Fire Watcher& Safety Watcher

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The three primary components necessary for combustion are…

Oxygen, fuel, heat
2. Fire can spread by one or more of the following modes of heat transfers’
Conduction, convention, and radiation
3. There are four emergency action principles encountering an accident should
a) Stop and secure the work if possible
b) Inform the top authority
c) Move to a safe assembly point
d) Move in crosswind direction in the event of a gas leak.
4. Noticing a potential hazards the can be stopped by………..
Any one can stop the work
5. To protect yourself if fire occurs……..
If the fire is become larger leave the area immediately by the nearest
evacuation route
6. What is near miss?
 An unwanted and unexpected event that had the potential to
leads to injury to personnel, or damage or loss to the property
or environment.
7. What is the different between accident and incident?
 Accident;-An unwanted and unexpected event which leads to
injury to personnel, or damage or loss to the property or
 Incident: - An incident is an event ,which could or does result in
unintended harm or damage.
8. In which area we must use the work permit
 Hazardous area must use work permit or non routine work or
critical activity. Work Permit is a formal document procedure,
which ensures that all necessary actions are taken
before ,during and after the activity. It used to control certain
types of work that are potentially hazardous.
9. Classes of fire and type of extinguisher ?

: Class A: Ordinary combustible materials

Ex: Paper, wood, cloth, plastic, rubber
Extinguisher- Water, DCP, Foam, CO2, Halon
Class B: Combustible liquids
Ex: Gasoline, diesel, oil, grease, oil based paint, tar
Extinguisher- CO2, Foam, DCP
Class C: Combustible gases
Extinguisher- DCP, FM-200, Halon, Carbon Dioxide
Class D: Combustible metals
Ex. Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, Calcium, Sodium, Titanium
Extinguisher- Metal X-type, Combustible metal type.
If catch fire in electrical equipment use CO2
10. What are the safety precautions should be taken before start any Hot Work job?

 Remove all combustible materials from the area(with 15m), possible.

 Use fire blanket to protect immovable materials and also for welding slugs.
 Cover the area with fire blanket for containment of park generated while
doing hot work.
 Provide proper fire extinguisher in sufficient numbers.
 Use water hose if necessary
 Appoint a fire watch with red jacket, If necessary.
 Barricade the area and post proper signage.
 Use of proper PPE and damage free tools and equipment.
 Obtain a valid hot work permit.
 Conduct gas test if presence of combustible gases expected prior to work.

11. In petroleum industry an area where flammable atmosphere is being present

and has a concentration of flammable gas , vapour , or mist is called ?
Hazardous area
12. There are three important port folios, who are responsible for application and
authorization of work permits, like permit applicant, work site supervisor etc ,
name the third one……..
Permit approval
13. For safe entry inside any confined space the oxygen concentration should be
between two % values , write both the values…….
19.5……23.5 %
14. Respiratory protection is required when the H2S concentration is greater than a
certain value , write the value in PPM
10 PPM(parts per million)
15. The abbreviation SCBA
Self Contained Breathing Aperture
16. Hot work can be permitted if the combustible gas test result is ………….
0 % of LEL

