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resources provide efficiency for electricity, heat, and transportation.

For Division II - 3rd Place

example, operating one's vehicle, without the convenience carbon Kaitlyn Greene
dioxide provides, will be difficult. Unfortunately, each automobile that is Hart Ransom Academic Charter Teacher Susan Janis
run is another step closer towards self-destruction, starting with the Seas of No Mercy
coral reefs. Climate change is known to negatively impact all natural
regions found on the planet. The planet is similar to human anatomy,
Almost five thousand miles away, houses are sinking, fertile soil is
where the diverse areas, the organs, operate and provide the resources
being destroyed, and the only source of drinking water becoming
needed to survive. Hence, when one organ fails, the human body will be
contaminated with ocean water. Climate change is progressing at a
in grave condition. Therefore, when the earth's systems such as forests,
concerning rate. As it gets worse, the stress on island communities such
coral reefs, and wetlands, begin to fail they will no longer provide the
as Kiribati increases. Most of the population lives near the capitol in
necessary conditions for life on earth to live. Regardless of the
Tarawa, which lies only three meters above sea level. It is only a matter
conveniences C02 , gives humans, its effects are, overall, negative.
of time before the islands are under the sea and the culture is lost. The
The planet is what provides us the resources to thrive and
people of Kiribati are needing peace; their culture and livelihood is on
prosper. When putting the environment in danger, humans are not only
the line.
robbing other animals lives that dwell on this planet, but their own.
Kiribati is a group of many islands. The capital city is Tarawa.
Though the planet consists of biomes that are at opposite extremes, they
With many islands, Kiribati has variations in its culture; some thoroughly
are all connected. Moreover, individuals must do the most to promote the
recognized cultural practices in this region are dancing. Dancing in
health of this sick planet, earth. Humans should follow the protocols to
Kiribati is an art. The dances resemble the island's Frigate birds walking
save the ecosystem they have destroyed, the rain forest of the sea, the
and flying. Frigate birds are the island's sea birds. These birds have a
coral reefs.
dark, almost black body with a vibrant red chest. The Frigate birds were
Works Cited
chosen because of their meaning in Kiribati's culture. These birds
Cho, Renee. "Losing Our Coral Reefs." State of the Planet, Columbia
symbolize peace and harmony, the birds gave people weather
Climate School Climate Earth, and Society, 13 June 2011,
information, as well as navigation for fishermen. The locals dance in
costumes made of local materials. The culture relies on coconuts. With
waves washing out the coconut plantations, income is hard to obtain.
NOAA. "What Is Occan Acidification?" NOAA's National Ocean
Kiribati's lifestyle focuses on gathering food and tending to the land, not
Service, 1 Aug. 2012,
focusing on money, possessions, or work. The culture consists of
gratitude and optimism, even through challenging times. -
"Rising Tides, Temperatures and Costs to Reef Communities." Coral
"Sea-level rise is one of the central facts of our time, as real as
Reefs and Global Climate Change: The Coral Reef Alliance, gravity. It will reshape our world in ways most of us can only dimly imagine." (Goodell) Climate change is threatening the existence of this
country as well as its culture. With the climatical changes, the sea levels
*Scientists Pinpoint How Ocean Acidification Weakens Coral Reefs." are rising, meaning that when there are higher, king tides, the water floods
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 29 Jan. 2018, houses and contaminates wells. Because of these destructive tides, people are having to move to the inner land. This densely populated area
ocean-acidification-weakens-coral-skeletons/. is stretched thin on necessities. One example of this is South Tarawa. This
crowded area lacks a sewage system. With no functioning sewage
“Technologies." A Student's Guide to Global Climate Change, system, the majority of the population uses a still lagoon that has now
Environmental Protection Agency, 9 May 2017,
collected dangerously high bacteria levels causing disease and worms in
the citizens. With problems like this, Kiribati does not have a lot of money
20 to spare on preventing climate change. An example
of not having enough money is the islands' water problem. The water is
being contaminated and sometimes it takes months for fresh rainwater; numerous chemical reactions. The growth in hydrogen ions causes
due to the islands' lack of money, it is extremely difficult to get systems seawater to become more acidic, inducing carbonated ions to become
for clean water. This is just one of many struggles that Kiribati is less abundant, Carbonated ions are the bases for the construction of coral
experiencing due to climate change. skeletons, therefore shallow water corals will be unable to calcify.
Kiribati needs ways to keep their water clean, block swells from According to research, led by scientists at Woods Hole Oceanographic
flooding houses, and plant new trees to replace those destroyed by the Institution, “Ocean acidification particularly impedes the thickening
floods. To help the warming climate, we should eat more produce which process--decreasing the skeletons' density and leaving them (corals]
lowers production gas emission, another way to protect the planet is to more vulnerable to breaking” (1). As hydrogen ions continue to increase
travel less. Each plane flight, car ride, or other motorized transportation via C02, corals will continue to be fragile and die effortlessly. When the
emits carbon and greenhouse gases into the air causing the climate to corals are damaged, they will provide less support for the animals that
warm, resulting in glaciers to melting. Glacier melting is responsible for inhabit them, forcing them to leave. In addition to corals dying due to the
twenty-one percent of water level increase. The warming climate is withdraw from carbonated ions, the rise in C02 is adversely impacting the
causing water thermal expansion, which continues to raise the water even corals by creating a temperature imbalance. Along with the support of
more. Helping Kiribati protect their people is the best way to help the fluctuations in warmer ocean temperatures, over the past 100 years,
islands, forecasted to be the first submerged. Any change is appreciated. seawater temperatures have increased by 0.1° C, creating a universal
Even though the effect will not be immediate, nevertheless, the people effect of coral bleaching. Coral bleaching is the event of corals turning
are desperate for any help. If nothing is done, they will lose their culture. white by expelling algae living in their tissues due to the water being too
Knowing this the Kiribati people hold their traditions close to heart while warm. Researchers found that, "bleaching events have increased from
staying optimistic. With living on a sinking island of paradise, every one every 25 to 30 years in the early 1980s to an average of one every six
pastime including sailing, customary dance, as well as inherited lands are years since 2010" (Cho 1). Corals that are victims to bleaching are left
held close to heart, as the people worry that these things will not last vulnerable to support their
forever. But what if they could be spared? To make an effort, try to endless biodiverse marine life. Unable to receive the support of their
reduce, reuse, repair, and recycle. dead habitat, animals move on elsewhere. All these effects substantiate
To provide the people of Kiribiti with peace and the ability to keep that climate change is drastically affecting marine life.
their culture and traditions, it is our duty as inhabitants of the world to Humans have been negatively impacting coral reefs for over two
help others. Crashing waves of no mercy are destroying this people's hundred years by emitting fossil fuels into the atmosphere causing
livelihoods. Kiribati's use of oil is the fourth smallest for any country in climate change, nonetheless climate change is reversible or could be
the world as well as its production and use of electricity is the sixth stalled by adopting proper treatings and enhancing ecosystem services.
smallest in the world. With such a minor impact on the climate, they are Scientists conclude that the reduction of greenhouse gases will stop the
suffering the consequences. There is no time to wait; the islands are progression of climate change and its effects. Hence, all countries need to
forecasted to be uninhabitable by 2050. Kiribati is predicted to be the come together and participate in the UN Framework Convention on
first nation submerged, but others are endangered as well. Help is needed Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
and it is our chance to make a difference. It is time to slow pollution and Change (IPCC). With participation in these organizations, countries have
greenhouse gasses and lower our carbon footprint. Peace protects, and the opportunity to work together and save their vital ecosystems; not to
protection is what Kiribati needs. mention, ecosystems, including forests and wetlands, consume carbon
Citations dioxide, balancing what is emitted into the atmosphere. This strategy is
Blair, Austin, and Casey Beck. “Inundation.” Cultural Survival, Cultural known as carbon sequestration. The government must enforce these
Survival Quarterly Magazine, 1 June 2008, actions to prevent climate change from getting worse, thus saving the coral reefs.
quarterly/inundation, Carbon dioxide successfully operates various energy sources
supporting progression in the human population. Nonrenewable
22 19
Butler, Katherine."14 Islands Threatened by Climate Change."
Oppenheimer, M., B.C. Glavovic; J. Hinkel; R. van de Wal; A.K. Treehugger,
Magnan; A. Abd-Elgawad; R. Cai; M. Cifuentes-Jara; R.M. DeConto; T. climate-change-48692 75.
Ghosh; J. Hay,; F. Isla; B. Marzeion; B. Meyssignac; and Z. Sebesvari.
“2019: Sea Level Rise and Implications for Low-Lying Islands, Coasts "Experiences: Culture and Island Explore." Kiribati For Travellers –
and Communities.” IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere Kiribati National Tourism Office,
in a Changing Climate. 2019. srocc/chapter/chapter-4-sea-level-rise-and- explorel,
Gilman, Larry. "." Climate Change: In Context. 26
“Sea Level Facts.” NASA Global Climate Change. 13 October, 2021. Oct. 2021.”,, 3 Nov. 2021,
“Sea Level Rise” Ocean Find Your Blue. April 2018. %20simply%2C%20small%20islands%20are.may%20decimate ancient-seas/sea-level-rise %20ocean%2Dbased%20economies.

