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Field Guide For AAPG Hedberg Field Research Conference - April 15-20,1999
Deep-Water Sandstones, Brushy Canyon Formation, West Texas

R.T. Beaubouef, C. Rossen, F.B. Zelt, M.D. Sullivan, D.C. Mohrig, G D.C. Jennette
Exxon Production Research Co.
with significant contributions from J.A. Bellian, S.J.Friedman, R.W. Lovell, D.S. Shannon
and the rest of the EPRCo. Deep-Water Reservoirs Group
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Published by the Education Department of
The American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Copyright O 1999 by
Field Guide For The American Association of Petroleum Geologists
All Rights Reserved
AAPG Hedberg Field Research Conference:
Printed in the U.S.A.


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Cover: Panoramic photograph of the western escarpment of the Guadalupe Mountains showing the
northern 10 krn of the Brushy Canyon outcrop belt at the northwest margin of the Delaware Basin. The
R.T. Beaubouef, C. Rossen, F.B. Zelt, M.D. Sullivan, basin margin area is to the left in this view, and the basin center is toward the right. In this setting, the
D.C. Mohrig, and D.C. Jennette Brushy Canyon Formation is an onlapping wedge comprised of siltstone dominated slope facies with
large, sandstone filled submarine canyons and slope channels. These channel complexes are oriented
Exxon Production Research Company southeasterly and represent former point sources of siliciclastic sediment delivered to the Delaware Basin.

with significant contributions from J.S. Bellian, S.J. Friedman,

AAPG Continuing Education Course Note Series #40
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Table of Contents
Introduction and Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Outcrop Localities ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Slope systems
1 .1. 1.7
Upper slope canyons and channel complexes ............................................................................................................................................................................

Middle slope channel complexes ................................................................................................................................................................................................

2 1.2.3

Base of slope channel complexes................................................................................................................................................................................................

..3.1. 3.9

Basin floor systems

4 . Basin floor channel complexes .....................................................................................................................................................................................................

Proximal basin floor fan ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................


Medial basin floor fan ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Basin floor sheet complexes ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................

Extended Bibliography pages .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

..6.1. 6.2

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Reaional Bas Settina
Exceptional oblique-dip exposures of submarine fan Slope-to-basin variations in channel sue, geometry and
complexes of the Brushy Canyon Fm. allow reconstruc- fill are related to variations in the degree of bypass asso-
tion of channel geometries and reservoir architecture ciated with channels and the timing of channel backfill.
from the slope to the basin floor. The Brushy Canyon On the slope, major feeder channels are deeply incised
conslsts of 1,500 ft. of basinally restricted sandstones into thick laminated siltstones, have simple margins, and
and siltstones that onlap older carbonate slope deposits are vertically stacked due to proximity of fixed point
at the NW margin of the Delaware Basin. This succes- sources. The channel fills are highly variable in charac-
sion represents a lowstand qequence set comprised of ter, reflecting deposition from both lower and higher-
lugher frequency sequences that were deposited in the energy flows during late-stage backfilling. At the toe of
basin during subaerial exposure and bypass of the adja- slope, sandstones occur in nested, multi-story channel
cent carbonate shelf. Progradational sequence stacking complexes not confined by single, master erosion sur-
patterns reflect changing position and character of the faces. Channel bases are commonly marked by lenticu-
slope as it evolved from a relict, carbonate margin, to a lar, coarse-grained lags deposited from high-energy
constructional, siltstone-dominated slope. Lowstand fan bypassing flows. Channel fills are complex, and indicate
systems tracts consist of sharp-based, laterally extensive, repeated episodes of erosion, bypass, and hackfii, with
sand-prone basin floor deposits and large, sand-filled thick-bedded sandstones concentrated in channel axes
channels encased in siltstones on the slope. The aban- and thin-bedded sandstones and siltstones preferentially
donment phase of each sequence (lowstand wedge-trans- preserved along channel margins. In down-fan, more
gressive systems tract) consists of basinward-thinning aggradational settings, lags are absent. Channels are
siltstones that drape the basin floor fans. The slope-to- smaller, less complex, and simply filled with thick-bed-
basin distnbution of lithofacies is attributed to a three ded amalgamated sandstones. These channels are rela-
stage cycle of: 1) erosion, mass wasting, and sand tively short-lived features that were rapidly plugged by
bypass on the slope with concurrent deposition from high-energy flows. In distal, predominantly nonchannel-
sand-rich flows on the basin floor, 2) progressive back- ized areas of the basin floor, sandstones form laterally
filling of feeder channels with variable fill during wan- extensive sheets that are broadly lenticular as a result of
ing stages of deposition, and 3) cessation of sand deliv- minor erosion, depositional mounding, and compensa-
ery to the basin and deposition of laterally-extensive silt- tional stacking patterns.
stone wedges. Paleocurrents and channel distributions
indicate SE-E sediment transport from the NW basin
margin via closely spaced point sources.

Depositional Setting Basin Tectonics

Deep-water sandstones and siltstones of the Brushy Development of the Permian Basin Complex was initiat-
Canyon Formation were deposited in the Delaware Basin ed in Mississippian to Early Pennsylvanian time in a
of the Permian Basin Complex (West Texas and New foreland basin setting located to the north of the
Mexico) during early Guadalupian (Permian) time. Marathon Fold Belt. Loading and convergence resulted
During the Guadalupian, the deep-water portion of the in uplift of shelfal areas along high-angle reverse faults
basin (light gray area) had water depths on the order of and subsidence in the basin. Thrust-loading in the
400-600 m (King, 1948) and was surrounded by exten- Marathon Fold Belt peaked in the Late Pennsylvanian to
sive shallow-water shelves (dark blue areas) of the Early Permian (early Wolfcamp) and was followed by
Northwest Shelf (north), Diablo Platform (west) and
Central Basin Platform (east).
isostatic adjustment that produced a wide-spread angular
unconformity (mid Wolfcamp unconformity) along the
I - - - - 5N Permian Paleolatitude
basin margin (Ross, 1986). This unconformity locally
cuts down into the Pre-Cambrian (King, 1965). modified from Wright, 1962; Fitchen, 1997
Following the mid-Wolfcamp unconformity (Late
Wolfcampian, Leonardian and Guadalupian time), the Figure 1. Basin setting and outcrop belt of the Brushy Canyon Formation, early Guadalupian
basin was characterized by tectonically stable shelf mar- (Permian).
gins and gradually decreasing subsidence rates (from 3.7
cm/k.y. in the Wolfcampian to 0.8 cm/k.y. in the
Guadalupian, Ye and Kerans, 1996).

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II +
Primary Measured Sections
Paleocurrent Orientation

I Major Depositional Axis

ECS - El Capitan South

GC - Guadalupe Canyon
BM - Brushy Mesa
PCC - Plane Crash Canyon
PC - Popo Channel
DM - Delaware Mountain
CC - Colleen Canyon

Figure 2b. Paleogeographlc Interpretation of Brushy Canyon Outcrop Belt

(Modified From: Zelt and Rossen, 1995)

Figure 2% As shown on an insert from a geologic map of Firmre 2b. The Brushv Canvon outcrov belt is intemreted
West Texas, the Brushy Canyon Fm. is exposed along the torepresent an oblique-transkt from thk slope to baiin floor
western escarpments of the Guadalupe and Delaware at the NW margin of the Delaware Basin. Paleocurrent
Mountains. These mountain ranges form a single structural indicators and channel distributions along the outcrop belt
block that was tilted gently eastward (3-10 degrees) and indicate siliciclastic sediment supply from the NW-W, via
uplifted relative to the Salt Flat Graben located to the east, numerous closely-spaced (1-2 km)point sources. In the
as a result of Late Cenozoic basin and range normal-faulting northern part of the outcrop belt (southern Guadalupe and
along NNW-trending normal faults (King, 1948). The northern Delaware mountains) the dominant direction of
northern limit of the Brushy Canyon occurs in the southern sediment transport is toward the SE (basinward and approxi-
Guadalupe Mountains and marks the pinchout of the Brushy mately normal to the interpreted trends of Leonardian-early
Canyon against the northwestern basin margin. The south- Guadalupian carbonate shelf margins in this part of the
ern outcrop limit is structurally controlled. In the graben basin). In the central part of the outcrop belt (central
boundary zone, the outcrop belt is locally offset by NNW- Delaware Mountains), paleocurrent indicate sediment trans-
trending normal faults with offsets of tens to several hun- port to the E-SE. This variability is interpreted to reflect
dred meters. Structural complexity locally hampers lateral sediment input from both the northwest and western mar-
correlation of stratigraphic units in the northern Delaware gins of the basin. As a result of variable flow directions, the
Figure 2a. Geologic map of West Texas and Mountains (Guadalupe Pass area) and in the Delaware NW-trending Brushy Canyon outcrop belt provides an
Brushy Canyon outcrop belt. From: Geologic Atlas Mountains southeast of Bitterwell Mountain. Field analysis oblique, dip-oriented profile into the basin in the north, and
of Texas: Van Horn-El Paso Sheet, 1967. Texas by Exxon has been concentrated in the northern 35 lan of the a more oblique, strike-oriented profile to the south.
Bureau of Economic Geology outcrop belt (Guadalupe Mountains National Park and 6 Bar
atp- wens Pear and m e spmng ~ormatNonr
[ and LBonsidian mc*r undMde6 Ranch areas).

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Shelf-Basin Relationships Showing Position of 3rd-Order Senll~nceBoundaries
oc ) Rustler - salad01

0 5km 1Okm

Delaware Mountains
Figure 3. This figure illustrates a summary of the sequence stratigraphic framework for Upper Leonardian-Guadalupian strata of the Northwest Permian Basin

A sequence stratigraphic framework has been developed TST deposits. These sandstones typically overlie subaerial carbonate highstand systems show an evolution from low- Brushy Canyon thins to pinchout by onlap onto a basin-
for the Permian Basin strata based on the work of Silver exposure sufaces, and are gradational upwards into overly- angle carbonate banks in the Early-Middle Guadalupian, to ward-sloping submarine erosion surface (Harms and Pray,
and Todd (1969), Meissner (1972), Sarg and Lehmann ing carbonate shelf deposits. TST and HST are dominated high angle reef margins in the Middle-Late Guadalupian 1974) interpreted as a sequence boundary. Farther updip,
(1986), Kerans and others (1992), Kerans and Fitchen by shelf and shelf-margin carbonates that exhibit, respec- (Kerans and Fitchen, 1996). The Brushy Canyon in a shelf top setting, the base Brushy Canyon sequence
(1995). In this diagram major, 3rd order sequence bound- tively, retrogradational, and aggradational to progradation- Formation and overlying Cheny Canyon Sandstone Tongue boundary is correlated to a karsted subaerial exposure sur-
aries (composite sequence boundaries) are shown in red. a1 vertical stacking patterns. Overall sequence stacking are interpreted, respectively, as the LSF and LSW systems face at the top of the Lower San Andres carbonate bank
Basinally-restricted deep-water siliciclastics (LST) were patterns of 3rd order sequences suggest that sequences con- tract for the basal Guadalupian third order (composite) (Kerans and Fitchen, 1995). The transgressive-highstand
deposited during lowstands of relative sea level (LST) tained within the Delaware Mountain Group formed within sequence. The Brushy Canyon consists of up to 360 m of systems tract for this sequence is represented by mixed
when shelfal areas were subaerially-exposed. Thin, lateral- a 2nd order cycle composed of LST, TST, and HST domi- basinally-restricted sandstones and siltstones deposited in clastic-carbonate, aggradational to progradational clino-
ly extensive sandstones on the shelf are interpreted as early nated sequence sets. Within this second order cycle, the basin-floor and slope settings. At the basin margin, the forms of the Upper San Andres Formation.

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NW+ -30 Miles SE
Figure 5 -Fig 6.t

4t h 3rd
Order Order

1Upper B.C.

Middle B.C.

Lower B.

Upper Cutoff
~ i i eCutoff
Bone Spring Limestone

Lowstand Sandstones Lowstand Slope Siltstones Carbonates
(deep water)
Lowstand Wedge Slope Siltstones SSB Sequence Set Boundary
- Sheets Condensed Intervals SB Sequence Boundary
Conglomerates & Slumped Zone
Sheit Sequence Stratigraphy from Korans and Fitchon, 19%

Figure 4. Schematic geologic cross section of the Brushy Canyon Fm. from the Guadalupe to Delaware Mountains illustrating the onlapping wedge-shaped geometry, the slope to basin floor variations in lithofa-
cies and internal stratigraphy. Also shown are the general locations of photographs shown in figures 5 and 6.

