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SSC-M 3217 – Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary
Grades (Phil. History and Government)
Course Code/Descriptive Title

2nd Sem. 2021-2022

Academic Year


Course Learning Outcomes:

1. Demonstrate content knowledge and its application within and

or across curriculum areas.

LESSON 1: What is Social Studies?

Intended Learning Outcome:

1. Identify the meaning and importance of Social Studies through

visual illustrations.


As a future Social Studies educator, it is a must for you to thoroughly

understand how institutional changes affect the minute details of individual
lives. This is vital as you effectively educate learners the dynamism of social
interactions, an essential nomenclature in Social Studies curriculum.

Preliminary Questions:

1. Are you interested with what’s happening around you?

Yes, because sometimes it can will serves as hint for me to discover
something or to explore by that I am learning for what I experiencing.

2. Do you participate in the affairs of your community?

Sometimes because I have this procrastination a behavioral that may
exist into yourself this happen when something happens I don't like to
3. Are you interested in studying Social Studies?
Maybe , it depends how the topic are more interesting or not .

Search for words below that is related to Social Studies and encircle.

Answers: Government , Economics, Archeology, Sociology, Geography,

Culture, Anthropology, Psychology, history, civics

The K to 12 Basic Education Program implemented in 2012 is a

response to the global trends through the passage of Republic Act 10533 or
the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013. It expands and improves the
delivery of basic education by producing Filipino learners who are equipped
with the necessary skills and competence, and are at par with their
international counterparts. The law clearly stipulated this in Section II which
states that:

..every graduate of basic education shall be an empowered individual

who has leaned, through a program that is rooted on sound educational
principles and geared towards excellence, the foundations for learning
throughout life, the competence toe engage in work and be productive, the
ability to coexist in fruitful harmony with local and global communities, the
capacity to engage in autonomous, creative, and critical thinking, and the
capacity and willingness to transform others and one’s self. (Section II par. 2)

Figure 1. K to 1 Basic Education Framework

Social Studies : Meanings, Concepts, and Purpose

Social studies is an integrative learning program intended to develop

civic competence among students. Civic competence is defined as the ability
to engage effectively with others in the public domain, and to display solidarity
and interest in solving problems affecting the local and wider community. This
involves critical and creative reflection and constructive participation in
community activities as well as decision-making at all levels, from local to
national and even the international arena. It includes demonstrating a sense
of responsibility, as well as showing understanding of and respect for the
shared values that are necessary to ensure community cohesion, such as
respect for democratic principles (European Parliament and of the Council,

The National Council for Social Studies (NCSS) defines social studies
“the integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote
civic competence. It provides coordinated, systematic study drawing upon
such disciplines as anthropology, archaeology, economics, geography,
history, law, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, and sociology,
as well as appropriate content for humanities, mathematics, and natural
sciences. The primary purpose of social studies is to help young people
make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a
culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world.”

Literally, Social Studies is composed of two words, social and studies.

According to Arthur Dunn as articulated by David Saxe,

“…the purpose of social studies was in the term’s meaning as a verb –

as in good citizenship – not in its meaning as a noun – as in, studying the
content of particular social science of history subjects.” Meaning, social
studies was conceived as something one does – studying or examining social
science topics which include civic competence, history, governance, society,
and culture among other things.
Figure 2. Araling Panlipunan Framework

As one of the learning areas in the Philippine K to 12 Basic Education

Curriculum, Araling Panlipunan (Social Studies) intends to develop among
learners critical understanding on historical, geographical, socio-political, and
economic issues of the Philippines, taking into account the international and
global contexts, allowing them to become productive citizens of the country
and of the world. It likewise seeks to engender among Filipino learners
historical mindedness, critical thinking, civic competence, cultural tolerance,
and respect for diversity. This contributes to the overarching intention of the K
to 12 Program, which is to develop a holistic citizen with 21 st century skills.