"Sea Level Rise, Climate Change and Health." Public Health Goodell, Jeff. “The Water Will Come Quotes by Jeff Goodell."
Institute/Center for Climate Change and Health. 2016. Goodreads, Goodreads,
Division II - 2 Place come-rising-seas-sinking-cities-and-the-remaking-of-th.
Athena Envieh
Pitman HS Teacher Katherine Jeans "Google Earth.” Google Earth, Google,
The Coral Sabotage
"History of Kiribati." Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia
Britannica, Inc.
The admirable Goldman Environmental Prize winning nurse Terri
Swearingen stated, "We are living on this planet as if we had another one
to go to." Since the Industrial Revolution, humans have emitted
Ives, Mike. "A Remote Pacific Nation, Threatened by Rising Seas." The
gargantuan amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by burning
New York Times, New York Times, 3 July 2016,
fossil fuels to operate machinery. Carbon dioxide has the capability to
warm the earth by trapping the heat emitted into the air and reflecting it
back. This phenomenon causes the temperature to rise, impacting the
environment greatly. One environment, in particular, that is being
“Kiribati: a Drowning Paradise in the South Pacific | DW Documentary."
negatively affected are the rain forests of the sea", the coral reefs.
DW Documentary, 8 Nov. 2017,
Although advancements in technology allowed the world to quickly Accessed 7 Oct.
industrialize, the global crisis of climate change negatively impacts coral
reefs by robbing the diverse marine animals of their lives.
Climate change has forced the ocean temperatures to rise causing a
Kiribati: Battling for Survival (Rising Sea Levels), United Nations, 7
devastating chain of events for marine animals. Oceans absorb
Nov. 2020,
approximately thirty percent of carbon dioxide released in the
Accessed 7 Oct. 2021.
atmosphere, hence as atmospheric levels rise, oceans follow. Succeeding
the intensity of C02, hydrogen ion levels increase by
18 23
Lindsey, Rebecca. "Climate Change: Global Sea Level." Climate
Change: Global Sea Level | NOAA, 14 Aug. 2020, carbon dioxide to be released by the degrading material. By reducing the climate/climate- amount of energy used within our homes, and by trying to preserve as
change-global-sea-level. much energy as possible, we can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide
released from our machines. (25 Wonderful Ways to Reduce Greenhouse
Mulhern, Owen. "Sea Level Rise Projection Map - Kiribati: – Gases)
Past: Present: Future." Earth.Org - Past | Present | Future, 6 Aug. 2020, Though thousands of communities are at risk, by working together visualization/sea-level-rise-by-2100-kiribati / we can overcome the threat of sea level rising. Protection and
comfortability is a necessity for humans to live their lives freely, and the
“NASA Sea Level Change Portal.” NASA, NASA, 27 Jan. 2021, pressing disasters caused by the rise of sea level are destroying these necessities. By helping to stop the rising sea level we can all gain this
level/thermal-expansion. freedom of protection as well as comfortability. Whether it is convincing
your government to operate using the least amount of energy possible, or
“Start with These Ten Actions!" United Nations, United Nations, by taking a bike instead of a fossil fuel car, we can all do our part to promote well-being and bring peace to our world. Once we can
accomplish this we can move forward to protect the many lives of
Voiland, Adam. “Preparing for Rising Seas in the Maldives." NASA, innocent individuals at risk of disasters. By preventing the rise of sea
NASA, 148158/preparing-for- level, we can bring peace to the mind, body, and soul.
rising-seas-in-the -maldives. Works Cited
“25 Wonderful Ways to Reduce Greenhouse Gases” Conserve Energy
Division III - 1st Place duce-greenhouse gases.php
Rachel Warter
Prescott Jr HS Teacher Jennifer Gorton “Assessing Climate Change and Coastal Hazards in Kauai" NOAA.
Protecting our Coral and Preserving our Peace March, 2021.

