The Basics of Transmission Line Protection

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2020 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica

The Basics of Transmission Line Protection

Nathan O. Mogaru, P.E.
Shermco Industries Inc.
Irving, Texas, USA

Abstract—Transmission line protection schemes have evolved is zero. This protection scheme provides sensitive and
over the years. Direct connection of instrument transformer inherently selective protection of overhead lines and cables.
secondary wires to protection relays was mostly applicable to Additionally, it is immune to changing system conditions like
short transmission lines. In medium to long haul transmission
lines this scheme was not feasible due to line signal attenuation
weak infeed, series compensation, power swings, and
caused by increased line impedance among other factors. nonstandard short circuit current sources [1].
Technological advances have provided unique solutions that have The application of differential protection to transmission
been deployed in a variety of transmission lines from short to long lines has been plagued by limitation of line lengths. For
haul lines. This paper discusses how the use of microprocessor example, a transformer differential scheme may have CTs
based protection relays and modern digital communication mounted on the high side and low side of the bushings.
technologies have simplified transmission line protection. The
paper also discusses line current differential and distance
Secondary wiring will either be routed to a relay in the
relaying schemes as applied to transmission line protection. transformer cabinet (about 10 feet away) or in a nearby
Communication assisted tripping schemes will also be discussed substation protection house (about 50 feet away). This
and how they apply to distance relaying schemes. approach is not practical for transmission lines because of
distance between the local and remote relays which are usually
Index Terms--Transmission lines, digital signal processing (DSP), miles apart. Recent technological advances that utilize a
current transformer (CT), potential transformer (PT), distance
relays, redundancy, communication channel, microprocessor. dedicated digital communication channel to provide a reliable
path through which the local and remote relays send and
receive measured power system data has greatly simplified
deployment of differential protection to transmission lines.
A transmission line requires adequate protection in order to Differential protection is intended to be fast acting to clear
reliably transport electrical power from stations to consumers. internal faults while maintaining system security by
Modern technological advances have provided protection discriminating against external faults. However, to meet these
engineers with unique tools to balance between protection critical benchmarks, the entire protection system (protection
sensitivity and security. Differential protection once relays, instrument transformers, control power, etc.) must be
considered to only apply to transformers and buses has seen thoroughly analyzed to determine its robustness.
widespread application in transmission lines. One major caveat In recent years, manufacturers have greatly improved
for differential protection is that it requires a reliable reliability of microprocessor based protection relays which
communication path between the local and the remote end were once considered the weakest point of failure. Control
relays. Section II provides further analysis of differential power is typically not a concern because in most cases the
protection scheme. Distance relaying protection schemes have control power is provided with multiple layers of redundancy.
been around for a long time and still maintain significant Provision of a reliable digital communication channel is a
footprint in transmission line protection. However, distance major wildcard because of several limitations one of them
elements are mostly suited to detecting high-current low- being cost especially for long transmission lines.
resistance faults and typically set to overreach remote
terminals [1] which often cause coordination issues especially A. A simple two terminal differential protection scheme
when fast fault clearing is desired. Section III discuses distance A simplified two terminal transmission line can be
relaying and communication assisted tripping schemes. considered as one that has a single breaker, instrument
transformers, and a protection relay at each terminal. Each relay
II. DIFFERENTIAL PROTECTION is directly connected to instrument transformers at its terminal
Differential protection is based on the Kirchhoff’s current and transmits measured power system data to the other relay
law which states that the sum of currents into and out of a node over a digital communication channel.

978-1-7281-6746-6/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on November 02,2020 at 00:10:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2020 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica

unintended misoperation, a differential relay calculates a

restraint current which is typically a function of the total
current flowing through the line as seen by the local and the
remote relays. The main purpose of the restraint current is to
provide a counterbalance against differential currents resulting
from normal flow of current through the line. This steady state
differential current can be attributed to CT inaccuracies, CT
saturation, system transients, and more.

