Oligopoly and Monopoly

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Department of School of Management Studies

Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad


Oligopoly & Monopoly

Department Coordinator-

Sachin Tripathi
Amritesh Mishra

01 AD-Hole 02 Trading Strategist

You can describe the You can describe the
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03 Pitchers 04 Solo Lobo

You can describe the You can describe the
topic of the section here topic of the section here
Team member – 1 to 2 member in each team

Event description:: Event will be followed by three rounds for the participants.
Round 1: Brain-Teaser ( 40 min)
• Quiz link will be provided related to advertisement. Each member of the team has to give
a test individually, and then their results will be clubbed together for final evaluation.
(For the next round, ten teams will be shortlisted.)

Round 2: Evolution (40 min)

• Video case study.
• Participants will be given 10 min to analyze and then explain in detail.
• Q&A Round ( 20 mint).
(Elimination Round – 5 Teams, will be shortlisted)
Round 3: Thinkistaan
• Advertisement of a product as given.
• They will have full liberty to choose the platform of advertisement and how to create it.
(Time to draft your advertisement – Will be declared on the day of the event)

Sneha Tripathi Vidhi Anand Megha Makheja

Sneha.2020mb37@mnnit.ac.in Vidhi.2020mb53@mnnit.ac.in Megha.2020mb23@mnnit.ac.in
Trading Strategist
Team member – 1

Event description:: Event will be followed by three rounds for the participants.
Round 1: Scalping (Elimination round) :15mins
Objective: Testing knowledge about stock market & basic law (relating to Indian stock
market) via questionnaire.
• 30 Questions in 15 mins. (Submissions beyond 15 mins will attract a 3-point penalty
per/min, and any submission beyond 17 mins will lead to elimination.)
• 30 Question = 1 Points (1Ques. = 1 point)
• Any submission beyond 17 mins will not be accepted & participants will be eliminated
on the spot.
(The top 10 teams will be selected)
Trading Strategist
Round 2: Swing (30 Min)
Objective: Technical Analysis approach to the market, identification of pattern & then
expected target with reason.
• Chart-based question: Participants have to identify the different patterns for the chart
given (TITA Questions & MCQ both).
• A total of 15-20 charts will be given (subject to change) & participants have to identify
& analyse the patterns & write answers based on that.
• Submission beyond 30 mins will attract a 1-point penalty per/min.
• 30 Questions = 10 points (0.33 Points per/question) (Submissions beyond 30 mins will
attract a 1-point penalty per/min
Trading Strategist
Round 3: Funda Analysis (1hr case study + 1hr ppt = 2 hours)
Objective: Fundamental approach to market every team will be given a case study & have to
solve it within a limited timeframe.
• Participants will be given a case study & have to draw a conclusion based on that.
• The participant has to analyse the case study in 10 statements.
• An hour prior to the presentation, students receive the case study.
• 45 minutes to analyse it, and 15 minutes to prepare their presentation. (45mins. + 15mins.)
• Participants have to present their case with the judges and present their case to them.
The presentation should not be more than 5 min.

Winner will be declared by combining the marks of both previous rounds.

Lokesh Gupta Shubhi Jain Gourab Gogoi

Lokesh.2020mb22@mnnit.ac.in Shubhi.2020mb36@mnnit.ac.in imgourabgogoi@mnnit.ac.in
+91775905369 +919678691508
Team member – 1 to 3 member in each team

Event description:: Event will be followed by two rounds for the participants.
Round 1: Break the case ( 1 hr)
• Video case study: (15 mins)
• A video will be shown based on which questions need to be answered and submitted before
the given deadline via google form/ email (Email Id will be shared on the event day)
• Any 1 member from the team will have to submit the answer. (10-15 mins)
(Elimination Round – 6 Team will be shortlisted for round 2 based on answer evaluation)

After Round 1- The shortlisted participants have to submit a 50 word summary of their business
idea and the problem that it solves
Round 2: Pitch your idea (Finale round)
• Participants will have to make a PPT on their Start-up idea and present it on MS Teams.
Questions will be asked by judges after the presentation.
• Presentation time: 10-12 mins (not to be exceeded)
• Slide limit: 10

Eligibility: open to All.

