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44) (Total 8 marks) 2 @ (taken up from atmosphere) 93 + 121°= 214; ® @ (released into atmosphere) 90 + 120 + 1.6 + 0.1 + 5.5 = 217.2 ; difference = 3.2 Gt (year™?) ; 13] planting of trees ; reference to photosynthesis ; carbon locked up in trees / reference to lignin or wood or cellulose ; trees live for long time / hundreds of years ; plants / trees die and become buried in swamps / eq ; peat forms ; fossil fuel forms ; reference to shells / exoskeletons / limestone / calcareous rock ;. reference to carbon sink ; [4] reference 93 Gt taken in, 90 Gt released / net of 3 Gt taken up /eq ; some carbon, taken up by marine animals ; Scanned with CamScanner @ forms calcium carbonate / forms shell / exoskeleton ; example of marine animal (diatoms, corals, molluscs, etc) ; used in photosynthesis ; of algae / plankton ; marine organisms die and form sediment on sea bed / settle on sea bed / eq ; (sediments form) fossils / limestone / calcareous rock / chalk / oil / gas ; [4] improved fuel efficiency / eq ; increased use of public transport / eq ; burn hydrogen / ethanol / gasohol / biogas (rather than petrol / oil) ; produce / use (electricity) from nuclear / solar / wind / water / geothermal / wood / energy crop / straw / renewable energy ; burning gas / methane in power station rather than oil / coal ; reference to planting trees / forests / afforestation ; BB] ~ (Total 14 marks) Scanned with CamScanner 3 (qa) fuel / energy source / charcoal / burning for ® © purpose ; building material / reference to specific structural use / construction / furniture ; paper making ; turpentine / named chemical product from wood ; [Max 2 marks] agriculture / cultivation / industrial use / urbanisation ; reference to patterns showing planted crops / rows / roads / terrances / increased population / increased demand for food / economic reasons ; [2] (biodiversity) reduced / fewer, species / varieties / types / eq.; reference to loss of habitats / niche / disruption of food chains ; [2] , (d) fewer, trees / plants, less photosynthesis ; Scanned with CamScanner @ MARK SCHEMES reference to absorption of carbon dioxide by, trees / plants / photosynthesis ; burning (of trees) releases carbon dioxide ; rotting / decay, (of felled trees) / respiration, releases carbon dioxide or soil disturbance - releases carbon dioxide ; [Max 3 marks] Using, trees / forest, in such a way as not to, destroy / reduce / use it up ; Over a (relatively) long time period (minimum 5 years) ; Timber is, cut / eq. at the same rate as it can be, grown / regenerated / replanted / eq.; Example — e.g. coppicing / selective felling / rubber tapping / pollarding / replanting / reforestation ; [Max 3 marks] (Total 12 marks) Scanned with CamScanner 4 @ 0,0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 10, 25, 12, 6, 9, 6,6, 4; total = 88 ; : [2] ‘ @) site 1 score higher than site 2 ; score for site 1 2.5 / nearly 3 times more than + site2; site 1 less polluted than site 2 ; site 1 score indicates moderate pollution, site 2 indicates very severe pollution ; site 1 score indicates moderate water quality, site 2 indicates very poor water/river quality ; greater species diversity / more invertebrate groups / more species in site 1 / reference to one specific named example (but must be comparative) ; those with species index number 10 all found in site 1 / none found in site 2/ eq; [4] (© some invertebrates miss the net / too small to catch ; some invertebrates may not be dislodged / disturbed / animals may bury themselves deeper in mud ; some animals washed down from upstream ; reference to non-standard technique (e.g. length of kicking) ; [2] Scanned with CamScanner MARK SCHEMES (d) pollutants affect oxygen levels / environmental @ conditions ; different tolerances to pollutants / oxygen / eq ; (therefore) only live / survive in conditions which suit them ; invertebrates easy to sample / count / catch ; [2] reference to leaching / draining of fertiliser / nitrates / slurry / soil into river ; (fertiliser) contains nitrates / phosphates ; leads to, nutrient enrichment / eutrophication (of river / water) ; reference to increased algal growth / bloom on surface of water ; Scanned with CamScanner reference to blocking out light to submerged plarits ; causes reduced photosynthesis (in submerged plants) ; algae / plants die and decompose ; (so more) oxygen depletion due to bacteria / eq; ’ pesticides /‘eq kill / toxic ; [4] detergents / washing / cleaning materials (contain phosphates) ; sewage (contains phosphates) ; [2] (Total 16 marks) Scanned with CamScanner

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