17. Noticing a potential hazard the work can be stopped by…………

Any one can
18. Authorized gas tester is a person…….
Has successful completed training on gas tester certification.
19. For fighting an electrical fire the type of fire extinguisher to be used is ……….
C….class extinguisher
20. Find the IDLH , (immediately dangerous to Life and Health) value of H2S………
100 PPM
21. Controlled area ;-- controlled area is the entire premises fenced or otherwise ,
to which access is controlled or restricted
22. Restricted area ;- restricted area is with in the controlled area in which entry
is permitted only to authorized persons and a valid gate pass is necessary to
entry these
23. Hazardous area ;- A flammable atmosphere is defined as having sufficient
concentration of flammable gas, vapor , mist or combustible dust, capable of
being ignited.
24. Flash point ;- Minimum temperature at which a flammable mixture of gas or
vapor in air will momentarily flash when a source of ignition is introduced
25. Lower Explosive/ flammable limit (LEL/LFL) ;- Minimum concentration of
vapor or gas in air which will burn when a source of ignition is introduced.
26. Upper Explosive /Flammable Limit ( UEL/UFL) ;- Maximum vapor/ gas to air
concentration above which flame propagation will not occur, ie . the mixture is
too rich to burn.
27. What are the precautions in confined space
 Proper isolation system used for preventing both electrical and other
energy sources. And use LOTO
 Before entering the confined space for removing toxic gases and
contaminants by using fleshing or purging
 Gas test must be carried out for find out any toxic or flammable gas or
deficiency of oxygen
 If found any toxic or flammable gases or any deficiency of oxygen use
adequate ventilation system( natural or forced)
 Proper elimination
 Appoint a safety watch with entry log sheet
 Use low voltage electrical equipment
 Use non spark tools
 Use SCBA/BA set if necessary (up to 100 ppm)
 Use life line if necessary
 Use proper PPEs
 Entrant should be trained and experienced person.
28. What are the gases can find out in normal gas detector
H2S, CO and Oxygen .
29. What is IDLH ;- Minimum concentration of contaminant in air which is
immediately dangerous to life and health.( Air supplied respiration is required
in IDLH atmosphere)
30. Health ;-The protection of the bodies and mind of people from illness resulting
form the materials, processes or procedures used in the work place.
31. Safety;- The protection of the people from physical injuries.
32. Environment;- The surroundings in which an organization operates including
Air , water, land ,natural resources etc.
33. What is environment ;- Envt means the surroundings in which organization
operate including water ,land ,air , natural resources ,fauna and flora, human
and their interrelationship
34. Welfare ;- Looking after People basic needs.
35. Hazard;- Potential to cause harm for human injury, property damage and
environment problem .Eg-Electricity.
36. Risk;- A combination of likely hood of an occurrence of a hazardous
environment and severity of injury to the health of the people. Eg-
37. Dangerous Occurrence;- An unexpected unwanted event that had the
potential to lead to injury, damaged or loss.
38. PEL ,STEL , TLV & TWA explain
Permissible exposure limit ;- The maximum airborne contamination of
chemical to which a person shall be continuously exposed for a certain reference
Short term exposure limit(STEL ) ;- maximum concentration of a chemical
to which a worker may be exposed for continuously 15 minutes with out any danger
to his health and safety. After 15 minutes of work he should be taken out to a fresh
atmosphere and allowing to take one hour rest . This process can be followed for
four times. (15+15+15+15= 1 hr/24 hr
39.Who is Entrants ?
A worker inside the confined space who must be trained and experienced
40. What are the hazards in a confined space?
 : Oxygen deficiency or enrichment,
 Limited access and aggress
 Limited illumination & ventilation
 present of toxic or flammable gases,
 chemical hazard,
 fire hazard,
 fall of materials,
 fall hazards,
 electrocution,
 dust,
 sound,
 heat or cold,
 caught in between moving parts of equipments,
 engulfment,
 skin irritation
 biological hazards etc.
41. Safety watcher/safety attended;- : He is one who is aware of the confined
space hazards and know how to react if anything goes wrong, able to maintain
confined space entry log sheet etc.
42. Confined space;-A Confined space is any enclosed space such as a chamber ,
pit, tank or trench, where due to the enclosed nature , there is a reasonably
foreseeable specified risk, such as lack of oxygen or drowning.
boiler, silo, septic tank, duct system, tunnels, manholes ,pipe line ,furnace,
trenches deeper then 4 feet
43.Who is Entrants ?
 A worker inside the confined space who must be trained and
experienced person.
44.What are the duties of a confined space attendant?
 He is responsible for the safety of entrants,
 He should be present whenever people are working in confined space,
 maintain update entry log sheet,
 maintain continuous communication with entrants
 monitor conditions in the confined space to ensure a safe working atmosphere,
 prevent unauthorized entry of personnel,
 initiate alarm for help if needed,
 evacuate the entrants if conditions are not satisfying or incase of any general
evacuation is initiated,
 contact rescue personnel if necessary, etc.
. Fire ;- fire is a sufficient combination of heat, oxygen(16%) and fuel. Or fire is a
chemical reaction between oxygen and fuel in the presence of heat.

 What are the responsibilities of a fire-watch?

Fire watch is a person designated to identify and eliminate fire hazards,
alert and extinguish fire incase of any outbreak of fire and to protect the
person and properties from a fire. He is the man to react first incase of fire by
keeping a close watch on such hazardous areas.
 Duties of hole watcher
He is one, who is aware of the confined space hazards and know how to
react if anything goes wrong, able to maintain confined space entry log sheet etc.
• Should be a trained person
• Should collect details of entrants
• Should not move from the entrance, till all entrants are out
• Should know all emergency contact numbers
• Should not enter in the confined space for rescue purpose
• Should inform the emergency team if required

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