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Nicolò Avogadri 5AT Elaborato per l'Esame di Stato

5-day itinerary: discovering Chianti

During this tour you will visit the beautiful wine
region of Chianti, a region located in the Tuscan
hinterland, particularly renowned for the production
of wines. During the trip you will not only visit the
wine-producing places, but also places known for
their gastronomic specialties: we speak of Pisa and
Florence, which are among other things considered
the two ends of the Chianti region. The itinerary
starts in Pisa, and then you can move to a hotel in Florence, visit the towns of the Chianti
hinterland and finish the last two days discovering the city of Florence. In this way you can
taste the gastronomic specialties that the two major cities have to offer, but also taste Chianti
directly from its producers.
The price of this itinerary includes:
. The hotels (one in Pisa and the other in Florence) where you will stay for 5 days.
. The private transfer, which will take you to the most distant places. If two stops are nearby
you can go on foot, so immerse yourself in
the city.
. The guided tours, museums, palaces, wine
bars, cellars to which you will take part.
. Restaurants: the meals you will eat will be
included in the price of the itinerary, in the
form of a voucher.

Tourists will arrive, by London-Pisa flight, at

the international airport Galileo Galilei at 6
pm of the 14/03, will be taken to the city,
in Pisa, by private transfer. They will check in at the hotel Grand Hotel Duomo.


The first city you will visit is Pisa. It is one of the major Tuscan cities, with a glorious past and
now home to major universities. Located in the northern part of Tuscany, it is one of the ends
in which the Chianti area is included. Crossed by the river Arno, the city is built on the plain of
this river. Behind there are the Monti Pisani, which separates it from Lucca. The origins of this
city are not certain: it is thought that it was an Etruscan river port, it was a good strategic
point to defend the city. The most flourishing period was undoubtedly the eleventh century:
Pisa became a maritime republic, along with Amalfi, Venice and Genoa. During this period the
Cathedral and the Leaning Tower were built, two of the most important attractions in Pisa.

Wake up at 9:30 am and breakfast at the hotel

After breakfast, you will visit the famous museum dedicated to the Royal Palace in Pisa.

(the transfer will take you directly to the

Palace, starting from the hotel) A guide will
show you the history of the Palace. Dating
back to the sixteenth century and now home
to the Superintendence, it houses a museum
in the noble rooms of the palace. Inside
there are numerous relics of Pisan history:
Nicolò Avogadri 5AT Elaborato per l'Esame di Stato

the tapestries and furnishings that the Medici used to adorn the palace, the portraits of the
most important members of the family, or the ancient armaments of the Game of the Bridge,
with over 900 pieces of Lombard manufacture from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century.
Overlooking the Arno, the river that runs through the city, is located in one of the most
popular areas, named the Lungarno.

After the visit, which will last about an hour and a quarter, you will have time for a relaxing
walk in the Lungarno. A little more than 200 meters away is the Ritros Bar, a place where you
can enjoy an aperitif with a view of the Lungarno.

Lunch at 12:30 at the restaurant Hostaria le Repubbliche Marinare Pisa

As we know, Pisa has an ancient gastronomic tradition, with many dishes that were considered
"poor" but today are real specialties. In this restaurant you can enjoy some of these dishes,

- Pallette
Cream of ground maize flour (a kind of polenta), served on the plate and seasoned with layers
of meat sauce of both beef and pork, rabbit meat and mushroom sauce , -
- Pappa al Pomodoro
Very famous poor dish of peasant origin, typical of the Tuscan feud. Prepared with stale bread,
tomatoes, basil, garlic, sage, onion and olive oil. It was originally prepared as a recovery dish.
- Pasta and chickpeas
Dish of the ancient culinary tradition of Pisa, consisting only of pasta (short) and chickpeas
(whole). A variation is the chickpea sauce, accompanied by chard or shrimp. - Pisana soup One
of the most famous typical dishes. A soup made of stale bread and many ingredients: cabbage,
pork rind, onions, potatoes, carrots, celery, flat beans (typical Pisan), peeled tomatoes, salt
and pepper oil.