Basinally-restricted, deep-water sandstones and siltstones related updip on the shelf to a subaerial exposure surface fan systems tract (LSF) of each sequence consists of sharp- Brushy Canyon member. The overall progradational stack-
of the Brushy Canyon Fm. are Early Guadalupian in age, developed at the top of the Lower San Andres carbonate based, laterally-persistent, sandstones on the basin floor, ing pattern of Brushy Canyon high frequency sequences
and are interpreted as a third order, lowstand sequence set bank margin (Keraus and Fitchen, 1995). and of large, sand-tilled channels encased in siltstones on suggests evolution of the slope from a relict, carbonate
that was deposited in the Delaware Basin during subaerial the slope. The abandonment phase of each lowstand sys- slope that was primarily a site of sediment bypass in early
exposure and bypass of the adjacent, carbonate shelf. On In basin floor areas, the Brushy Canyon can he subdivided tems tract (lowstand wedge-transgressive systems tract) Brushy Canyon time, to a more constructional, siltstone-
the slope and basin floor, the base of the Brushy Canyon into three, laterally persistent sand-prone units separated by consists of basinward-thinning siltstones that drape the dominated slope in late Brushy Canyon time.
Fm. is a basinward-sloping submarine erosion surface that thinner, laterally persistent siltstones which are interpreted basin floor fans. Basin floor deposits are best represented
truncates older (Leonardian-early Guadalupian) carbonate as high frequency (4th order) sequences (informal lower, in the lower Brushy Canyon member, whereas the transi-
rocks of shelf margin and slope facies. This surface is cor- middle, upper Brushy Canyon members). The lowstand tion from slope to basin floor is best expressed in the upper

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Figure 5. Oblique aerial view to NW showing slope to basin floor transition in Brushy Canyon outcrops of the Guadalupe and Delaware mountains.

This photo provides a vlew toward the basin margin from of laminated siltstones that are interpreted as slope photo. The 4th order LST intervah can be further subdx- units. Based on our correlations, the Lower Brushy
the palm basin-floor. The base of the Brushy Canyon deposits. In the Delaware Mountains (right) the Brushy vided into higher order units as is evident within the Lower Member onlaps the SSB (or facies changes into slope silt-
(heavy red line) consists of a basin margin submarine ero- Canyon is dominated by 3 laterally-extensive sandstone Member in this photo. Four or five resistive sandstone stones) in the area below El Capitan. The top of the
sion surface and correlative conformity on the basin floor packages (informal Lower, Middle and Upper Brushy bodies capped by sandstone-poor intemals can be traced Middle Member extends farther updip and is correlated
that is interpreted as a LST sequence set boundary (SSB). Canyon members) that are interpreted as basin floor for several kilometers from south to north. Although not into Bone Canyon of the western escarpment, Guadalupe
The blue line, near the top of the Delaware Mountains, deposits (4th order LSF). Thinning of the Brushy Canyon obvious from this view, the Upper Member can be subdi- Mountains. The hulk of the Brushy Canyon Fm. present on
marks the approximate position of the Brushy Canyon toward the basin margin (from 370 m on the right side of vided into a similar number of 5th order units. Tracing the Western Escarpment is interpreted to be stratigraphical-
"genetic top" (CSM Top Brushy Canyon) of Gardner and the photo to 100 m on the left side) occurs by progressive higher order units in the Middle Member is more difficult ly equivalent to the Upper Brushy Member of the Delaware
Sonnenfeld (1996). In the basin margin area (Guadalupe onlap onto the basal SSB, and the Brushy pinches out because of a lack of prominent, laterally extensive siltstone Mountains.
Mountains), the Brushy Canyon is dominantly composed entirely a few km to the north of the area shown in this intemals and a high degree of amalgamation of sandstone

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I Basin-Floor Expression of Brushy

ary (SB), 4th Order

rface, 3rd Order
urface, 4th Order

Figure 6. Stratigraphic succession of Brushy Canyon in basin-floor position (view to NE from Lookout Knob)

Stratigraphic Hierarchy: On the basin floor, the base area to Guadalupe Canyon, located some 20 k m to the Vertical Stacking Patterns: In this position, the three Although not well exposed in this view, the Upper Member
Brushy Canyon sequence set boundary is a relatively con- north. The 4th order LST intervals can be further divided Brushy Canyon Members show a distinct vertical progres- is characterized by very large, deeply incised, multi-story
formable surface underlain by the Pipeline Shale and into higher order units that are important for local correla- sion in sand body geometry, channel abundance, and chan- channel complexes with amalgamated sandstone fills up to
Upper Cutoff Formation. The Lower, Middle and Upper tion and potentially for analysis of vertical stacking pat- nel geometry. The Lower Brushy Member is dominated 1 km wide (e.g. Buena Vista locality indicated on photo).
Brushy Canyon Members, interpreted as 4th order terns. Higher order units are most apparent within the by sheet-like, tabular sandstone bodies or packets, that These channel complexes are quite complex and record
sequences within the Brushy, form three distinctive, topo- Lower Member which can be subdivided into five laterally locally contain small-scale sand-filled channels with simple multiple episodes of channel cutting, bypass and back-fill-
graphic mesa or benches that are laterally persistent across persistent sandstone ledges that can be traced for several erosional margins. In the Middle Brushy Member, simple ing. The Brushy Canyon stratigraphic hierarchy and verti-
the outcrop belt. Each member contains a lower sand- kilometers laterally. Although not obvious from this view, sand-filled channels are larger and more abundant. cal stacking patterns are reviewed schematically in figure 7.
prone unit (100-150 m thick) interpreted as a LSF that is the Upper Member can be subdivided into a similar num-
capped by a thinner (up to 15 m thick) laterally extensive ber of units. Higher order subdivision of the the Middle
siltstone internal (interpreted as a LSW). The "40 ft. Member is more d i i c u l t due to the high degree of chan-
Siltstone" that separates the Middle and Upper Brushy nelization and local lack of laterally persistent siltstones.
Canyon Members can be traced with confidence from this

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8 SaLa,SQ
King (1948)
Zelt &
m, pk
Channel Fill Assemblages

Beds I Bedsets


? LSF I LST (Lowstand Fan, Lowstand Sytems Tract)

Abandonment, Drape Surfaces I Intervals
Erosional Surfaces, Sequence Boundaries

* the number and stratigraphic position of 5th order packages shown is only
a schematic and not meant to depict the actual internal stratigraphy of any
LSW TST (Lowstand Wedge, Lowstand Sytems Tract member of the Brushy Canyon Formation
and Transaressive Svstems Tracts undifferentiated)
Figure 7. This diagram relates the lithostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy of the lower Delaware Mountain Group, emphasizing a hierarchy of bounding surfaces and schematically depicts the large scale,
apparently progradational stacking patterns discussed on previous pages.

Stratigraphic Subdivisions of the Brushy Canyon tions of these units contain a number of 5th order units that 3rd Order Stacking Patterns. The stacking patterns, In general, the channel types and lithofacies are consistent
Formation. The Brushy Canyon Fm. represents a 3rd are also bound by erosional surfaces, contain internal aban- lithofacies and channel types are distinct between the LSF with proximal-medial fan depositional environments. By
order LST sequence set that is bound above and below by donment surfaces, and can be correlated for distances up to intervals of the 4th order units and the diagram depicts the contrast, the Upper Member is characterized by very large,
major unconformities or their correlative conformities, and 20 km within the outcrop belt. The 5th order packages are large scale, apparently progradational stacking of 4th order deeply incised, multi-story channel complexes up to lkm
can be correlated throughout the Delaware Basin. In the built of higher order depositional units that include channel units seen in the Delaware Mountains. In general, the wide separated mainly by unrelated, inter-channel strata.
outcrop belt, this sequence set consists of three 4th order fill assemblages, bed sets and beds that generally do not Lower Brushy Canyon is dominated by sheet-like, tabular The fill of these complexes record multiple episodes of
stratigraphic packages that are bound by sharp, locally ero- have long correlation lengths, but can be subdivided in the sandstone bodies. Channels occur within extensive sand- channel cutting and filling and evidence for prolonged peri-
sional contacts and can be correlated throughout most of same manner. stone "packets" and are often genetically associated with ods of bypass. The channel types and lithofacies are con-
the Delaware Mountains and a portion of the Guadalupe adjacent sandstone sheets. Channel types and lithofacies sistent with middle-lower slope depositional environments.
Mountains (30-40 km). Surfaces of abandonment separate are consistent with medial-outer fan depositional environ- These stacking patterns may indicate: a) changes in the ori-
LST fan (LSF) dominated intervals from LST wedge ments. The Middle Member is seen as primarily a mix of entation or position of depositional axes of systems through
(LSW) - TST dominated intervals. The sandstone-rich por- laterally extensive sandstones and relatively large channels time, b) progradation of systems through time, c) a change
filled with massive sandstones. The channels have relative- in the style and character of depositional systems through
ly simple, erosional margins and genetic associations time, or d) some combination of these processes.
between channel and inter-channel strata are not obvious.

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Down-Slope Trends in the Erosion, Transmission and 1
Deposition of S1 mt ' Ti ' idity Currents
'hrbidites, > 90 % of the Brushy supercritical climb of both types of bedforms constrains
L "

Canyon Fm. the bedload-transport distance to less than one bedform

Bedload Deposits length, a distance of less than 3 m.
Median grain size:
> Coarse Sand Many of the fusulinids within the sandy turbidites can be INITIATION OF
Stratification: interpreted to have been moved into sites of deposition BY FAILURE OR
1. plane parallel beds and laminae; as bedload. The intermingling of this bedload with the
2. tabular cross beddmg; suspended load requires that it travelled to the site with
3. trough cross beddmg; approximately the same velocity. This suggests that the
4. isolated (starved) bedfonns. fusulinids fell out of suspension a relatively short dis-
Key Points: tance up dip from the site. Otherwise, the slower mov-
These deposits are defined here to primarily consist of ing bedload would not arrive at the site of deposition
particles that travelled as bedload some minimum dis-
tance before deposition that was at least equal to the
until after most of the sand bed had already accumulated.
thickness of the transporting turbidity current. Since Silty turbidites. Progradation of the submarine slope to WlTH SUSPENDED SEDIMENT, DRMNG FLOWS CONTINUE TO DECELERATE DUE
maximum bedload velocities are only about 114 of the the Delaware Basin throughout deposition of the Brushy THAT ARE PARTIALLY ASSOCIATED
Canyon Fm. is primarily the result of the deposition of WlTH THE DEPOSITION OF PREVIOUSLY
average current velocity, with time this coarser-grained SUSPENDED SEDIMENT
material separates from the suspended sediment and the thick, wedge-shaped packages of silty turbidites. These
thin-bedded turbidites came from slow-moving currents DEPOSIT TENDENCY:
current itself. These relatively thin deposits, interpreted
as lags, are up dip equivalents to thicker sandstones that that began depositing sediment at the time of their initia-
were deposited from suspension from relatively long- tion. These currents are different than those that acceler-
lived turbidity currents. ated down some portion of the slope, cutting channels
and transporting sand all the way to the basin floor.
Suspension Deposits
Median grain size:
< Medium Sand
Debrites < 5 % of the Brushy
Canyon hm.
Fabrics of these deposits range from frameworks of
Erosion by
of Current
- -
1. structureless beds (may be graded); gravel with sand-filled pore spaces to sandstones with a
2. climbing dune stratification (trough cross bedding); small number of out-sized clasts. Pebbles, cobbles and
3. ripple stratification; boulders in these deposits are either limestones from
4. plane parallel laminae. underlying formations or intraformational rip-up clasts. Erosion (L
Key Points:
Hemipela ites, < 5 % of the Brushy
by Body
of Current
. ,
Sandy turbidites. Climbing dunes and ripples document
the movement of sediment as bedload after it has settled Canyon m. 8
These mudstones are made up of particles from either a
out of a turbidity current from suspension. These
deposits are still considered suspension deposits because hypopycnal plume or a wind-blown source. The
deposits are typically enriched in total organic carbon. Bypass 8
the distance the sediment moves as bedload is very small
Centimeter-thick volcanic ashes are present.
Deposition +-
relative to its length of transport as suspended load. The b Tail
of Zurrent

Figure 8b. Sediment is constantly being exchanged between the bed and an overriding turbidity current
so any modification of the surface by the current is always equal to the sum of a depositional and ero-
sional component.

