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May 23, 2011

Good Old Lower East Side, Inc.

It is deeply unfortunate that the issue of the renewal of the rent stabilizations law
has become a partisan issue that breaks down along party lines in Albany. The
renewal and strengthening of the rent laws has to be a bipartisan issue because it
is in our collective self interest to pass this legislation to preserve the future of rent
regulation that ensures that over 2 million can continue to stay in their apartments
in the coming future. Failure to renew and strengthen the laws will only exacerbate
the already existing housing crisis that continues to create record numbers of
homeless in the city burdening the local governments with increased spending to
place and house the individuals and families displaced with the attendant
supportive services. It is cost effective to preserve existing affordable housing
rather than find alternative housing.

In addition, failure to preserve affordable housing by laws destroys the very fabric of
our diverse and multi-cultural society. It is an issue that we safely assume on which
there is bipartisan support. The legislature has to recognize and understand that
rent laws not only preserve affordable housing but also helps maintain the diversity
that has made America the great nation that it is today. And any attack on the rent
laws by either weakening or elimination by letting them expire is an attack on the
diversity that is the foundation of our country.

In the Lower East Side, due to high rents and vacancy decontrol the Puerto Rican
community has seen a decline of over 60% since the late nineties. The African
American population has declined by 20% and there also have been significant
declines in ethnic European communities in the area. The repeal of vacancy
decontrol is essential in stopping the complete displacement of working people in
the neighborhood and in the city as a whole.

Without rent regulation, many New Yorkers would be on the streets- it is as simple
as that. This protection against arbitrary eviction is absolutely necessary to stop
massive displacement taking place in the city. The Assembly recognizes this and
has passed the tenant omnibus bill that would prevent chaos o f this scale from
taking place. It is up to the Governor to ensure that the Senate approves the
legislation and he signs it into law now!

Wasim Lone

Director of Housing Services



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