Ethical Issues in Geriatrics A Guide For Clinicians

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554 Ethical Issues in Geriatrics Mayo Clin Proc, April 2004, Vol 79

Symposium on Geriatrics

Ethical Issues in Geriatrics: A Guide for Clinicians


Because of demographic trends, it is reasonable to expect may arise because of poor patient-clinician communica-
that clinicians will care for an increasing number of el- tion; therefore, we provide practical tips for effective com-
derly persons with challenging medical and psychosocial munication. Nevertheless, even in the best circumstances,
problems. These problems and issues, in turn, may lead to ethical dilemmas occur. We describe a case-based ap-
daunting ethical dilemmas. Therefore, clinicians should be proach to ethical dilemmas used by the Mayo Clinic Ethics
familiar with ethical dilemmas commonly encountered Consultation Service, which begins with a review of the
when caring for elderly patients. We review some of these medical indications, patient preferences, quality of life, and
dilemmas, including ensuring informed consent and con- contextual features of a given case. This approach enables
fidentiality, determining decision-making capacity, pro- clinicians to identify and analyze the relevant facts of a case,
moting advance care planning and the use of advance define the ethical problem, and suggest a solution.
directives, surrogate decision making, withdrawing and Mayo Clin Proc. 2004;79:554-562
withholding interventions, using cardiopulmonary resus-
citation and do-not-resuscitate orders, responding to re- AD = advance directive; CPR = cardiopulmonary resuscita-
tion; ICD = implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; PAS =
quests for interventions, allocating health care resources, physician-assisted suicide; PSA = prostate-specific antigen
and recommending nursing home care. Ethical dilemmas

B ecause of public health measures and advances in

medicine, Americans are living longer. By the year
2020, 53.7 million elderly persons (aged ≥65 years) will be
duty to respect persons and their rights of self-determina-
tion. Beneficence refers to the duty to do good, whereas
nonmaleficence refers to the duty to prevent or do no harm.
living in America; by 2050, the number will be 82.0 mil- Justice refers to the duty to treat individuals fairly (free of
lion.1 However, the elderly population is uniquely bur- bias and based on medical need). When caring for elderly
dened with illnesses. An elderly person has, on average, 3 individuals, clinicians may find these ethical principles at
to 4 chronic illnesses and a nearly 20% annual risk of odds with each other. For example, respect for patient
hospitalization. The elderly population accounts for most autonomy may be at odds with a clinician’s desire to do
deaths.1,2 Also, many older persons have impaired deci- good or prevent harm.
sion-making capacity and insufficient social support and
economic resources.3 Therefore, clinicians likely will care COMMON ETHICAL DILEMMAS IN GERIATRICS
for an increasing number of elderly patients with challeng- Ensuring Informed Consent
ing medical and psychosocial problems that, in turn, may An 82-year-old woman presents with a palpable breast
precipitate daunting ethical dilemmas.4 Because of these mass. Biopsy reveals breast cancer. The patient is seen by a
factors, clinicians should be familiar with the ethical dilem- surgeon who tells her that she needs surgery, hands her a
mas commonly encountered when caring for elderly pa- consent form, asks her to read and sign it, and leaves the
tients. In this article, we review several of these dilemmas. examination room. The surgeon’s resident returns later to
retrieve the signed form.
ETHICAL PRINCIPLES Respect for patient autonomy is the ethical principle that
Clinical ethics is the identification, analysis, and resolution underlies informed consent. For patients to be autonomous
of moral problems that arise in the care of patients.5 Four when making health care decisions, clinicians must ad-
widely accepted prima facie principles that characterize the equately inform them about their illnesses and treatment
ethical concerns of clinical practice are autonomy, benefi- options.
cence, nonmaleficence, and justice.6 Autonomy refers to the The legal duty to obtain consent for medical interven-
tions was established in American law during the early
From the Division of General Internal Medicine (P.S.M., K.C.F.) and 20th century.7 However, the term informed consent was
Division of Hematology and Internal Medicine (C.C.H.), Mayo Clinic
College of Medicine, Rochester, Minn.
first used in 1957 in the case of Salgo v Leland Stanford Jr
Univ Bd of Trustees.8 The patient, who was paralyzed after
Individual reprints of this article are not available. The entire Sympo-
sium on Geriatrics will be available for purchase as a bound booklet an invasive procedure, claimed he was not informed fully
from the Proceedings Editorial Office at a later date. about the risks of the procedure. The court agreed and
Mayo Clin Proc. 2004;79:554-562 554 © 2004 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research