Restraint current, i RES k( IL  IR ) (3)

where k is typically a constant

The operate current must be greater than a percentage of the
restraint current [3].
Figure 1. Simplified representation of a two terminal differential protection
scheme [2]
Operate current, iOP ! k * i (4)
The relays can be configured to operate either in master or
remote mode. A relay operating in master mode, receives where k1 is a slope
current information from the other relays, performs all According to (4), the operate current increases with the
necessary differential calculation and makes necessary increase of the restraint current thereby resulting in a sloped
tripping and restraint decisions. On the other hand, a relay operating curve. In order to achieve sensitivity without
operating in remote mode only sends its local current to the sacrificing security, most relays provide an 87L element with
remote relay but does not receive any current information from a minimum operating current (IMIN) and a percent restraint
the remote relay and therefore, does not perform any curve or slope as shown in Fig. 2 below.
differential calculations [2].
As shown in Fig. 1, the raw CT input current is passed
through a DSP algorithm where it is sampled, time stamped,
and transmitted over the digital communication channel to the
relay at the remote terminal. The sampling rate varies
depending on the design but typically, the sampling rate is of
high resolution because the sampled signal is used for other
functions like metering, digital fault recording, and more [2].

B. 87L Element Setting

The received current from the remote location is time
aligned and then compared with the local current to generate
the differential current (iDIF) which is then fed to the 87L
element. Simplistically, the value of the calculated differential
current is dependent on whether the fault is within or outside
the differential zone.
From Fig. 1, let relay 1 current = IL and relay 2 current = IR.
Then for an internal fault;
Figure 2. Single slope differential element operating curve
i DIF I I z0 (1)
L R The setting of the minimum operating pickup depends on
the application. The percent slope setting is an adjustable
For an external fault;
quantity which also depends on the application. Most relays
have a dual slope 87L element as shown in Fig. 3. This allows
i DIF I I 0 (2) protection engineers to set the 87L element less sensitive for
low fault currents and more sensitive for high through faults.
As demonstrated in (1) and (2), 87L element provides a
simple but robust degree of protection against internal faults.
However, under certain conditions like very large through
faults, 87L element may calculate a none zero differential
current even when there isn’t an internal fault. To prevent

978-1-7281-6746-6/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on November 02,2020 at 00:10:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2020 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica

communication path can be achieved by adding a backup

communication channel for each relay. The backup channel
does not need to be point to point fiber, instead it can be any
channel that can support at least 64kbps bandwidth which is
the industry standard for line current differential.

D. Direct Transfer Trips (DTT)

As discussed above, a relay operating in remote mode does
not receive current from other relays. Therefore, the other
relay(s) operating in master mode will issue a DTT to the relay
operating in remote mode to trip its local breaker [3]. If both
relays are operating in master mode, it is unlikely that both
relays will send and receive a DTT for differential faults,
instead the DTT can be reserved for functions like a breaker
Figure 3. Dual slope differential element operating curve failure so that the system is isolated at both ends.

There are other factors like line charging currents, inline III. DISTANCE RELAYS
transformers, tapped lines, and more that should be considered Distance relays can be used as backup to 87L elements or
when setting 87L element. Modern relays have integral can be applied as the primary protection in transmission lines
algorithms to compensate for these factors. where use of line current differential may not be an option due
to cost implication or other design constraints. Distance relays
C. 87L Redundancy operate by calculating an apparent impedance of a line and
87L element requires reliable communication path for the define the relay’s reach as a percentage of the line’s
relays to exchange protection data and transfer trips. impedance. Controlled reach is the key attribute of the distance
Redundancy here refers to the entire protection system from relay because it only responds to faults located within its
incoming station AC supply, DC supply, protection relays, and predetermined reach as set by the user [4]. As an example, a
communication channel. distance relay utilizing a Mho function uses the measured
current and voltage to determine if the calculated apparent
1) DC Supply: DC supply is comprised of batteries,
impedance plots within the Mho characteristics [5]. The
charging system, and a distribution system. The main purpose
determination is made by comparing the angle between the
of the DC supply is to power up the relays and provide control
operating quantity and the polarizing quantity [5]. If the angle
power for entire protection system. Complete loss of DC
is less than 90° the fault impedance plots within the
supply can be catastrophic because tripping ability, SCADA
characteristic and that results in an operation [5]. If the angle
visibility and critical data logging at the least will be lost. The
is greater than 90° the fault impedance plots outside the
entire DC supply should be redundant starting from incoming
characteristics and that does not result in an operation. Most
station AC supply, charging system, battery strings, and DC
distribution. modern digital relays utilize a memorized positive-sequence
voltage for polarizing the distance element [4] and this voltage
2) Protection Relays: Protection relays are the brain of needs to remain stable during normal and fault conditions.
the protection system because they are responsible for
analyzing system data in real time and to make critical As shown in Fig. 4, the relays use measured voltage and
protection decisions at very high time resolution. In most current to calculate apparent impedance (5). For simplicity two
applications two functionally equivalent but different brands forward looking zones are shown and B1 represents a breaker
of relays are used to make a redundant pair. The rationale is at terminal 1 while B2 represents a breaker at terminal 2.
that in an unlikely event that one relay has an inherent
deficiency that can cause a catastrophic failure, the other
relay will likely not experience the same failure and
therefore, will maintain availability of the protection system.
3) Communication Channel: There are multiple options
but direct point to point fiber connection is preferred
communication channel for critical applications. When two
relays are installed at the local and remote stations, it is
imperative that each relay be provided with a dedicated
communication channel. Sharing a single channel will
introduce a single point of failure. Modern relays have
options for integral redundant channels dedicated for the
differential element. Another layer of redundancy in the Figure 4. Two terminal distance relay setup

