aprons, mother taught( dậy) the young to cut tomatoes ( cà chua). On
the table are tomatoes, vegetables and some things. Behind is the kitchen counter. I guess
they are in the kitchen and mother and daughter are cooking together. ( nấu ăn cùng
+There are 5 people, 4 men and 1 woman. Men all wear suits. They are all working on
computers. There is a man pointing at the computer and telling the man next to him about
something. In the distance, a man and a woman were talking to each other. I guess they
are working in the office. ( làm việc)
+ a man is wearing a suit( mặc vest() . On the table there is a computer and a glass of
water. This person is eating and working. The next table had 2 people sitting and some
people going. In the distance is a row of pants. I guess this is a diner.( quán ăn)
+ man with glasses( đeo kính) , holding a baby sitting on a chair. baby wear sweater,
wear a skirt. The man is giving the baby a cake, on the table there are cakes and some
things. I guess they are father and son and the father is feeding the child.( cho con ăn)
+ The woman is pointing at the book, the child is holding a pen to write. On the table
there are books, pen. Behind him, someone was packing. I guess this is a classroom and
the teacher is teaching students to do their homework.( làm bài tập)
+ On the table there are some words, the woman is teaching the baby to learn. In the back
there is a shelf and a cupboard. I think this is a mother teaching her baby to do homework
in their house.( mẹ dạy con)
+ They are sitting together. The girl on the left is wearing a blue jacket and jeans.
Boyfriend wearing a shirt. The girl next to her is wearing a white shirt. The female friend
on the right is wearing a sweater and jeans. They are drinking water and discussing
something. There are many people walking in the distance. I guess they're at the roadside
cafe. (café ven đường)
+ They are sitting on the sofa. mother wearing a gray coat, holding a baby in her arms and
giving her milk to drink. Next to them were a lot of crates. I guess they are moving house
or rearranging furniture. ( xếp đồ)
+ They are sitting at the dinner table, the mother is feeding the baby food. At the table
were several glasses of water, fruit and food. Behind Dad is the window. I guess they're
in the kitchen. ( bón con)
+ 5 people are sitting on the mat. Some people eat and drink. There was a person carrying
a crate towards them. Behind him was a camp. Next to the camp are 2 horses. Looking at
the picture we can see behind them there are many trees. I think it a forest and this is a
group of people camping. ( con ngựa)
+There are 6 people standing in the field and playing volleyball. The ball is being
bounced high. 2 people about to jump up to catch the ball. Some people are walking in
the distance. In the background are tall buildings. I think this is a roadside park. ( bóng
+ On the table there are vases, candles, cups, cakes and a set of seahorse chess. The man
is holding a seahorse. Maybe they are playing together. They are sitting near the window.
( cá ngựa)
+He is holding a water bottle. The woman is lying in the tent. Next to the tent was a large
backpack . They were on a patch of grass with a cliff behind them. I guess they were
lovers and were going camping together.( vách đá)
+There are many umbrellas, people are sunbathing. The building on the cliff can be seen
in the distance. Looking out into the distance, many mountains can be seen. Behind the
umbrellas is a restaurant. I guess this is a beach and people are going swimming. ( nhiều

Đồ ăn/uống:
+ I guess, on the other table is a glass( cốc) of orange juice, a glass of water and a plate
of fruit. Next to the fruit plate is a small vase of flowers( bình hoa) and a cup of coffee.
+ On the mat( thảm) there are some snacks( đồ ăn nhẹ) like orange juice, bread (bánh
mì) and grapes.( nho)
+ On the table there is a computer, a few glasses of juice(một vài ly nước trái cây) and a
few things.( một vài thứ)
Tâm trạng:
+ I think this is an important date for this man.
+ They all looked like they were smiling, maybe it was a nice picnic.
+ They all looked like they were smiling, they are probably happy.(đang h.phúc)
+ They all looked like they were smiling, maybe it was a nice trip. ( du lịch vui vẻ)
+ The girl seemed to be thinking about something.( dường như đang suy nghĩ về điều gì
+ It is not constricting, spacious and easy to operate(Nó không bị co thắt, rộng rãi và dễ
vận hành). fashion helps people become more beautiful and outstanding( nổi bật) .
Câu kết:
In the picture is so beautiful, I like it.
Phần 2:
Học: it helps me gain more knowledge. What is your favourite subject? I like math, I love
numbers and it helps me think more logically. I want to study with everyone because we
can help each other in times of trouble.
Công việc:
A: Hi. What is your favorite jobs?
B: My favorite jobs is a doctor. This has been my dream since I was very young.
A: Ohh. Interesting. My dream is to be a highland teacher. A job I think is quite
meaningful. And why do you want to be a doctor?
B: I want to be a doctor because I see a doctor as a noble profession, a doctor is someone
who saves patients, helps patients cure their diseases. Although being a doctor is a
difficult and stressful profession, it brings a lot of hope to patients.
A: It is a noble profession. As for me, being a teacher in the highlands can help the
children up there to have access to words, helping them have a brighter future. Improve
illiteracy in the villages. If I could be a highland teacher, that would be a great thing.
B: Well. This is also a noble profession. Hope you get what you want.
Thời gian rảnh:
What do you usually do in your free time?
In my free time, , I often listen to music, read book, cook some favorite dishes,hang out with my
friend. Sometimes I will going home and tell my parents about my week.Why do you like doing
it?Listening to music and reading books helps me relax mentally, cooking is my hobby and
cooking helps me learn some new dishes. Go out with friends for fun. And when I come home
and talk to my parents, I get advice.How much time do you spend doing that? I usually read
books and listen to music in the morning, cook in the noon. Going out with you in the afternoon,
maybe we'll go on a picnic all day. And I often confide in my parents in the evening

Ăn ngoài hay nấu

During the week, I usually go out to eat and on weekends I usually cook by myself or sometimes
go out to eat with friends.