At 2:30 pm the transfer will take you to Piazza dei Miracoli

Piazza dei Miracoli is undoubtedly the most important place in Pisa. Its name is due to Gabriele
d'Annunzio, who named it the "Prato dei Miracoli" in the famous work "Forse che si, forse che
no". It has been designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO for about 25 years now, and is
located almost outside the walls (also a symbol of the fact that Pisa was not afraid of threats).
The reason lies in the size of the project: there was not an equally large space to realize this
architectural complex. Originally the square was a religious center since the Etruscan times:
the three complexes that are present represent the fundamental stages of life. The Baptistery
the birth, the Cathedral the life and the Cemetery the death.

A specialized guide will accompany you in your visit to

the architectural complex, starting with the Cathedral.
The Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta is the fulcrum of
the complex: it was the first of the three architectures
to be completed, precisely in 1064. Made in
Romanesque style, it was influenced by several other
styles due to the variety of cultures during the
Maritime Republic period. In fact, we can admire the
columns inside that resemble those typical of the
mosques. The Cathedral was built in two phases,
managed by the architect Buscheto and Rainaldo.
Nicolò Avogadri 5AT Elaborato per l'Esame di Stato

The Baptistery was added in 1152 thanks to the architect Diotislavi, but later revisited by
Nicola Pisano. This place was traditionally used for the sacrament of baptism, and for this
reason it has a religious component.

Instead the cemetery, which is the last stage of the life cycle of Piazza dei Miracoli, is located
north of the square and dates back to 1277, thanks to the architect Giovanni di Simone. It is a
rectangular structure with inside a cloister with Gothic elements, built on a land that, according
to tradition, comes from the Holy Land where Jesus was crucified.

But the most famous monument in Piazza dei Miracoli is none of these three, but the famous
Leaning Tower. The tower of Pisa dates back to 9 August 1173, built as one of the many
architectural additions to the square. It must have been the bell tower of the cathedral, as was
thought by Bonannino Pisano, architect who laid the first stone. The reason for its famous
slope is due to various subsidence of the clay soil on which it was built, which has resisted a
hundred earthquakes, although some scholars say that the tower was never straight, but was
built with a slight slope (to give it a touch of originality) which then continued over the years.
The Tower can actually be visited: it is composed of seven floors that symbolize the seven
ways of Christ, that is, the seven stages of life necessary to reach Christ. At the top you can
enjoy a wonderful view over the entire square, and you can see up close the seven bells (like
the floors) that weigh altogether almost ten tons and are never played to avoid dangerous
vibrations to the ground.

At 5:00 pm you will finish the visit to the Square, and the transfer will take you back
to the center

Downtown you will visit Montino, a key place of Pisan street food. There you can taste the
Cecina, a savory cake made with chickpea flour, water, salt and oil. There are many variations
(for example in Livorno it is called five and five, or bread and cake, and you eat accompanied
by a glass of foam), each city or area of the Tuscan feud has its own version.

Finally, at 6:00 pm you will visit Borgo Stretto and Borgo Largo

These are two of the busiest streets in the city, which you can explore freely. There are many
shops, and the buildings date back to the 14th and 15th centuries. A particular point of Borgo
Stretto is the Piazza del Pozzetto where there is (a copy) of the tabernacle of the Madonna dei
Vetturini by Nino Pisano. Borgo Largo is dominated by medieval buildings. These two courses
represent the main commercial artery: with hundreds of shops, bars and clubs, they are
constantly populated by tourists.

At 8:00 pm dinner at the Trattoria Sant'Omobono

At 8:00 pm you will dine in a characteristic restaurant in Borgo Stretto. Trattoria

Sant'Omobono offers typical Pisan cuisine. For dinner we recommend the following dishes:

- Mucco Pisano
The Pisano cow is not a real dish, but more an ingredient: it is the Pisan cow, a cross between
other types of cow. The meat of this cow has a tender
taste, and can be made various dishes, such as tortelli, stracotto, cut,
braised, etc...
- Stuffed muscles
Are stuffed mussels prepared, according to tradition, with minced pork, soaked bread, nutmeg,
Pisan pecorino, garlic, parsley and olive oil.
- Uccelletto beans with ossobuco
Nicolò Avogadri 5AT Elaborato per l'Esame di Stato

Beef accompanied by cannellini beans, seasoned with tomato sauce. After dinner, overnight at
the hotel.