A turbidity current can be divided into three parts, a the bed, the only possible suspension deposit at that
head, a body and a tail. Differences in properties of the point would come from the tail. Packages of thinly
flow from the head to the tail of a current set the pat- bedded, relatively fine-grained turbidites can be seen
terns of erosion and deposition associated with its pas- directly on top of many significant erosional surfaces.
sage over any particular point on the bed. The heads of These deposits can be interpreted either as sedimenta-
turbidity currents always have a tendency to erode the tion associated with a relative shutdown of the sediment
substrate, because the arrival of the head is always asso- delivery system or as the deposits of the tails of bypass-
ciated with an acceleration. The bodies of turbidity cur- ing turbidity currents. The two interpretations forecast
rents carry most of the suspended sediment in the flow. a very different location for the time-equivalent sands.
Therefore, conditions in the body determine whether at In the shut-down scenario any sand is expected to be
a point the current primarily is eroding the bed, deposit- trapped up dip of these positions, while in the case of
ing sediment on the bed, or carrying it further down dip. bypass, sand is expected further out into the basin.
If sediment carried in the body is bypassing a section of

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Generic Turbidite Profile

: I:: 11:: 111 I


I IV '
Complete Sediment BypaswTransmission: Ineamplete Sediment Bypass, Type 1:Thin, Incomplete Sediment Bypass, Type 2: Thin,
with no additional erosion lenticular, coarse-grained beds, interpreted as onlapping, fine-grained beds, interpreted as
lags of bedload material. deposits of turbidity-current tails. Relative Downslope Distance
Figure 9b. A channel complex records a history of cutting and filling associat-
ed with a succession of turbidity currents. The changes through time observed
in any vertical section through a channel complex are the consequence of spa-
tial changes in the position of that channel cross-section relative to the runout
of the characteristic turbidity current. During Phase I this turbidity current is
eroding the substrate in this position and depositing all of its sediment load fur-
ther down dip. During Phase 11, this channel cross-section is located where cur-
rents are just beginning to deposit sediment. During Phase III the cross-section
and the "sweet spot" of turbidity-current deposition are coincident. During
Phase N the cross-section is located down dip of almost all turhidity current
Deposition of thielS, laterally persistent beds that d a p the margins ofthe heerosional containec Variable degrees of emdon can
be associated with the bases of these beds. Approximate envelopes for each of these phases are drawn above on the profile
for the generic turbidite. Changes through time in the character of the runout of
the effective turhidity current are primarily controlled by variation in the
amount of sediment available, in the caliber of this sediment and in the long
profile of the system.

4- siltstone --+

Substantial reduction in the quantity and caliber of the sediment moving down a channel associated with change in updip conditions (e.g., relative sea-level rise or
channel avulsion).

Figure 9a. Conceptual model for construction of a channel complex.

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Slope to Basin Variations in Channel and Sandbody
1 Archib--b. .re, Brushy Canyon Formatin-, Delaware Basin

Basin Floor

Figure 10. Schematic illustration of slope to

basin transect planned for conference. Slope to
basin variations in channel size, geometry and fill
are interpreted primarily to be related to system-
atic, down-fan changes in the degree of erosion,
the degree of sediment bypass, and the timing of
Day 3 channel filling.

Day 4
Proximal Basin Floor
,,-:-..res 4.2-4.4' 1 Day 4"4g+@s$$
Medial Basin Floo
(Figures 4.F * 8)
Distal Basin Floor
(Figures 5.1-5.3)

Submarine canyons consist of erosional features, up to At the toe-of-slope, the decrease in depositional gradient On the basin floor, channels are less deeply incised, and The distal basin floor is predominantly composed of later-
100 m deep and 1 km wide, incised into older shelf margin leads to development of broad, multi-story channel com- typically have simple margins. Coarse-grained lag deposits ally-extensive sandstone sheets composed of medium- to
carbonates. Fills are locally conglomeratic and predomi- plexes that are not confined by master erosion surfaces. are less common, and channels typically stack in compen- thick-bedded, amalgamated to non-amalgamated massive
nantly composed of amalgamated, channelized, thick-hed- Major channel surfaces are marked by lenticular, coarse- sational, or laterally-offset stacking patterns. In proximal turbidites. Beds are typically broadly lenticular and stack
ded sandstones. On the middle to lower slope, 10-50 m grained lag deposits that were deposited by bedload deposi- basin floor areas, channels are moderate in size and are compensationally. Channels exhibiting obvious erosional
deep, vertically-stacked slope channels are incised into tion from by-passing, high-concentration flows. Axes of typically filled from axis to margin by thick-bedded, amal- confinement are rare and axes of deposition in this setting
thick, basinward-thinning wedges of laminated siltstones. channels are dominated by amalgamated, thick-bedded tur- gamated turbidites. These channels are interpreted as rela- are represented by zones of vertically-stacked, amalgamat-
These channels are characterized by simple to compound bidites, whereas thin-bedded sandstones and siltstones are tively short-lived features plugged by rapid deposition from ed thick-bedded turbidites that are flanked laterally by
channel margins, and by variable fills that range from preferentially preserved along the channel margins. Multiple high-concentration flows. In medial basin floor areas, medium-bedded, semi-amalgamated turbidites. These fea-
thick-bedded, amalgamated sandstones, to thin-bedded, erosion surfaces separate the channel axis facies from the channels are less incised and channel fills consist of highly tures reflect rapid suspension deposition in an unconfined
non-amalgamated sandstones. Channel fill variability is thin-bedded channel margins. Complex patterns of channel aggradational successions of massive or dune cross-strati- setting from predominantly high-concentration flows.
attributed to long histories of sediment bypass followed by fill record overall channel aggradation through repeated fied sandstones. At the transition from confined to uncon-
relatively late-stage filling compared to channels on the episodes of erosion, sediment bypass and channel filling. fined portions of the fan, channels consist of
basin floor. Vertically-stacking of channels is locally con- vertically-stacked, low-relief erosion surfaces that pass lat-
trolled by slump-scar topography and reflects p r o x i ~ t yto erally (away from the channel axis) into medium- to thick-
up-dip feeder canyons. bedded, amalgamated to non-amalgamated, massive
sandstones that form laterally extensive, but broadly lenticu-
lar sheets.

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ieneralized Three Stage Evolution of Lowstand Systems Tracts,
Brushy Can--- n Formation



Figure 11. Interpreted evolution of Brushy Canyon lowstand systems during 4th order lowstand of relative sea level. An understanding of the relative timing of sand-prone deposition on the basin floor versus
slope during a cycle of sea level change explains many of the variations from slope to basin floor in channel architecture that were described in the previous figure.

During Time I (Main Phase of Lowstand Fan), falling channel bypass followed by back-filling from high concen- channels that previously served as bypass corridors to the shelf result in cessation of sand delivery to the basin and
base level and a lack of accommodation on the shelf result tration flows result in a predominance on the basin floor of basin. Channel fills may reflect deposition from a variety abandonment of both lowstand fan and slope channel sys-
in high rates of sediment supply to the basin floor via suh- shallowly incised channels that are simply filled with thick- of flow types (both high and low concentration flows) tems. Deposition at the basin margin from dilute, low-den-
marine canyons. Slope channels are primarily zones of bedded, amalgamated turbidites. depending on the "caliber" or importance of the point sity tubidity currents results in development of thick
bypass and the basin floor is the main site of deposition for source as a sediment contributor, and the character of flows wedges of laminated siltstone that thin basinward. This
high-energy, high-concentration, sediment gravity flows. During T i e II (Late Stage of Lowstand Fan), a slow delivered to the slope at the time of back-filling. stage represents the constmction, or out-building of the
As a result of rapid fan aggradation, the time duration relative sea level rise results in increased accommodation slope during Bmshy Canyon time. Thin, organic-rich silt-
between channel cutting on the basin floor and channel fill- on the upper slope and outer shelf. Sediment flux to the During T i e 111(Lowstand Wedge), higher rates of rela- stones containing volcanic ashheds represent deposition
ing is interpreted to be relatively short. Short phases of basin floor is reduced and deposition is focused in slope tive sea level rise and increased accommodation on the during times of condensed sedimentation.

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Comparison of Interpreted Paleogeography for Lower and Upper Brushy Canyon Members
- ~
Schematic Paleogeographic Map Lower Brushy Canyon Formation Schematic Paleogeographic Map Upper Brushy Canyon Formation





S C u E t


Figure 12. Comparison of interpreted paleogeography for Lower and Upper Members of the Brushy Canyon Formation illustrating the progradation of depostional systems. For each member the positions of
slope and basin floor environments are interpreted to have shifted progressively basinward through time. The approximate locations of the outcrop belts are shown as red dashed lines.

The position of the paleo-slope is interpreted to have pro- The siltstone slope facies that dominates the basin margin nated by channel types and lithofacies consistent with lower members of the Brushy Canyon Formation and are
gressively built basinward during deposition of the Brushy area extends further southward into the Delaware medial-outer fan depositional environments. The middle shown above. However, the limited depositional dip per-
Canyon sequence set. The position of the slope for the Mountains for the upper Brushy member than for that of member is dominated by channel types and lithofacies con- spective of the outcrop belt, and a lack of understanding of
Lower Brushy Canyon Member was inherited from the the middle member reflecting this overall slope prograda- sistent with proximal-medial fan depositional environ- how and where these 4th order LST terminate within the
relict CutoffBone Springs carbonate slope seen in the tion. Additionally, the stacking patterns, lithofacies and ments. By contrast, channel types and lithofacies within the basin hampers the interpretation of the stacking patterns.
Guadalupe and Diablo Mountains. During the remainder channel types are distinct between the sandstone-rich, LSF upper member are consistent with middle-lower slope depo-
of Brushy Canyon deposition the slope was "construction- intervals of the 4th order units seen in the Delaware sitional environments. Based on these observations general
al" and dominated by basinward tapering, siltstone wedges. Mountains. In general, the Lower Brushy Canyon is domi- paleogeographic maps have been drawn for the upper and

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Figure 1.1. Topographic map showing an approximate outline of the Brushy Canyon outcrop belt, and locations of
sites that will be visited on this trip. Upper Brushy Canyon sites are shown in green, Lower Brushy Canyon sites are
shown in orange. Also shown are general paleocurrent directions and the approximate position of the toe-of-slope
for each member of the Brushy Canyon Formation.

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mlles Paleageography
0- i5 This palwgwgraphic reconstruction for the Upper Brushy Canyon shows that
North the noahem 20 lan of the outcrop belt was deposited in a slope to roe-of-slope
jubmarine Canyon North Shumar setring. This slope was approximately 15 km wide, and had basin-ward dips of
2 degrees (assuming water dept!s of 4.50-600 m). Much of the slope was silt-
stone-prom and composed of thick basinward-thinning wedges of laminated
siltstones interpreted as the deposits of dilute, fine-grainedturbidity currents*
Sediment Transport
Sands were transported across this cofistructionalsiltstone slope, from the NW
basin m a i n towards the SE-E, via numerous closely-spaced point sources or
sediment transport pathways The outcrop belt intersects these point sources in
up-dip positions to the n a t h and progressively mare down-dip positians to the

Charmel Architecture
Thee main archtectural styles are recognized from up-dip to down-dip posi-
tions along these sediment transport pathways:
1) Upper slope areas are characterized by submarine canyons, incised into
older, shelf-margin carbonates. These canyons are filled with a mix of silt-
stones, and large, sand-filled channels. The canyons typiedly broaden, and
shallow out down-slope into more aggradational slope ssttings.
2) Middle to lower slope areas, down-dip of canyons, are characterized by
sand-filled slope channels incised into thick laminated siltstones. These slope
channels are typically vertically-stacked due to the focusing effect of up-dip
feeder canyons.
3) In toeof-slope areas, the decrease in gradient and loss of channel confine-
ment results in a transition from vertically-stacked slope channels, to bmad,
nested multi-story channel complexes. These toe-of-slope channel complexes
contain common caarse-grained lags and exhibit complex fill patterns that indi-
cate repeated episbdes of erosion, sedimedt bypass, and channel back-filling.

Figure 1.2. Schematic paleogeographic map of Upper Brushy Canyon Formation. This paleogeographic map highlights the main slope environ-
ments (submarine canyons, slope channel complexes, and toe-of-slope channel complexes) that will be the focus of the first three days of the field
conference. Day 1 will focus on submarine canyon fills and slope channel complexes in middle to upper slope settings. Day 2 (Guadalupe Canyon)
will focus on vertically-stacked, slope channel complexes deposited in a middle slope environment. Day 3 (Buena Vista) will be spent investigating
characteristics of channel complexes deposited in lower slope (toe-of-slope) environments.

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Day I . Basin Margin Onlap Area: Su -

Figure 1.3. Panoramic photograph and sketch of western escarpment, Guadalupe Mountains showing the northern 10 km of Brushy Canyon outcrop belt in the most proximal area near the NW margin of
Delaware Basin. Detailed photographs of the area shown on following pages are referenced with white circles. A geologic map of the area is shown on the next page.

