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Design of a commercial hybrid VTOL UAV system

Article  in  Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems · April 2014

DOI: 10.1007/s10846-013-9900-0


90 8,587

10 authors, including:

Ugur Ozdemir Yucel Orkut Aktas

Istanbul Technical University Maxwell Innovations


Aslihan Vuruskan Yasin Dereli

Florida Polytechnic University Istanbul Technical University


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J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:371–393
DOI 10.1007/s10846-013-9900-0

Design of a Commercial Hybrid VTOL UAV System

Ugur Ozdemir · Yucel Orkut Aktas · Aslihan Vuruskan · Yasin Dereli ·
Ahmed Farabi Tarhan · Karaca Demirbag · Ahmet Erdem ·
Ganime Duygu Kalaycioglu · Ibrahim Ozkol · Gokhan Inalhan

Received: 31 August 2013 / Accepted: 11 September 2013 / Published online: 8 October 2013
© Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

Abstract For the last four decades Unmanned that their numbers will reach up to 10 % of the
Air Vehicles (UAVs) have been extensively used UAV market within the next 5 years. Most of
for military operations that include tracking, sur- the civilian UAV applications require UAVs that
veillance, active engagement with weapons and are capable of doing a wide range of different
airborne data acquisition. UAVs are also in de- and complementary operations within a compos-
mand commercially due to their advantages in ite mission. These operations include taking off
comparison to manned vehicles. These advantages and landing from limited runway space, while
include lower manufacturing and operating costs, traversing the operation region in considerable
flexibility in configuration depending on customer cruise speed for mobile tracking applications.
request and not risking the pilot on demanding This is in addition to being able traverse in low
missions. Even though civilian UAVs currently cruise speeds or being able to hover for sta-
constitute 3 % of the UAV market, it is estimated tionary measurement and tracking. All of these
complementary and but different operational ca-
pabilities point to a hybrid unmanned vehicle con-
Research is supported in part by the Republic of cept, namely the Vertical Take-Off and Landing
Turkey, Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology (VTOL) UAVs. In addition, the desired UAV
SANTEZ Program Contract 1585.STZ.2012-2 and system needs to be cost-efficient while provid-
HAVELSAN A.S. ing easy payload conversion for different civilian
U. Ozdemir (B) · I. Ozkol · G. Inalhan applications. In this paper, we review the pre-
Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, liminary design process of such a capable civil-
Istanbul Technical University, 34469, Istanbul, Turkey
ian UAV system, namely the TURAC VTOL
UAV. TURAC UAV is aimed to have both ver-
I. Ozkol
tical take-off and landing and Conventional Take-
off and Landing (CTOL) capability. TURAC in-
G. Inalhan
terchangeable payload pod and detachable wing
(with potential different size variants) provides
Y. O. Aktas · A. Vuruskan · Y. Dereli · A. F. Tarhan capability to perform different mission types, in-
Istanbul Technical University, 34469, Istanbul, Turkey cluding long endurance and high cruise speed op-
erations. In addition, the TURAC concept is to
K. Demirbag · A. Erdem · G. D. Kalaycioglu
HAVELSAN A.S., M. Kemal Mah. 2120. Cad. No:39, have two different variants. The TURAC A vari-
06510, Cankaya, Ankara ant is an eco-friendly and low-noise fully electrical
372 J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:371–393

platform which includes 2 tilt electric motors in be fully addressed before being fully utilized in
the front, and a fixed electric motor and ducted daily operations.
fan in the rear, where as the TURAC B variant is
envisioned to use high energy density fuel cells for
extended hovering time. In this paper, we provide 1.1 Commercial Application of UAVs
the TURAC UAV’s iterative design and trade-
off studies which also include detailed aerody- Even though civilian UAVs currently constitute
namic and structural configuration analysis. For 3 % of total UAV market, it is estimated that
the aerodynamic analysis, an in-house software they will claim 10 % of the UAV market within
including graphical user interface has been de- the next 5 years [2]. UAV systems with attached
veloped to calculate the aerodynamic forces and payloads (hyperspectral imager, air composition
moments by using the Vortex Lattice Method sensors and similar environmental apparatus) find
(VLM). Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) new areas of utilization at numerous civilian
studies are performed to determine the aerody- processes such as:
namic effects for various configurations For struc-
tural analysis, a Finite Element Model (FEM) of • Tracking and monitoring in the event of agri-
the TURAC has been prepared and its modal culture / forest / marine pollution / waste /
analysis is carried out. Maximum displacements emergency and disaster situations, [3]
and maximal principal stresses are calculated and • Mapping for land registry, [4]
used for streamlining a weight efficient fuselage • Wildlife and ecologic monitoring, [5]
design. Prototypes have been built to show suc- • Traffic monitoring, [6]
cess of the design at both hover and forward • Geological and mining researches,
flight regime. In this paper, we also provide the • Gas leakage monitoring, [7]
flight management and autopilot architecture of • Vegetation monitoring, [8–10]
the TURAC. The testing of the controller per- • Plant and forest species identification, [11, 12]
formance has been initiated with the prototype of • Climate change studies and [13]
TURAC. Current work focuses on the building of • Environmental damage tracking [14].
the full fight test prototype of the TURAC UAV
and aerodynamic modeling of the transition flight. UAVs bring minimal risk and cost advantage to
numerous civilian applications which have once
Keywords VTOL · Tilt Rotor · Hybrid UAV · been considered as risky and costly due to the
UAV Design
need for using manned air vehicles. Subject to the
area of usage and body type, UAVs may come
with various form factors such as:

