Fal Cinelli 2018

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Influence of Probiotics Administration on Gut

Microbiota Core
A Review on the Effects on Appetite Control, Glucose,
and Lipid Metabolism
Silvia Falcinelli, PhD,* Ana Rodiles, PhD,† Azadeh Hatef, PhD,‡
Simona Picchietti, PhD,§ Lina Cossignani, PhD,∥ Daniel L. Merrifield, PhD,†
Suraj Unniappan, PhD,‡ and Oliana Carnevali, PhD*

he term “probiotic” is derived from the Greek language

Abstract: An increasing number of studies has shown that dietary
probiotics exert beneficial health effects in both humans and animals. It
T meaning “for life.”
The most commonly used bacteria in probiotics are
is well established that gut microbiota play a pivotal role in regulating mainly members of the genera Lactobacillus and Bifido-
host metabolism, and a growing number of studies has elucidated that
probiotics positively interfere with gut microbiota. Accumulating evi-
bacterium, and a growing number of strain bacteria are
dence shows that probiotics, through their metabolic activity, produce gaining the role of probiotics.1–3
metabolites that in turn contribute to positively affect host physiology. In the last decades, several studies focused their
For these reasons, probiotics have shown significant potential as a attention on the effects of probiotics on the host, showing
therapeutic tool for a diversity of diseases, but the mechanisms through that probiotics (eg, Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria) play the
which probiotics act has not been fully elucidated yet. The goal of this following roles:
review was to provide evidence on the effects of probiotics on gut  are able to positively shift gut microbiota balance toward
microbiota changes associated with host metabolic variations, specifi- health-promoting bacteria,4,5
cally focusing on feed intake and lipid and glucose metabolism. In  reinforce gut epithelium architecture by increasing micro-
addition, we review probiotic interaction with the gut microbiota. The
information collected here will give further insight into the effects of
villi and enterocyte lengths,6–8
probiotics on the gut microbiota and their action on metabolite release,  prevent gut inflammation and other intestinal or systemic
energy metabolism, and appetite. This information will help to improve disease (ie, inflammatory bowel disease).9–11
knowledge to find better probiotic therapeutic strategies for obesity and
eating disorders. In addition, numerous studies, both in animals and
Key Words: probiotics, lipid metabolism, glucose metabolism,
humans, have provided clear evidence that probiotics exert
appetite control, gut microbiota, gut metabolites
an improvement on immune response, and promote calci-
fication and growth.12–15
(J Clin Gastroenterol 2018;00:000–000) Furthermore, probiotics, through their metabolic
activity, produce several types of metabolites (each probiotic
strain has a specific metabolite profile), such as short-chain
From the *Department of Life and Environmental Sciences (DiSVA),
Marche Polytechnic University, Ancona; §Department for Innova-
fatty acids (SCFAs), including acetic, butyric, propionic,
tion in Biological, Agro-food and Forest Systems (DIBAF), Uni- and lactic acids.16,17 Recent metabolomic studies found that
versity of Tuscia, Viterbo; ∥Department of Economics-Estimative the Lactobacillus strain principally produces lactic and
Science and Food, Bromatological Chemistry Division, Bio- acetic acid, organic acids, and other potentially anti-
chemistry, Physiology and Nutrition, University of Perugia, Perugia,
Italy; †Aquatic Animal Nutrition and Health Research Group,
microbial metabolites as a product of its metabolic activity.
School of Biological Sciences, Plymouth University, UK; and For example, Lactobacillus plantarum synthesize para-ami-
‡Laboratory of Integrative Neuroendocrinology, Department of nobenzoate, an intermediate of folic acid, while Lactoba-
Veterinary Biomedical Sciences, Western College of Veterinary cillus rhamnosus L60 and Lactobacillus fermentum L23 are
Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,
producers of bacteriocins.18,19
Supported by FA 2013, PRIN 2010-2011 prot 2010W87LBJ, EU COST For the above-mentioned reasons, in the last decade,
AQUAGAMETS 2012 given to O.C. In addition, this research was probiotics gained popularity both in human medicine and in
partially funded by a Discovery Grant and Discovery Accelerator aquaculture. In fact, while probiotics are used in humans as
Supplement Award to S.U. Infrastructure for the work conducted in
the laboratory of S.U. was provided by the Canada Foundation for
attenuators of intestinal and/or metabolic comorbidities, in
Innovation—John Evans Leadership Fund and the Saskatchewan aquaculture, probiotics are used to increase tolerance to
Health Research Foundation (SHRF) Establishment Grant. S.U. stress, improve the digestibility of nutrients, and promote
received a Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) New reproduction.
Investigator Award. A.H. is a recipient of postdoctoral fellowships
from the CIHR and SHRF.
In 1857, Louis Pasteur started to study lactic acid fermen-
The authors declare that they have nothing to disclose. tation, and about 15 years later, Joseph Lister obtained the first
Address correspondence to: Oliana Carnevali, PhD, Department of Life pure culture of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) (Bacterium lactis).20
and Environmental Sciences (DiSVA), Marche Polytechnic Uni- LABs are gram-positive, nonsporing, catalase-negative, aero and
versity, Brecce Bianche 1 Street, Ancona 60131, Italy
(e-mail: o.carnevali@univpm.it).
acid–tolerant bacteria, and produce several antimicrobial sub-
Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. stances such as lactic acid, which is a major metabolic end-
DOI: 10.1097/MCG.0000000000001064 product of carbohydrate fermentation.20