The second day will be dedicated to Greve in Chianti. Greve in Chianti is a small town not far
from Florence, considered by many as the gateway to Chianti. Its symbol is the black rooster
(linked to the ancient competition between Florence and Siena). A tribute to this symbol is
located in Piazza della Resistenza, where you can admire the statue of the Black Rooster. In
addition to being a charming village, it has a huge history linked to wines and its production:
there you can learn more about the food and wine tradition of the region. In the morning you
will head straight to Florence, in a hotel that will welcome you for the rest of your itinerary.

At 8:00 am the transfer will leave for Florence, with an estimated journey of an hour
and a half.

At 9:30 am, when you arrive in Florence, you will check-in at the hotel Laurus Al Duomo, and
then immediately leave the hotel in the direction of Greve in Chianti. You will leave the hotel at
9:15 and arrive at 10:00 am.

10:00, visit to the House of Chianti Classico

The first stop you will visit is in fact the Casa del
Chianti, located in the nearby Radda in Chianti.
This place has a particular history: in the
beginning it was a convent dating back to 700,
the convent of Santa Maria al Prato, but it was
purchased by the Chianti Classico Wine
Consortium and the Foundation for the Protection
of the Chianti Classico Territory in 1996. It has
become a place of promotion for Chianti’s
territory, of its productive, artistic and cultural expressions. There you can have a tasting
lunch, which consists of a four-course menu, each accompanied by a glass of different wine.

At 1:00 pm, you will visit the Museum of Sacred Art San Francesco

Since September 2002, the San Francesco convent houses the Museum of Sacred Art of Greve
in Chianti, which has the task of informing visitors of the main works in the city. Inside we
have an important collection of ancient finds: objects, goldsmiths, furniture dating back to the
XIV/XV century. The museum guide will be able to tell you the history of these and many other
works on display.

3:00 pm, Wine Tour at the Enoteca Falorni

At 3;00 pm, you will go to the Enoteca Falorni, to

take part in a Wine Tour, a guided tour that will
allow you to taste some of the dozens of varieties
of wines that Chianti Classico has to offer. It is
Nicolò Avogadri 5AT Elaborato per l'Esame di Stato

located in the basement of the historic center of Greve in Chianti, in what was the first large
winery consisting of noble landowners (to be considered authentic forerunner of the
consortium Chianti Classico). For its charm and the presence of over a thousand labels mainly
Tuscan wines but also from the rest of Italy, bubbles, dessert wines, grappa and oils, the
Enoteca Falorni can really be considered "the temple of wine".

Once finished the wine tour, the transfer will take you back to the hotel in Florence
where you can dine and stay overnight


On the third day you will visit the village of Gaiole in Chianti, another important stop in the
Chianti region, along the river Masellone that connects Chianti to Valdarno. The entire Chianti
area has already proved to be rich in ancient finds, in fact different civilizations of the past
chose it as a place to settle, and Gaiole does not differ in this from other places in the area,
where even the smallest villages have names that testify the passage of these populations. A
charming village with medieval features that houses many ancient finds, including the most
important that is the Church of San Sigismondo.

Wake up at 8:00 am, breakfast and departure with the transfer to Gaiole in Chianti

Upon arrival (estimated at 10:00 am) you will visit the Church of San Sigismondo. This church
(neo-Gothic style), contrary to the external aspect, is very recent, dates back to the 60s. The
facade of this church appears unfinished as it lacks the typical cladding in Pietra Serena. From
the church was made a panel depicting the Crucifixion with the grieving and Saint Francis,
executed around 1390-1395 by Niccolò di Pietro Gerini, currently preserved at the Pinacoteca
Nazionale di Siena.

After the short visit, at 11:00 am you will leave for Vertine, a characteristic medieval
village in the area of Gaiole.

It’s one of the most beautiful villages in

Tuscany, and also one of the oldest since its
castle is thought to be 1000 years old. It
takes an hour to visit this village, surrounded
by green woods, a real gem in the Chianti
region. In the fifties it was inhabited by only
600 people, and housed shops and only one
school. Inside you can walk in the total peace of
this village, frequented by many tourists as
an intermediate point of many itineraries
among the nearby castles of Chianti. At 12:30 you will have lunch at the restaurant La Vineria
in Vertine, the most famous in the country.