The Brushy Canyon Sequence Set Boundary Depositional Setting

In the basin margin area, the Brushy Canyon thins towaru submarine erosion surface, that is correlative on the shelt In this area, the Brushy Canyon is largely siltstone-prone, the Victoria Peak carbonate bank. Downdip, on the mid-
the north (from 400 m beneath El Capitan to ultimate pin- with a karsted, subaerial exposure surface. To the south, reflecting deposition in a slope setting. Sandstones are dle to lower slope, these canyons open up and feed sand-
chout just north of Sbumard Peak) by onlap onto a relict in basin floor areas, it is a sharp, but relatively conforma- confined within large erosional channels (10-50 m deep) stone-filled slope channels that are incised into thick lami-
carbonate shelf margin complex of Leonardian-Early ble contact with the Pipeline Shale. that are vertically-stacked to form laterally distinct "fair- nated siltstones. The vertical stacking of these slope chan-
Guadalupian age (Victoria Peak, Bone Spring and Cutoff ways" or point sources into the basin. On the upper nels reflects the focusing effect of the updip feeder
formations). The onlap surface is a basinward-sloping slope, these sand-filled channels are confined within sub- canyons.
marine canyons up to 1 km in width that are incised into

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Geologic Map of the Bone Springs
Area of the Western Escarpment El
Capitan X 8078

of the Guadalupe ~ o u n t a i n s Guadalupe

, Peak
Modified from King (19i8)with information from
Rossen (1 985),Harris (1 982),Franseen (1 989),
Fitchen and Kerans (1995),
Gardner et al. (1W6), Rossen et al. (1998) 0

0 1000 2000

Bell Canyon Formation

Brushy Canyon S

U.Cutoff SI
base South Wells Member
U.Vic.Pk. SI Lower Victorio Peak Fm.

I 4 Shumard Canyon System
- -

3rd Order Sequence Boundary Brushy Canyon Formation
El Capitan North System Paleo-current --- 3rd Order Sequence Boundary

Figure 1.4. Geologic Map of the West Face of the LZ' El Capitan South System lndlcators
Rossen et al. 1998 Approx~mate Siltstones (-org. rich]
Guadalupe Mountains adapted from King (1948) CSM Brushy Canyon Sandstones,
emphasizing stratigraphy of Brushy Canyon oldest Bone Canyon System Genetlc Top Approx~mate Conglomerates
Formation upper slope systems.

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Figure 1.5a. Basal, conglomeratic fill of the "Bone" paleo submarine canyon, Lower-Middle (?) Brushy Canyon
Fm., Bone Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains. The "Bone" submarine canyon is approximately 75 m deep and 650- Figure 1.5b. Cabonate clast conglomerates, basal Brushy
900 m wide (see Fiaure 1.4). and is cut into the underlvina Cutoff and Bone S~rinaformations. The canvon Canyon, Bone Canyon. The Brushy Canyon conglomerates
trends SE and is exposed ii'an interpreted slope posiion: The basal 25 m of'canyon fill consists i f &&ate- in Bone Canyon consist of framework-supported pebble to
clast conglomerates (0.5-7.5 m thick) and interbedded, thinner, stratified sandstones. The conglomerates contain boulder-sizedclasts in a matrix of very fine-grained, silty sand-
pebble to boulder-sized clasts (up to 4 m in length) and are interpreted as debris-flow deposits. Clasts within the stone. The conglomerates are interpreted as debrites based
conglomerates were locally derived from carbonate shelf-margin and slope deposits of the underlying Cutoff, on: 1) chaotic clast orientations or weak alignment of clasts
Victorio Peak and Bone Spring formations. parallel to bedding, 2) massive ungraded character, 3) overall
non-erosional basal contacts, and 4) local protrusion of clasts
above the tops of beds. The conglomerates reflect succes-
sive failures of the lithified carbonate basin margin that repre-
sent headward erosion of the "Bone" submarine canyon.
Base of
Brushy Figure 1.5~.Measured section of basal 75m of Bmshy Canyon Fm. Unit 2 has a channelized base and consists of medium to thick-bed- As shown on Figure 1.4, the NE canyon margin occurs 300 m (1000
that fills the "Bone" submarine canyon (from Rossen, 1985). Fill of ded, sandy, peloidal-skeletal grainstones that commonly exhibit ft) to the north of Bone Canyon where the entire, 75 m thick, basal
Canyon the "Bone" submarine canyon is variable, and is subdivided into 3 Bouma turbidite subdivisions (i.e., graded Ta, Tab, and Tbc beds). Bmshy Canyon succession pinches out by onlap (sidelap) onto the
channel fill associations (units 1-3) originally mapped by King in This unit reflects basinward transport of carbonate material derived base Brushy Canyon sequence boundary. The SW canyon margin is
1948 (see Figure 1.4). The overall variability of canyon fill is inter- from contemporaneous, shallow-marine environments existing at the not as well defined; however, thickness patterns suggest that the
Cufoff Fm. preted to reflect variable flow types during late-stage canyon filling. heads of canyons. canyon margin occurs just SW of Bone Canyon. In a SE direction
(toward the basin), the breakup of the amalgamated Bone Canyon
Unit 1 consists of carbonate-clast con.domerates and interbedded Unit 3 consists of channelized, medium- to thick-bedded, massive channel fills (units #1-3) into channelized lenses, separated by silt-
Conglomerate sandstones. Successive conglomerateinits exhibit an overall thin- sandstones (interpreted channel axis facies) that interfinger laterally stones, is interpreted to reflect broadening and shallowing of the
ning and fining-upward stacking pattern. Sedimentary structures in with thick intervals of rippled sandstones (interpreted channel margin Bone submarine canyon, and deposition in an increasingly aggrada-
Limestone turbidites intervening sandstone units (upper plane-bed laminations, planar facies). tional slope environment.
cross-bedding, small-scale channelization, and thin-bedded classical
Siltstone turbidites) suggest deposition by both high-concentration, and low-
concentration turbidity currents.

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Upper Slope Submarine Canyon and Middle Slope Channel Systems
Upper Brushv Canvan. Shirttail to Shumard Canvons
Fiaure 1.6a. "Shumard" submarine canvon. Shirttail Canvon

shelf-margin carbonates of the Cutoff and Victorio Peak forma- canyon. As the ~ h u m i r dpaleo-canion is tracked downdip, the more clast rich. This stacking pattern may be local to cession of thin-bedded, planar and ripple-laminated
tions. The NE canyon margin defines the northern (up-dip) canyon broadens and opens up. Amalgamated, channelized this feeder since similar vertical variations are not sandstones (Bouma Tb & Tc turbidites) and interbed-
extent of the Brushy Canyon outcrop belt (Brushy Canyon "pin- sandstones of the canyon axis become less amalgamated and well developed in other stacked slope channel com- ded siltstones. Toward the channel axis, thin-bedded
chout"). The lower 213 of the canyon fill consists of channel- separate to form the vertically-stacked sand-filled slope chan- plexes of similar age. low-concentration turbidites are replaced by increas-
ized, amalgamated, thick-bedded sandstones. Siltstones (form- nels exposed in present-day Shumard Canyon. In this oblique- ing proportions of thicker-bedded, Ta sandstones.
ing recessive slopes) are locally preserved along the canyon dip view, the channels are 10-50 m deep and are incised into Figure 1 . 6 ~ .Marginal, oblique dip-view of lower Note the channel base is a simple erosion surface
margins. The upper 113 of the canyon fill consists of siltstones laminated siltstones. The sandstone fills of successively slope channel, Shumard Canyon. The fill at the incised into laminated siltstones.
and small, sand-filled channels containing abundant carbonate younger channels are thicker-bedded, more amalgamated, and margin of this channel consists of a thick (25 m) suc-

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Figure 1.7. Upper Brushy Canyon slope siltstones of the El Capitan south area.

This area is representative of the Brushy Canyon "constructional" slope environments. An

approximately 300m thick interval of alternating light and dark colored siltstone is capped by
a thick, channelized sandstone body.

1.7a. Photograph showing thick slope siltstones that are characteristic of areas located
between slope channel fairways. Siltstones are composed of two main lithofacies: 1) light
gray, medium to coarse-grained, laminated siltstones (1.7h) and 2) dark gray, fine-grained,
organic-rich siltstones (1.7~).High-relief erosion surfaces, cut into siltstones and draped by
laminated siltstones (see arrows), are common in some slope areas. Some of these surfaces
are interpreted as evacuated slump scars.

1.7b. Example of light gray, laminated siltstones. Mm-scale, graded laminations are inter-
preted as deposits of dilute, fine-grained turbidity currents.

1.7~.Example of dark-gray, organic-rich siltstones which serve as excellent marker horizons

within the Brushy Canyon Fm. These siltstones have up to 2% TOC (marine algal kerogen
type) and are interpreted as relatively condensed, hemipelagic deposits.

Figure 1.7a. Example from El Capitan area of thick slope siltstones that are characteristic of areas located between
slope channel fairways.

Figure 1.7b. Example of light gray, laminated siltstones.

Figure 1.7~.Example of dark-@ay,~ ~ ~ ~ n i c -siltstorl.=~
r i c h wl I
serve as excellent marker horizons within the Brushy Canyon Fm.

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MEAN = 139 ...

Figure 2.1. Panoramic photograph, Upper Brushy Canyon Frn, Guadalupe Canyon area. The photograph shows approximately 150 m (500 ft) of section. The outcrop is oriented perpendicular to channel margins which
trend E-SE.Paleocurrent measurements are from the 100 ft. channel near the top of the section

Key features visible in this outcrop include: stones. The thin-bedded, fine-grained channel fills may several meters thick, of inclined, thin-bedded classical tur- the location of overlying sand-filled channels.
represent deposition from the "tails" of bypassing flows, or bidites and siltstones that mantle and gradually onlap the Additionally, contorted bedding near the base of some
1) Vertically-stacked sand-prone channel fills encased in more likely reflect an episode of abandonment after chan- basal erosion surfaces. A crude, thickening-upward bedding channel fills suggests local slumping was associated with
siltstones: Sandstone channel fills #1-5 (oldest to nel erosion. trend is observed in channel #4 (the 100' channel). This channel initiation.
youngest) are contained within master erosion surfaces (red bedding trend may reflect decreasing capacity of flows to
lines) that are incised into siltstones and thin-bedded tur- 3) Channel dimensions: Large, channel-form erosion sur- transmit sediment farther basinward as channel infilling 6) Overall vertical stacking patterns: Sandstone Channel
bidites. The master erosion surfaces typically occur 1 to faces are 15-30 m deep, and up to 500 m wide. The most progressed. Fills # 1-5 are vertically-stacked, reflecting either up-dip
several meters below the base of the onlapping sandstone completely exposed channel has a widwdepth ratio of 16. point-source control, or influence of pre-existing topo-
fill. This relationship is documented in more detail on the 5) Evidence for slumping: The dark-gray, organic-rich graphic features such as the slump-related erosion surface
following page. 4) Sandstone channel fills: Channel fill styles are variable siltstone (lower right of pan) has an irregular, antiformal at the base of the section. Lower channel fills are only par-
(see next page). Dominant fill types consist of non-amalga- geometry and drapes an erosion surface that is located tially preserved, due to intercutting of master erosion sur-
2) Large, channel-form erosion surfaces incised into sand- mated, medium- to thick-bedded, internally massive sand- within the underlying light-colored laminated siltstones. faces, but become more completely preserved upwards.
stones and are overlain by thick, siltstone-prone intervals. stones with planar, non-erosional to moderately erosional This erosion surface has at least 10 m of erosional relief, These relationships suggest increasingly aggradational con-
Sandstone channel fills #2 and #3 are truncated by high- bases. Sandstones are typically laterally extensive across and is interpreted (based on its irregular geometry) as an ditions of deposition at this locality during Upper Brushy
relief, channel-form erosion surfaces that are filled with channels, but thin gradually towards channel margins. evacuated slump scar. Topographic lows on this basal, Canyon time.
draping and/or onlapping siltstones and thin-bedded sand- Channel margins are typically overlain by "drapes" up to slump-related erosion surface at least partially controlled
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Figure 2.2a Channel Fill Types
High Erosional Fill
Fill Example: Fusulinid-rich sanstones, CHANNEL 2
upper half Sandstone Channel 3

Moderately erosional, onlapping

fill with complex channel margins
Example: Sandstone Channel 4(SE
Onlapping fill with facies changes CHANNEL MARGIN
toward margins and development
of channel margin drapes
Examples: Sandstone Channels 2,
3 and 4
B4 N.31

MEAN = 134
Low "Passive"(nonerosional) onlap-
Fill ping fill
Example: Sandstone Channel
1 (right side of siltstone "antiform")

Figure 2.2b Complex Channel Margin, SE Figure 2.2e. Detailed view of onlapping
margin of Sandstone Channel 4. sandstone aeometries and development of thin-
bedded d r a b along channel-margin of
Sandstone Channel 2.
The channel margin is characterized by stacked erosion Figure 2.2~. Non-amalgamated, onlapping Figure 2.2d. Margin of Sandstone Channel 2
surfaces and erosional remnants of small-scale sand- sandstone fill at axis of Sandstone Channel 2. showing progressive thinning of non-amalga- Arrows mark lateral thinning of sandstone beds into zone
stone channel fills. These geometries indicate a complex mated channel-filling sandstones towards of inclined, thin-bedded sandstones and siltstones form-
history of repeated erosion and at least minor backfilling channel margin. ing channel-margin "drape". Master erosion surface is
early in the channel's history, before later, more aggra- This style of channel fill is common to all the present below base of photo. Onlapping sandstone
dational, back-filling by laterally-extensive, onlapping Guadalupe Canyon slope channels. Sandstone beds are geometries at channel margins result in local thickening-
sandstones. The master channel erosion surface is separated from
medium- to thick-bedded and internally massive. upward bed thickness trends.
the base of the onlapping sandstones by a thin reces-
Sandstones typically thin towards channel margins into
sive zone of inclined, thin-bedded sandstones and silt-
very thin sandstone beds, which are interbedded with stones which mantle the channel margin. Dip angles
thin siltstones and form composite "drapes" along
within the "drapes" typically flatten upwards. Arrows
channel margins (see Photo 2).
show lateral thinning of channel-filling sandstones into
thin sandstone beds or laminae which form part of this
composite drape.