J Clin Gastroenterol  Volume 00, Number 00, ’’ 2018 www.jcge.com |1

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This paper can be cited using the date of access and the unique DOI number which can be found in the footnotes.
Falcinelli et al J Clin Gastroenterol  Volume 00, Number 00, ’’ 2018

LABs include genera including Lactobacillus, Strepto- There is a pressing need in understanding gut micro-
coccus, Pediococcus, Lactococcus, and Leuconostoc.21 biota-brain interactions as they may give new insights into
individual alterations in mood, cognition, sleep, eating
behavior, and metabolic pathways.38
THE GUT MICROBIOTA AS A “SECOND BRAIN” Therefore, probiotics can be used to positively alter gut
The gut microbiota represent a symbiotic association of microbiota, and their ability to improve metabolism is of
a huge number of different bacteria that harbors in the interest to many researchers. Indeed, several studies have
gastrointestinal tract of all organisms.22 highlighted their positive impact on gut microbiota, thus
The composition of an individual’s gut microbiota is reflecting an amelioration on host physiology.39,40
unique. The gut microbiota evolves with the host from birth In the next section, we will describe the most reliable
and develops a mutualistic relation that depends on host mechanisms by which probiotics interact with gut micro-
nutrition and individual lifestyle.10,23 biota, influences host metabolism and energy storage, and
The overall balance in the composition of gut microbial increases susceptibility to obesity. The interaction of pro-
communities is extremely important for ensuring homeo- biotics and how they affect the metabolic status is not
stasis of intestinal mucosa.24 Moreover, the symbiotic effects entirely understood yet.
among bacteria lead to the production of several metabolites
that can influence the host physiology.25,26 How Probiotics Interact With Gut Microbiota?
Fluctuations in the structure of gut microbial com- The mechanisms by which probiotics interact with gut
munities, also identified as dysbiosis, may alter positive microbiota and accomplish their associated health benefits
interaction among bacteria and their host.27 Consequently, could have many facets.
such changes in the gut microbiota composition and func- Gut microbiota of both humans and animals delivers
tion may concur with disease susceptibility by altering sev- an unrestricted number of bioactive substances that can
eral biochemical functions.27 affect health.41
Because of meta-omics approaches such as meta- Despite the fact that mechanisms of probiotics’ action
genomics and metabolomics, it is possible to clearly classify are still the object of study, several hypotheses have been
gut microbiota species that inhabit the gut and identify the proposed.
metabolites they have produced.23 Probiotics, by interacting with gut microbiota, are able
Indeed, metabolite profiles related to the gut microbiota to produce metabolic compounds, antimicrobial agents, and
can suggest deep insights into the impact of lifestyle and dietary health-promoting factors that overwhelm the development
factors that could lead to specific disease conditions.28 of other bacteria.18,41
As it is well established that the gut microbiota inter- In addition, probiotics are able to settle in the gut and
acts with the host metabolism and affects physiological or they ferment indigestible carbohydrate deriving from food.42
pathologic conditions, study on its composition helps dis- Their metabolic activity increases the amount of metabolites,
criminate between unhealthy and healthy subjects.29 such as SCFAs in the gut, which are produced mainly from
The gut microbiota plays a central role in maintaining carbohydrates, protein, and peptide.42 SCFAs represent the
the integrity of the intestinal tract and in regulating multiple final product of bacterial activity in the gastrointestinal tract;
host metabolic pathways. they are able to block the synthesis of hepatic cholesterol,
Furthermore, several reports highlighted the ability of thus leading to a decrease of lipid amount in the blood.43,44
the gut microbiota to interact with the host’s tissue, con- Furthermore, it has been proposed that probiotics
trolling its energy metabolism, contributing to variations in assimilate cholesterol and use it as reinforcement for their
body weight, fat distribution, insulin sensitivity, and lipid cell membrane.45
metabolism.30–32 Moreover, it has been suggested that probiotics have
Because of these extraordinary interconnections, gut the capability to convert cholesterol into coprostanol, which
microbiota is defined as a “second brain.”33 is successively eliminated through feces.46
Communication between the brain and gut is bidirec- Probiotic are also able to improve the intestinal epithelial
tional, whereby shared signals between the 2 organ systems barrier; a study showed that Lactobacilli modulate the tran-
are exchanged to coordinate physiological functions.34 scription of genes encoding adherence junction proteins, such
Indeed, the gut-brain crosstalk is a complex commu- as E-cadherin and E-catenin in a T84 cell barrier model.
nication system that provides to guarantee the correct gas- Moreover, it is supposed that increasing the expression of
trointestinal and central nervous system homeostasis. These genes involved in tight junction signaling is a probable mech-
complex connections are included in the denomination of anism to reinforce intestinal epithelial barrier integrity.47
“gut-brain axis” (GBA).35 A study performed on germ-free mice inoculated with a
Despite the fact that the mechanisms of this commu- model of human baby microbiota showed that the admin-
nication are not fully elucidated, such interactions include istration of Lactobacillus paracasei or L. rhamnosus increased
neural, humoral, immune, and metabolic pathways.36 Bifidobacteria and reduced Clostridium perfringens and
Several approaches have been used to better under- Staphylococcus aureus populations, compared with control
stand the axis communication, such as the use of germ-free animals.48
animals or animals exposed to pathogenic bacterial infec- A different mechanism proposed for probiotic action is
tion, prebiotics and probiotics, or antibiotics. Results give the adhesion to intestinal mucosa, which represents a
arise to the belief that it is clear that the gut microbiota plays requirement for colonization.49 In addition, adhesion of
a pivotal role in the regulation of mood, cognition, pain, probiotics to the intestinal mucosa modulates the immune
and obesity and has a prevailing influence on signaling system.15
besides the GBA.37 LABs exhibit numerous surface determinants that
Diet is one of the most prominent influencing factors of interact with intestinal epithelial cells and mucus.50,51
the GBA.37 Intestinal epithelial cells secrete a mix of glycoprotein called