Aparajita Raj Aditiya katiyar Harshit Jain

Aparajita.2020mb08@mnnit.ac.in Aditya.2020mb02@mnnit.ac.in Harshit.2020mb16@mnnit.ac.in
+919855089211 +91 919850495
Solo Lobo
Team member – 1

Event description : Event will be followed by two rounds for the participants.
Round 1:- Case Study Round (25 min)
• Participants will be provided a common case study and will have to analyse it in the
allotted time.
• Evaluation will be done on the basis of articulation, fluency, portrayal of the idea being
presented and the presence of mind of the participant.
• Presentation time per participant-10 Min
(Round 1 will be an elimination round)
Solo Lobo
Round 2:- Elocution
• A score of topics will be selected and the main outlines of each topic will stay with the
coordinators in order to ask questions and check the reliability of what is said by the
• Question Hour- 5 Min per participant.
• Number of topics will match with the number of participants and participants will be
free to choose from the lot.
• (Round 2 of solo lobo will take place on the same day)

Aishwarya Nishi Yadav Divya Shukla

Aishwarya.2020mb44@mnnit.ac.in Nishi.2020mb50@mnnit.ac.in Divya.2020mb51@mnnit.ac.in

01 Chanakya Neeti 02 Netritva

You can describe the You can describe the
topic of the section here topic of the section here

03 Navachar 04 Stall Mart

You can describe the You can describe the
topic of the section here topic of the section here
Chanakya Neeti
Team member – 1 to 2 member in each team

Event description:: Event will be followed by three rounds for the participants.
Round 1: Brain-Teaser (45 min)
Quiz link will be provided. Each member of the team has to give test individually, and then
their results will be clubbed together, for final evaluation.
(For next round, 10 teams will be shortlisted.)

Round 2: World full of Riddles (20 min)

• There will be 5 riddles for each team.
• The Team who will solve all the 5 riddles (or the maximum) in the minimum time
qualifies for next round.
(In last round there will be 5 teams)
Chanakya Neeti
Round 3: Case Study (10min, each team)
• 5 min to present, another 5 min for question-answers round
• A common case will be given to each team, related to strategy formulation.
• They have to prepare Power Pont Presentation on it and then present it on MS Teams.
(Judges will ask questions for evaluation)

Himanshu Shekhar Nishi Yadav Vikas Kumar

Himanshu.2020mb17@mnnit.ac.in Nishi.2020mb50@mnnit.ac.in Vikas.2020mb55@mnnit.ac.in
+916204028668 +91700791709
Team member – 1

Event description:: Event will be followed by three rounds for the participants.
Round 1: Parichaya (Self Introduction) (2 minutes)
(This will not be an elimination round)

Round 2: Vaad-Vivad (8- 10 minutes)

Participants will have to actively participate in a debate on any current topic.
Topic will be given at the time of debate and will test the spontaneity and persuasiveness
of participants.
(Elimination Round)
Round 3: Stand Up
• Participants will be provided with a topic for speech (Time allocated– 5 minutes)
• After the oration by participants, audience and judges will be asking questions based on
the content of the speech given by the participant.
(Final Round)

Himanshu Shekhar Vikas Kumar Aparajita Raj

Himanshu.2020mb17@mnnit.ac.in Vikas.2020mb55@mnnit.ac.in Aparajita.2020mb08@mnnit.ac.in
+916204028668 +91700791709
Team member – 1 to 3 member in each team
Event description:: Event will be followed by three rounds for the participants.
Round 1: Quizoholic (30 min)
• Link for this round (Quiz) will be provided. Each member of the team has
to give the test individually, and then their results will be summed together,
for final evaluation.
(For next round, top 8-10 teams will be shortlisted)

Round 2: Startup Case Study (25 min)

• There will be a common case study for each team to analyse.
• The team will be required to solve it and write the solution along with team number and
team members names in a plain A4 sheet paper, take the snap of it and share it with the
coordinator before deadline. No answers will be accepted after the deadline.
• Total time allotted for this round is 25 minutes.
(In last round there will be 5-6 teams)
Round 3: B -Plan Presentation (20 min, each team)
• Present your Start-up idea with proper executive summary & holistic planning.
• Prepare Power Pont Presentation on your idea and then present it on MS Teams.
• Maximum 15 slides allowed.
• Maximum of 15 minutes to present, another 5 min for question-answers round.
(Judges will ask questions for evaluation)

Amritesh Mishra Sneha Tripathi Kritika Rao

Amritesh.2020mb05@mnnit.ac.in Sneha.2020mb37@mnnit.ac.in Kritika.2020mb21@mnnit.ac.in
Stall Mart
Team member – 2-3 member in each team
Event description:
• Create a professional Instagram account by your team's name.
• No paid promotions are allowed to promote your page.
• Can do live events.
• No gambling games or events.
• Can't sell any items on your page.
• Create your own content (no plagiarism).
• Daily tasks will be given at 9 a.m in the morning either through
• Discussion round would be there at 12 noon, where few questions would be asked and
queries would be answered ,if any.
• Participants need to join the meeting at 12 noon sharp.
Stall Mart
Basis of evaluation:
• Daily task execution
• Creativity in content
• Engagements on your Instagram account(reach)
• Communication skills(verbal and non verbal)

Pragati Singh Vikas Kumar Kritika Rao

Pragati.2020mb26@mnnit.ac.in Vikas.2020mb55@mnnit.ac.in Kritika.2020mb21@mnnit.ac.in


Do you have any

CREDITS: This presentation template
was created by Slidesgo, including
icons by Flaticon, and infographics &
images by Freepik

Please keep this slide for attribution

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