1 Introduction
• Fixed Wing UAV, [3]
For the last four decades, Unmanned Air Vehicles • Lighter-than-air UAV, [3]
(UAVs) have been extensively used for military • Unconventional UAV (Quadrotor, etc.), [3]
operations that include tracking, surveillance, ac- • Vertical take-off and landing UAV, [3, 15]
tive engagement with weapons and airborne data • Rotating wing UAV, [3, 15]
acquisition purposes. UAVs are also in demand • Tilt-rotor / Tilt-wing, [15]
commercially due to their low manufacturing and • Tail-sitter and [15]
operating costs, flexibility in configuration de- • Thrust-Reserving UAV [15].
pending on customer request and not risking pilot
in demanding missions [1]. Nevertheless civilian Commercial UAV market in Europe (and in the
UAV systems still have critical issues such as World in general) is expected to show a contin-
integration to the manned flight air space, cer- uous upward trend [16] as can be seen in Figs. 1
tification, reliability and flight safety that need to and 2.
J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:371–393 373

Fig. 1 Estimation of revenue of civil and commercial UAV

market [16]

Fig. 3 The advanges of TURAC VTOL UAV concept

1.2 General Requirements for Civil UAVs

a capable civilian UAV system, namely the TU-
When the costs of unmanned air vehicles designed RAC VTOL UAV that has the following main
and produced for military purposes are taken into features:
account, civil aviation market requires products • Vertical take-off and landing, and hovering
oriented at its own type of processes with lower
like a helicopter,
purchasing and operating costs. Most of the civil- • Fixed-wing with high cruise speed capability
ian UAV applications mentioned above require
and long range,
UAVs that are capable of doing a wide range • Multi-functional and specifically designed for
of different and complementary operations as a civilian purpose.
part of a composite mission. These operations
include taking off and landing from limited run-
way space, while traversing the operation region 1.3 The Concept of VTOL UAVs
in considerable cruise speed for mobile tracking
applications. This is in addition to being able tra- TURAC VTOL UAV is aimed at combining the
verse in low cruise speeds or being able to hover advantages of unmanned helicopter and conven-
for stationary measurements and tracking. All of tional UAVs (Fig. 3). VTOL UAVs have the
these call for design features that provide comple- capability of vertical take-off and landing simi-
mentary but operation wise different capabilities. lar to unmanned helicopters, while having high
In addition, such a UAV system needs to be cost- cruise speeds similar to conventional UAVs. As
efficient while providing easy payload conversion a result, VTOL UAVs can carry out take-off
for different civilian applications. In this paper, and landing operations even at hazardous en-
we provide the preliminary design process of such vironments unsuitable for standard take-off and

Fig. 2 Estimation of
revenue of European civil
and commercial UAV
market [16]
374 J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:371–393

landing, while reaching target operation areas in their vertical take-off and landing capacity, high
a short time frame at the same time. In addition, cruise speed and omnidirectional controllability.
a VTOL UAV in a cruise flight mode can change While VTOL UAVs can fly at a similar speed
its mode to hover mode and vice versa depend- to fixed-wing aircraft, they can also hover like a
ing on the operational requirement. All of these helicopter. Even though their efficiency is lower
properties allows VTOL UAVs to realize a wider than the vehicles that are designed for only hover
range of missions (or perform specific mission seg- flight regime or horizontal flight regime, their
ments with higher performance) in comparison to composite efficiency is higher because of possess-
standard unmanned helicopters and conventional ing these two flight regimes [17, 18]. Evolution
UAVs [17, 18]. history of VTOL systems [18], developed VTOL
Helicopters hold the upper hand at the oper- UAV Design Technology [17], existing criterions
ations that require several flight modes such as [18], comparison with conventional and helicopter
switching from hover mode to cruise mode and systems [17, 18], and future prediction [17] can be
vice-versa. VTOL UAVs can realize these oper- reached through the associated references.
ations like a helicopter. While helicopters have In the next chapter, we review the design of
advantages over both VTOL and conventional the TURAC VTOL UAV. The design process
aircrafts at vertical flight and backwards flight, includes further insight on TURAC Concept, tar-
they have performance restrictions at horizontal get performances, comparison with existing sys-
flight due to its low energy conversion efficiency tems, Section 2 also includes the critical sizing
rotors and supersonic speed limitations at rotor and design selections associated with structures,
tips for high speed cruise. VTOL UAVs do not aerodynamics and power systems. Sections 3 and
have these performance restrictions of helicopters 4 provides details on the aerodynamic and struc-
in forward flight. Moreover, as long as big rotor tural analysis associated with configuration man-
or fan systems are not used, VTOL UAVs’ me- agement. TURAC avionics system design includ-
chanical designs are simpler [17, 18]. Efficiency ing the control system structure is presented in
of VTOL air vehicles at hovering is lower than Section 5.
helicopters due to smaller effective rotor area.
However, if hovering time is considerably less
than the cruise flight time, then VTOL aircrafts 2 Design of the TURAC VTOL UAV
have higher composite efficiency due to their bet-
ter cruise flight performance [17, 18]. 2.1 The Concept of the TURAC UAV
Conventional UAVs necessitates a runway
since these cannot take-off from and land to every The TURAC UAV is designed to be able to take
location. However, their forward flight perfor- off and land both conventionally and vertically.
mances are higher than helicopter systems. While In addition, the following requirements are taken
VTOL aircrafts can fly at speeds as high as con- into account for the UAV to be designed and
ventional UAVs, additional weight due to vertical manufactured:
take-off/landing systems lowers their payload ca-
pacity with respect to conventional systems. Nev- • Lower cost than similar military UAVs,
ertheless, high thrust to weight ratio of VTOL • Vertical take-off and landing capability,
UAVs enable better maneuvering capability than • Conventional take-off and landing capability,
conventional UAVs. In addition, hovering and • Hovering capability,
flying at low altitudes like helicopters are distinct • Eco-friendly and low noise electrical power
advantages of VTOL UAVs in comparison to system,
conventional fixed wing aircraft. • Ease of portability and packaging,
In summary, VTOL UAVs combine the advan- • Ability to work with different kinds of pay-
tages of helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft such as loads and
J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:371–393 375