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Depositional Interpretation

Figure 2.3 Summary of Middle Slope Channel Complexes The section at Guadalupe Canyon is dominated by a set of most of the Guadalupe Canyon channels. The non-erosion-
vertically-stacked channel complexes. These complexes al character of these sandstone beds, together with a char-
are interpreted to have been situated on the mid-slope and acteristic facies change at their margins from massive beds
to represent "feeder"channe1s into the basin. The middle to thin-bedded, low-density turbidites, suggests emplace-
slope setting for these channels is based on: 1) their geo- ment by relatively slow-moving flows in a strongly deposi-
graphic and stratigraphic position, 2) their relatively large tional mode. These flows were quite different from those
Channel Characteristics size, 3) the presence of thick intervals of slope-building that cut the erosional channel containers. The lower energy
laminated siltstones, 4) common slumps within the silt- style of fill is potentially associated with late-stage back-
Channel Geometries: thin-bedded fme-grained intervals may fill entire channels, stones suggesting relatively high gradients, and 5) a vert- filling of the slope channels during times of relative sealev-
Large (up to 45 m deep), low aspect ratio sand-filled chan- or form the initial fill in otherwise sandstone-dominated cal stacking of channels suggesting deposition not too far el rise when the sediment flux to the slope was greatly
nels confined by master erosion surfaces incised into slope channel fills. Sandstone channel fills are variable in style, downdip of a fixed point-source. reduced.
siltstones. but are dominantly composed of non-amalgamated, medi-
um- to thick- bedded massive sandstones that are laterally The Guadalupe Canyon slope channels are interpreted to In general, Brushy Canyon slope channels exhibit greater
Bypass Indicators: extensive from channel axis to channel margin, and which have had long periods of sediment bypass prior to their fill- variability in fill styles than do Brushy Canyon channels on
Siltstone-draped erosion surfaces are common and coarse- thin abruptly at channel margins into composite "drapes" ing. During these intervals, each channel served as a trans- the basin floor. This variab'ility is attributed to the tenden-
grained lags are locally present. Thin intervals containing composed of interbedded, thin sandstones and siltstones. port conduit into the basin. Key features suggesting signif- cy for slope channels to be filled by flows over a greater
internal erosion surfaces, very thin lenticular sandstones icant sediment bypass include: 1) the large size of the mas- interval of time and later in the relative sea level cycle than
and "starved"ripples occur near the base of some channel Stacking Patterns: ter erosion surfaces, 2) evidence for repeated cutting and associated basin floor channels. Differences in fill styles
complexes and may represent the record of protracted Vertical to slightly offset channel stacking patterns are filling in the basal, axial portions of some channel fills, and between slope channel complexes fed by different point
bypass through the channel. common and indicate focusing of flow by nearby upper- 3) local coarse-grained lags. sources reflect variations in the "caliber" or importance of
slope canyons. Evidence for slump-related features indi- the point source as a sediment contributor, and variations in
Channel F ill
s: cate that pre-existing topography may be an additional con A significant hiatus between channel cutting and channel the character of flows delivered to the slope at the time of
In this setting, large-scale erosion surfaces are commonly trol on channel locations and stacking. filling is also suggested by the character of the laterally- back-filling.
overlain by thin-bedded sandstones and siltstones. These extensive, non-amalgamated, massive sandstones that fill

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MEAN = 320

Figure 3.1b
Figure 3 . 1 ~ Figure 3.1d

Figure 3.1. Overview of Delaware Mountain and Buena Vista outcrop localities(Upper Brushy Canyon Frn.). T h i s photo s h o w s a l a t e r a l l y extensive, s a n d - p r o n e plex i s 80 m thick. The a x i s o f t h e c h a n n e l complex i s sistent s a n d s t o n e l e d g e s that a r e separated by recessive-,c,d. P a l e o c u r r e n t m e a s u r e m e n t s for l o c a t i o n s r e f e r -
channel c o m p l e x in the U p p e r B r u s h y Canyon m e m b e r that c h a r a c t e r i z e d by thick, a m a l g a m a t e d sandstones. T o w a r d s w e a t h e r i n g s i l t s t o n e intervals. T h e outcrop belt i s a p p r o x i - e n c e d in F i g u r e
i s i n t e r p r e t e d as a major feeder c h a n n e l complex d e p o s i t e d t h e m a r g i n s of the c o m p l e x , these amalgamated sandstones r n a t e l y 1 km long and o r i e n t e d a t a highly o b l i q u e a n g l e to
in a l o w e r s l o p e (toe-of-slope) setting. T h e channel cam- b e c o m e l e s s amalgamated, a n d separate into l a t e r a l l y per- the SE-E trend of c h a n n e l s within t h e c o m p l e x .

3.1 Search CD-ROM

EPR Co. Buena Vista #2 EPR Co. Buena Vista #I

Figure 3.2 Photograph c,f Buena Vista locality within the Upper Brushy Canyon Member an1d the locations of the Buena Vista # l #2 researc:h boreholes.

This outcrop contains two 5th order stratigraphic units Canyon Member and is interpreted to represent a 4th order complex typically have 10-15 m (30-50 ft) of erosional sional relief of 5-10 m and may stack vertically within the
interpreted as lower slope channel complexes separated by lowstand wedge (LSW). relief. Erosion surfaces associated with the southern margin confines of major erosion surfaces. These secondary erosion
a laterally extensive siltstone bed ("marker bed"; see fol- of the upper complex (upper right-hand side of photo) exhib- surfaces are filled with thick-bedded, amalgamated sand-
lowing pages). The base of the Upper Member is interpret- From this view the highly channelized internal character of it 50-60 feet of incision along a complex, inclined zone. stones and typically lack lags. The complexly intercutting
ed as a sequence boundary (4th order) and abruptly over- the complexes is evident. Major erosion surfaces within the Major erosion surfaces within the channel complex are typi- character of major and minor erosion surfaces suggests a
lies a prominent, laterally extensive siltstone interval complex are highlighted in red, secondary erosion surfaces cally overlain by lenticular, coarse-grained sandstones (resis- protracted evolution including repeated episodes of down-
known as the 40 foot siltstone (Zelt and Rossen, 1995). are highlighted by thick black lines, and interpreted aban- tive, rusty brown beds on pan) that are interpreted as lags cutting, sediment bypass, channel backfill and abandonment.
The 40' siltstone is included within the Middle Brushy donment surfaces (overlain by laminated siltstones) are deposited hactively from high-velocity, bypassing flows.
marked in blue. Major erosion surfaces within the channel Secondary erosion surfaces within the complex have ero-

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MEAN = 60





mun= 149
Figure 3.3b

Figure 3.3a

oase or
are tractively- I ~ermearneter~ h a n n e c~ h & edeposits
of low concentration turbidity currents
have been interpreted both as: 1)
:lasts. Numerous Internal scour bypass facies deposited from the dilute
?ssuggest that these sands rep- tails of bypassing flows, and 2) low-
the thin tractive deposits of multi- energy back-filling facies that are prefer-
entially p r e s e ~ e dalong the channel internal scour surfaces and lenticular,
gh-energy, bypassing flows. margin. coarse-grained lags.
Figure 3.3. Lithofacies and stratal geometries preserved along Permeameter Channel margin, Buena Vista, Upper Brushy Canyon Formation.

3.3a. This figure shows the margin of the "Permeameter" 1) Erosion of basal erosion surface. 4) Thin-bedded channel margin turbidites are typically 6) Abandonment, or erosional incision and repetition of
channel which occurs along the SE flank of the Buena removed toward the channel axis by younger erosional sur- the cycle.
Vista channel complex (see Figure 3.2). 3.3b. Paleocurrent 2) Lenticular, coarse-grained, traction-laminated sand- faces that are typically infilled with thick-bedded, amalga-
measurements taken along the southern margin of stones along margin of channel(Fig. 3.3~). mated sandstones. This fill succession is interpreted to represent an overall
Permeameter Channel. cycle of: 1) erosion, 2) predominant sediment bypass, and
3) Thin-bedded, low concentration turbidites that drape the 5) Repetition of 3) and 4) may produce a complex, 3) depositional back-filling of erosional relief. The more
The Permeameter Channel illustrates a vertical progres- channel margin. These thin-bedded turbidites may be com- interfingering pattern between thick-bedded, amalgamated complex stratal relationships within the Permeameter
sion of fill types, and facies variations from channel axis to plexly interleaved with small-scale erosion surfaces and channel-filling sandstones in the channel axis, and thin- Channel indicate that the channel fill stages represent
margin, that are characteristic of many other channels with- lenticular coarse-grained sandstones, or may occur as even- bedded turbidites at the channel margin. numerous cutting, bypassing and back-filling events.
in the Buena Vista channel complex. The "Permeameter" ly bedded units that thicken toward channel axes(Fig.
fill succession consists of: 3.3d,e).

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Laminated Siltstone IThii-bedded Sandstones

Thin-bedded Sandstones

- - -

T g ofoutcrop

Figure 3.4b r (Zelt & R-n,

l ~ a r k e Bed 1995) -approx. 100 feet
Figure 3.4. This diagram shows the uppermost Brushy Canyon Formation at the Buena Vista locality. Also shown are the locations of research boreholes drilled in 1998 (the actual location of Buena Vista #2 is slightly
north of this area). See figures on previous and following pages for additional information. Only the logs for the interval above the marker bed are shown.

This figure emphasizes the relationships between the axis marked widespread abandonment of submarine fan systems #1, and are ultimately completely removed by erosion at this zone, indicating multiple cycles of erosion and deposi-
and southern margin of a large, erosionally-confined chan- during Upper Brushy Canyon time. The marker bed is the base of the channel complex in interval C. The base tion and a highly protracted initial phase of evolution. In
nel complex that occurs above the "marker bed" and that is truncated immediately south of the Buena Vista #1 well by and southern margin of the complex are bounded by com- the axis of the channel complex, the channel base is over-
interpreted to have formed in a toe-of slope depositional an erosional surface at the base of a younger channel sys- posite erosion surfaces composed of numerous discordant lain by a thick lag complex. Overlying the lag complex is
environment. The "marker bed" is an organic-rich siltstone tem (interval A on sketch). Channel system A is overlain in surfaces. The minimum depth of erosional relief is esti- a thick package of thick-bedded, massive and amalgamated
(0.6 m thick) that contains ashbeds and that can easily be the south by a succession of medium-bedded sandstones mated at 120 feet. The southern margin of the complex is sandstones that represent the axial fill of the complex. These
correlated on photo pans and measured sections for over 15 and interbedded siltstones (interval B) that represents a steep, recessive-weathering zone composed of onlapping sandstones exhibit crude horizontal stratification, onlap
km to the northern limit of the Delaware Mountains. The another channel system located to the south. Intervals A thin-bedded turbidites, draping siltstones, and thin lag abruptly along the southern channel margin and represent a
"marker bed" is interpreted as a condensed interval that and B are progressively truncated northward of Buena Vista deposits. Numerous channel margin remnants exist within rapid, highly aggradational ("plugging") style of fill.

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EPR Co. Buena Vista #I
Up er Brushy Member
Brus y Canyon Formation
Six Bar Ranch, West Texas


I.5O Ta, Td

Ta, Td


Td,Te O.B.

Figure 3.5. Core Summary Plot

The EPR Co. Buena Vista #1 well penetrates the upper mem-
ber and the top of the middle member of the Brushy Canyon
Formation. The Buena Vista outcrop is oriented slightly
oblique to the paleo-flow direction (see Fig. 3.4), therefore
provides a depositional strike perspective. At Buena Vista,
the upper member is interpreted as lower slope deposits and
characterized by deeply incised channels.