978-1-7281-6746-6/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on November 02,2020 at 00:10:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2020 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica

V 2) Terminal 2 Calculations: The only calculations

Z (5) required are line impedance in secondary ohms, Zone 1 reach
I and Zone 2 reach. The calculated line impedance in primary
Where, ohms remains unchanged.
Z = apparent impedance 400
V = Voltage Z line 1.02u 0.34: secondary
I = Current
Zone 1 reach = 0.8 x 0.34 = 0.27 ŸVHFRQGDU\
A. Distance Relay Reach
According to Fig. 4, Zone 1 is under reaching, set to reach =RQHUHDFK [ ŸVHFRQGDU\
about 80% of line impedance and is intended to operate C. Distance Relay Coordination
instantaneously. Zone 2 on the other hand is overreaching, set
The distance relay reach must be properly coordinated in
to reach about 120% of the line impedance and has an
order to achieve reliable and secure power system protection.
intentional time delay for coordination. In order to set a
Additionally, series capacitors traditionally installed to
distance relay’s reach, at a minimum the CT ratio, PT ratio,
increase power transfer capabilities of transmission lines
Transmission line impedance data, and length are required.
introduce system protection complexities to both series
B. Distance Relay Setting Calculation Example compensated lines and adjacent lines [6]. However, it is not the
Assume the transmission line in Fig. 4 is operating at 245kv intent of this paper to delve deep into the analysis of series
with a positive sequence impedance of 0.00073 + j0.00156 on compensation and adjacent lines. The following is an analysis
a 100MVA base. The CT and PT ratio at terminal 1 are 240 how the distance relay responds to faults at different locations.
and 1200 respectively. The CT and PT ratio at terminal 2 are 1) Fault at point “A” per Fig. 4: This fault will be seen
400 and 1200 respectively. Compute the transmission line by zones 1 and 2 of both relays and therefore, each relay’s
impedance in secondary ohms, Zone 1 reach and Zone 2 reach Zone 1 element will clear the fault instantaneously without
for both relays. any intentional time delay.
1) Terminal 1 Calculations 2) Fault at point “B” per Fig. 4: This fault will be seen
Z actual by Relay 1 zone 2 element and both Zone 1 and 2 of Relay 2.
ZB (6) The following will be the expected operation criteria to clear
Z pu this fault:
Where; x Relay 1 Zone 1 element will not see the fault and
Z B = Base impedance at specified MVA base therefore will not operate.
x Relay 1 Zone 2 element will see the fault but will not
Z actual = Actual impedance issue a trip because Zone 2 element must remain
Z pu = Per unit impedance picked up for a preset amount of time before issuing a
trip. Therefore, Relay 1 will clear the fault by initiating
breaker B1 trip after a time delay; for this example, a
Z pu ( 0.000732  | j 0.00156 | ) 0.0017 pu 20 cycles delay is assumed.
x Relay 2 Zone 1 element will see the fault and will clear
245KV 2 it by initiating breaker B2 trip without any intentional
ZB 600.25: delay.
100 MVA
Based on this operating criteria, the fault will remain on the
Z actual Z B u Z pu 600.25 u 0.0017 1.02: primary system for a little longer because the time delayed Zone 2
element of Relay 1 does not issue a trip instantaneously.
CTR 3) Fault at point “C” per Fig. 4: This fault is not on
Z line Z actual u (7)
PTR the line because it is behind terminal 2. However, Relay 1
overreaching Zone 2 element will clear this fault after a time
Where Z line = line impedance in secondary ohms delay. However, clearing of faults located external to the zone
of protection is not desirable and one way to mitigate is to use
240 communication assited tripping or pilot schemes so that the
Z line 1.02u 0.2: secondary
1200 relays can exchange information to determine fault location.
D. Communication Assisted Tripping (Pilot) Schemes
Several types of pilot schemes exist in the protection
=RQHUHDFK [ ŸVHFRQGDU\ industry. Some of these include Permissive Overreaching