Fig. 4 Flight mission profile

• Highly mobile and compact ground station. the lifting force. Co-axial fans with dual and dis-
tinct electrical engines stop when the lifting force
In addition to these requirements, minimum tar- is at least equal to the weight of UAV acquired
get performance criterions for TURAC VTOL from wings aerodynamically, and then front tilt
UAV are given as follows: motors will complete their rotation to the flight
• direction. Operation from cruise flight to hover is
1 hr cruise + 10 min hovering + 15 min take-
realized at the exact opposite way until stall speed
off and landing,
• is reached.
35 km operation radius (70 km range),
• Portability is at the forefront in TURAC con-
8 kg payload (hyperspectral imager or poten-
cept. In the design process, a concept that allows
tially additional devices such as RGB cam-
detachable aircraft wings (as well as ability to use
era, thermal camera, emission measurement
wings with various dimensions as seen in Fig. 6)
• and replaceable body parts is used as the main
20 m/s cruise speed and
• design basis. TURAC system, which consists of
Automatic take-off, landing and flight system.
two parts, namely main body and edge wings,
The above requirements and minimum target per- can be mounted easily and it can be fitted in a
formance criterions are based on typical mission considerably small volume with respect to its size.
scenarios as noted in Section 1. The typical mis- This way, it can be easily transported with vehicles
sion profile of the TURAC which includes vertical such as SUV and truck. TURAC behaves like a
take-off, transition to cruise, cruise, transition to
hover and vertical landing can be seen in Fig. 4.
The TURAC UAV conceptual design in Fig. 5
was conceived by taking the noted requirements
into consideration. In this concept, the TURAC
UAV includes 2 tilt rotors which are active during
all of the flight phases and also one main rotor
which is just active during the VTOL and hovering
phase. On aircraft mode, tilt motors are turned to
flight direction step by step, and the power of co-
axial motors is boosted simultaneously in order to
create necessary lifting force. Wings create lifting
force as UAV accelerates, and the power of co- Fig. 5 The Design concept of the TURAC in cruise (a) and
axial motors is lowered inversely proportionally to hover (b) mode
376 J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:371–393

Table 2 Comparision of TURAC with a CTOL UAV


Grumman Bat
MTOW (kg) 34 47
Payload (kg) 12 8
WPayload /WMTOW 0,35 0,17
Fig. 6 The usage of the TURAC with varying wing size Endurance (h) 8 3,25
Hover (min) 0 0
Productivity (kg*h) 96 40
Power source ICE Electric
multi-rotor system when detachable wing system
is not plugged, whereas it behaves like an air-
craft that can make vertical take-off and landing
and hover when is the wing system is plugged. flight control computer is linked to a mission
Therefore, multiple solutions and UAV types are management computer and payload system with
achieved in a single device. its distinct computer and sensors. The mission
The TURAC VTOL UAV, which can adapt management computer and payload system car-
to different mission conditions with its properties ries distinct transceivers for communications with
given above, can take-off from and land to partly the ground station.
flattened dirt runways, or can start its mission by
taking off from ships or land patches if desired. 2.2 Target Performance and Competitor Analysis
The complete TURAC UAV System consists
of two parts, which are the ground station and The comparison of the target performance of the
the air vehicle as seen in Fig. 5. Ground station TURAC with other best-in-class VTOL UAVs
consists of a ruggedized laptop used for loading can be seen in Table 1.
missions, monitoring vehicle status and actively The comparison of the target performance of
controlling the payload. The ground station also the TURAC at CTOL phase with a best-in-class
includes a radio command for direct remote pilot- CTOL blended wing UAV can be seen in Table 2.
ing and dual transceivers for mission and payload When compared to other VTOL UAVs, in-
communications cluding Organic Air Vehicles I, II [19], the target
On the air vehicle, there is a flight control performance of TURAC is superior. Specifically
computer that controls all of the phases of the TURAC is depicted as being a high speed mini
flight. In addition, tied to the flight computer, UAV system platform while providing consider-
there are sensors with temperature compensators able portability and payload capacity. As it is
and filters, actuators and radio transceivers. The upgradable in terms of design, it is a basic product

Table 1 Comparision
of TURAC with other
VTOL UAVs Specification
IAI panther IAI mini panther TURAC (VTOL)
MTOW (kg) 65 12 47
Payload (kg) 8,5 2 8
WPayload /WMTOW 0,13 0,16 0,17
Endurance (h) 4 1,5 1,42
Hover time (min) 3 3 10
Productivity (kg*h) 34 3 16
Power source Electric Electric Electric
J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:371–393 377