Myths on the Origin of Social Studies

Based on the literature survey conducted by Saxe, he was able to

identify three myths surrounding the emergence of social studies as follows:
 Continuous Spontaneous Existence (CSE) Theory

According to this theory, social studies exists without any

antecedents. It holds the idea that social studies’ past is not
relevant. Various writers and scholars did not include a
comprehensive study on how social studies became part of the
subjects being taught in basic education. For many years, the
subject arose simultaneously with other learning
 Big Bang Theory of 1916

This is centered on the idea that social studies suddenly

appeared in the year 1916, thanks to the committee on social
studies under the sponsorship of the National Education
Association (NEA; Dunn, 1916).

 History Foundation Theory

This is an extension of deeper interpretation of the big bang

theory. Here, conventional wisdom holds that, since history
education existed before 1916, obviously history was the
seedbed or promulgator of social studies.

Demystifying the Myths: Origin of Social Studies Explained

The myths are considered as such, for these could not provide data
and relevant facts that would substantiate its claim. This brings us to the
question, “What really is the origin of social studies?”

Even before the deliberation of the 1916 Social Studies Committee, the
term social studies was widely used in research and literature, and its
meaning was common to many. In fact, data revealed that as early as 1883,
the term social studies was already in circulation among social welfare
advocates. Sarah Bolton (1838), Heber Newton (1886), and Lady Wilde
(1893) already used social studies in the book titles. The said books were
related to the social welfare movement that underscored the use of social
science data. It was Carroll D. Wright, the first US Commissioner of Labor
and a member of Allied Social Sciences Association who emphasized the link
between Social Science instruction and good citizenship

Saxe further explained that, “As social science moved fro an area of
study to discrete fields of research in the 1880s, the term social education
was introduced as the means to activate social welfare in public schools. In
this context, social education was used as a generic term for socially centered
school curricula.”

At the turn of the 20 th century, social education was redefined and

narrowed to identify a special area of school curricula to a specific course of
social education among the other educational programs – marks a symbolic
beginning for social studies in schools.
The social studies we have at present is a product of an evolution. The
dynamic transformation of its meaning could be summarized as:

 a meaningful integration of history, geography, civics, and the various

social sciences used to promote the learning/practice of civic
 a program that emphasized direct/active student participation; and
 a representation to two interdisciplinary courses, “Community Civics”
and “Problems of American Democracy.”

Try to complete the matrix below.