978-1-7281-6746-6/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on November 02,2020 at 00:10:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2020 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica

Transfer Trip (POTT), Permissive Underreacting Transfer Trip A fault at the point marked “A” will be cleared
(PUTT), Directional Comparison Blocking (DCB), instantaneously as previously analyzed while a fault at the point
Directional Comparison Unblocking (DCUB) [7], and more. marked “B” will be cleared as follows:
Each of these schemes requires the relay at one terminal to x Relay 2 Zone 1 element will issue a trip signal to
communicate with the relay at the other terminal that it does or breaker B2 to clear the fault instantaneously
does not see a fault in the forward or reverse direction [7]. x Relay 1 Zone 2 element will see the fault but will not
1) Permissive Overreaching Transfer Trip: In a POTT operate until it receives a permissive from Relay 2
scheme the local Zone 2 overreaching relay element keys indicating it sees a fault in its forward direction
(sends) a permissive tripping logic to the remote relay, x When Relay 1 receives the permissive from Relay 2, its
permitting the remote relay to trip its breaker [7]. This mode Zone 2 element will bypass the delay timer and issue a
of information sharing helps the relays determine if the fault trip signal to open breaker B1 to clear the fault in far
is within the zone of protection or external to the zone of less delay time than the initially assumed 20 cycles.
protection. If the fault is determined to be within the zone of
protection, the time delayed Zone 2 will be allowed to trip Based on this operating criteria, it can be shown that the
faster in order to clear the fault. fault will be cleared at both terminals much faster thereby
Fig. 5 is an example of a two terminal transmission line with minimizing stress the system endures under faulted conditions.
the relays at each terminal communicating with each other via A fault at the point marked “C”, will not be seen by Zone 1
a dedicated communication channel. or Zone 2 of Relay 2. Relay 1 Zone 2 element will see the fault,
pick up and wait for a permissive from Relay 2. Because Relay
2 does not see a forward looking fault, it will not issue a
permissive and therefore, Relay 1 will not trip for this fault.

Transmission line protection schemes have evolved over the
years. Traditional protection schemes like distance relays
required proper coordination of protection zones in order to
minimize unintended disruption of power delivery. Recent
technological advances that include microprocessor based
protection relays and high bandwidth digital communication
networks have significantly improved reliability of power
system protection. Availability of reliable digital
Figure 5. Two terminal distance relay setup with a dedicated communication media has led to widespread use of differential
communication channel protection and deployment of a variety of communication
assisted tripping schemes to transmission lines protection.
[7] K.C. Behrendt, “Relay-to-relay digital logic communication for line
REFERENCES protection, monitoring, and control,” unpublished.
[1] S. Hodder, B. Kasztenny and N. Fischer, "Backup considerations for line
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[2] H. Miller, J. Burger, N. Fischer and B. Kasztenny, "Modern line current Nathan Mogaru was born and raised in Kisii, a small town
differential protection solutions," 2010 63rd Annual Conference for in western part of Kenya. He studied in Kenya and later
Protective Relay Engineers, College Station, TX, 2010, pp. 1-25. obtained his BSc. degree in Electrical Engineering from the
[3] M. G. Adamiak, G. E. Alexander, Dr. W. Permerlani, “A new approach
to current differential protection for transmission lines”, presented at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) in December 2007.
ECONE, Portsmouth, NH, 1998. After working for several years in the controls industry, he
[4] E. O. Schweitzer and B. Kasztenny, "Distance protection: Why have we joined graduate school and obtained a MSc. degree in
started with a circle, does it matter, and what else is out there?" 2018 71st
Annual Conference for Protective Relay Engineers (CPRE), College Electrical Engineering from UTA in May 2015. He has over
Station, TX, 2018, pp. 1-19. 13 years of experience in the controls and power system
[5] J. G. Andrichak, G. E. Alexander, “Distance Relay Fundamentals,” protection industries. He currently works at Shermco
[6] M. M. Saha, T. Einarsson and S. Lidström, "A new adaptive high speed Industries as a Senior Electrical Engineer. He is a licensed
distance protection scheme for power transmission lines," 13th professional engineer in the state of Texas and a member of the
International Conference on Development in Power System Protection IEEE Power and Energy Society (IEEE PES).
2016 (DPSP), Edinburgh, 2016, pp. 1-6.

978-1-7281-6746-6/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on November 02,2020 at 00:10:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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