This core summary-plot illustrates the relationship between

well-log patterns, core lithofacies associations and environ-
ments of deposition. Dominating the cored interval is
approximately 240 feet of stacked channel-axis and channel-
margin deposits for the upper confined channel complex
(UBC-2) and predominantly channel-axis deposits for the
lower confined channel complex (UBC-1). Channel-axis
deposits are dominated by highly amalgamated, normally
- graded, massive to cross-stratified sandstones deposited pri-
TR, Ta marily by high-concentration turbidity currents. In these
channels the highly erosional basal surfaces are commonly
overlain by lenticular units of rip-up clast conglomerates or
fusulinid-rich sandstones. Channel-margin deposits are domi-
nated by onlapping, erosionally bounded, thin-bedded, low-
concentration turbidites and inter-bedded thin, lenticular
Ta coarse-grained sandstones.
Ta, TR

I Middle Brushy C.A. = Channel Axis deposit

Canyon FM C. M. = Channel Margin
O.B. = Overbank deposit
Upper Brushy Canyon
ash bed.--- C.C.C.= Confined Channel
I Com~lex

0Upper Brushy Canyon

80' siltstone
a = bioturbation
TR =Traction deposit M = massive bedding
Ta = massive sst. = ash bed
Tb = planar-stratifiedsst. 41 = current ripples
Tc = current ripple dominated sst. a = contorted beds
a:. = fusulinids
Td = planar-stratifiedshaly sst.
.2-= trough cross-beds

,' p t T
M.D. Sullivan 6 S.J. Fri
Te = planar-stratifiedto massive
mdst. --= water escape
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EPR Co. Buena Vista #2
Up er Brushy Member
Brus y Canyon Formation
Six Bar Ranch, West Texas

Figure 3.6. Core Summary Plot

The EPR Co. Buena Vkta #2 well penetrates the upper mem-
ber of the Bmshy Canyon Formation. The Buena Vista out-
crop is oriented slightly oblique to the paleo-flow direction
'd, Te (see Fig. 3.4), therefore provides a depositional strike per-
spective. At Buena Vkta the upper member is interpreted as
lower slope deposits and characterized by deeply incised

This core summary-plot illustrates the relationship between

well-log patterns, core lithofacies associations and environ-
ments of deposition. Dominating the cored interval is
approximately 250 feet of stacked channel-axis deposits for
the upper confined channel complex (UBC-2) and a mixture
of channel-margin and channel-axis deposits for the lower
confined channel complex (UBC-I). Channel-axis deposits
are dominated by highly amalgamated, normally graded,
massive to cross-stratified sandstones deposited primarily by
high-concentration turbidites. In these channels the highly
rc, TC erosional basal surfaces are commonly overlain by lenticular
- units of rip-up clast conglomerates or fusulinid-rich sand-
Te stones. Channel-margin deposits are dominated by onlap-
ping, erosionally hounded, thin-bedded, low-concentration
turbidites and inter-bedded thin, lenticular coarse-grained

Middle Brushy C.A. = Channel Axis deposil

~ a n v o nFM C. M. = Channel Marain
0.6. = Overbank deposit
Upper Brushy Canyon
C.C.C.= Confined Channel
[7 Upper;!E;rr Canyon
a = bioturbation
M massive bedding
TR =Traction deposit
Ta = massive sst. ....
. .
= ash bed

= current ripples
Tb = ~lanar-stratifiedsst.
Tc = current ripple dominated sst. " == fusulinids beds
Td = planar-stratified shaly sst.
trough cross-beds
Te = planar-stratified to massive
mudstone. -
-= water escape
' Brus

& EPRCo.
' Buena
." Vista #2 Buena Vista #I

Approximate Area of

Siltstones Pebbly Sandstones (Lags) Thick-bedded Sandstones Thin-bedded Sandstones

(Channel Axis) (Channel Margin)

Figure 3.7. This diagram illustrates the calibration of the Buena Vista well logs to the outcrop and the bedding correlations between the two borehole locations. Refer to previous pages for locations of the Buena
Vista #I and #2 sites and additional information.

For purposes of illustration, facies associations have been channel complexes while the 6th order units represent sto- represents a highly amalgamated, deeply incised system the southern channel complex margin is indicated on the
simplified as follows; siltstone (abandonment intervals), ries within the fill of the complexes. with its southernly margin located at the site of Buena upper right-hand side of the diagram and shown on the fol-
pebbly sandstones (channel lags), thick-bedded sandstones Vista #1, and its axis at BuenaVista #2. Although the axial lowing page. This diagram illustrates the difficulty of
(channel axis facies), and thin-bedded sandstones (channel UBC-1 is characterized by numerous, relatively shallow, fill of the UBC-2 complex consists of amalgamated chan- accurately correlating well logs for closely spaced wells
margin facies). The Upper Brushy Canyon Member at nested channels. These channels have margins that gener- nel sandstones that simply onlap the base UBC-2.3 surface within this depositional setting. This work was accom-
Buena Vista can be subdivided into two 5th order units ally stack in the vicinity of the Buena Vista #2 location, to the south, the margin of the complex is quite complicat- plished as part of the Exxon Exploration Co. Deep-Water
(UBC-1, UBC-2) and several 6th order units. The 5th and axes that preferentially stack in the vicinity of the ed and records a protracted history of multiple episodes of Internship Program in collaboration with the Exxon
order units are interpreted as lower slope, or toe-of-slope Buena Vista #1 location. By contrast, the UBC-2 complex erosion, bypass and deposition. A more detailed study of Production Research Co. Deep-Water Reservoirs Group.

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(vert) I
30ft (horiz) rn
Massive to Bedded Sandstone
'Pinstripe' lithofacies: Dipping Siltstone
ISandstone:Truncated MarginWedges
410 ft

Coarse Lag: Sandstone, Clasts, Fusinlllds

- .

Thin-bedded SandstoneISiltstone

Slltstone: Abandonmenfflnterchannel
- Eroslonal Surface

Jennene, Beaubouef (EPR). Jensen, Brami, Wilson, Ardili, Tate, Keidell.

and Ripple-Laminated Sandstone

Figure 3.8. This diagram illustrates the complex stratigraphic relationships along the southern margin of the upper channel complex at the Buena Vista outcrop locality. See Fig. 3.7 for location of sections. The
Buena Vista #1 well log and core project into the line of section in the vicinity of measured section IN.

The lithofacies designations used in this diagram are slight- south. Datum 2 is an abandonment surface that is truncat- margin do not extend into the axis of the complex. The the final filling of the complex was accomplished by depo-
ly different than those of previous pages, and consist of: ed to the north. channel margin zone includes several horizons of channel sition of horizontally-bedded, massive sandstones that sim-
massive to bedded sandstones (channel axis facies), "pin- lags and truncated channel margin wedges that thin, change ply onlap the upper surface of the channel margin lens with-
stripe" facies (inclined thin-bedded siltstones and sand- The channel margin zone is a steeply dipping lens that con- facies and onlap smaller scale channel margins within the out appreciable facies changes toward the margin. In gener-
stones within the channel margin), sandstone (erosionally tains a variety of lithofacies and numerous internal surfaces. lens. These relationships indicate a protracted evolution al these relationships indicate; a) an early phase of alternat-
truncated wedges of medium-bedded sandstone within the Note that the prominent erosional surfaces that bound the that included repeated cycles of erosion, bypass, and chan- ing bypass and channel filling and, b) a late phase of chan-
margin), coarse lag (pebbly sandstones within the margin), lens dip at a high angle relative to internal bedding. These nel filling followed by resumed erosion. Significant thick- nel back-filling or "plugging". This work was accomplished
thin-bedded sandstone and siltstone, siltstone (abandon- surfaces are correlated to the base UBC-2.3 surface in ness of channel fill must have existed prior to each erosional as part of the Exxon Exploration Co. Deep-Water Internship
ment facies). Prominent erosional surfaces are shown in Buena Vista #2 (previous page) and intersect in the northem episode, and erosional down-cutting occurred to similar Program in collaboration with the Exxon Production
green. Datum 1, the "marker bed", is truncated to the part of the section. Hence, the strata contained within the stratigraphic levels in each erosional episode. By contrast, Research Co. Deep-Water Reservoirs Group.

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Bash Floor

Figure 3.9. Summary of Toe-of-Slope Channel Complexes

Channel Characteristics Channel Fills: ting) and characterized by laterally-offset channel stacking Low-density turbidites preserved in thin-bedded channel
patterns. margin drapes above lagged erosion surfaces are well-
Channel Geometry: - Thick-bedded, amal :hannel fills are common, developed in this depositional setting. This facies may rep-
particularly within fills of secondary(minor) channels. Depositional Interpretation resent either: 1) a bypass facies deposited from the dilute
- Moderate relief (5-15 m) erosional channels with simple tails of bypassing high-energy turbidity currents, or 2) low-
to complex margins. - Margins of major erosion surfaces are commonly overlain The absence of thick slope siltstone intervals and the tran- energy back-filling facies.
or "draped" by inclined wedges of thin-bedded sandstones sition from vertical channel stacking patterns (observed in
Bypass Indicators: and siltstones containing common internal erosion sur- slope areas) to laterally-offset channel stacking patterns Complexly intercutting erosion surfaces, and cyclic fill
faces. suggest deposition in a less confined, lower slope setting. styles suggest low rates of aggradation, and repeated
- Lenticular, coarse-grained lags are common along the episodes of erosion, bypass into the basin, and back filling
base of major erosion surfaces. Associated Facies and Channel Stacking Patterns: The abundance of coarse-grained lags at this locality is by high energy flows.
attributed to loss of gradient at the toe-of-slope. Lags are
- Siltstone-draped scours are present, but not common. Channels are typically incised into other channel-fill sand- less abundant in areas located depositionally updip and
stones (not into slope siltstones as in the slope channel set- downdip from this locality.

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Figure 4.1. A paleogeographic reconstruction for
the Lower Brushy Canyon (map to right) shows
that Lower Brushy Canyon sandstones were
deposited on the basin floor, in E-SE trending
submarine fan complexes.

The submarine fan complexes are interpreted to consist of

down-fan bifurcating channel networks which feed uncon-
fined sheet complexes in the outer reaches of the system.

Lower Brushy slope deposits are poorly preserved in out-

crop, therefore the depiction of the slope is schematic. The
Lower Brushy Canyon fans are interpreted to pinchout
updip onto the toe-of-slope in the area located just south of
the Guadalupe Mountains. The Lower Brushy slope may
have largely consisted of relict carbonate slope deposits.


Within the basin-floor fans, four main depositional 2) Medial Channelized Fan: Channels of moderate-scale 3) Channel to Sheet lkansitions: Broad shallow channels 4) Sheet Complexes: This environment is characterized
environments are recognized: are common and occur in association with tabular (broadly show a distinct, genetic association with laterally adjacent by laterally extensive, amalgamated to non-amalgamated,
channelized to sheet-like) sandstones and interbedded silt- tabular sandstones. Channel margins are characterized by medium- to thick-bedded sandstones that form compensa-
1) Proximal Channelized Fan: Relatively large channels stones. Compared to proximal fan channels, medial fan multiple low-relief erosional surfaces that pass laterally tionally-stacked bedsets. Channels are generally absent.
are incised into pre-existing channel and inter-channel channels are characterized by simple channel margins and from the amalgamated channel axes into relatively con- Erosional scours, if present, are broad and shallow, and
strata. These channels exhibit simple erosional bases. amalgamated channel fills, but have greater widthldepth formable medium- to thick-bedded interchamel sand- typically have less than 1 m relief.
Channel fills, consisting of amalgamated, thick-bedded ratios and are arranged in laterally offset stacking patterns. stones. Although the tabular, sandstones appear sheet-like,
sandstones, suggest rapid, back-filling by high-energy individual beds are typically lenticular, and exhibit com-
flows. Lags and siltstone-draped erosion surfaces are rare. pensatory vertical stacking patterns.

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1 Figure 4.2a

Figure 4.2. Proximal Basin Floor: Popo Channels, Middle Brushy Canyon Formation.

4.2a. Oblique depositional strike perspective of proximal Channels tend to be filled from axes to margins by fine cited as evidence for a channel evolution that includes: a) suspended sediment out of such a turbidity current was typ-
fan channels of the middle member of the Brushy Canyon grained amalgamated, thick-bedded cross-stratified sand- an early phase of bypass and deposition from only the bed- ically high enough to bury and preserve the stoss sides to
Formation stones exhibiting aggradational bed forms. These features load portions of through going flows followed by b) a very many of the bedforms. These supercritically climbing bed-
suggest deposition from long-lived currents and relatively rapid, aggradational ("plugging") style of fill, followed by forms indicate that the filling of the channels was primarily
Dominating this exposure are laterally offset, erosionally high sedimentation rates. Significant facies changes from c) a lateral shift in the axes of deposition. associated with spatial, not temporal, deceleration of the
based, narrow (low aspect ratio) channels and interchannel axis to margin are not observed and the sandstones abrupt- currents. Estimates for the durations of these currents, as
sheets. In contrast to the deeply incised slope channels of ly terminate by onlap along channel margins. Genetic 4.2b. Example of cross-stratified, fine-grained sandstone well as for their velocities at the sites of deposition, can be
the upper member, these channels exhibit simple erosional associations between channel and interchannel strata are characteristic of channel axis deposition. This stratification constrained through analysis of bedform geomeby (height,
bases, are much less incised and have higher width to not obvious. The interchannel strata are comprised of non- was produced by a train of bedforms (e.g., dunes) migrat- length, and plan-form), bedform climb angle, and grain size.
thickness (aspect) ratios. Some erosional surfaces associat- amalgamated thin- to thick-bedded laminated to massive ing down the channel during sustained turbidity-current
ed with the channel bases are overlain by coarse lags. sandstones and interbedded siltstones. These features are flow. Aggradation of the channel bottom due to the rain of

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Large erc ~ a channel
l on bas
n s l fan q r ~ ~ bhRcw




Figure 4 . 3 ~ .Proximal-margin

Figure 4.3b. Channel-axis

Figure 4.3. Proximal Basin Floor: Brushy Mesa, Lower Brushy Canyon Formation.