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Mayo Clin Proc, April 2004, Vol 79 Ethical Issues in Geriatrics 555

concluded that a clinician violates his or her duty to the proper evaluation and treatment of patients.13 In the case
patient if facts necessary to make an informed decision are example, the clinician must be free to ask questions about
withheld from the patient.8 Later cases defined how much potentially sensitive matters (eg, history of mental illness,
information should be given for consent to be considered substance abuse) to properly assess and treat the patient’s
informed. For example, the case of Canterbury v Spence9 cognitive impairment. In turn, the patient (and spouse) must
established the reasonable patient standard, ie, clinicians be confident that the clinician will not divulge the patient’s
should provide the information that a “reasonable patient” information to others.
would need to know to make an informed decision about However, statutory and case law duties may obligate
the proposed intervention.7,9 clinicians to breach confidentiality to serve the best inter-
The basic requirements of informed consent are that the ests of others (eg, society). For example, most states have
physician conveys the necessary information to the patient mandatory reporting laws for suspected abuse of elderly
(ie, the nature of the illness, the proposed intervention, and persons.14 In this setting, the duty to protect the patient and
the risks and benefits of and alternatives to the proposed others from the abuser overrides the duty to maintain confi-
intervention) and has confirmation of the patient’s deci- dentiality. Clinicians also may be obligated to breach con-
sion-making capacity, understanding of the information, fidentiality when an elderly patient with impaired decision-
and voluntary agreement to the intervention.10 A signed making capacity poses a risk of harm to himself or herself
consent form is not a substitute for an in-depth and docu- (ie, a vulnerable adult) or to others (eg, while driving an
mented conversation with the patient about his or her ill- automobile).
ness and treatment options. In the case example, the patient
may have signed the consent form but may not have under- Determining Decision-Making Capacity
stood it. Furthermore, it is unclear whether the patient A 79-year-old man with mild dementia has positive
understood her treatment options (including doing noth- results on Hemoccult testing of stool samples. His physi-
ing). Thus, the surgeon did not necessarily obtain informed cian recommends colonoscopy. The patient understands
consent. and can repeat in simple terms the rationale for the proce-
Informed consent should be obtained for most interven- dure as well as its risks and benefits.
tions. However, in certain circumstances, informed consent Clinicians commonly care for elderly persons who have
cannot be obtained. For example, when a patient lacks conditions (eg, dementia) that impair decision-making ca-
decision-making capacity, consent must be obtained from a pacity. However, patients must have decision-making ca-
surrogate. In emergencies, consent is presumed when an pacity to be autonomous and participate in informed con-
advance directive (AD) or a surrogate is unavailable. sent. Decision-making capacity includes the ability to
It is ethically and legally permissible for patients with communicate a choice, understand the nature and conse-
decision-making capacity to refuse unwanted medical in- quences of the choice, manipulate rationally the informa-
terventions. Physicians have a duty to respect these deci- tion necessary to make the choice, and reason consistently
sions.11 Not surprisingly, a patient’s refusal of an interven- with previously expressed values and goals.12
tion may be at odds with a clinician’s desire to do good. The level of decision-making capacity should be in
Although refusal of an intervention may be regarded by accordance with the risks and benefits of the decision to be
the clinician as wrong, it is not necessarily irrational.12 made.6 For example, the physician should be absolutely
If the clinician determines that the patient is adequately certain that a patient who refuses a low-risk, yet life-saving,
informed about the proposed intervention and the risks of intervention has adequate decision-making capacity.
refusing it (informed refusal), the patient’s decision should In many circumstances, patients with impaired cogni-
be respected. tion have sufficient decision-making capacity. The patient in
the case example has sufficient decision-making capacity to
Ensuring Patient Confidentiality consent to colonoscopy. He understands and can articulate
An 81-year-old well-known public figure presents for a the indications, risks, and benefits of the procedure.
physical examination. During the interview, the patient At times, determining a patient’s decision-making ca-
shows substantial cognitive impairment. The patient’s pacity can be difficult, especially if the patient or family
spouse, who is present during the interview, confirms that disagree on the assessment, the patient has concerns unfa-
the patient’s memory has been impaired for several years. miliar to the clinician (eg, spiritual concerns), or the patient
The ethical principle of autonomy requires clinicians to has a psychiatric illness that is difficult to treat. Colleagues
maintain patient confidentiality. To be autonomous, pa- who can help determine a patient’s decision-making capac-
tients must be able to control personal information. Fur- ity include psychiatrists, geriatric specialists, chaplains,
thermore, maintaining confidentiality is necessary for the social workers, and ethics consultants.15