At 2:00 pm, the transfer will take you to the last stage of the day, or the Castle of
Nicolò Avogadri 5AT Elaborato per l'Esame di Stato

The charming Brolio Castle is located in the southern part of Chianti Classico: here you will
take part in a guided tour that will take place in the gardens (the castle is still inhabited) and
of course the winery and the surrounding vineyards, where you will taste Chianti right in the
place where it was born. A few kilometers from Gaiole is this huge fortress dating back to 1141
from the Lombard origins. This has always been a strategic outpost linked to Florence, located
in fact near Siena (which you can even see from the top of the castle). It was a castle involved
in many battles, both in antiquity and in the modern era, in fact the last one was fought in the
Second World War. Its beauty and magnificence amaze every tourist that visits this castle, as
well as its millenary history closely linked to the territory and to the production of Chianti
Classico. In fact, the Ricasoli (the royal family of the castle) already in the 40s of the last
century exported their excellent wine all over the world, no area excluded.
The Ricasoli were very important: Bettino Ricasoli, known as the Baron of Iron, was one of the
most important politicians of the nineteenth century, mayor of Florence, as well as having
contributed to the realization of the unity of Italy. He was the first to create the ideal formula
of the famous Chianti wine, mixing three different grape varieties and creating the precious

At 7:00 pm the transfer will take you back to Gaiole, to have dinner at the
Malborghetto restaurant, while at 9:00 pm it will take you back to the hotel in


Day 4

The last stop on the itinerary is Florence, the most important city in Tuscany and the capital,
where you will spend the last two days. Florence is one of the most interesting tourist
destinations: a city rich in history, with an ancient atmosphere, with churches, monuments,
Renaissance palaces of breathtaking beauty so praised by poets of all time. Today the city is
visited by tourists from all over the world eager to admire its wonders and spend pleasant
moments. Surrounded to the north and east by the Apennine mountain range and to the south
by the rolling hills of Chianti, Florence is a not indifferent gastronomic pole, full of typical
trattorias where you can savor the delicious Tuscan cuisine and get ready to wander from one
place to another. , ready to attend concerts and shows or relax in parks and gardens before
taking long walks browsing the windows of the high fashion shops of the most famous
designers in the world.

Wake up at 10:30 am and breakfast at the hotel

The first place you will visit is the Basilica of San Lorenzo, located in the heart of Medici
Florence. The first thing that catches the eye is the facade, not finished, exactly like the church
of San Sigismondo. To visit the church in its entirety you need a guide who will explain its
history. Once this church was the cathedral of the city (keeping the title of cathedral for about
300 years), and housed many masterpieces of great names of the artistic and architectural
panorama. It is still famous today as it was the parish of the Medici family and maintained a
considerable importance among the community. The basilica is large in size, and there are
many highlights of the church that are worth visiting: The cloister is an important part, in fact
from it you can see the architectural profile of the city. From the Cloister you can enter the
basement (or crypt, as it is called by others) where the Treasure of San Lorenzo is kept, that is
the body of one of the most important representatives of the Medici family, Cosimo de Medici.

At 11:30 am you will head to the San Lorenzo Market

The Market is a large area divided into two separate sections: the closed part is commonly
known as the Central Market, while the outdoor area develops along the narrow streets
surrounding the large building of the Central Market. Inside you will find hundreds of stalls
Nicolò Avogadri 5AT Elaborato per l'Esame di Stato

arranged on both sides of the street, selling ceramic objects, clothes, stationery items,
souvenirs, and various leather goods. While the Central Market is the second section, and is
divided into two floors. On these two floors you can find purely food stalls, and taste many of
the Florentine street food specialties directly from the producers. It is advisable to have lunch
there to take advantage of the culinary variety that the Market offers.

At 1:30 pm you will leave the market and head towards the Piazza del Duomo to visit
the architectural complex

The Piazza del Duomo in Florence is the heart of the city, declared a World Heritage Site, and
houses the main monuments of the historic center. Inside we find the Cathedral of Santa Maria
in Fiore, begun by Arnolfo di Cambio and finished 2 centuries later by Brunelleschi. In addition
to the cathedral we find Giotto's bell tower,
and the Baptistery of San Giovanni:
- Cathedral
The Duomo, or the Cathedral of Santa Maria
in Fiore, is a Gothic style church,
characterized by the colored marble roof and
the famous Dome by Filippo Brunelleschi. It
was begun in 1296 and finished by
Brunelleschi in 1436. Inside there are some
very important works of art: two detached
frescoes depicting the monuments on
horseback of the leaders Giovanni Acuto and Niccolò da Tolentino, made by Castagno and
Paolo Uccello in fifteenth century. The Dome is a crucial part of the church, which you will visit
for the balcony that runs along the perimeter.
- The Baptistery
The baptistery of San Giovanni is one of the oldest places of worship in Florence: characterized
by a mixed architecture between Romanesque and early Christian, it was once believed that it
was a pagan temple dedicated to the god Mars. Inside you can admire the Dome Mosaic,
depicting Christ and the Last Judgment.
- Giotto's bell tower
The bell tower of the cathedral was begun by Giotto in the fourteenth century, but was carried
on by Andrea Pisano and completed by Francesco Talenti. The sculptural decoration with 56
reliefs is very important, made by Andrea Pisano, Donatello and Luca della Robbia.