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This paper can be cited using the date of access and the unique DOI number which can be found in the footnotes.
J Clin Gastroenterol  Volume 00, Number 00, ’’ 2018 Probiotic Influence on Host’s Energy Balance

mucin, which is the major constituent of mucous, that helps able to lower blood serum cholesterol in rats fed a high-fat
avoid the adhesion of pathogenic bacteria to the gut.50,51 (HF) diet and high-cholesterol diet.
A recent study from our laboratory showed that
PROBIOTICS AND LIPID METABOLISM administration of L. rhamnosus to adult zebrafish fed a
In the present world scenario, obesity is rapidly medium-fat and HF diet (medium-fat diet and HF diet,
increasing.52 This metabolic disorder gives rise to other respectively) and to 8 dpf zebrafish larvae that receive
metabolic comorbidities related to glucose metabolism, the commercial feed was able to significantly change gut
immune system, and appetite.52 microbiota, elevating the abundance of Firmicutes and
Among the several probable factors that lead to the reducing the abundance of Actinobacteria. In addition, we
development of obesity, the role of gut microbiota is very observed that gut microbiota changed by the probiotic was
crucial.27 Indeed, gut microbiota dysbiosis causes dis- able to significantly attenuate weight gain, to decrease
equilibrium in energy homeostasis that finally leads to transcriptional levels of genes involved in cholesterol (hnf4α
obesity.27,28 Several factors have been identified as the key and npc1l1) and triglyceride (fit2 and mgll) metabolism, and,
etiological agents responsible for the progression of obesity, concomitantly, to lower cholesterol and triglyceride content.
such as host genetics, metabolism, lifestyle, and diet. How- Moreover, we also highlighted changes in SCFA in
ever, the most recent research has highlighted that the gut zebrafish larvae; in fact, the probiotic increased the amount
microbiota has a dominant role in the onset of obesity and of SCFA in the gut. Finally, we observe an amelioration of
its relative comorbidities.28 gut structure with increased microvilli and enterocyte
In the last decade, several studies showed that pro- height.8,57
biotics positively modulate and interact with gut microbiota, In addition, a study performed on HF–fed mice model
which in turn modify host nutrient metabolism and energy showed that supplementation of Bifidobacterium longum and
balance, both in germ-free mice and in zebrafish.8,53,54 L. paracasei with fermented ginseng for 9 weeks had an anti-
As mentioned before, because the number of diseases obese effect, and suppressed weight gain and reduced adi-
associated with lipid metabolism disturbances is increasing pocyte size in the adipose tissue.58
worldwide, several studies have been focused on the ability The hypocholesterolemic effects of probiotics has also
of probiotics, mainly Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria, to been shown in human subjects.
lower lipid profile.45 A study highlighted that the probiotic administration
Hypolipidemic effects of several bacterial strains have of the Enterococcus faecium M-74 reduces serum cholesterol
been shown in several animal models (Table 1). concentration by 12% after 56 weeks in 43 volunteers.59
Administration of Lactobacilllus reuteri CRL 1098 at Another study performed on 58 patients showed that
the concentration of 104 cells/day was able to decrease total administration of a multistrain probiotic composed by
cholesterol and triglyceride content, and showed 17% Lactobacillus+Lactococcus (6×1010 CFU/g), Bifidobacte-
increase in the ratio of High-Density Lipoprotein to Low- rium (1×1010 CFU/g), Propionibacterium (3×1010 CFU/g),
Density Lipoprotein, highlighting the effectiveness of the and Acetobacter (1×106 CFU/g) significantly reduced the
probiotic in preventing hypercholesterolemia in mice.55 fatty liver index after 8 weeks of supplementation.60
El-Shafie et al56 demonstrated that L. plantarum Despite many studies showing significant cholesterol-
NRRL B-4524 used alone or mixed with L. paracasei was lowering effects of probiotics in both animal models and