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556 Ethical Issues in Geriatrics Mayo Clin Proc, April 2004, Vol 79

The clinician has a duty to protect patients without deaths (N=13,883) found that only 9.8% of decedents had
decision-making capacity from inappropriate health care an AD. Patients with ADs, however, were less likely to
decisions. In such cases, the clinician is not overriding undergo cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and more
patient autonomy because autonomous decisions by the likely to use health care services (eg, physician visits) and
patient are not possible. In these circumstances, clinicians hospice care. Other studies have found similar results.23
should identify an appropriate surrogate decision maker Many patients who complete an AD do not inform their
(discussed subsequently). clinicians that they have one.24,25 Also, patients who have
ADs often cannot produce them when they are needed (eg,
Promoting Advance Care Planning and Use of ADs when ADs are kept in safe-deposit boxes).17 When ADs are
An 86-year-old widow with 3 adult children is hospital- in clinicians’ possession, clinicians often place them into
ized with pneumonia. Despite antibiotics and supportive outpatient charts, not into hospital charts where the need
care, the patient’s pneumonia progresses, and she devel- for them may be greater.23 One study16 found that one
ops hypoxemia and delirium. The patient’s clinician rec- quarter of ADs disappeared from nursing home charts
ommends mechanical ventilation. Her AD identifies her within 2 years and that only one third were incorporated
youngest child, a nurse, as her surrogate decision maker. into the hospital chart when nursing home residents were
In emergencies, consent is presumed, and clinicians hospitalized. In fact, most ADs are not incorporated explic-
should endeavor to preserve life; however, most clinical itly into patient care.16,23,25,26
situations are not emergencies. Clinical situations that in- Few patients discuss end-of-life issues with their clini-
volve patients who lack decision-making capacity require cians. However, most patients would welcome such discus-
ways to facilitate decision making. Advance care planning sions, and most want their clinicians to initiate them.24
allows a patient to identify health care preferences and Unfortunately, informing clinicians of patient end-of-life
surrogate decision makers in the event the patient cannot preferences may not ensure that those preferences are
make health care decisions.11 Advance care planning in- granted or that end-of-life care is improved.27 These facts
cludes patient-clinician discussions of future and end-of- suggest that clinicians must take more responsibility for
life care and the completion of an AD. actively discussing, documenting, and respecting their pa-
The AD promotes autonomy of patients who lack, but tients’ future care and end-of-life preferences.
once possessed, decision-making capacity.16 Clinicians
should regard the AD as an extension of the fully autono- When and How Surrogates Should Be Used for
mous patient. In general, there are 2 forms of ADs, the Decision Making
living will and the durable power of attorney for health A 68-year-old man with alcoholism is admitted to the
care. The living will lists interventions and other actions hospital with hematemesis and encephalopathy. The
that should or should not be taken in specific circumstances patient’s clinician recommends esophagogastroduodenos-
(usually when the patient is terminally ill). Living wills can copy. However, the patient lacks decision-making capacity
be highly detailed or give vague instructions that make and has no AD.
their interpretation difficult.17 The durable power of attor- When a patient lacks decision-making capacity, the cli-
ney for health care identifies the surrogate decision maker nician must rely on a surrogate to make decisions for the
in the event the patient lacks decision-making capacity. In patient. If the patient has an AD that identifies a surrogate,
the case example, the clinician should obtain informed this choice should be respected.11 However, many patients
consent for interventions from the child who is identified in without decision-making capacity do not have an AD. In
the AD as the surrogate decision maker. these circumstances, clinicians must identify an appropri-
All 50 states recognize ADs as an extension of patient ate surrogate.
autonomy.18 Furthermore, professional medical societies The ideal surrogate is one who best understands the
have endorsed wider use of ADs for end-of-life plan- patient’s health care values and goals.28 Family members
ning.11,19 Most patients, whether young or old, and the usually serve as surrogates; however, some states specify a
general public endorse the use of ADs.20 Finally, the Patient hierarchy of surrogates (eg, court-appointed guardian,
Self-Determination Act of 1990 requires health care insti- spouse, next of kin). In some cases, a patient’s family and
tutions that participate in Medicare and Medicaid programs other interested persons may agree that a close friend may
to ask patients whether they have an AD, inform patients of be the most appropriate surrogate.11 In the case example,
their right to complete an AD, and incorporate patient ADs the clinician should determine the appropriate surrogate
into their medical records.21 decision maker for the patient (while attempting to reverse
Nevertheless, most people, including elderly persons, the patient’s encephalopathy and restore his decision-mak-
do not have ADs. One study22 of a random sample of all US ing capacity).