At 5:00 pm the visit to the Piazza del Duomo will end, and you will have time to head
downtown and try the specialties of Florentine street food

Lampredotto is a street food, a poor and popular food, which is preserved by the “tripe stalls”,
as they call them in Florence, which would be the stalls
where Lampredotto is traditionally sold. The origin of
this dish is very ancient: it is said that Henry I, an
important person who lived in the twelfth century, was
fond of Lamprey. Lamprey was a very expensive fish,
which not everyone could afford. The doctor, however,
advised him not to eat lampreys, but Henry I did not
listen to him, and he died during a hunting trip in
Normandy. It is not known if he ate too many
lampreys or if he ate a rotten one, but it is known for
sure that the Florentines found an alternative that was
just as tasty but less expensive. They then replaced
the fish with offal, more precisely the abomasum, the fourth stomach of the bovine.
Lampredotto is served boiled, in a sandwich accompanied with green sauce. The best place to
eat this delicacy is "Lampredotto and Tripe I’Baracchino", not far from the Piazza del Duomo.
Subsequently, there will be time for a walk along the Florentine Lungarno before dinner at
7:30 pm at the Buca dell'Orafo restaurant: a characteristic Florentine trattoria open since
1945.If you order the ribollita, the Sangiovannese stew and the fried chicken, rabbit and
Nicolò Avogadri 5AT Elaborato per l'Esame di Stato

artichokes you will not regret it, but the real cult are the artichoke pie (in winter and spring)
and the pork loin with potatoes.

Day 5

Wake up at 10:30 am and breakfast at the hotel

The last day will always be dedicated to Florence, and

you will visit the most memorable places from an
artistic point of view. The first stop will in fact be
Palazzo Pitti, which is the symbol of the consolidated
power of the Medici in Tuscany. Palazzo Pitti still bears
the name of its first owner, the Florentine banker Luca
Pitti. The Palace contains numerous museums that you
can visit accompanied by a guide: the Treasury of the
Grand Dukes on the ground floor, the Palatine Gallery
and the Imperial and Royal Apartments on the noble
floor of the Palace, the Gallery of Modern Art and the
Museum of Fashion and Costume on the second floor.

12:00 lunch at the Calandrino restaurant

At 12:30 you will have lunch at the Calandrino restaurant, where you can try the Baccalà alla
Fiorentina. In a landlocked city it is certainly unusual for fish to be used. This was introduced
into the city during the trade in silk, wool and other materials with the northern countries:
instead of turning back the boats completely empty, they filled them with cod before their
return to Florence. A delicious combination of fish, tomatoes, onion and rosemary is served
with toasted bread.

At 2:30 pm you will visit the famous Uffizi Gallery, the museum par excellence of

The Uffizi is the most popular museum in Florence, and exhibits extraordinary collections of
ancient sculptures and paintings, from the Middle Ages to the present day. The museum
complex is located in a building built by Vasari at the end of the sixteenth century. The
collections of paintings of the fourteenth century and of the Renaissance contain some absolute
masterpieces of art of all times: just remember the names of Giotto, Simone Martini, Piero
della Francesca.