"Examining Sea level Rise Exposure for Future Populations” NOAA. 11

Climate change is damaging our planet and its inhabitants.
March, 2021.
Climate change is the process of the Earth steadily growing warmer due
to gases that humans release into the atmosphere. One negative impact of
climate change is coral bleaching. This occurs when the ocean water
Hausfather, Zeke. “Explainer: How climate change is accelerating sea
temperature is too warm for the algae that coral needs to survive. The
level rise.” Carbon Brief. 23 September, 2019.
coral expels the algae if the algae has not died already, turning the coral
white (NOAA, 2019). Coral bleaching negatively impacts marine life, the
food chain, and the health of the planet, but with the collaboration of
scientists and citizens, we can reverse it.
Nunez, Christina. “Sea level rise, explained.” National Geographic. 19
Coral bleaching affects the entire food chain. Coral is a keystone
February, 2019.
ocean species (Scientific American). When coral dies, other marine
species lose their source of food and shelter. This causes them to be easily
hunted by their predators, eliminating even more species. This eventually
leads to humans losing their food supply, and the ocean becoming a
wasteland. Coral reefs also protect coasts from hurricanes
24 17
and other natural disasters (NOAA, 2019). They serve as a natural
Level Rise, Climate Change and Health) breakwater by reducing waves' energy. Without coral reefs, coasts and the
There are other communities at risk of flooding, due to rising sea people living on them would be in severe danger. Finally, coral reefs are
level. To begin, in Florida there are king tides (towering waves) that have tourist attractions (NOAA, 2019). Their beautiful colors influence many
become common due to climate change. King tides are "causing flooding coasts' economies. Without these reefs, the economies of these places will
in Miami and along Florida's coast.” (Sea Level Rise) Clearly the Florida suffer.
community suffers from the increase of king tides due to ocean level rise. Scientists have been working to find ways to stop coral
Another community being affected are the community of people across bleaching. One method is to bring coral to the brink of death, but no
small islands such as Maldives, Kiribati, and Tvalu that suffer massive further. Then it is allowed to fully recover, making it stronger and more
damage from sea level rising as well. “As sea level rises, they face likely to survive in warmer waters (Miami Herald, 2016). Scientists are
increased flooding and erosion of their shorelines, and sources of fresh also working on developing a thin film made of calcium carbonate that
water and agricultural land become unusable when seawater seeps in." blocks some of the sunlight from reaching coral, causing the water to be
(Sea Level Rise). Clearly there is also the problem of less fresh water due cooler, and the coral less likely to expel its algae (Agence France-
to salt water making fresh water unstable, causing people to lose their Presse, 2018). Both of these methods give coral a chance to survive in
water resources. "In California 260,000 people and $50 billion in warmer waters, but they are still at risk due to the increased climate
property are now at risk for a 100-year flood." (Sea Level Rise, Climate temperature. However, we can change this by working together. First,
Change and Health). Evidently, even our communities here in California we need to decrease our carbon footprint, which comes from harmful
are at risk of sea changes. gases released by humans. Some ways to help are: carpooling with
According to NASA scientists, "Sea level rise is caused primarily others and turning unnecessary lights off (NOAA, 2015). Another thing
by two factors related to global warming: the added water from melting we can do is spread the word. Communicating the threat of coral
ice sheets and glaciers, and the expansion of seawater as it warms." (Sea bleaching and climate change is a crucial step towards protecting our
Level Facts) In addition, the rise in sea levels are "all induced by ongoing world.
global climate change: Thermal expansion:... Melting glaciers: ... Loss of Coral bleaching, a process caused by climate change, affects the
Greenland and Antarctica's ice sheets:.” (Nunez, Christina) These factors entire food chain, exacerbates natural disasters, and affects the economy
are happening because of global warming, causing the sea level to rise. of coastal regions. However, if scientists and citizens work together to
Scientists believe that as "humans continue to pour greenhouse gases create ways to strengthen coral and reduce our carbon footprint, we could
into the atmosphere, oceans have tempered the effect. The world's seas save coral reefs. It is important to preserve our world for the well-being
have absorbed more than 90 percent of the heat from these gases, but it's of all of its creatures, including future generations. Our children deserve
taking a toll on our oceans: 2018 set a new record for ocean heating." to inherit a beautiful and peaceful world that they can enjoy, not one
(Nunez, Christina). Clearly, in order to prevent the sea level from rising where they need to repair our damage. We need to care for our world so
we must all work together to help reduce the emission of greenhouse that we can live safe and sustainable lives that promote peace around the
gases. Although some communities are building sea walls, this is only a globe.
temporary fix until we can all work together to stop global warming. The Bibliography
first thing to do to help prevent sea level rise is calculate your carbon Agence France-Presse. "Scientists Test Ultra-Thin Sun Shield to Protect
imprint. This allows anyone who decides to help to estimate their yearly Great Barrier Reef.” Newsela, 25 Apr. 2018,
greenhouse emissions. By taking care of your car, as well as driving it
less often, you can decrease the amount of greenhouse gases released
from the car. Planes or flight travel use an enormous amount of gas Miami Herald. “Toughening Coral Up in Order to Help It Survive in
causing more carbon to be released into the air. If customers buy Warmer Ocean Waters.” Newsela, 26 Apr. 2016,
more clothes than they need, there will be a major increase in landfill. If
humans recycle more, the landfills will have less trash causing less corals/id/42265/quiz/question/summary/collection_id=177.
NOAA. "How Does Climate Change Affect Coral Reefs?" NOAA
Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, US Department of Commerce, 3 Works Cited
Mar. 2015, Kochi, Sudiksha. "Millions of mussels, clams, and other marine creatures
die from heatwave "catastrophe"” USA Today, 12 July 2021,
NOAA. “Tracking and Managing Predicted Massive Coral Bleaching in
Hawai'i." National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, U.S. kills-millions-mussels-clams-beachcanada/7930726002/
Department of Commerce, 10 Sept. 2019, Laffoley, D., and J.M. Baxter. "Ocean Warming." IUCN, 5 Dec. 2018,
predicted-massive-cor al-bleaching-hawaii.