which can have higher endurance with additional

battery systems. “Productivity”, which is directly
linked to endurance and payload capacity, is an
important performance parameter for UAVs [20].
TURAC carries the best “Productivity” value
within its class. In addition, basic performance
parameters of competitor VTOL UAVs in com-
parison to TURAC are show in Figs. 7, 8 and 9.
As seen in Figs. 7, 8 and 9, in comparison
to Organic Air Vehicles, TURAC UAV aims at
Fig. 8 Range and endurance comparison
substantially higher range and payload carrying
capacity as a result of its considerably larger size.
Moreover, TURAC is designed to carry the same
payload with less MTOW in comparison to IAI sion system, aerodynamic and structural analyses.
Panther, which is currently one of the best exam- The results of first weight estimation and some
ples of its class within the market. Focusing on trade-off studies can be seen in the following
Table 2, it apparent that all electrical TURAC is subsections.
inferior to CTOL blended wing UAVs with inter- In the next subsections, we review the most crit-
nal combustion engines as far as endurance and ical systems and selections that shape the design
payload capacity is concerned. However TURAC process. The first system analyzed is the propul-
brings the valuable hover, VTOL and transition sion configuration selection and controllability.
capability which cannot be achieved by its conven- Later this is followed by airfoil and wing geome-
tional counterparts. try, weight and power sizing. The last subsection
includes the detailed sizing including the final
overall size of TURAC at the end of the iterative
2.3 Design Process of TURAC process.

The design process of TURAC VTOL UAV is

2.4 Propulsion Configuration of the TURAC
depicted at Fig. 10. Specifically; similar systems
and Controllability
are investigated by taking operational, technical,
and design requirements into consideration. The
TURAC UAV concept includes two tilt rotors
most efficient configuration selection process in
which are active during all of the flight phases and
conformance to these requirements is realized.
also one main rotor which is just active during
Sizing process is repeated iteratively according
to weight in accordance with selected propul-

Fig. 7 Take-off weight and payload comparison Fig. 9 Average velocity comparison
378 J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:371–393

Fig. 10 Design process


the VTOL phase. On aircraft mode, tilt motors propellers at the front for vertical take-off and
are turned to flight direction step by step, and landing mode as well as hover mode. The dual tilt
the power of co-axial motors is boosted simulta- rotor configuration resolves the imbalance prob-
neously in order to create necessary lifting force. lem that is seen in a single coaxial fan system with
Wings create lifting force as UAV accelerates, and non-aligned rotation/force axis and gravity center.
the power of co-axial motors is lowered inversely By tilting the tilt motor systems in the front,
proportionally to the lifting force. Co-axial fans transition from hover mode to level flight to the
with dual engines stop when the lifting force is at front direction or low speed level flight to the back
least equal to the weight of UAV acquired from direction can be achieved. On the hover mode,
wings aerodynamically, and then front tilt motors coaxial fans can instantaneously create 70–80 %
will complete their rotation to the flight direction. of the lifting force necessary and tilt motor system
Operation from cruise flight to hover is realized at creates 10–30 % of the lifting force (Fig. 12). This
the exact opposite way. flexibility allows constant stabilization in situa-
As it can be seen in Fig. 11, coaxial blowers tions such as equipment placement to the center
function simultaneously with two tilt motors and of gravity, different fuel, mission and flight con-
ditions. Therefore, main stabilization problem for
coaxial systems is solved.
Developed coaxial fan and front tilt motor and
propeller system (Fig. 13) can be placed at any ori-
entation on the aircraft without taking any issue
other than stability into consideration. As a result,
there is no need for specific placement angle for
fan and propeller placement that is required for
systems with a single fan.
Turning left or right at hover flight is accom-
plished by creating a torque, which is achieved
by slowing down one of the coaxial fans while
speeding up the other one. The total thrust level
Fig. 11 Compansation of moments is not decreased during a turning operation due
J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:371–393 379

Fig. 12 Thrust sharing through rotors

Fig. 14 Main lift fan diameter vs generated thrust compar-
ison for various propeller and duct configurations

to synchronized speeding up and slowing down.

For rolling movement to right or left, the speed of
one of the front tilt motor propellers is decreased
shown in Fig. 14. Performance calculations are
while the speed of the other one is increased to
based on momentum theory and flight tunnel
create a rolling moment to left or right is created.
tests with single propeller, ducted propeller and
The total thrust level is not decreased while do-
ducted coaxial propellers [20]. Figure 14 shows
ing a rolling operation because of synchronized
the thrust level of single propeller, ducted single
speeding up and slowing down.
Pitching to front or to back at hover position
is accomplished by creating a pitching moment,
which is achieved by slowing down the set of the Table 3 Airfoil selections
coaxial fans or the front tilt rotors, and speeding
up the other one in combination. As the total
thrust level is not reduced during a pitching opera-
tion due to synchronized speeding up and slowing
down, aircraft does not destabilize. Center airfoil NACA 34115
Main lift fan power consumption is the most Design CL 0,5
important issue for the optimization of hover Camber position & 20 % reflex
endurance. TURAC system uses a dual engine
Thickness (%) 15 %
ducted fan system with coaxial rotors which en-
hance the aerodynamic performance of system as

Wing airfoil NACA 34112

Design CL 0,5
Camber position & 20 % reflex
Thickness (%) 12 %

Winglet airfoil NACA 04012

Design CL 0,5
Camber position & 20 % standard
Fig. 13 Ducted co-axial fan system with dual electrical
engines for extensive controllability Thickness (%) 12 %
380 J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:371–393