Because of the weekdays I have to go to school and work part-time, quite busy with my side will
eat out, very convenient and fast. And on weekends, I have free time, I will cook the food I like
and suit my taste.

Ăn nhẹ:

when I have a snack, I usually eat bread, drink milk, yogurt, fruit like: oranges, apples,
peaches.... some time I eat fast food.
I like them because it's readily available, very convenient and fast. It is also good for my health.
As for fast food, although it's not healthy, it makes me happy to eat it. And I don't eat often either
.I want to have a snack at home or eat out with friends.
Eating at home is very economical and eating with friends is so much fun, we can confide in
each other.

THể loại ảnh

I want to see travel photos, family photos.
Because travel photography has a lot of beautiful scenes captured. Seeing it was
Family photos give a cozy feeling. And I like that.
Who do you usually chat with?
I often chat with my best friend. Because I can confide in everything. Tell interesting
stories to each other.
I also chat with my mother because she will give me good advice.
Do you prefer chatting or calling?
I prefer chatting over calling because chat can say everything I think.
I like spring. In spring the weather is sunny and a bit chilly. The surroundings is becautyful
because trees begin to sprout, flowers begin to bloom. The most exciting event that happens
during spring is Tet holiday. At Tet holiday, every family goes shopping for new clothes, home
decorations, traditional food, drinks,,… Most people visit their relatives and friends.

Tôi thích mùa xuân. Vào mùa xuân thời tiết có nắng và hơi se lạnh. Xung quanh là cảnh đẹp vì
cây bắt đầu đâm chồi, hoa bắt đầu nở. Sự kiện thú vị nhất xảy ra trong mùa xuân là ngày Tết.
Vào dịp Tết, mọi gia đình đều đi mua sắm quần áo mới, đồ trang trí nhà cửa, đồ ăn, thức uống
truyền thống,… Hầu hết mọi người đều đi thăm họ hàng, bạn bè.

in the spring I like to go to join relatives. And I love going on spring trips with you guys. It's
great to see the beautiful scenery in spring.

What time you of the take break during a day?

I usually rest in the afternoon and evening. Because in the morning and afternoon I have to go to
school and work part-time.

Mua sắm:
A: Hi. Where do you like to go shopping? As for me, I like to go shopping in Dang Van
Ngu. A street with a lot of fashion shops for young people.
B: Oh, that's interesting. For me, I like to go shopping on Chua boc street, which is right
next to my school. When I'm out of school, I can go out there and have a look. Who do
you usually go shopping with?
A: I usually go with my best friends. It's great because we understand each other's fashion
style quite well.
B. Well. Me too. When going shopping without going with a true friend that is a
Bận rộn

A: My busiest time is on exam days when my relatives have a lot of parties. In addition to
doing exercises, review knowledge and memorize. I also have to help aunt's house, uncle
clean the house and prepare for the party.
B: oh. Looks like you don't have time to rest. Are you tired of just working and studying
for exams? Having to study for exams and help relatives work quite busy.
A: It's not too hard, but it's quite busy. I manage to arrange a reasonable time to do
everything. How about you?
B: My busiest time is the exam days. I want to achieve high results so I spend a lot of
time on this. Because I'm busy studying for exams, I won't do unnecessary work. I will
spend that time studying for the exam. It will benefit my exam results.
A: Well. That's a good idea.
I don't like being busy, it makes me feel tired and uncomfortable.
A: Thời gian bận rộn nhất của tôi là vào những ngày thi khi họ hàng tổ chức tiệc rất
nhiều. Ngoài việc làm bài tập, ôn tập kiến thức và ghi nhớ. Tôi cũng phải giúp nhà dì, chú
dọn dẹp nhà cửa và chuẩn bị cho bữa tiệc.
B: ồ. Có vẻ như bạn không có thời gian để nghỉ ngơi. Bạn cảm thấy mệt mỏi khi chỉ làm
việc và học tập cho các kỳ thi? Vừa phải ôn thi vừa phải phụ giúp người thân công việc
khá bận rộn.
A: Không quá khó nhưng cũng khá bận. Tôi sắp xếp thời gian hợp lý để làm mọi việc.
Còn bạn thì sao?
B: Thời gian bận rộn nhất của tôi là những ngày thi. Tôi muốn đạt kết quả cao nên dành
nhiều thời gian cho việc này. Vì bận ôn thi nên tôi sẽ không làm những việc không cần
thiết. Tôi sẽ dành thời gian đó để học cho kỳ thi. Nó sẽ có lợi cho kết quả kỳ thi của tôi.
Một cái giếng. Đó là một ý kiến hay.
NẤu ăn:
I cook with them.
Làm gì trong thị trấn.
I like going around the park, going to the market to buy furniture, eating street food.
Because it is not as crowded as the city, the air is clear and the prices are cheap.
LÀm gfi vs gia đình và bạn bè
I want to eat with my family and talk about what happened during the day. I can ask for
advice from them.
I like to go out with friends, eat out or travel. We can talk to each other about everything.

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