Topic Thesis Proof Conclusion

(Argument) (at least 1)
a part of a According to my research There are
Social school or the social studies aims to Various aspects
Studies college train students for or branches of the
Definition curriculum informed, responsible study of human
concerned with participationing a diverse society,
the study of democratic society. The considered as an
social content of social studies educational
relationships provides the necessary discipline. Social
and the background knowledge in studies is the
functioning of order to develop values study of history,
society and and reasoned opinions, people or society.
usually made and the objective of the therefore I
up of courses in field is civic competence. conclude An
history, In the USA education example of social
government, system, social studies is studies is a
economics, the integrated study of course you take in
civics, multiple fields of social school where you
sociology, science and the learn about your
geography, and humanities, including nation, and the
anthropology. history, geography, and development of
What is the political science. The term cultures and the
interrelationship was first coined by nature of people.
between social American educators
studies and around the turn of the
social twentieth century as a
education? catch-all for these
subjects, as well as
others which did not fit
into the traditional models
of lower education in the
USA, such as philosophy
and psychology. One of
the purposes of social
studies, particularly at the
level of higher education,
is to integrate several
disciplines, with their
unique methodologies
and special focuses of
concentration, into a
coherent field of subject
areas that communicate
with each other by
sharing different
academic "tools" and
perspectives for deeper
analysis of social
problems and issues. The
social studies aims to
train students for
informed, responsible
participation in a diverse
democratic society.
Big bang theory The first observations leading So, it is for these
Myths on 1916 to the Big Bang Theory reasons that
the Origin involved objects we now call
"galaxies," but which were, at astronomers and
of Social the turn of the century, referred cosmologists
Studies to as "spiral nebulae." (astronomers who
American astronomer Vesto study the
Slipher (1875-1969) observed Universe entire)
that these nebulae were
receding, or moving away from believe the
us. In 1912, Slipher Universe might
ascertained this motion by have started in a
studying the 'spectra' of these Big Bang. We
nebulae: the light they emit. must remind
The wavelengths of the light
appeared elongated and so the everyone, of
lines within it were shifted course, that other
toward the longer wavelength theories have
(lower energy) part of the been proposed,
spectrum.** Slipher's such as the M-
observations, alone, didn't
precipitate the development of Brane Theory,
the Big Bang. We recall that in which states that
1912, many astronomers the Big Bang
believed that the Milky Way occurred after the
Galaxy defined the Universe's collision of
boundaries and that nothing
existed beyond it. hyperdimensional
The notion that time had a M-branes.
beginning was appalling to Therefore, the Big
most astronomers at the time. Bang Theory
As a Roman Catholic Priest might well be
developed the theory, many
objected to the religious modified or
aspect, believing Lemaitre was dispensed with
attempting to insinuate a altogether,
Genesis event into astronomy. depending on
In the ensuing decades, two what future
primary theories were
espoused: the Steady State generations of
Theory and the Big Bang astronomers
Theory. (Ironically, the observe.
preeminent Steady State Therefore,
Theorist, Fred Hoyle, coined No matter what
the term "Big Bang," perhaps myths are in, but
as a pejorative.) The Steady the big impact of
State insisted that the Universe
didn't have a specific social studies in
beginning, but that periodic our history is to
matter creation could explain understand the
the recession. The Big Bang world we live in. In
Theorists insisted that the fact nowadays
cosmos took form and that the
Universe expanded ever since. Through social
studies it helps
students to think
holistically also in
critical thinking.
Lack of Consequently, Teaching
Challenge Pedagogical In her analysis, Tabenaum Social Studies does not
only require subject
s of Social Content (2015) found out that expertise. In Basic
Studies Knowledge teacher candidates had a Education, the
Education (PCK) on the limited understanding of the knowledge on how to
Subject also lack roles of education in society. facilitate the learning
in the process is very
of interest. One of the reason is lack of
Country interest to a subject
important but we could
not deny the fact
because if we want to learn teaching while enjoying
something new there's an is a challenging task
eagerness to do so. because it requires a
complex set of roles
Okechukwu (2015) mood and interest also
presented that a teacher students are becoming
should meet a lot of inattentive not just
expectations such as because students are
mastery and good delivery naturally born
inattentive. For us,
of lessons, providing future teachers should
feedback to students and have high regard on
parents, coping with the how we see the
changing world of classroom management
styles, techniques
educational technologies, strategies that will make
and learning how to address students interest. In
maladaptive behavior in the teaching, pedagogical
class. content knowledge is
very important. Because
the DepEd sets the
national standard for
teacher quality that
emphasized the need to
make teachers adept on
how to ensure that
learning takes place
inside and outside of the


Create a visual illustration presenting the meaning and importance of

Social Studies.
Rubrics for Visual Ilustration

Features 5 3 2 1
Content The meaning of The meaning of The meaning of The message is
the message is the message is the message is not clear at all.
very clear and clear and somewhat clear
catchy. somewhat but not catchy.
Creativity The overall The appearance Slogan is The slogan
appearance of is creative. A creative and does not reflect
the slogan is good amount of some thought any degree of
exceptionally effort was was put into it. creativity.
attractive. A lot of exerted into it.
effort was
exerted into it.
Relevance to 100% connected Some degree of A very little Totally
the theme to the theme. connection to degree of unrelated to the
the theme connection to theme
the theme
Overall Looking good; Complete but Missing some Not impressive
impression effort is obvious clichéd component at all

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