Scientific American. "Scientists Study Persian Gulf Reefs for Coral Division II - 1st Place
Survival Clues." Newsela, 9 Mar. 2015, Trexlor Porter Hart Ransom Academic Charter Teacher Susan Janis
Sea Levels Rising Due To Climate Change
Division III - 2nd Place “20 million U.S. residents in more than 1,000 communities will be
Joseph Hajjar at risk of permanent flooding” by 2100. (Sea level Rise, Climate Change
Hart Ransom Academic Charter Teacher Susan Janis and Health) Not only that, but millions of dollars in property are also on
Effect of Climate Change on Typhoons the line. Recently the sea level has begun to rise, swallowing three times
more land than in the past, and increasing the chances of natural disasters
"There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew." such as hurricanes and flash floods. This increase of disasters will cause
(Marshall McLuhan) Therefore, we all need to work to keep our earth innocent people who had been leading regular lives to be plagued with
clean. Humans are causing climate change, which affects the earth in the constant worries of weather disaster. These disasters will slowly but
many negative ways. Due to climate change, the earth is experiencing surely take the homes and lives of people as time goes on. Global
rises in ocean levels, flooding, fires, and an increase in storm strengths warming is causing sea levels to rise, creating a negative impact on our
and frequencies. Peace is not possible when typhoons are becoming world, disrupting the peace, and causing multiple people to be at risk of
stronger and more frequent, and are tearing down homes and buildings, poverty or death.
threatening lives, uprooting trees, and endangering habitats. To begin, sea levels rising is an immense problem and as they
Typhoons are tropical storms that form in the Northwest Pacific have begun to rise rapidly due to climate change. This change may not
Ocean. They form most often over the equator because of warm water feel important, but as the sea level rises, more ocean-related disasters will
and moist air. Global warming causes water to evaporate, causing heavier occur, such as frequent floods, hurricanes, and downpours. As sea levels
downpours and storms. This also causes storms to occur more frequently. rise, natural coastlines erode, causing them to collapse. The surrounding
Climate change has “proven to directly cause individual extreme communities that were once protected by the coastline are now
environmental events," and "has been shown to make these events more vulnerable to massive sea and tidal waves. Around the world, certain
destructive, and likely happen more frequently, than they normally would communities are more affected than others including Indigenous, and-
be." (National Geographic Society) According to NASA, research low income communities. Indigenous communities that practice
conducted by Hartmut Aumann and his team found that extreme storms subsistence farming and fishing are vulnerable to saline intrusions,
were formed when the sea surface temperature (SST) was hotter than 82° causing water to be unhealthy for fish and crops. Low-income
Fahrenheit. They also found that for every 1.8o Fahrenheit the SST communities are facing lack of reliable drinking water during the
increases, the number of extreme storms increases by 21%. By the end of intrusion of saline, due to the rising sea level. Not only is it affecting
the century, a typhoon's "maximum communities, but poor individuals often lack the amount of money
needed or insurance to pay for the damages of sea related factors. (Sea
26 15
wind speed will increase 2-11 percent." (National Geographic Society)
Rainfall could also increase by about 20%.
mussels can stand up to 100-degree weather, much like humans but Typhoon In-Fa, also known as Typhoon Fabian, affected multiple
when faced with 120-degree weather millions have died. Their deaths countries. This typhoon began on July 16, 2021, and ended on July 31,
also caused multiple chain reactions. The deaths of the mussels caused 2021. It affected China, Taiwan, Philippines, and North Korea.
the habitats made by mussel beds to dissipate causing the hundreds of Eventually, it landed in China's Zhejiang province, Zhoushan City, and
different types of species that were living there to now be without a left behind 24 inches of rain, with wind speeds up to 120 mph. It killed
habitat. Mussels also filter the water allowing the sun to reach the plants more than 60 people, and many schools, markets, and businesses had to
growing down below. Lastly, mussels also provide food for many species close. China had been flooded by record-breaking rainfall when Typhoon
that will now have to find other means of surviving. This is also true for In-Fa hit. This typhoon caused devastation by uprooting about
other kinds of marine life as it affects the fishing industries and human 10,000 trees, causing power outages, landslides, and many ports and
consumers will also have a decline in the amount of fish and mussels we airports to close. More than 330,000 residents of the Fengxian District in
will be able to purchase spelling trouble for fishers. This could cause south Shanghai were evacuated because of the high winds.
many businesses to go under and cause unrest. Humans are affecting climate change in many different ways. The
In order to help stop these problems from accelerating and leading burning of oils, coal, and gases produce carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide.
to more issues, we need to take certain steps. Scientists recommend Deforestation causes carbon to be released from the chopped trees.
restoring and protecting coastal and marine ecosystems, this could be Livestock release large amounts of methane when they digest. (Causes of
accomplished by human intervention and human adaptation. Human climate change) In order to stop global warming from worsening,
intervention includes artificial surrogate habitats and assisted breeding everyone should use renewable energy such as wind or solar energy.
techniques. While human adaptation focuses on regulating the human People could also buy hybrid cars, electric cars, or use mass transit. We
activities that could aid environmental degradation. According to IUCN a should reduce their waste, help to plant trees, and also support businesses
way we can limit the effects of climate change is by limiting greenhouse that promote climate-smart practices.
gas emissions. This will help defend against the irreversible impact Climate change is causing the ocean to rise and warm up, which
climate change will have on marine life. There will be some dispute causes more powerful typhoons that occur more often, and causes more
about the decision to intervene and the appropriate reactions to the disasters around the world. We should take care of our world, because we
marine life being in trouble, which could further harm the animal life only have one world. If we care for our world, there would not be as
while we fail to take action immediately, many tropical cyclone disasters. We are all a crew that needs to work
Some may think that the lives of insignificant marine and coastal together to help stop the spread of climate change on earth, and bring
creatures are of little importance, but without the small things peace to everyone in affected areas.
contributing to life we ourselves can't continue to live in a comfortable Works Cited
environment. Each and every individual creature impacts at least one if Buckingham, Brandon; Robert Richards. "In-fa unleashes slow-motion
not many other lives. The simple death of a mussel can cause an upset to disaster in eastern China." AccuWeather. 28 July,2021.
hundreds of species habitats, affect the food supply, and cause water
pollution. We need to take care of even the small lives in order to keep Buis, Alan. "How Climate Change May Be Impacting Storms Over
the balance of the world. Taking for granted the blessing of nature will Earth's Tropical Oceans." NASA Science. 10 March, 2020.
only be detrimental to ourselves and others in the future. If we continue
to fight for change before facing inadvisable consequences we will see a "Causes of climate change" European Commission. 20 October 2021.
more balanced world. Changing our lives a little can help impact many
other things, we can no longer be selfish in our quest for contentment and "Climate Change: How Do We Know?" NASA Science. 13 October,
ignore the problems around us. Fighting for the things that are truly 2021.
important will allow everyone to live a more safe and secure life.

14 27
Denchak, Melissa. "How You Can Stop Global Warming." NRDC. 17 temperatures will increase drastically, and water shortages will become
July, 2021. more and more common. If we work towards cleaning our environment,
we will experience many health benefits, physically and mentally. All in
"Extreme weather gets a boost from climate change." Environmental all, we must take action before it's too late. Our grandchildren will thank
Defense Fund. 13 October, 2021. us.
Works Cited:
Herring, David. "What can we do to slow or stop global warming?" Figueres, Christiana, and Tom Rivett-Carnac. "How the World Will Look
Climate. 22 September, 2021. If We Don't Address Climate Change.” Time, Time, 22 Apr.
"How Climate Change Is Fueling Extreme Weather" Earthjustice. 1 June,
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Warns UN Chief | | UN News.” United Nations, United Nations, 9
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Korosec, Marko. "Nearly 200 million people are under the impact of the United Nations. “Key Findings." United Nations, United Nations,
catastrophic floods as Typhoon In-fa heads towards Shanghai, China.
Tropical Storm Nepartak turns towards Japan." Severe Weather Europe.
24 July, 2021. United Nations. “The Paris Agreement.",
McLuhan, Marshall. There are no passengers on spaceship Earth. We are agreement.
all crew. Independently Published. 8 January, 2015
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Moraja, Melissa. "5 Reasons Why We Should Teach Our Kids to Take Madalynn Kuprienko
Care of the Earth." Working Mother. 22 April, 2021. Hughson HS Teacher Karalee Ruelas
Warın Oceans are Killing Billions of Marine Life
National Geographic Society
Peace and climate change go hand in hand and have affected many
extreme-environmental-events/, 27 May, 2021
parts of the world. One of the effects of climate change is temperatures
rising in waters where sea life resides. This has caused many deaths in
"The Effects of Climate Change." NASA Science. 13 October, 2021.
sea creatures such as mussels, starfish, salmon, and coral reefs. These
deaths and their dwindling numbers also affect the marine life which
"Typhoon In-fa forces closure of Shanghai airports." DW News. 25 July,
feeds off them, causing a chain reaction of death, starvation, and
extinction. Profit loss is also a factor that is changing due to climate
change. Coral reefs supply a lot of money from tourism and since coral
"Tropical storms." BBC News. 16 October, 2021.
reefs support many other types of marine life it will also affect the fishing
industries. This harms the peace and unity of the world as it could have
"Typhoon sweeps into eastern China after flooding chaos." BBC News.
an effect on the food industry and cause conflict with people's varying
25 July, 2021.
opinions on the lives of marine animals.
Mussels are one of the groups affected by heatwaves.
According to USA Today, in an article written by Sudiksha Kochi,