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Mayo Clin Proc, April 2004, Vol 79 Ethical Issues in Geriatrics 557

Surrogate decision makers should base their decisions never were competent or never completed an AD, the
on the patient’s previously expressed values and goals (ie, Supreme Court deferred to the states on how surrogates
“substituted judgment”).28 However, several studies have should exercise the right of patients to refuse medical inter-
found that surrogates often are unaware of and cannot ventions.40 Notably, no American court has found a clini-
accurately predict patient health care values and goals.29,30 cian liable for wrongful death after the physician granted a
Furthermore, other studies have found that surrogate re- patient’s or surrogate’s refusal of, or request to withdraw,
view of elderly patients’ ADs does not necessarily improve life-sustaining treatments.36
surrogate-substituted judgment.31,32 These studies suggest Granting a patient’s refusal of, or request to withdraw, a
that many surrogates do not understand patients’ health medical intervention is not the same as physician-assisted
care values and goals and base their decisions on what they suicide (PAS) or euthanasia. In PAS, the patient personally
regard as most appropriate for patients (ie, “best interest”).28 terminates his or her life by using an external means pro-
vided by a clinician (eg, lethal prescription). In euthanasia,
When Withdrawing and Withholding Life-Sustaining the clinician directly terminates the patient’s life (eg, by
Interventions Is Appropriate lethal injection). In PAS and euthanasia, a new intervention
A 72-year-old woman with metastatic colon cancer en- such as a drug is introduced, the sole intent of which is the
rolls in a hospice program. She has an implantable patient’s death. In contrast, when a patient dies after an
cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) for ventricular arrhyth- intervention is refused or withdrawn, the underlying disease
mias. While in hospice care, she asks her cardiologist to is the cause of death. The intent is freedom from interven-
turn off the ICD. tions that are perceived as burdensome.11,41-43 In the case
Both patients and clinicians see room for improving example, the cardiologist should grant the patient’s request
end-of-life care.33 Patients say quality end-of-life care to withdraw ICD support. Deprogramming the ICD is pain-
should include adequately managing pain and symptoms, less and would prevent uncomfortable cardioversions during
avoiding a prolonged process of dying, achieving a sense of the last days of the patient’s life. The patient’s disease, not
control, relieving burden, and strengthening relationships deprogramming the ICD, is the cause of death.
with loved ones.34 Dying patients may refuse or request the Clinicians should be certain that patients who refuse or
withdrawal of any or all interventions. However, clinicians request the withdrawal of life-sustaining interventions have
may be reluctant to grant such requests for fear of litigation adequate decision-making capacity and are informed of the
or prosecution for unlawful death. Nevertheless, the right consequences of their request.37 However, studies have
to refuse, or request the withdrawal of, medical interven- found that many patients lack decision-making capacity
tions is ethical and legal.11,35,36 Withdrawal of life-sustain- when decisions to withhold or withdraw life-sustain-
ing interventions (eg, mechanical ventilation, hemodialy- ing treatments are made (by surrogates).44,45 Notably, life-
sis, and artificial nutrition) from patients with advanced sustaining treatments are more likely to be withheld from
medical conditions is practiced widely.37 elderly persons and patients who lack decision-making
The ethical principle of autonomy underlies the right to capacity than from younger patients and patients who have
refuse, or request the withdrawal of, unwanted medical decision-making capacity.46,47 These studies highlight the
interventions. Patients also have the right to decline previ- importance of clinicians discussing end-of-life values and
ously consented-to interventions if their health care values goals with elderly patients while the patients possess
and goals have changed.37 If a clinician begins or continues decision-making capacity. In addition, elderly patients
an intervention that a patient has refused, legally the clini- should be encouraged to discuss these values and goals
cian is committing battery, regardless of intent.11 with their potential surrogates and explicitly express them
Numerous American court decisions have clarified a in an AD.
patient’s legal right to refuse, or request the withdrawal of, At times, a clinician may conscientiously object to a
life-sustaining interventions. In the Quinlan case,38 the patient’s request to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining
New Jersey Supreme Court claimed that the right to pri- treatments. Nevertheless, clinicians must acknowledge the
vacy includes the right to refuse unwanted medical inter- patient’s authority over his or her own body and right to
ventions, including life-sustaining treatments. In the case refuse unwanted interventions. If the patient’s decision to
of Cruzan v Director, Missouri Dept of Health,39 the US withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatments remains
Supreme Court affirmed the right of competent patients to unchanged after the patient carefully considers his or her
refuse unwanted medical interventions. The Supreme health care goals and values and understands the conse-
Court also affirmed the rights of incompetent persons to quences of the request, and if granting the request still
refuse treatments through ADs and surrogate decision violates the clinician’s conscience, the clinician should
makers. However, for situations involving patients who transfer care of the patient to another physician.11