At 5:30 pm you will end the visit to the Gallery, and end the day by visiting a
characteristic place of Florence

In Florence, set in the walls of historic buildings,

there are curious openings, of very small
dimensions, called the Buchette del vino. The
little holes were born in the seventeenth century,
when the upheavals of the market led to a decline in
commercial activities, consequently during the
Renaissance aristocratic families began to convert
their activities into agricultural land, and this
allowed retail sales. These holes are therefore
reminiscent of the era when noble families sold
their wine on the street, to ordinary people, and
were made in this way so as not to attract too
much attention and steal customers from nearby taverns. Even today many are active and you
can buy wine there, others have been walled up and others have tombstones with the seasonal
sales hours. The ones we recommend are in via del Sole and via del Giglio, the best preserved
ones where you can enjoy an aperitif before dinner
Nicolò Avogadri 5AT Elaborato per l'Esame di Stato

Dinner at Adagio Firenze at 7:30 pm

At 7:30 pm dinner at the Adagio Firenze restaurant, renowned for its Florentine steak, which
we recommend you try. This typical dish is served rare, cooked 5 minutes per side and then
salted and peppered.

The following day, tourists will check-out from the hotel at 10:00 and will be accompanied to
the Galileo Galilei airport for the return flight.


Questo itinerario è indirizzato ad un target di persone dai 40 anni in su, amanti dei vini e della
gastronomia, che vogliono praticare un turismo maturo. Definire un target è molto importante,
in quanto è la base su cui si fonda la promozione del proprio prodotto, in questo caso un
pacchetto turistico. Per esempio, un itinerario del genere può essere pubblicizzato usando
medium più "raffinati", come una rivista specializzata, ma esistono centinaia di modi per
promuovere un prodotto.


Il target è il gruppo di persone, identificate secondo età, provenienza, interessi, classe sociale,
a cui è rivolto un prodotto. E' un elemento fondamentale per la buona riuscita di un prodotto,
per questo le aziende spendono molto tempo e molti soldi per definire e monitorare il target di


Per individuare il target è necessario testare il mercato, cosa che va fatta ben prima del lancio
del prodotto. Una volta che il prodotto viene rilasciato, l'azienda può continuare a monitorare
la demografia del mercato di destinazione, attraverso il monitoraggio delle vendite, indagini sui
clienti e varie attività che consentono all'azienda di comprendere ciò che i clienti richiedono. E'
importante definire un mercato target perchè significa specializzarsi in un settore per
concentrare le proprie forze, sia in termini di produzione che in termini di marketing, e avere
cosi una concorrenza più limitata. Non conoscere il proprio target può essere un grosso errore
per un'azienda. Cercare di trovare nuovi clienti o clienti senza sapere a chi si rivolgerà può
costare all'azienda un sacco di tempo e denaro.


186€ Hotel Pisa

275€ Hotel Firenze
66,7€ Volo andata/ritorno Londra-Pisa
150€ Autista privato NCC
13€/pers. Visita guidata Palazzo Reale
40€ Voucher Hostaria Le Repubbliche
29€/pers. Tour guidato Piazza dei Miracoli
50€ Voucher Trattoria Sant'Omobono
35€/pers. Casa del Chianti Classico voucher
degustazione guidata
5€/pers Museo Arte Sacra San Francesco
15€/pers. Wine Tour Enoteca Falorni
50€ Voucher la Vineria Vertine
Nicolò Avogadri 5AT Elaborato per l'Esame di Stato

7,50€/pers. Visita dei Giardini del castello e

degustazione Castello di Brolio
60€ Voucher Malborghetto Gaiole
15€/pers. Visita guidata i Tesori della chiesa di San
30€/pers. Visita guidata l'Opera di Santa Maria del
50€ Voucher Buca dell'Orafo Firenze
21€/pers. Biglietto d'ingresso Palazzo Pitti
40€ Voucher Trattoria da Calandrino
27,50€/pers. Visita Galleria degli Uffizi
50€ Voucher Adagio Firenze

Il tour operator prevede di vendere 200 pacchetti Chianti

1420 x 200 = 284.000€ Costo primo totale pacchetto Chianti

Costi comuni = 90.000€

Somma costo primo di tutti i pacchetti venduti dal t.o.= 950.000€

90.000 / 9450.000 = 0,095 Coefficiente di riparto

284.000 x 0,095 = 26.980 Quota dei costi comuni

284.000 + 26980 = 310.980 Costo complessivo

Oneri figurativi = 15.549

310980 + 15549 = 326.529 Costo economico tecnico

10 % x 326.529 = 32.652,9 Markup del 10% su costo economico tecnico

326.529 + 32.652,9 = 359.181,9 Prezzo di vendita totale

359.181,9 : 200 = 1795,90 (1800€) PREZZO DI VENDITA FINALE

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