Table 4 Initial weight Structures 7 kg

estimation for iteration
Avionics 5 kg
Payload 8 kg
Battery 20 kg
Motor + ESC 5 kg
MTOW 45 kg

lift capacity while holding the drag at an accept-

able level. Wing shaped fuselage and attachable
wings are designed with swept wing for making
TURAC more stable. In addition, winglets are
used to make aircraft aerodynamically more
efficient. Winglets also house the rudder control
surfaces for controlling yaw and coordinated roll-
yaw maneuvers.
Fig. 15 Iterative weight estimation process Blended wing design of TURAC provides a
considerably larger usable interior space in com-
parison to conventional wing-body systems, and
thus allows the user to mount different payloads
fan and ducted coaxial fan by using same amount with a wide range of sizes. As the aircraft acquires
of energy, respectively. Since the radius of the lifting force from the entire structure, it can also
propellers are restricted in our concept design, carry more payloads compared to similar sized
obtaining high level thrust is important and thus aircrafts. Different sized wings can be plugged
a coaxial fan system is selected. to TURAC UAV according to different perfor-
mance criteria and missions. Moreover, with its
2.5 Airfoil and Wing Geometry wingless form (i.e. the form with no wings at-
tached), it can work like a tri-copter (Fig. 11).
1) Wing Geometry Wing sizing process is completed after estimat-
ing maximum take-off weight. The primary point
TURAC is a blended wing design and lift is gen-
of attention while making wing sizing calculations
erated from both fuselage and attachable wings.
is the stall speed since TURAC performs verti-
There is no tail structure to balance moment
cal take-off/landing and forward flight and stall
over the airfoil. For this reason, reflex airfoils
speeds play a crucial role in transitions. Aircraft
are used on aircraft to balance moments which
needs to slow down until tilted propeller and main
occur from generating lift. Different reflex air-
lift fan function effectively for vertical flight. At
foils are analyzed for TURAC as to enhance
this point, stall speed is determined and sizing
calculations are done.


Table 5 Required energy for all flight mission

Duration(min) Energy (Wh)
VTOL 10 2040.80
0 Climb 7.5 362.73
0 50000 100000 150000 200000 Cruise 60 1025.96
Descend 7.5 69.81
Fig. 16 Historical We / Wo data Total 85 3499.30
J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:371–393 381

Table 6 Current batary Battery brand Max amps ZIPPY flightmax Turnigy nano-tech
8400 mAh 3S2P 30C 8000 mAh 6S 25 ∼ 50C
Number of cells 6 3×2 6
Unit weight (kg) 1,22 0,772 1,111
Capacity (mAh) 11000 8400 8000
Voltage 22,2 9,9 22,2
Power (Wh) 244,2 83,16 177,6
Power density (Wh/kg) 200,16 107,72 159,85

2) Airfoil Geometry 2.6 Weight Estimation and Power Sizing

TURAC system is an aerial platform with a tail- Weight estimation of TURAC VTOL UAV is an
less blended wing design. In conventional designs iterative process and it is given below in Fig. 15.
with standard wing profiles, the nose-down mo- Stepping through the iteration step-by-step;
ment created by the airfoil is balanced by a tail the graphic for We/Wo is obtained from histor-
structure. As TURAC concept is a tailless air ical data of flying wing and blended wing sys-
vehicle, it requires special wing profiles that do tems given in Fig. 16. Looking at historical data,
not create nose down moments. For this reason, We/Wo ratio is between 0.6 to 0.8 for aircrafts
wing profile chosen for TURAC is a type of wing with less than 100 kg weight. We expect the ra-
profile called reflex profile. Table 3 shows the se- tio of empty weight to MTOW to be 0.8 since
lected reflex airfoils with the first one correspond- power will be provided by an all electrical and
ing to the body airfoil (with higher thickness), battery fed system which is indeed a lower energy
the second one corresponding to the wing airfoil. density system (for MTOW more than 15–20 kgs
The body airfoil transitions from NACA34115 to under current technology) in comparison to inter-
NACA34112 from mid to tip section to blend nal combustion engine systems.
into the wing airfoil. The last airfoil presented One of the design requirements of the UAV is
within Table 3 corresponds to the airfoil for to carry a payload of 8 kg weight. As We/Wo ratio
winglets. is about 0.8 at Eq. 1, then W0 can be found 40 kg
by using the formula below:
W0 − 8
= 0.8 (1)
iteration Result
However, for the initial weight estimate needed to
start the iterative process, we have to add extra
system weight (5 kg), because our system is a
2 VTOL concept and it has more weight than CTOL
vehicles because of the extra lifting fan systems
0 and structures. Thereby, our starting weight guess

will be W0 = 45 kg.

Table 7 Weight distribution
-6 Structure 7 kg
Avionics 5 kg
-8 Battery 22 kg
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Propulsion 5 kg
W0 Estimated Weight Payload 8 kg

Fig. 17 Iteration error for weights MTOW 47 kg

382 J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:371–393

Table 8 Payload versus W payload (kg) W 0 (kg) Table 9 Optimum ratio of propeller areas
MTOW Areamain rotor
3 32.5 Areatilt_rotor Thrust distributions
4 35.2
1.0 25 % 25 % 50 %
5 37.8
1.5 20 % 20 % 60 %
6 40.5
2.0 16.5 % 16.5 % 67 %
7 43.6
2.3 15 % 15 % 70 %
8 47.0
3.0 12.5 % 12.5 % 75 %
9 50.4
10 54.1