4.3a. Oblique depositional strike perspective of proximal nels by high-concentration turbidity flows. The interchan- characterized by repetitive sandstones that are fusilinid-rich the margin and may be related a) to an early phase of trans-
fan channels of the lower member. Dominating this expo- nel strata are comprised of non-amalgamated thin- to thick- at their base and grade upward into massive sandstone. mission prior to channel plugging orb) temporary aban-
sure are laterally offset, erosional based, narrow (low bedded massive sandstones and interbedded siltstones. 4.3~.Channel-margins are also dominated by highly amal- donment of the channel following initial erosion. 4.3d.
aspect ratio) channels and interchannel sheets. Channels 4.3b. Channel-axis deposits are dominated by thick-bed- gamated massive sandstones. Note the simple onlap of Paleocurrent measurements for the proximal fan channels
tend to be filled from axes to margins by amalgamated, ded, high-concentration turbidites characterized by fine- to thick-bedded massive sandstones onto the margin of the at Brushy Mesa.
thick-bedded sandstones suggesting rapid filling of chan- medium-grained, massive sandstones. The channel fill is channel. Onlapping siltstones are locally preserved along

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al Bas

\ Shelf

Figure 4.4. Summary of Proximal Basin Floor Channel Complexes

Channel Characteristics filling of channels by high-concentration turbidite flows. Interchannel Association: tically stacked, deeply incised channels like those observed
Often, cross-stratification is observed, which suggests sus- Interchannel strata associated with these channels consist in the slope,
Channel Geometry: tained flow and high depositional rates within channels. In of non-amalgamated thin- to thick-bedded massive to cur- c) simple, rather than complex channel margins,
Laterally offset, erosional based (5-20 m thick), narrow some cases, channel fill shows a decrease in amalgamation rent ripple laminated sandstones and interbedded siltstones. d) highly amalgamated sandstone channel fills, and
(75-230 m), low aspect ratio channels that tend to be both toward the margins, but significant facies changes toward Genetic associations between interchannel and channel fill e) lower proportions of bypass indicators compared to
vertical and laterally amalgamated to produce very continu- margins are rare. strata are not obvious. lower slope channels.
ous composite sandbodies separated by interchannel sheet
sandstones. Bypass Indicators: Depositional Interpretation
Although coarse lags are observed in some outcrops, their These channel complexes are interpreted to have formed in a
Channel Fill: proportions are low relative to middle and lower slope proximal basin floor setting. This interpretation is based on:
Channels tend to be filled from axes to margins by amalga- channels. In general, the evidence for bypass is represent- a) the absence of associated thick slope siltstone intervals,
mated, thick-bedded massive sandstones suggesting rapid ed only by an erosional surface. b) laterally-offset, weakly incised channels rather than ver-

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Colken Canyon, Lower Brushy Canyon Formetion
. .



Figure 4.5a

Figure 4.5b. Axis to margin transition.
Figure 4 . 5 ~ . Sheet complexes aajacenr ro cnannel complex.
Figure 4.5e. Cross-stratified sandstones
-channelized in channel axis.
Figure 4.5. Medial Fan: Colleen Canyon, Lower Brushy Canyon Formation. These outcrops are interpreted to represent the transition between channelized and non
areas of the basin floor and are described as distributary channel complexes.

45a. Depositional strike perspective of a broad (350 m), ner-bedded, less amalgamated sandstones. The channel Although the sandstone "packages" are highly continuous, showing the thick-bedded character and overall high conti-
relatively shallow (20 m) channel with extremely continu- margin is formed by several, vertically stacked erosional lenticular and compensational bedding styles and small nuity of channel margin sandstones lateral to the axis of the
ous sheet-like margins that can be traced laterally for sever- surfaces that exhibit up to 9 m of relief. The degree of ero- scale scour surfaces are common within them. Also channel complex. 45d. Thick succession of amalgamated,
al thousand feet. Surfaces from within the channel-axis sion decreases substantially into the adjacent sheet-like shown are paleocurrent indicators for the channel and adja- trough cross-bedded sandstones in the axis of the channel
can be traced into the adjacent beds indicating a genetic sandstone "packages". Sandstones within these continuous cent strata. complex. 4.5e. Example of trough cross-bedded sand-
relationship between the channel and the sheet-like mar- "packages" are generally massive internally and interpreted stones characteristic of axial channel fill. These bedforms
gins. Channel-axes are comprised of thick-bedded, com- to have been deposited rapidly from suspension. Loaded 4.5b. Enlarged view of main channel showing transition suggest long-lived currents and high sedimentation rates.
monly cross-stratified amalgamated sandstones that are bedding contacts, flame structures and evidence for dewa- from channel axis, amalgamated sandstones to channel mar-
replaced toward the channel margins by progressively thin- tering are abundant and indicate high rates of deposition. gin, semi-amalgamated sheets. 4 3 . View looking east

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Figure 4.6. Colleen Canyon, Lower Brushy Canyon Formation: Outcrop to Well-Log Calibration. These photos show the Colleen Canyon area as viewed from SSE.

4.6a. This outcrop is contained in the down-thrown fault interval of Pipeline Shale. The Brushy CanyonPipeline lower unit. These packages can be further subdivided into which allows them to he divided into sheet-axis and sheet-
block east of the ranch road and is a southern view of the Shale contact is the base of the Brushy Canyon lowstand several thinner, but highly continuous sandstone "packets" margin associations, respectively. The sheet-axis deposits
same channel complex illustrated on the previous page. sequence set (3rd order SB). Based on the presence of a (6th order?). are dominated by amalgamated, normally graded to massive,
Also shown is the location of the EPR Co. Colleen Canyon highly condensed interval at the base of the "middle reces. fine-grained sandstones with or without internal erosion sur-
#1 research borehole drilled in 1998. In this perspective, sive" observed in core (see following page), the lower 4.6b. Enlarged view of the site of the Colleen Canyon #1 faces. Sheet-margin deposits are dominated by non-amal-
almost the entire thickness of the lower member (4th order member can be subdivided into two sandstone-rich 5th borehole site with well logs tied to the outcrop. Note that gamated, fine-grained sandstones.
sequence) can be seen. The basal Brushy Canyon order units. Lateral equivalents to the channel complex the continuous channel margin deposits exhibit internal
Formation rests sharply above an approximately 50m thick seen on the previous page occur in the upper half of the regions of greater and lesser degrees of amalgamation,

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EPR Co. Colleen Canyon #1
Lower Brushy Member
Brushy Canyon Formation
Six Bar Ranch. West Texas

:igure4.7. Core Summary Plot

h e EPR Co. Colleen Canyon #1 well penetrates the lower

Ta iember of the Brushy Canyon Formation and the basal
:rushy Canyon Formation sequence boundary. The Colleen
:anyon outcrop is oriented slightly oblique to the paleo-flow
Ta irection (see Fig. 4.5a), therefore provides a depositional
trike perspective. In the Colleen Canyon area, the lower
lember is interpreted as medial fan deposits representing the
Tc ansition between channelized and non-channelized regions
f the basin floor.
his core summary-plot illustrates the relationship between
I, c-d $ell-logpatterns, core lithofacies associations and environ-
lents of deposition. Dominating the cored interval is
Ta pproximately 230 feet of stacked sheet-axis and
- hannellsheet-margin deposits. The well is located in a mar-
Td inal position relative to the main channel-axis and com-
Td rised of extremely continuous "packets" of semi- to non-
malgamated, massive to cross-stratified sandstones. Sheet-
Ta xis deposits are dominated by amalgamated sandstones and
m ~eet-marginsare dominated by non-amalgamated sand-
:ones. In both sheet axis and sheet margin deposits, sedi-
Ta lentary structures suggest rapid deposition from suspension
y high concentration turbidity currents.

C.A. = Channel Axis deposil
Ta C. M. = Channel Margin
Lower Brushy Canyon
O.B. = Overbank d e ~ o s i t
Ih C.C.C.= Confined Channel
Ta Complex

Td TR = Traction deposit a = bioturbation

M massive bedding
Ta = massive sst.
Tb = planar-stratified sst. ....= ash bed
-' current ripples
Tc = current ripple dominated sst.
Td = planar-stratified shaly sst. a = contorted beds
Te = planar-stratified to massive = fusulinids
mudstone. &=trough cross-beds
--=water escape


Figure 4.8. Summary of Medial Basin Floor Channel Complexes

Channel Characteristics Depositional Interpretation

C h a ~ e Geometry:
l Associated Facies: These channel complexes are interpreted to have formed in c) evidence for rapid deposition from suspension in the
Broad, shallow channel complex characterized by vertical- Channel complex is incised into laterally extensive, tabular a media] basin floor setting characterized by a distributive absence of confinement in the channel flank areas, and
ly-stacked, low-relief (< 10 m) erosion surfaces that pass sandstone "packets" containing lenticular, locally erosive, depositional environment. The prominent channel complex
laterally into relatively conformable, interchannel areas that loaded or dewatered generally massive sandstones. in colleen canyon is interpreted as a major trunk channel d) evidence for minor focusing of flows within a relatively
exhibit only minor channelization. smaller channels and sheet axes are interpreted as dis. unconfined setting outside the main channel axis.
tributary channels within a distributary channel complex.
Channel Fill: This interpretation is based on:
- Axis of complex: amalgamated, trough cross-laminated
sandstones a) low relief and broad width of channel complexes,
- Flank of complex: non-amalgamated, medium to thick-
bedded, tabular sandstones that are often internally b) the continuity of beds from channel axis to channel
structureless flank.

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Dominating the Lower Brushy Canyon Formation in the complexes are thicker, more amrugamated and
this portion of the outcrop belt are sharp based, gen- appear to be stacked in an aggradational fashion.
erally non-amalgamated turbidite sheet complexes. Rather than reflecting overall progradation or out-
building of fan systems, these vertical stacking pat-
terns likely reflect lateral switching of depositional
axes of systems through time. This photograph illustrates the "packaging",
stacking patterns, and bedding styles of sandstone
sheet complexes. These sheet complexes consist of
approximately 5m thick, laterally extensive "pack- This photograph shows a close-up view of
ets" of medium- to thick-bedded, massive sand- complex bedding geometries within the lower mem-
stones with interbedded low concentration turbidites ber. Near the base of the outcrop a sandstone "pack-
and siltstones. The thicker, massive sandstones are et" is observed to thin over an underlying "packet"
- .from sus-
interpreted to have been deposited ravidlv that is seen to thin in the ouoosite direction. Like

pension by high concentration turbidity currents in many of the sheet complexes, the "packet" thinning
an outer fan environment and represent the dominant to the left exhibits an upward thickening bedding
facies type. Although the sandstone "packages" are trend. This is due to successively younger beds
highly continuous, lenticular and compensatory pinching out progressively further to the left indicat-
sandstone bedding styles and small scale scour sur- ing a depositional response to underlying topogra-
faces are locally present. Loaded bedding contacts, phy. The sandstone beds show an inter-fingering
flame structures and evidence for dewatering are relationship with the adjacent siltstone interval
abundant and indicate high rates of deposition. The rather than onlapping a single surface, and beds and
bases of these sheet complexes are relatively sharp laminae of the adjacent siltstone interval can be
Figure 3.1. uurer ran: Cordoniz Canyon, Lower Brushy Car., . -..nation. but tend to be nonerosional. They are either over- traced into the sandstone "packet". This suggests
lain by thinner siltstone dominated intervals or, that many of the siltstone prone intervals interbed-
where amalgamated, the base of a younger sand- ded with these deposits may be marginal or off-axis
stone "packet". In the lower portion of the photo- facies and not actual abandonment intervals, and
graph the complexes appear to be compensationally underscores the difficulty in performing stacking
stacked or laterally offset and are interbedded with pattern analyses at this scale.
siltstone intervals. In the middle to upper portions,

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.. .