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558 Ethical Issues in Geriatrics Mayo Clin Proc, April 2004, Vol 79

Use of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Do-Not- Controversies related to patient requests for interven-
Resuscitate Orders tions frequently are due to requests of questionable efficacy
An 82-year-old man is admitted for chest pain due to (eg, PSA screening in elderly men) that support an un-
myocardial infarction. His clinician asks the patient if he controversial end (eg, patient health).58 These requests of-
desires CPR should he experience a cardiopulmonary ar- ten reflect the gap between clinical evidence and clinical
rest. The patient tells the clinician that he wants “every- practice. Also, patients’ values, goals, and experiences of-
thing done.” ten prompt these requests. In the case example, the patient
In practice, consent to CPR is presumed, and clinicians may have been prompted by the death of his friend to
must perform CPR unless a do-not-resuscitate order (to request PSA screening. However, because of insufficient
which the patient or surrogate has consented) exists. “Slow evidence, his clinician cannot advise for or against screen-
codes” (ie, incomplete CPR efforts) are morally indefen- ing. In situations such as this, clinicians are obligated to
sible.11 Nevertheless, CPR is a low-yield procedure. A meta- discuss with the patient their values, goals, and experiences
analysis48 of 10 studies of CPR in the hospital setting found that underlie the request and to inform the patient of the
that only 41% of patients who underwent CPR survived potential risks and benefits of the intervention.
immediately, and only 13% survived to discharge. Notably, Occasionally, patients also may request interventions
age was not a predictor of survival to discharge after CPR. that are effective yet support a controversial end.58 A re-
Among elderly persons, CPR outside of the hospital is quest that supports a controversial end reflects the gap be-
less effective than CPR in the hospital. In 1 study,49 2 of tween the patient’s and the clinician’s values of the desired
244 persons (0.8%) aged 70 years or older who underwent end. For example, the surrogate decision maker for an el-
CPR outside of the hospital survived to discharge com- derly patient with multiorgan failure and impaired deci-
pared with 17 of 259 (6.6%) who underwent CPR in the sion-making capacity may demand continued life-sustain-
hospital. Similarly, only 0% to 5% of nursing home resi- ing treatments (eg, ventilator and hemodialysis support) for
dents who underwent CPR outside of the hospital survived the patient because the desired end is to keep the patient
to discharge.50 alive and the treatments are effective and necessary to
Adjusting for severity of illness, do-not-resuscitate or- achieve that end. However, the clinician may regard the
der rates increase with age.51-53 However, most elderly per- treatments as futile or nonbeneficial because he or she
