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Name: __________________________

Group: __________________________

Date: __________________________
Handout – Coordinate systems

1. A coordinate system, or coordinate plane, is used to locate points in a 2-

dimensional plane.
2. The horizontal number line is the x-axis.
3. The vertical number line is the y-axis.
4. The intersection of two points is the origin.

5. The coordinate plane contains four quadrants (I, II, III, IV).

AMP_ADVETI-Shahama (adapted from various resources) Page 1

Name: __________________________

Group: __________________________

Date: __________________________
Handout – Coordinate systems

6. Any point in the coordinate plane using a specific order is an ordered pair (x, y).
7. The first number in an ordered pair is the x-coordinate.
8. The second number in an ordered pair is the y-coordinate.

9. A two-dimensional coordinate system in which each point on a plane is

determined by displacement from the origin and the angular direction.
10. These are known as the radial and angular coordinates (𝑟,𝜃).

AMP_ADVETI-Shahama (adapted from various resources) Page 2

Name: __________________________

Group: __________________________

Date: __________________________
Handout – Coordinate systems

11. There are equivalent ways of defining the same point.

Conversion to Cartesian coordinate system

12. Cartesian coordinates (𝑥,𝑦) can be written in terms of polar coordinates (𝑟,𝜃) as
𝑥=𝑟. Cos 𝜃
𝑦=𝑟. Sin 𝜃
13. Find the Cartesian coordinates of the point (1, 𝟒 )
𝑥=1. cos 4
𝑦=1. sin 4
ξ𝟐 ξ𝟐
(x, y) = ( ,𝟐)

Conversion to Polar coordinate system

14. Polar coordinates (𝑟,𝜃) can be written in terms of cartesian coordinates (x,y) as
𝑟= ඥ𝒙𝟐 + 𝒚𝟐
𝜃=𝐭𝐚𝐧−𝟏 𝒙

15. Find the Polar coordinates of the point (2, 3)

𝑟= ξ22 + 32
𝜃=tan−1 2

(𝑟,𝜃) = (3.6, 56.3◦)

AMP_ADVETI-Shahama (adapted from various resources) Page 3

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