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(History of
East Africa)
Paper 1
2 ½ Hours


Uganda Certificate of Education
(History of East Africa)
Paper 1
2 Hours 30 Minutes

Answer only four questions
All questions carry equal marks
Any additional question(s) answered will not be marked.

1. a) Describe the origin of Swahili culture at the coast of East Africa. (12marks)

b) How did Swahili culture influence the peoples of the East African coast between
1350 – 1500 AD? (13marks)

2. a) How was Hinda dynasty established by the 16th century? (12marks)

b) What changes did Ruhinda introduce in Karagwe during the 16th century? (13marks)

3. a) Describe the Portuguese administration at the Coast of East Africa by 1698.(12marks)

b) What were the impacts of Portuguese rule on the peoples of the East African coast by
AD 1698? (13marks)

4. a) Why did Ngoni migrate from their cradle land into East Africa during the 19thcentury.
b) What were the impact of their migration into East Africa during the second half of the
19th century? (13marks)

5. a) Why did Seyyid Said transfer his capital from Muscat to Zanzibar in 1840? (12marks)
b) Explain the effects of this transfer on the people of mainland Tanganyika. (13marks)

6. a) Explain the organization of the pre-colonial caravan trade of East Africa during the 19th
century. (13marks)
b) What led to the decline of this trade during the second half of the 19 century?

7. a) Describe the direct rule system as used by the Germans in Tanganyika by 1919.
b) What changes did the British introduce in Tanganyika from 1920? (12marks)

8. a) Explain the causes of majimaji rebellion between 1905 – 1907? (12marks)

b) Why were the Africans defeated? (13marks)

9. a) What led to the making of Devonshire white paper in 1923? (13marks)

b) Explain its impact on the peoples of Kenya by 1963. (12marks)

10. a) Explain the role of KANU in the struggle for the independence of Kenya. (13marks)
b) What problems did nationalists face in East Africa while struggling for the
independence of their respective countries? (12marks)


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