28 13
Division III - 3rd Place
Sophie Benham
Hickman Charter Elementary Teachers T Kline/B Bergthold
are the cause of around 13 million deaths. Over 90% of the world The Western Pine Beetle
breathes unhealthy levels of toxic air. In 2018 alone, air pollution from
fossil fuels caused $2.9 trillion in health and economic costs. Production,
packaging, and distribution systems for food generate a third of The western pine beetle is a small insect causing a big problem.
greenhouse gas emissions. Transportation is responsible for another 20%. This species of bark beetle is responsible for the recent massive die off of
In 2015, the Paris Agreement was formed by the UNFCCC Ponderosa Pines in the Sierra Nevadas. Bark beetles are a natural part of
(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) in hopes of a forest ecosystem, so why are they causing such trouble? Scientists
limiting global warming to 1.5 to 2 degrees Celsius. According to the point to climate change and drought as main reasons for the beetles'
UN's official website, “Avoiding the worst climate impacts could help successful assault on our forests.
prevent 250,000 additional climate-related deaths per year from 2030 to The western pine beetle burrows into the bark of the Ponderosa
2050, mainly from malnutrition, malaria, and heat stress." Meeting the pine and chews on the cambium layer, which produces growth cells
Paris Agreement's goal of reducing air pollution could save about a (What Do Bark Beetles Eat? 2018). The pine beetle, and its larvae, feed
million lives per year worldwide by 2050. In other words, it's not too late on the phloem, which cuts off the trees' ability to transport nutrients.
to save our future! (What is a Bark Beetle, n.d.) A healthy tree exudes pitch into the holes
We can do many things to prevent our health from worsening due burrowed by the beetles to push them out or drown them. (Bark Beetles,
to the global warming crisis. Alternatives to driving such as walking and n.d.) In recent years, the health of the Sierra Nevada trees has
cycling are great options. Not only do they reduce CO2 emissions, but deteriorated.
they also lower the risk of many chronic health issues and can improve 2010 to 2019 was the hottest decade ever recorded. This change in
our mental health. If you have to commute to work, consider carpooling. climate is due to greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, released through
Saving water reduces carbon pollution, too. Take shorter showers the burning of fossil fuels (Borunda 2020). Climate change has
and shut the tap off when brushing your teeth. If at all possible, try intensified bark beetle damage in two ways. First, warmer temperatures
powering your home with renewable energy. Wind and solar energy not have allowed these beetles to mature and lay eggs faster, resulting in two
only reduce global warming, but it is also much cheaper than electricity. generations of beetles per season rather than one. (Strain 2012) Larger
According to, “More sustainable production would numbers of beetles cause larger swaths of ponderosa pine infestation.
mitigate climate impacts and support more nutritious diets that could Secondly, climate change contributes to and exacerbates droughts.
prevent close to 11 million premature deaths a year.” Bring your cans (Drought and Climate Change 2021) Drought weakens trees by
and plastic bottles to your local recycling plant and support green preventing them from photosynthesizing and mounting an effective
businesses that make similar good choices to lessen their ecological "pitch-out" defense.
footprint. A vicious cycle is created in which the beetles' population explosion
Overall, the value of health gains from slowing carbon emissions is driven by the same drought-causing climate change that stresses the
would be nearly double the global cost of implementing carbon trees. The beetles prey upon and kill these stressed trees. Large swaths of
mitigation measures. Adopting eco-friendly practices will enhance our deforested land further aggravate climate change, raising temperatures 2-
physical health in the long run. We will also be left with peace of mind 4 degrees F. (Wiley, n.d.).
knowing that we are working towards building a better tomorrow. This crisis does not only affect the trees and animals, but everyone
We can not let future generations bear the consequences of our has a stake in protecting our forests. "There is strong scientific evidence
mistakes. As our fragile planet warms, extreme weather events will only that visiting a forest can improve your mood, your attention span, and
become worse. Oceans will continue to rise at unsettling rates, even enhance psychological stress recovery. Walking among trees can
reduce levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, while improving mood and

12 29
lowering anxiety. It also boosts the immune system from breathing in cause-farm-food-prices-rise-2021-6.
phytoncides, which trees emit to protect themselves from germs and
insects." (staff reporter, 2019). Forests bring peace to individuals and Division l - 2nd Place
whole communities.
Sydney Tohara
Scientists have been studying ways to protect our forests. 30
Insecticides can be applied to trees but it is temporary, sometimes
Oakdale Charter Teacher Jessica Menefee
ineffective, and impractical on a large scale. The real solution lies in “The Time For Action Is Now”
reversing climate change and restoring the health of our forests. An
online search reveals various ways everyone can contribute. However, I Imagine this: The year is 2100. A poor Californian farmer twists a
believe corporations hold the majority of responsibility because they are shriveled grape off a vine. His thin bandana does little to protect him
responsible for the majority of the greenhouse gas emissions. A mere 100 from the pollution, but he'd rather put food on his family's table than buy
companies are responsible for 71% of global emissions! (Byskov 2019) an expensive air filtration mask.
Governments should enact legislation regulating sustainable A few cities away, protesters are in an uproar over unequal water
emissions limits and requiring improvements to energy efficiency and distribution. Bold signs proclaim, "water is a human right.” States with
vehicle fuel economy. Investing in alternative power sources and setting less water argue that those with more should share their supply, leaving
prices on carbon are all good ways to reduce greenhouse gases. (Nunez, Congress in a predicament .
2019). On the other side of the country, thousands have been displaced
These things will lead us away from irreversible climate change, from a flood. A young mother wades through ankle-deep water in her
bring back the health of our forests, and reduce the western pine beetle home, the child she clutches to her hip coughing from the mildew-
population. covered walls. Her insurance company has declared bankruptcy, leaving
Sources Cited her with nowhere else to go. Now, when you thought of all those people, who did you see?
finally-woke-up-to-climate-change Borunda, Alejandra January 15, Strangers? Or your grandchildren?
2020 Sometimes it's easy to disregard the future. But it is only a matter
of time before global warming leaves our world in shambles. According to a recent report from the IPCC, scientists are observing changes in the
overdrive Strain, Daniel March 11, 2012 Earth's climate everywhere: in the atmosphere, oceans, ice floes, and on
land. IPCC scientists predict that if proper precautions aren't taken, global warming of 2°C will be exceeded during the 21st century. The
19,2021 Working Group's report was nothing less than "a code red for humanity"
warns UN Secretary-General António Guterres. “Global heating is affecting every region on Earth, with many of the changes becoming
Wiley, Suzanne irreversible."
There are numerous effects of climate change, such as more severe storms, increased loss of wildlife, and extreme temperatures, just
to name a few. However, many people forget that global warming doesn't just affect our environment; it also affects our physical and
Bark beetles, n.d. mental well-being.
"Climate change is the single biggest health threat facing
humanity” states the United Nations. Each year, environmental factors
needed to grow various California crops, shows the extent to which Bark
these drought intolerant crops are harming efforts to curb climate change beetles, n.d.
and the drought in California. The average pistachio takes 0.75
gallons of water to grow, an almond requires an average of 1.1 gallons of beetles-
water each, and the average walnut takes upwards of 4.9 gallons of water attack-and-can-i-get-rid-of-them/What do bark beetles eat, 2018
each. With such a large amount of water being used for such a small
yield of sustenance, the current agriculture system in California needs to Effects
drastically shift its current practices to sustain production for the long of Climate Change, n.d.
term. Possible solutions include utilizing drought resistant or tolerant
plants and crops that would sustain the population through harsh times,
as well as utilizing conservation techniques. Conservation is key to Staff reporter May 17, 2019
preserving the livelihoods of so many that depend on the food supply
produced by California farmers.
In the end, we only have one life and one world. The impact we can-stop-climate-change-is-very-convenient-for-corporations Morten
currently have on the Earth will last forever. By taking steps now, to Fibeiger Byskov January 11, 2019
mitigate the effects of climate change and the drought impacting so many
in California and the Central Valley, we can have a long lasting impact
beyond ourselves. When we look forward with the hope of creating a Division IV - 1st Place
sustainable future, it starts with us now. Coming together to fight against
Nathan Robinson
this threat works to create peace among humanity, working for the well-
being of everyone, and preserving the only planet we have.
Sonoma Elementary Teacher Gina Grgich
Bibliography How Climate Change Affects The Weather
Brodwin, Erin, and Samantha Lee. "Chart Shows How Some of Your
Favorite Foods Could Be Making California's Drought Worse." Business Tornadoes, rainfall, and hurricanes are becoming more common
Insider, 12 Nov. 2021, and dangerous. The cause? climate change. More active tornadoes, more
water-needed-to-grow-one-almond-orange-tomato-2015-4. and less rainfall in places that need it, and hurricanes are becoming
increasingly more dangerous because of climate change. We need to stop
Fountain, Henry. "The Western Drought Is Bad. Here's What You Should this if we want to extend our lives on earth.
Know About It." The New York Times, 12 Nov. 2021, Scientists have been studying carbon dioxide emissions throughout history, and the 21st century has the highest amount of carbon waste in
states.html. the air ever recorded. It works together with greenhouse gases, traps the
heat that would have regularly been let out of our planet, and makes
“Groundwater Reports.” San Joaquin County Flood Control and Water temperatures rise. Even though it's just a few degrees of a difference,
Conservation District, which we humans wouldn't notice, it has caused evaporation to happen 10 faster than normal. Although it seems like nothing should change, it
creates more downpour in places that have natural rainy weather, and
Kay, Grace. "A 'Megadrought' in California Is Expected to Lead to Water even less in areas that are naturally dry. This causes floods, and droughts
Shortages for Production of Everything from Avocados to Almonds, and everywhere in places that already have problems with rain filled and dry
Could Cause Prices to Rise." Business Insider, 12 Nov. 2021, weather.
This isn't just affecting the weather and climate. People's lives are