Total energy for full mission for the first esti-

Estimation of weight distribution of TURAC mated weight is calculated from Eq. 4, required
UAV components is given in the Table 4. energy for the entire flight mission can be seen at
The most important factor in the determination Table 5.
of weight is battery weight. This is directly related
Etotal = Etotal_VTOL + Etotal_climb
to the expected missions and mission durations of
TURAC UAV. +Etotal_cruise + Etotal_descend (4)
Aerial platform’s required power for the dura-
Battery weight can be calculated from Eq. 5 by
tion of mission is calculated by momentum theory,
using the data given at Table 6.
a method when fast and acceptable solutions are
sought. Total required energy (Wh)
Power calculation for single propeller is calcu- Wbattery = (5)
Battery Power Density × 0, 85
lated from Eq. 2.
For preserving battery life of LiPo batteries,
1 T2 battery consumption prior to recharging should be
P= √ (2)
FM 2ρA no less than 85 % of full capacity. This, in turn,
directly influences battery weight.
Power calculation for ducted fan can be seen at Selected battery system 11000 mAh, 22.2 V
Eq. 3. capacity, 6 cells LiPo battery system from Max-
3 Amps Company, which produces battery systems
1 T2
P= √ (3) for professional model aircrafts and unmanned
FM 4ρA aerial vehicles.
This process is repeated until calculated Wbattery
value is equal to the estimated Wbattery value. At
Wo vs We/Wo the end of iterations, iteration error at the point
where WMTOW equals to 47 kg is close to zero
(Fig. 17).

30 35 40 45 50 55

Fig. 18 We/Wo versus Wo Fig. 19 TURAC design layout properties

J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:371–393 383

Table 10 Sizing results of TURAC

General sizing Length 1,8 m
Wingspan 4,2 m
Height 1,05 m
Wing area 3,36 m2
Empty weight 39 kg
MTOW 47 kg
Aspect ratio 5,25
Mean chord 0,8 m
Propeller 0,43 m
diameter Fig. 20 TURAC in VTOL mode (open fan)
Aerodynamic 0,822 m
Center of 0,806 m
Results after the iteration process are given in
gravity *
Fuselage Center airfoil NACA 34115
Table 7.
Tip airfoil NACA 34112 This process can be done for different payload
Fuselage length 1,8 m sizes to obtain the payload weight-MTOW trade-
Fuselage span 1,6 m off. The iteration will give different MTOW re-
Center chord 1,8 m sults for different payloads (Table 8).
Tip chord 0,58 m Ratio of total weight to empty weight is shown
Taper ratio 0,322
at Fig. 18. The TURAC concept is envisioned to
Wing** Root airfoil NACA 34112
Tip airfoil NACA 34112
have a B variant which uses high energy density
Chord 0,58 m fuel cells for extended hovering time or in turn less
Span 1,2 m battery weight in favor of larger payloads.
Swept 20◦
Elevon length 1m 2.7 Detailed Sizing
Elevon width 0.145 m
Winglet Airfoil NACA 04012
Length 0,634 m
1) Wing Loading (W / S) – Wing Area
Area 0,313 m2
At take-off and landing, flight speed of aerial ve-
Swept (LE) 38◦
Root chord 0,7 m
hicle is close to stall speed. Thereby, calculations
Tip chord 0,278 m must be carried out considering the fact that flight
Aspect ratio 1,5 speed at maximum load is equal to stall speed.
Taper ratio 0,397 Vstall is regarded as 20 m/s, and calculations are
Rudder length 0,5 m done for 18 m/s as a safe approach. For WMTOW
Rudder tip 0,111 m equals 47 kg, CLmax equals 0.7 and ρ equals 1.121.
Rudder root 0, 28 m 1
width L= ρV2 SCL (6)
Landing gear*** Height 0,421 m
Front LG 0,4 m
Main LG 0,897 m
*Distance from center chord’s leading edge
**Wing consists of 2 attachable parts, results for each part
***Distance from center chord’s leading edge

Fig. 21 TURAC in cruise mode (closed fan)

384 J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:371–393

Table 11 Performance Mission profile Thrust distribution

Starting altitude 0m 1. Tilt thruster 15 %
Mission altitude 1000 m 2. Tilt thruster 15 %
Main thruster 70 %
Flight mode Time (min) Flight mode Time (min)
Climb 7,5 Climb 7,5
Cruise 60 Cruise 180
Descent 7,5 Descent 7,5
Total 85 min Total 195 min

By using Eq. 6, the value of S is calculated 3.36 m2 Inner volume allocation properties of TURAC
and W/S ratio is also calculated 13.39 kg/m2 , which VTOL UAV B variant are given at Fig. 19. The
is indeed considerably low wing loading for such TURAC B variant includes the fuel cell and the
UAVs. fuel tank system. In the A Variant this is replaced
with further battery cells. In the inner volume allo-
2) Taper Ratio
cation, main transportation fan is close to the mid-
Taper ratio at body is given at Eq. 7. dle section of the vehicle. Front electric motors
directed upwards during VTOL phase stabilize
Cbody root 1.8
λbody = = = 0.32 (7) vehicle during hover and are used at cruise flight.
Cbody tip 0.58 Battery system near main duct can be com-
Tapering method is not implemented for inter- pletely removed and replaced from the aircraft to
changeable wings. Thus, tapering ratio is taken as ensure preparation of the vehicle for immediate
1 according to Eq. 8. follow-up missions. Lithium Polymer battery sys-
tem, which has the highest energy density and is
Croot 0, 58
λwing = = =1 (8) commercially available, is chosen as battery sys-
Ctip 0, 58 tem. Fuel tanks made of Kevlar and located near
3) Sweep Angle: to the center of gravity and work with fuel cell
system for alternative electric power generation.
TURAC system will be affected from distur-
bances occurring at air substantially because of 6) TURAC Sizing Results
the increasing wing loads. For this reason, work Results found from calculations are given at
for increasing stability at rotation axis is carried Table 10.
out by giving 20◦ sweep angle to the wings. The The drawing of TURAC in hover and cruise
loss of lift due to sweeping is partially tolerated by modes according to sizing calculation can be seen
using winglet. in Figs. 20 and 21 respectively.
4) The Ratio of Propeller Areas
7) Performance Results
The required energies for the given mission are
Performance results of the design can be seen in
calculated for different ratios of the propeller to
Table 11.
reach optimum ratio of propeller areas (Table 9).
As seen from Table 9, the best area ratio is
2.3 for (15 % –15 % –%70) distribution of thrust
3 Aerodynamic Analysis of TURAC
which should be provided by tilt rotors and main
rotor, respectively.
For the aerodynamic performance and confi-
5) Inner Volume Allocation of TURAC guration analysis an in-house code is developed
J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:371–393 385