sons do not have an accurate understanding of what is believes the treatments will not result in a meaningful
meant by CPR, and most have not discussed CPR with their recovery for the patient (the clinician’s desired end). In
clinicians.54 Furthermore, patients overestimate the success other words, what the clinician regards as futile may not be
of CPR. However, after being informed of the actual effi- seen as futile by the patient or surrogate.
cacy of CPR, many elderly persons decline the procedure.55 Medical futility is difficult to define.13,59 Quantitative or
Also, studies have found that surrogates and clinicians qualitative assessments of futility are value-laden.60 The
often incorrectly predict elderly persons’ preferences for Wanglie case61 illustrates how patients (and their surro-
CPR.56,57 Furthermore, clinicians cannot infer an elderly gates) and clinicians can have different views of the mean-
patient’s desire for CPR on the basis of whether the patient ing of futile. Mrs Wanglie was an 86-year-old woman who
has an AD.17 These studies emphasize the need for clinicians was in a persistent vegetative state and was dependent on
to explicitly discuss CPR and its efficacy with their elderly life-sustaining treatments for more than 1 year after an
patients. In the case example, the patient’s clinician should illness. The institution, claiming futility, did not want to
discuss with the patient the nature of CPR (ie, what is done), continue life-sustaining interventions because they could
its risks and benefits, and the expected outcomes. In turn, the not restore the patient to consciousness. However, to the
patient’s decision regarding CPR should be respected. Wanglie family, maintaining Mrs Wanglie’s life in its cur-
rent state was a valuable end, and maintaining the life-
Responding to Requests for Interventions sustaining interventions was essential for achieving that
A healthy 77-year-old man requests serum prostate- end. The institution sought guardianship of Mrs Wanglie;
specific antigen (PSA) screening for prostate cancer. Of the court refused and affirmed the rights of families to
note, one of his friends recently died of prostate cancer. make decisions about life-sustaining treatments when pa-
Patients frequently make requests for medical interven- tients cannot. Also, the court indicated that surrogates can-
tions. Many requests are reasonable, and clinicians should not be impeached if they differ with physician recommen-
honor requests if they are within the standard of care. dations when there is reason to believe the surrogate is
However, clinicians are not obligated to grant requests for acting in accordance with the patient’s wishes.62
interventions that are clearly ineffective or requests that When responding to requests for interventions that are
violate their conscience.58 effective yet support a controversial end, clinicians should

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Mayo Clin Proc, April 2004, Vol 79 Ethical Issues in Geriatrics 559