10 31
Division l - 1st Place
being affected by these changes. People in places with common rainfall Ethan Tornberg
will have much more powerful and frequent storms, and people in places James Enochs High School Teacher Andy Hallsteinsson
with less will experience droughts, and lots of dry weather. With more The Withering Fields
storms and natural weather disasters, it would cause places to have flash
floods, and overfill lakes and rivers, causing water to flood homes and Driving through California's Central Valley, the obvious dryness
cities in places such as the Midwest and northeast. On the other hand, in a land known for its rich agriculture growth, is apparent. While
places with dry weather naturally will have lots of droughts in areas in politicians in California and the Central Valley have tried to solve this
the southwest and northwest. As heat continues to rise, people would also climate issue, our water supply continues to diminish at astronomical
be at risk of dehydration, heatstroke, and other things caused by lack of rates like never before. Drought is a serious climate issue that has the
water and increased heat or extended periods of time. greatest impact on people living in the Central Valley.
We need to stop this before it gets worse by reducing our According to the most recent Spring 2019 Annual Ground Water
greenhouse gas emissions. If we can make our carbon footprint Report, published by the San Joaquin Flood Control and Water
smaller, then these changes can stop, and our earth can get back to Conservation District, 12 of the 26 county wells saw a decreasing trend
normal. We can reduce our footprint by recycling, using green fuels, and in groundwater levels while only 5 saw an increase in this trend. With the
not using so many fossil fuels. We can also reduce it by limiting the use water supply threatened, farmers in the Central Valley have had to adapt
of gas powered cars and other vehicles and switching to electric cars and to the changes or face their crops not surviving the harsh dryness. If
bikes. progress is not made in slowing the effects of climate change in the
Our lives on earth and all the other living things on our beautiful region, an area known for producing over 25% of the nation's food
planet will become extinct if we continue to destroy it. Tornadoes, supply according to Business Insider, then not just California, but all of
hurricanes, and storms are going to get worse, and our lives are going to the United States could face a food crisis. A food crisis would have a
be horrible if we don't stop this. We must reduce our greenhouse major negative impact on the health of the American population and on
emissions if we want to prolong our stay here. I urge you to reduce your the livelihoods of farmers and small businesses who depend on
carbon footprint by switching to an electric or hybrid car, try to recycle so agriculture in the Central Valley. The New York Times author, Henry
factories don't overproduce, and use your bike or scooter more often Fountain, reports that scientists examining the drought crisis in
instead of your regular vehicle. Just one person can make a difference California attribute "climate change, in the form of warming
and you can help stop climate change. temperatures and shifts in precipitation” (Fountain), as the catalyst for
Bibliography these harmful conditions. As scientists look at mitigating the impacts of
"IPCC Report: 'Code Red' for Human Driven Global Heating, Warns UN the drought on California and America, they must also examine the
Chief || UN News." United Nations, United Nations, impacts of climate change on it. Accelerating the already severe situation of drought is creating an increasingly difficult situation for the producers
of the world's foods. Climate change must be mitigated and adapted to by
Taylor, Matt. “Extreme Weather: What Is It and How Is It Connected to agriculture producers in order to maintain food production for the
Climate Change?" BBC News, BBC, 9 Aug. 2021, country. The greatest impact we can have on climate change and the drought
is conserving the vital water resources we currently have. While the
National Geographic Society. “The Influence of Climate Change on Central Valley is well known for its production of nuts like almonds,
Extreme Environmental Events." National Geographic Society, 21 Jan. pistachios, and walnuts, the impact these crops have on our water supply
2020, is great. An info-graphic, published in a Business Insider article
change-extreme-environmental-events/. analyzing the amount of water