Fig. 24 Lift coefficient versus angle of attach

Fig. 22 The GUI of the developed code for parametric

aerodynamic analysis of TURAC
includes a numeric description of the wings, con-
trol surfaces and winglets.
In developed code, Vortex Lattice Method
using the vortex lattice method. This analysis (VLM) is used by separating UAV geometry to
provided us with a general understanding of lift, small panels. The geometry of TURAC is created
moment and induced drag values of various aero- by using defined parameters; each component is
dynamic configurations. Later these analyses are separated to a number of panels according to
verified by using CFD methods. user’s desire and CL , CDind and CM are calculated
for each component of TURAC and full geometry
3.1 The Developed Code for Aerodynamic by using VLM. Geometry and panel parameters
Analyses can be changed easily through the user interface
of the developed code. The user interface of the
As the initial step of the analysis, a parameterized developed code can be seen in Figs. 22 and 23.
size model of the TURAC is created The model It also imposes the effect of fan chamber, rudders
and flaps in the calculation.
At VLM, each panel is symbolized with horse-
shoe vortex. Horseshoe vortex starts at one quar-

Fig. 23 The GUI of the developed code for VLM Fig. 25 Induced drag versus angle of attach
386 J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:371–393

Fig. 26 (a) Open fan

concept (b) Close fan

Fig. 27 Velocity vectors

at fan gap α = 0◦

Fig. 28 Streamlines of
close fan concept of
TURAC at α = 5◦
J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:371–393 387

Fig. 29 Streamlines of
open fan concept of
TURAC at α = 5◦

ter chord of the panel and reaches through trailing symmetry feature of TURAC is used, so half of
edge and infinite with the direction of freestream geometry is meshed and analyzed to decrease the
velocity. Control point on each panel is defined number of cells. At CFD analyses, realizable k-ε
at three quarters chord of each panel. At each turbulence model with enhanced wall treatment is
control point, Eq. 9 is applied as a boundary con- used. The definition at control volume is velocity
dition. The boundary condition is that freestream inlet and pressure outlet; moreover, flow velocity
velocity component at the perpendicular of the is 20 m/s. At open fan concept, flow does not
surface is zero. follow the surface through TURAC and vortices
occur in the fan gap. The vortices can be seen
∇ (∞ + ) .n = 0 (9) clearly in Fig. 27. As an example, Figs. 28 and 29
The values of horseshoe vortex are calculated by shows the flow characteristics at an angle of attack
using Eqs. 10 and 11. of 0◦ and 5◦ for open and close fan concept of
 ∞ .ni = 0,
v11 1 + v12 2 + . . . + v1N N + V According to Table 12, open fan gap decreases
CL and increases CD of TURAC. CL and CD
i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , N (10) increase with the increase of angle of attack at
both open and close fan concept of TURAC. The
N analysis has led to design of fan doors to close in
Aij j = Ri (11)
j=1 forward flight regime to increase lift coefficient
The developed code calculates CL , CDind and CM and to decrease draft. The current work is focused
for various angles of attack. The change of CL on analyzing the propeller effect and the aerody-
due to angle of attack can be seen in Fig. 24. The namic modeling of the transition flight.
change of CDind due to angle of attack can be seen
in Fig. 25. NACA 0015 symmetrical airfoil and
NACA 34112 reflex airfoil, which is used at TU-
RAC’s geometry, are used for VLM calculations. Table 12 CFD results at 0◦ and 5◦ angles of attack
CL and CDind increase linearly due to angle of
α (◦ ) Open fan concept Close fan concept
attack. The linear increase of CL and CDind results
from ignoring viscous effect at VLM.
0◦ CL 0.0125 0.142
CD 0.0467 0.0266
3.2 CFD Analyses of TURAC CM −0.0046 −0.0259
5◦ CL 0.3352 0.539
CFD analyses are achieved with open and close CD 0.065 0.0429
fan concept of TURAC (Fig. 26). In CFD model, CM 0.0576 −0.079
388 J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:371–393

Table 13 Wing modal Others (Hz) [22] TURAC natural Change in natural
analysis results
frequency (Hz) frequencies (Hz)
1st out-of-plane bending 13 11.82 9.07 %
1st torsional mode 46.3 45.58 1.55 %
2nd out-of-plane bending 87.69 81.63 6.91 %