endeavor to discern the patient’s health care values and side rationing based on age. If the standard treatment for her
goals. If the patient remains steadfast in his or her request coronary artery disease is surgery and relevant contraindi-
and the intervention supports the patient’s values and cations do not exist, the patient should be offered surgery.
goals, the request should be granted. However, if imple-
mentation of the intervention violates the clinician’s con- Recommending Nursing Home Care
science, the clinician should arrange, if possible, to transfer A 79-year-old widow is admitted to the hospital after a
care of the patient to another clinician or institution.11 stroke. She has a dense left hemiplegia and requires skilled
nursing care. Her clinician recommends long-term care in
Allocating Health Care Resources a nursing home. However, the patient wants to be dis-
An 80-year-old woman presents with exertion-induced charged to her home.
chest pain. Coronary angiography reveals 3-vessel coro- Most nursing home residents are elderly,1 poor, physi-
nary artery disease and a 90% stenosis of the left main cally disabled, and cognitively impaired, and many have
coronary artery. The patient’s cardiologist recommends experienced losses of social support (eg, death of a spouse).28
medical management rather than surgery. Furthermore, autonomy of nursing home residents may be
In 1997, health care spending accounted for 13.5% of limited by government regulations, restrictions on activities,
the gross domestic product, and this figure is projected to and congregate living.14,28 Finally, the quality of care and
increase.63 The elderly population accounts for a dispropor- sufficiency of staffing in nursing homes long have been of
tionately high percentage of health care spending.64 Thus, it concern.68 Not surprisingly, many seriously ill people would
is not surprising that some have called for health care rather die than live in a nursing home.69
rationing based on age.4 Clinicians are under increasing Nevertheless, safety is a frequently cited reason for
pressure from third parties (eg, health maintenance organi- offering nursing home care. The ethical dilemma of au-
zations) to control health care spending.65 tonomy vs safety commonly affects nursing home resi-
Rationing occurs when a clinician withholds a medi- dents.70 In the case example, the clinician regards the ben-
cally beneficial intervention because of its cost to someone efits of nursing home care (eg, safety and skilled nursing
other than the patient.66 Numerous arguments have been care) as greater than the harms (eg, limited autonomy). If
used to justify rationing based on age.4 For example, some discharging the patient to her home is clearly dangerous,
argue that elderly persons benefit less from medical inter- then the clinician has an ethical and possibly a legal duty (eg,
ventions than do younger persons. Mounting evidence sug- vulnerable adult statute) to protect the patient with appropri-
gests that chronological age may not be as important in ate institutional care. If the risk of harm is ambiguous, then
determining outcomes from medical interventions, including discharging the patient to her home with appropriate moni-
surgery, chemotherapy, and hemodialysis, as previously be- toring on a trial basis could be attempted and may be neces-
lieved.67 Instead, performance status, comorbid illnesses, sary for the patient’s acceptance of future nursing home care.
and other factors are more important predictors of out- For nursing home residents, clinicians should endeavor
comes.65 Some argue that society gains little from treating to maximize autonomy while ensuring the patient’s (and
the nonworking elderly population. However, many young others’) safety. Maximizing autonomy can be achieved, in
persons do not work (eg, those who are disabled). Further- part, by respecting the resident’s values and goals and
more, many nonworking elderly persons contribute to soci- involving them in the decisions (eg, treatments, personal
ety in ways that are difficult to measure (eg, family relation- care, communications). When feasible, requests for pri-
ships).4 Similarly, some argue that, because older persons vacy should be honored. Physical restraints should be
have lived most of their lives, health care resources should be avoided, not only because they severely restrict autonomy
diverted to younger persons. However, this approach would but also because they cause more harm than good.71
not ensure that health care resources would be used wisely.
For example, many young persons have illnesses for which AVOIDING ETHICAL DILEMMAS THROUGH
treatment is marginally beneficial, whereas many older per- EFFECTIVE PATIENT-CLINICIAN COMMUNICATION
sons have illnesses for which treatment is highly beneficial.4 Effective patient-clinician communication maximizes pa-
Overall, arguments that favor bedside rationing based on age tient autonomy. However, effective communication goes
are inherently value-laden and discriminatory. beyond informed consent and maintaining confidentiality.
The ethical principle of justice refers to the duty to treat Clinicians have an ethical duty to treat patients in a digni-
individuals fairly (ie, free of bias and based on medical fied, courteous, and respectful manner.13
need).6 Injustice occurs when health care decisions are based Research studies have found major problems with pa-
on irrelevant patient-specific factors (eg, age) rather than on tient-clinician communication. Clinicians frequently fail to
medical need.13,65 The case example illustrates possible bed- elicit patients’ concerns.72 Clinicians interrupt patients, on

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560 Ethical Issues in Geriatrics Mayo Clin Proc, April 2004, Vol 79