32 9
Division IV ( grades 5 & 6 ) "The Effects of Climate Change." NASA, NASA, 26 Aug. 2021,
Name School Teacher
"Climate Change Evidence: How Do We Know?" NASA, NASA, 12 Oct.
Nathan Robinson Sonoma Elem Grgich, Gina
Alivia Morris John Fremont Elem Arnold, Doren
Division IV - 2 ndPlace
Atticus Broglio John Fremont Elem Arnold, Doren
Alivia Morris
Honorable Mentions
Sfirling Soelberg Agnes Baptist Elem Toni David
John Fremont Elementary Teacher Doreen Arnold
Santiago Pinedo Sonoma Elem Grgich, Gina From Cows to Climate Change
Kenna Middleton Lakewood Elem Otilia Anderson
School Winners I remember my family was driving through California. The golden
Sfirling Soelberg Agnes Baptist Elem Toni David meadow swayed and vibrant yellow flowers danced. Rocks as well as
Alivia Morris John Fremont Elem Arnold, Doren trees scattered along the countryside. Hills raised and stood boastfully in
Finalists the distance. This sight was serene until we passed a cattle farm. Cows
Shijoon Alshami Bernard Hughes Elem Katherine Chong crowded in small compact pastures, ground barren and dry. The car
Vivianna Barron-Robles Sonoma Elem Grgich, Gina swiftly filled with a dense, putrid smell. Not only was this an unattractive
Gia Brown John Fremont Elem Hanzel-Sello, Levi sight, but cow farms are devastating to the environment. They are one of
Audrey Brown John Fremont Elem Arnold, Doren the main contributors to global warming, greenhouse gasses, and
Ilana Cohen Sonoma Elem Grgich, Gina deforestation. These results from agriculture are increasing the national
Rajveer Dhillon Agnes Baptist Elem Toni David problem of global warming. Society needs to ponder on solutions and act
Sloane Dingeldein Hickman Charter Elem T Kline/B Bergthold now.
Giles Doud John Fremont Elem Arnold, Doren
One of the main reasons for methane and global temperatures
Elijah Elkins John Fremont Elem Hanzel-Sello, Levi
rising is cattle farming. Cattle are the No. 1 agricultural source of
Charles Griffith John Fremont Elem Hanzel-Sello, Levi
greenhouse gases worldwide. Each year, a single cow will belch about
Advin Li Hart Ransom Acad Chtr Susan Janis
220 pounds of methane. (UC Davis) And that methane goes into the
atmosphere and destroys the ozone layer, causing longer summers and
Nathan Paul John Fremont Elem Arnold, Doren
drought. We can already see this in California: rainfall has come late, Air
Sooraj Toor Agnes Baptist Elem Toni David
quality has dropped, and droughts have a longer duration now. However,
Susan Wong Agnes Baptist Elem Toni David
cows emitting methane into the atmosphere isn't our only problem. Cattle
use 41% of land in the United States (UC Davis). Not only will this
destroy biodiversity in America, but it will destroy fertile soil that could
be used for more sustainable farming. This dilemma will affect
generations to come.
This problem is affecting people already. We can see in Central
California, bad air quality and droughts are becoming increasingly more
common. Not only here but around the world. These high smog levels
can harm everyone, but children – who often spend more time outdoors
and are more likely to have asthma. (EDF) The reason for this is our way
of producing meat. We need to think of ways to solve this problem. Division III ( grades 7 & 8 )
Perhaps a way we can solve this dilemma is by lessening the
Name School Teacher
amount of meat we eat. Most Americans eat meat almost every dinner,
which can be devastating to our environment. Human meat consumption
Rachel Warter Prescott Junior High Gorton, Jennifer 
isn't the only problem farmers also need to change. If farmers change the
number of cows per pasture and move them from place to place. It could
Joseph Hajjar Hart Ransom Acad Chtr Susan Janis
let the grass regenerate and take out Co2 and hold it in the soil, also
adding nutrients and organic matter to the mix. By enhancing this
Sophie Benham Hickman Charter Elem T Kline/B Bergthold
practice compared to standard grazing practices, This solution can
sequester 16.3 gigatons of carbon dioxide by 2050. (Draw Down) This Honorable Mentions
new operation will be a game-changer. If we change our ways, it will lead Ava-Maria Leijten Oakdale Jr HS Hawksworth, Dee
to a brighter future. Akhil Patel Hart Ransom Acad Chtr Susan Janis
On my drive, I wished I saw long green grass in wide-open fields Deetya Thogarucheeti Prescott Junior High Gorton, Jennifer 
and roaming cows. Cattle farming will lead to greater consequences of School Winners
climate change. If we don't act now methane emissions will rise, bad air Rachel Warter Prescott Junior High Gorton, Jennifer 
quality will worsen, and asthma, droughts, and heatwaves will be a Joseph Hajjar Hart Ransom Acad Chtr Susan Janis
regular occurrence. We need to change if we want a hopeful and healthy Mirella Fregoso Torres Yolo MS K Santor/B Decator
future. Ava-Maria Leijten Oakdale Jr HS Hawksworth, Dee
Bibliography: Finalists
Tdus. “Cows and Climate Change.” UC Davis, 6 Oct. 2021, Avery Barcelos Oakdale Jr HS Hawksworth, Dee Elazar Bengochea Hart Ransom Acad Chtr Susan Janis
Aneel Brar Prescott Junior High Tobin, Maia
Methane Pollution from the Oil & Gas Industry Harms the Zoe Byron Oakdale Jr HS Hawksworth, Dee
Public... Jedidiah Chen Hart Ransom Acad Chtr Susan Janis
th_fact_sheet_reboot_final_no citations.pdf. Daniela Duarte Oakdale Jr HS Hawksworth, Dee
Avery Gleason Oakdale Jr HS Hawksworth, Dee
Hawken, Paul. Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed Julia Hartley Hart Ransom Acad Chtr Susan Janis
to Roll Back Global Warming. Penguin Books, 2018. Hasan Modan Prescott Junior High Gorton, Jennifer 
Sergio Mosqueda Oakdale Jr HS Hawksworth, Dee
Olivia Piazza Gratton Elem Rexann Casteel
Division IV - 3rd Place
Derek Sun Prescott Junior High Gorton, Jennifer 
Atticus Broglio
Aidan Suntra Hart Ransom Acad Chtr Susan Janis
John Fremont Elementary Teacher Doren Arnold
From Crops To Crisis: Emmalee Vang Prescott Junior High Gorton, Jennifer 

How Farming Contributes to Global Warming

School Winners are recognized for the top essay from a school
that has submitted 10 or more essays in the Division
Did you know? Meat has the highest emissions of any food. And,
6% of greenhouse emissions globally are from food waste. ( climate
emergency atlas ) That 6% also contributes to global warming. Those
34 7
greenhouse gases go into the atmosphere which causes global warming
which leads to melting ice caps, warming oceans, wildfires, and coral
reefs dying. But I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm here to tell you how
farming contributes to global warming.
Farmers contribute to global warming with their cattle
practices. Cattle farming is terrible for the environment. The tight
spaces that they put them into result in the waste from the cows just
Division II ( grades 9 & 10 ) piling up releasing carbon dioxide into the air. And how much cattle
Name School Teacher we raise also contributes to how much carbon goes into the
First atmosphere. Cows burp out methane gas which is a greenhouse gas
Trexler Porter Hart Ransom Acad Chtr Susan Janis that contributes to global warming. Brazil has the highest amount of
Second cow burp methane coming in at 13,566,100 tons with India coming
Athena Envieh John H. Pitman HS Jeans, Katherine in at 7,248,800 tons for 2nd, and the US a close 3rd. (climate
Third emergency atlas)
Kaitlyn Greene Hart Ransom Acad Chtr Susan Janis Another reason why farming is harmful to the environment is...
Finalists farming itself! Earth only has 1% of freshwater. Farming will lower that
Asma Al Sumairi Oakdale Charter Jeannette Ves'sells
number yearly until the only freshwater we get is from rain and it's
already raining less. We use about 69% of earth's yearly freshwater for
Jonathan Birmingham Oakdale Charter Jessica Menefee
agriculture while we only get 12% for our households and the industrial
Iris Cortez Oakdale Charter Jessica Menefee
sector gets 19% (www. Global We are cutting down
Zoie Fischer Oakdale Charter Jeannette Ves'sells forests for farming land which is releasing carbon into the air. Cutting
Melody Hughes Oakdale Charter Jeannette Ves'sells down forests also doesn't help because there are fewer trees to use carbon
Hazel Hunter Oakdale Charter Jeannette Ves'sells for photosynthesis. Farmers overuse water for their crops at an alarming
Wyatt Jones Oakdale Charter Tim Parola rate.
Jaeden Mendez Oakdale Charter Tim Parola One way to prevent global warming is to stop cutting forests down.
Sumer Pannu Modesto HS Pereira, Jennifer We can also start eating more fruits and vegetables which lowers our
Leif Ryun Oakdale Charter Jeannette Ves'sells emissions and uses less electricity which uses less coal. And now for the
biggest contributor of emissions, farming! One way farmers can prevent
global warming is by not using fossil fuel-based energy. Using renewable
energy is something we all can do but farmers especially. Another way
farmers can prevent global warming (cattle farmers) is rotational grazing.
Rotational grazing is when cattle farmers move cows every so often (like
a day or 2) and as the cows move, their hooves break up the soil and mix
it as they go making great fertilizer. In this way, their manure feeds the
soil rather than contributing to more carbon emissions.
I just gave good reasons how farming contributes to global
warming and how we can prevent it. Cows burp out methane which
releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Also, farmers can help by
using less normal energy and switching to renewable energy such as
solar, wind, or water as they are cheaper and don't burn fossil fuels. In