4 Structural Design Features and Analysis By modeling current configuration by finite

of TURAC element methods, it is controlled if the current
configuration has sufficient strength for loadings.
For TURAC, composite material is favored to a Structural analysis model of TURAC Unmanned
large extent as flight vehicle material owing to its Air Vehicle (UAV) is created, and material lay-
high strength and low weight. Outer shells of the out that can endure the maximum load to the
wings and the body of the air vehicle are carved structure is chosen. Aircraft design allows 3.8 g
out using honeycomb structure between double- acceleration under elliptical loading.
sided fibers. Aircraft support beams consist of Principally, a structurally adequate wing with
tubes obtained from carbon fiber. Main beam and enough stiffness is aimed. Wing is produced by
support beam, both of which stem from the wings, calculating its natural frequencies and compared
subside into beds inside the main body. This struc- to other wings with similar size. In Table 13, re-
ture facilitates assembly and disassembly of the sults for TURAC and its comparison with other
wings. Main bulk of the weight is gathered inside wings with similar size is shown. Results for the
the body. These loads flow to outer shell of the top three most important frequencies are shown.
body via frames inside the body. It is seen that there is less than 10 % in the wings
For designing an aircraft that is sufficient in in terms of natural frequency values.
terms of structure that can endure maximum In order to ensure structural sufficiency that is
loadings to the aircraft, detailed finite element part of aircraft design cycle; position, geometry
network of TURAC is created. Beams, ribs, and material of support elements are chosen in
and outer shells are the modeled main parts. such a way that it can endure maximum loads
In addition to these, motor, battery and elec- aircraft encounters.
tronic parts, which change vibration frequency Structural analyses are repeated to ensure the
considerably but do not have structural contri- reliability of every section of the aircraft. As it
bution, are modeled as concentrated mass [21], can be seen in Fig. 30, as a result of the analyses,
and their effect on aircraft’s dynamic behavior is maximum deformation at the most critical flight
examined. regime is found to be 315 mm.

Fig. 30 Maximum
J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:371–393 389

Table 14 Material strength

Mechanical property Mean value
Tensile strength (S1 ) 431.5 MPa
Compression strength (Sc1 ) 165.5 MPa
Shear stress (S12 ) 31.20 MPa

Maximum principal stress is 127 MPa at wing

root lower shell, and minimum principal stress is
137 MPa at wing root upper shell. Both of the
stress values are under the strength values, which
are shown in Table 14.
At the lower part of wing root, maximum Fig. 32 Prototype of TURAC
tensile strength is observed. Maximum principal
stress distribution on the aircraft is shown at
Fig. 31. The current design of TURAC can easily 5 Avionics System Design
overcome the calculated maximum stresses.
Following the success of ITU Tailless UAV 5.1 General System Design
[23], prototype of TURAC has been produced
(Fig. 32). First flight tests are performed by using The general avionics system and the ground sta-
this prototype of TURAC (Fig. 33) for not only to tion is illustrated in Fig. 34. Ground station con-
verify the concept but also to verify the structural sists of radio command controlled by the opera-
calculations. tor, a ruggedized laptop used for loading mission

Fig. 31 Maximum and

minimum principle
390 J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:371–393

On the air vehicle, there are flight control com-

puter, which controls all of the segments of the
autonomous flight, sensors with temperature com-
pensators and filters, actuators, radio transceivers,
mission management computer and payload sys-
tem. All of the peripheral units communicate with
flight control computer.

5.2 General Command and Control Scheme

Control system consists of mission management

Fig. 33 Flight tests of TURAC prototype in ITU stadium computer and flight control computer as seen in
Fig. 35. Flight computer carries out missions with
its position and orientation controllers. In addi-
tion the controller rather this be a computer or an
and monitoring vehicle status, and dual trans- actual operator can be changed with a switching
ceivers connected to this laptop. For operating mechanism.
the autonomous vehicle, there is a payload soft- Mission management computer aims to plan
ware, mission management software, and flight missions through navigation patters and way-
and health monitoring software running on the points, which are either loaded previously or cho-
computer. Also the operator can control the vehi- sen at any given time through the ground station
cle manually by using remote control transmitter operator. While the vehicle is at full autonomous
at the ground station. mode, position, speed, altitude and heading

Fig. 34 General avionics system diagram

J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:371–393 391

Fig. 35 General
command and control

angle are commanded by the mission management control of the flight vehicle, communication, data
computer. recording, battery control, and actuator control.
As it can be seen from Fig. 36, communication
systems and INS communicate over UART, re-
5.3 Flight Control Computer mote control receiver communicate over PPM, ac-
tuators communicate over PWM, MicroSD com-
Flight control computer carries out all types of municate over SDIO, a variety of other sensors
low level tasks such as orientation and position communicate over analog, and high level mission

Fig. 36 Flight control

392 J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:371–393

Fig. 37 General control

system diagram and
frame geometry

FLeft FRight
M4 M3

FBackTop FBackBottom
Motor 1 Motor 2

control computer communicate over SPI. In ad- from the fusion of IMU and GPS, and it provides
dition to these, there is a CANBus structure for feedback to the controllers. Manual flight tests
possible sensors in future. including the stability augmentation system for
hovering flights have been successfully performed
5.4 Flight Controller on a basic tri-copter skeleton prototype of TU-
RAC which includes the front rotors and the main
Control scheme on flight control computer can be coaxial lifting fan.
seen at Fig. 37.
Control structure consists of cascade con-
trollers. Position information, which is specified 6 Conclusion
by the operator manually or by mission man-
agement computer, is processed by position con- In this study, a commercial and multi-functional
troller and converted to orientation information VTOL UAV with detachable and interchange-
required by flight vehicle. Position information able wings is designed. The designed vehicle can
required by flight vehicle is converted to control carry payloads up to 8 kg for over 3 h while
signal with the help of a controller. These control operating within a 35 km operational radius. In
signals are then converted to PWM signals that addition, the fixed wing TURAC vehicle has ca-
will control actuators according to the flight ve- pability to transition between high speed forward
hicle’s geometry. This loop continues and flight flight and hover regime depending on the mission
vehicle reaches to desired positions. Orientation profile.
and position information of the vehicle is esti- An iterative design process including trade-off
mated precisely with the help of INS, which arise studies, aerodynamic and structural analysis was
J Intell Robot Syst (2014) 74:371–393 393

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