Table 1. Practical Tips for treatment plans), clinicians should use jargon-free language
Effective Patient-Clinician Communication and frequently assess patient comprehension (eg, by asking
Opening the interview “Before we begin, I’d like to take a few “Am I making sense?”). Additional practical tips for effec-
moments to get to know you.” tive patient-clinician communication are listed in Table 1.
“Did you make it to the office OK?” Patient-centered interviewing requires little time and ef-
“Tell me about yourself.”
Information gathering Allow the patient to describe his or her fort.81-83 Other factors and conditions may inhibit effective
concerns without interruption, and then ask, communication between elderly patients and their clinicians
“What else?” until the patient finishes. including sensory impairment (eg, hearing loss), cognitive
Jointly prioritize concerns.
Relationship building PEARLS mnemonic impairment, and social isolation. To fully discern the needs
Partnership: “We are going to solve this and maximize the autonomy of their patients, clinicians are
problem together.” obligated to address these conditions and factors.
Empathy: “It sounds like you are
experiencing a lot of pain.”
Apology: “I’m sorry I’ve kept you waiting.” APPROACHING ETHICAL DILEMMAS
Respect: “I admire your strength and Even in the best circumstances, many clinicians will face
Legitimization: “Many people with this ethical dilemmas that they cannot resolve quickly. The
illness experience similar symptoms.” Mayo Clinic Ethics Consultation Service uses a case-based
Support: “I will be here for you through- approach to ethical dilemmas described by Jonsen et al.5
out your treatment.”
Conveying information Ask the patient about his or her understanding This approach to ethical dilemmas begins with a review of
(eg, test results, of the problem, the tests done, etc 4 topics: medical indications, patient preferences, quality
treatment plans) Tell (slowly and jargon-free) the patient his of life, and contextual features (Table 2). This order of
or her test results, diagnosis, etc
Ask about his or her understanding and feelings review does not imply ethical priority. Rather, it allows for
proper exposition, organization, and analysis of all the ethi-
Data from Barrier et al.79
cally relevant facts (ie, the facts related to the 4 prima facie
ethical principles) of a given case. Answering the questions
average, 18 seconds after patients begin to describe their in Table 2 is a convenient approach to the 4 topics. Reviewed
reasons for the consultation.73 Furthermore, advance care together, the answers to the questions not only usually define
planning and end-of-life discussions between clinicians the ethical problem but also suggest a solution.
and patients are sparse.24,74 Thus, it is not surprising that Occasionally, despite this approach, ethical dilemmas
ethical dilemmas may arise because of poor communica- remain unresolved; third-party mediation can be helpful to
tion between clinicians and their patients (or surrogates).74 break the impasse. Most health care institutions have some
Nevertheless, research studies, including randomized form of ethics consultation process to help resolve these
trials, have found that effective patient-clinician communi- dilemmas. Clinicians should be familiar with the ethics con-
cation is associated with greater patient satisfaction and sultation process at their institutions and use it when needed.
compliance and better health outcomes.72,75 Also, effective
communication is associated with fewer malpractice CONCLUSIONS
claims76,77 and may prevent ethical dilemmas.78 It is reasonable to expect that clinicians will care for an in-
Fortunately, clinicians can learn skills to improve com- creasing number of elderly persons with challenging medical
munication with patients related to opening the interview, and psychosocial problems. These problems and issues may
information gathering, relationship building, and convey- lead to daunting ethical dilemmas. We reviewed ethical di-
ing medical information (eg, results of tests, diagnoses).79 lemmas commonly encountered when caring for elderly per-
When opening the interview, clinicians should endeavor to sons but recognize that this group is by no means exhaustive.
learn about the patient as a person (who they are, their Many ethical dilemmas arise because of inadequate pa-
values and goals, etc).80 The patient should be allowed to tient-clinician communication. Effective communication is
describe his or her reasons for the consultation without not only a clinician’s duty; it is an important feature of the
interruption. Physicians should elicit the patient’s entire art of medicine and may prevent many ethical dilemmas.
agenda by asking questions such as, “What else concerns Nevertheless, even in the best of circumstances, ethical
you?”79 Notably, the average time for a patient to articulate dilemmas occur. A useful approach to ethical dilemmas
his or her list of concerns is 60 seconds.73 After all the begins with a review of the medical indications, patient
patient’s concerns have been aired, the clinician and patient preferences, quality of life, and contextual features of a
should jointly prioritize them. In the course of the interview, given case. This approach enables clinicians to identify and
relationship-building statements should be used (Table 1).79 analyze the relevant facts of a case, define the ethical
When conveying medical information (eg, test results or problem, and suggest a solution.

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Mayo Clin Proc, April 2004, Vol 79 Ethical Issues in Geriatrics 561

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End of the Symposium on Geriatrics.

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