conclusion, farming is bad for the environment, but farmers can use
more eco-friendly methods and take steps toward preventing global Division I ( grades 11 & 12 )
warming, Name School Teacher
Bibliography: First
Hooke, Dan, and Jamie Margolin, Climate Emergency Atlas: What's Ethan Tornberg James Enochs HS Hallsteinsson, Andy
Happening - What We Can Do. DK Children Imprint, 2020. Second
Home, Sydney Tohara Oakdale Charter Jessica Menefee
Madalynn Kuprienko Hughson HS Ruelas, Karalee
School Winners
Madalynn Kuprienko Hughson HS Ruelas, Karalee

Alexandro Aguilar Hughson HS Ruelas, Karalee
Isheah Al Sumairi Oakdale Charter Jeannette Ves'sells
Brianna Ceja Modesto HS Jacquemin, Heather
Elena Fisher Hughson HS Ruelas, Karalee
Seth Harcrow Hughson HS Ruelas, Karalee
Isabella Holmes Hughson HS Ruelas, Karalee
Calvin Hunter Oakdale Charter Jeannette Ves'sells
Ethan Jones Hughson HS Ruelas, Karalee
Conner La Rosa Hughson HS Ruelas, Karalee
Luke Mountain Hughson HS Ruelas, Karalee
Xavier Pabon Hughson HS Ruelas, Karalee
Cierra Perez Petersen Altrn Cntr Demitria Etchegary
Ella Peterson Hughson HS Ruelas, Karalee
David Romero Hughson HS Ruelas, Karalee
Jasmine Valencia Oakdale Charter Jeannette Ves'sells
Wyatt Wright Oakdale Charter Jeannette Ves'sells
Nancy Munoz Rodriquez Modesto HS Jacquemin, Heather

36 5
All Divisions (Grades 5 - 12)

The 2022 Peace Essay Contest invites you to study and

learn about some of the environmental extremes we are
experiencing around the world due to the changes in
our climate. Especially take note of those whose lives
are (or will be) negatively impacted by these changes.
In your essay:

• Identify and describe one of the negative

environmental changes you studied.

• Explain who bears the consequences of the

change and the effect it could have on their lives.
For example, how does or could it affect their
food supply, land, livelihoods or health?

• Tell what scientists believe has caused the

negative change and what needs to happen to
make it better or keep it from getting worse.

• Close by sharing your view about the

importance of caring for our world and helping all
people to live in a safe and sustainable way,
thereby promoting peace and well-being around
the world.

4 37
Climate Change Challenges
The August 2021 report from the United Nations
says that the changes in climate to date have little
parallel in human history. The impact of these changes
on our planet is causing significant damage to its
habitats and ecosystems. Ocean levels have risen 8
inches on average over the past century. Heat waves
have become hotter and last much longer around the
world. Wildfire weather has worsened across large
areas of the globe. Bursts of extreme heat in the ocean
—which can kill fish, seabirds and coral reefs—have
doubled in frequency since the 1980’s.

While people and ecosystems around the globe are

experiencing the results of these changes in our past
climate patterns, certain populations will be especially
vulnerable as the consequences of these changes
impact their very existence. Due to the impact on food
supplies, livelihoods, lands and health, peace among
peoples around the world could be severely threatened
as people struggle to survive.

When each of us embraces a deep reverence and

gratitude for the earth that sustains us, we must also
encourage others to do the same. "Inclusive and green
economies, prosperity, cleaner air and better health are
possible for all, if we respond to this crisis with
solidarity and courage" says the UN Secretary-General
António Guterres

38 3
Index To Essays
Division I
First Place Pg 9
Second Place Pg 11

Third Place Pg 13

Selection of essay finalists and winners is a completely blind process.

Division II After all of the essays are submitted in November, each essay is
First Place Pg 15 assigned a unique number, which is written on both the essay and
the submittal form. The submittal forms are removed and given to
Second Place Pg 18
our data base administrator. He logs them into the data base. No
Third Place Pg 21 one else has access to the data base or submittal forms thereafter.
There are no identifying marks on the essays except the assigned
number. The essays go through several rounds of screening, with
Division III 20 of the best essays picked and passed to the next level and
Pg 24 combined with other best essays at that level. Finally at the highest
First Place
screening level, 20 essays are picked in each division as Finalists.
Second Place Pg 26
Finalists essays go to four judges in each division. The judges have
Third Place Pg 29 3 weeks to review and rank their essays. The 16 judges met on the
evenings of February 15 and 16 (two divisions each evening) to
discuss their recommendations and come up with a consensus of
Division IV the winners, honorable mentions and school winners. Only after
Pg 31 the judges have met and submitted their selections (by the code
First Place
number) to the data base administrator, are the winners known.
Second Place Pg 33

Third Place Pg 34

Special Thanks to Our Donors

Winning Essays

Margaret J. Barker
Yolanda Borland
Sylvan M. Bupp 2019 Peace Essay Contest
Central Valley Democratic Club
Indira Clark
Randy Crimmel
Pat & Leroy Egenberger
Pam & Phil Franklin
Delta Monthly Meeting of Friends
Elaine Gorman
Judy Kropp
John & Lynn Lucas
Jane Manley & Ricardo. Córdova
Mary Menz
Modesto Teachers Association
Tom Myers
Dan & Mary Alice Onorato in honor Sponsored by:
& memory of Shelly Scribner Modesto Peace/Life Center
Bill & Cathie Peck 829 13th Street • P.O. Box 134 • Modesto, CA 95353 and
Maria Potochnik
Division of Literature and Language Arts
Deborah Roberts
David Rockwell & Nancy Smith
Modesto Junior College
Sandy Sample
Mimsie Farrar & Ken Schroeder
Shelly Scribner
Bob Tucker
David Tucker & Linda Lagace
Babette & Gary Wagner, MD

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