"Capstone Project": Philippine Christian University Graduate School of Business and Management

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Philippine Christian University

Graduate School of Business and Management

“Capstone Project”

Submitted By:
Daniela R. Arevalo
Managerial Economics and Accounting

Demand analysis involves understanding the customer demand for a product or

service in a particular market. Companies use demand analysis techniques to determine

if they can generate expected profits to advance their business operations. Just like

private companies, the bureau of internal revenue has its goals, the difference in that is

that the goal of the bureau is to maximize its collection on taxes funds to be used on

government funding. Collecting government funds during these times may be hard due

to pandemic that caused some businesses to close but also some found their opportunity

to be freelancers, online sellers, job orders, etc.,

Being employed in the bureau, the demand on our office is based on the need of

the tax payers to comply with the regulations imposed and the tax code. With the surge

of Covid, the DILG had to employ many contact tracers as Job Orders who are responsible

for reaching out to people (contacts) who have been exposed to COVID-19 and providing

health education and guidance to interrupt ongoing disease transmission. (Job Order

refers to the hiring of a worker for piece work or intermittent job of short duration not

exceeding six months and pay is on a daily or hourly basis. It is to be understood that the

piece work or job to be performed requires special or technical skills not available in the

agency and the same is to be accomplished under the worker's own responsibility and with

minimum supervision by the hiring agency). These contact tracers needed to go to the

bureau and comply the needed requirements and apply for their registration as Job
Managerial Economics and Accounting

Orders for them to do their work. The volume of the Job Order registrants who come to

the office were overwhelming, despite of the restrictions and limitations that the

pandemic has made. It affected the efficiency, the accuracy of receiving the documents

and my health due to skipping of meals that caused irritability, mood swings and low focus

on doing the job. Applications that were poorly validated were not processed due to

overlooked documents or details on the form and sooner resulted to bulk of backlogs.

To solve this an additional workforce has to be made in regards with the volume

of registrants who comes to transact in the office. With no overly tired employees, they

can validate the requirements well, do their job efficiently, can serve the public in a

helpful and friendly way and can accommodate every question they will make.

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