, . .,

Sheet Complex Axis

Figure 5.2. Amalgamated Sheet Complex (sheet axis): Cordoniz Canyon.

This is a depositional strike view of a sheet complex show- margin sheets at Colleen Canyon. This complex shows massive, fme-grained sandstones. Finer grained interbeds the layered sheet complexes seen on the previous page.
ing a lateral progression of increasing bedding amalgama- similar axis to margin transitions in the degree of amalga- present in the non-amalgamated margins are progressively They represent deposition within a transitional environment
tion toward an axis (sheet axis). In many respects, the mation; the sheet axis is dominated by amalgamated, nor- removed by small scale erosion toward the axis. between confined and unconfined settings.
architecture of these layered sandbodies is very similar to mally graded, massive, fine-grained sandstones and the Complexes such as these are viewed as intermediate
the localized zones of amalgamation within the channel sheet-margin deposits are dominated by non-amalgamated, between the main channel complex at Colleen Canyon and

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Figure 5.3. Summary of Outer Basin Floor Fan

Sheet Complex Characteristics and small scale scour surfaces are locally present. Loaded Associated Facies: ing massive sandstones suggests suspension deposition in a
bedding contacts, flame structures and evidence for dewa- Thin siltstone intervals with minor, thin-bedded sandstones relatively unconfined setting. However, the sheet axes or
Sandbody Geometry: tering are common and indicate high rates of deposition. occur adjacent to and interbedded with sandstone dominated localized zones of amalgamation indicate focusing of flow
Sharp based, extremely continuous, 5-7 m layered sand- Sheet complexes also tend to display an aggradational to sheet complexes. In some cases these appear to be an off- and an association with nearby channels. The compensa-
stone "packets" that are either compensationally stacked, weakly developed thickening-upward organization. Based axis or lateral facies association to the sandstone complexes. tional stacking of sandstone "packets" indicates rapid
laterally offset from one another, or stacked aggradationally. on the degree of vertical amalgamation, complexes are suh- changes in the position of depositional axes (e.g. lobe
divided into sheet axes and sheet margins and characterized Depositional Interpretation switching).
Internal Characteristics: as follows: Sheet axis: highly amalgamated, medium- to
Sheet complexes are dominated by medium- to thick-bed- thick-bedded, massive, fine-grained sandstones; Sheet mar- These sheet complexes are interpreted to have formed in an
ded, massive sandstones interbedded with minor low con- gin: thinner-bedded, non-amalgamated, massive, fine- outer basin floor fan setting, but within a distributive depo-
centration turbidites and siltstones. Lenticular and com- grained sandstones with interbedded siltstones. sitional environment. The general lack of erosion and the
pensatory internal sandstone bedding styles are common extreme continuity of layered sandstone "packets" contain-

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The authors wish to thank Mr. Tony Kunitz for allowing Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Publication, Harms, J.C., 1968, Permian Deep-water Sedimentation by Field, Eddy County, New Mexico; in Permian Basin
geologic field studies to be conducted on the 6 Bar Ranch. DeMis, W.D. and Cole, A.G. eds., 96-38, p. 119-130. Non-turbid Currents, Guadalupe Mountains, Texas, Exploration and Production Strategies: Applications of
A heartfelt thank you goes to Mike and Anne Capron. Geological Society of America Special Paper 121, p. 127. Sequence Stratigraphic and Reservoir Chararacterization
Their hospitality has always made us feel at home on the 6 Fekete, T.E., 1986, The Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of Concepts, West Texas Geologic Society Publication, Murk,
Bar Ranch, and much of our work would not have been the Grayburg Formation and Its Associated Erosion Surface Harms, J.C., 1974, Brushy Canyon Formation, Texas: A D.H., and Currans, B.C. eds., 92-91, p. 12-18.
possible without their help. The cooperation of the U.S. along the High Western Escarpment of the Guadalupe Deep-water Density Current Deposit, Geological Society of
National Park Scrvice is also acknowledged. The authors Mountains, Texas; unpublished M.S. thesis, University of America Bulletin, 85, 1763-1784. Kerans, C., Fitchen, W.M., Gardner, M.H., Sonnenfeld,
extend their thanks to Exxon Production Research Co. for Wisconsin-Madison, 174 p. M.D., Tinker, S.W. and Wardlaw, B.R., 1992, Styles of
allowing the release of this guidebook. In particular, we Harms, J. C. and Pray, L. C., 1974, Erosion and Sequence Development within Uppermost Leonardian
would like to thank C. R Jones, R. E. Hill, S. A. Franseen, E.K., 1985, Sedimentology of the Grayburg and Deposition along the Mid-Permian Intracratonic Basin through Guadalupian Strata of the Guadalupe Mountains,
Reeckmann, S. M. Utskot, and W. T. Drennen 111. Without Queen Formations (Guadalupian), and the Shelf Margin Margin, Guadalupe Mountains, Texas; in Modern and Texas and New Mexico; in Permian Basin Exploration and
their cooperation, support, and guidance this guidebook Erosion Surface, Western Escarpment, Guadalupe Ancient Geosynclinal Sedimentation, Society of Economic Production Strategies: Applications of Sequence
and the field research conference would not have been pos- Mountains, West Texas; unpublished M.S. Thesis, Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Publication, Stratigraphic and Reservoir Characterization Concepts,
sible. Many Exxon geoscientists have contributed to our University of Wisconsin-Madison, 189 p. Dott, R. H. Jr. and Shaver, R. H. eds., 19, p. 37. West Texas Geologic Society Publication, Murk, D.H. and
understanding of the Brushy Canyon Formation during Currans, B.C. eds, 92-91, p. 1-6.
field excursions and training courses over the years. Their Franseen, E.K., Fekete, T.E. and Pray, L.C., 1989, Harms, J.C. and Williamson, 1988, rushy Canyon
perspectives, insights and contributions to this work are Evolution and Destruction of a Carbonate Bank at the Shelf Formation, Texas: A Deep-water Density Current Deposit, Kerans, C. and Fitchen, W.M., 1995, Sequence Hierarchy
respectfully acknowledged. The efforts of the members of Margin: Grayburg Formation (Permian), Western Geologic Society of America Bulletin, 72, p. 287-3 17. and Facies Architecture of a Carbonate-ramp System: San
the 1998 Deep-water Internship Program are gratefully Escarpment, Guadalupe Mountains, Texas; in Controls on Andres Formation of the Algerita Escarpment and Western
acknowledged. Carbonate Platform and Basin Development, Society of Harms, J.C. and Brady, M.J., 1996, Deposition of the Guadalupe Mountains, West Texas and New Mexico, The
Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Brushy Canyon Formation: 30 years of Conflicting University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology Report
Extended Bibliography for Brushy Canyon Formation Publication, Crevello, P.D., Wilson, J.L., Sarg, J.F. and Hypotheses; in The Brushy Canyon Play in Outcrop and of Investigation 235, 86 p.
Read, J.F. eds., 44, p. 289-304. Subsurface, Permian Basin Section-Society of Economic
Armentrout, J.M., Peters, K.E., Sageman, B.B., Murphy, Paleontologists and Mineralogists Publication, DeMis, Kerans, C. and Fitchen, W.M., 1996, Stratigraphic
A.E. and Gardner, M.H., 1998, Stratigraphic Hierarchy of Fischer, A.G. and Sarnthein, M., 1988, Airborne Silts and W.D. and Cole, A.G. eds., 96-38, p. 51-61. Constraints on the Origins of the Brushy Canyon
Organic Carbon-rich Siltstones in Deep-water Facies, Dune Derived Sands in the Permian of the Delaware Basin, Sandstones; in The Brushy Canyon Play in Outcrop and
Brushy Canyon Formation, (Guadalupian), Delaware Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 58, p. 637-643. Harris, M. T., 1982, Sedimentology of the Cutoff Subsurface, Permian Basin Section-Society of Economic
Basin, Texas (abstr.); in AAPG International Meeting, Rio Formation (Permian), Western Guadalupe Mountains, West Paleontologists and Mineralogists Publication, DeMis,
de Janeiro, Brazil, Extended Abstracts Volume, Mello, Gardner, M.H., 1992, Sequence Stratigraphy and Eolian Texas and New Mexico; M.S. Thesis, University of W.D. and Cole, A.G. eds., 96-38, p. 61-69.
M.R. and Tilmaz, P.O. eds., p. 622-623. Derived Turbidites: Patterns of Deep-water Sedimentation Wisconsin-Madison, 186 p.
along an Arid Carbonate Platform, Permian (Guadalupian) King, P. B., 1942, Permian of West Texas and Southeast
Beaubouef, R.T. and Rossen, C., 1999, Reconstructing Delaware Mountain Group, West Texas; in Permian Basin Hills, J.M., 1942, Rhythm of the Permian Seas-A New Mexico, American Association of Petroleum
Slope to Basin Floor Depositional Systems from Outcrop Exploration and Production Strategies: Applications of Paleogeographic Study, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 26, 535-763.
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fed Submarine Fan Complexes (abstr.), in AAPG Annual Concepts: West Texas Geologic Society Publication, Murk, King, P. B., 1948, Geology of the Southern Guadalupe
Convention, San Antonio, TX, Program with Abstracts, p. D.H. and Currans, B.C. eds., 92-9 1, p. 7- 12. Hull, J.P.D., 1957, Petrogenesis of Permian Delaware Mountains, Texas. U. S. Geological Survey Professional
A10. Mountain Sandstone, Texas and New Mexico, American Paper, 215, 183 p.
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Berg, R.R, 1979, Reservoir Sandstones of the Delaware Formation Submarine Fan Complex of West Texas: p. 278-307. King, P.B., 1965, Geology of the Sierra Diablo Region,
Mountain Group, Southeast New Mexico; Guadalupian Implications to Sequence Stratigraphic Models for Deep- Texas, U.S. Geologic Survey Professional Paper, 480, 185 p.
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N. M. ed., 79-18, p. 75-79. Gardner, M.H. and Sonnenfeld, M.D., 1996, Recognition facies, Apache Mountains area, West Texas, Permian Basin Sedimentation in the Permian Basin, West Texas
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Canyon Formations, Eastern Delaware Basin, Texas; in Sandstones, Permian Brushy Canyon Fm., TX (abstr.), in New, M., 1988, Sedimentology of the Cherry Canyon
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Southeast New Mexico, Permian Basin Section-Society of Abstracts, p. A50. Hydrocarbons in Bell Canyon and Cherry Canyon Deep- Guadalupe Mountains, Texas and New Mexico; M.S.
Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Publication, sea Fans of the Delaware Basin; in Guadalupian Delaware Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 285 p.
Sullivan, N. M. ed., 79-18, p. 121-141. Gardner, M.H. and Sonnenfeld, M.D., 1996, Stratigraphic Mountain Group of West Texas and southeast New Mexico,
Changes in Facies Architecture of the Permian Brushy Permian Basin Section-Society of Economic Newell, N.D., Rigby, J.K., Fischer, A.G., Whiteman, A.J.,
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in the Delaware Mountain Group at the WIPP Site, Eddy West Texas; in The Brushy Canyon play in outcrop and M. ed., 79-18, p. 104-120. Complex of the Guadalupe Mountains Region, Texas and .
County, New Mexico; in The Brushy Canyon Play in subsurface, Permian Basin Section-Society of Economic New Mexico, W.H. Freeman Co., San Francisco, 236 p.
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Payne, M.W., 1976, Basinal Sandstone Facies, Delaware Janeiro, Brazil, Extended Abstracts Volume, Mello, M.R., AAPG Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA., Program with Williamson, C.R., 1980, Sedimentology of the
Basin, West Texas and Southeast New Mexico, American and Tilmaz, P.O. eds., p. 412. Abstracts, p. A50. Guadalupian Deep-water Clastic Facies, Delaware Basin,
Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 60, New Mexico and West Texas, New Mexico Geological
p. 571-527. Ruggerio, R.W., 1985, Depositional History and Silver, B. A. and Todd, R. G. 1969, Permian Cyclic Strata, Society Guidebook, 3 1st Field Conference, p. 195-204.
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Southern Arizona; in Structure and Tectonics of Trans- Canyon Formation (Guadalupian), Delaware Basin, West (Guadalupian), Delaware Basin, West Texas: Depositional
Pecos, Texas: West Texas Geological Society Publication, Texas, Geology, 26, p. 451-454. Processes and Stratigraphic Distribution; in The Search Zelt, F.B. and Rossen, C., 1993, Stratal Architecture of
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Area, Guadalupe Mountains, West Texas; M.S. Thesis, Stratigraphy and Reservoir Geometries, San Canyon Formation (Guadalupian), Delaware Basin Texas- Zelt, F.B., Rossen, C., and DeVries, M.B., 1994, Deep-
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 3 14 p. AndresIGrayburg Formations, Guadalupe Mountains, New New Mexico; in Upper Guadalupian Facies, Permian Reef water Depositional Environments of the Brushy Canyon
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