TABLE 1. Studies on Probiotics and Lipid Profile Performed in Animals and Humans
Dose of the
Probiotic Strain Animal/Human Probiotic Effects References
Lactobacilllus reuteri Mice 4
10 cells/d 17% increase in the ratio of HDL to LDL Taranto et al55
Lactobacillus plantarum Rat 107-8 CFU/g Lower blood serum cholesterol El-Shafie et al56
alone or mixed with
Lactobacillus paracasei
Lactobacillus rhamnosus High-fat–fed 106 CFU/mL Changed gut microbiota and decreased Falcinelli et al57
adult zebrafish triglyceride and cholesterol content
L. rhamnosus Zebrafish larvae 106 CFU/mL Increased amount of short-chain fatty acids, Falcinelli et al8
decreased triglycerides and cholesterol content,
increased microvilli and enterocyte heights
Bifidobacterium longum and High-fat–fed 8
5×10 CFU/mL Suppressed weight gain and reduced adipocyte Kang et al58
Lactobacillus paracasei mice model size
Enterococcus faecium Human 2×109 CFU Reduced serum cholesterol concentration by 12% Hlivak et al59
Lactobacillus+Lactococcus, Human 6×1010 CFU/g; Reduced the fatty liver index Kobyliak et al60
Bifidobacterium 1×1010 CFU/g;
Propionibacterium, 3×1010 CFU/g;
Acetobacter 1×106 CFU/g
Lactobacillus fermentum Human 2×109 CFU Did not improve cholesterol profile after 10 d Simons et al61
L. rhamnosus LC 705 and Human 1010 CFU/g Did not decrease cholesterol profile Hatakka et al62
freudenreichii ssp
HDL indicates high-density lipoprotein; LDL, low-density lipoprotein.

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This paper can be cited using the date of access and the unique DOI number which can be found in the footnotes.
Falcinelli et al J Clin Gastroenterol  Volume 00, Number 00, ’’ 2018

humans, it is necessary to take into account that con- composed by L. rhamnosus, L. acidophilus, and Bifidobacte-
troversial results were obtained. rium bifidumi at the concentration of 1.8×109 CFU changed
Another study performed on 46 volunteers aged insulin sensitivity.4 However, human clinical study on pro-
between 30 and 75 years of age, showed that administration biotics and glucose metabolism have shown mixed results.
of capsules of L. fermentum at the concentration of 2×109 For instance, another study performed in humans
CFU did not improve lipid profile after 10 days of treatment concluded that the consumption of L. acidophilus (La-5) and
in patients who had elevated serum cholesterol.61 B. animalis (subsp lactis BB-12) at the concentration of
In addition, in men with a high level of cholesterol, L. 3.0×109 CFU/day did not show benefit on short-term gly-
rhamnosus LC 705 and Propionibacterium freudenreichii ssp cemic control.73
shermanii strain JS at 1010 CFU/g did not improve choles-
terol profile.62
METABOLISM In vertebrates, appetite control and energy balance are
In mammals species and teleost fish, glucose metabolism is regulated by the hypothalamic circuitry, widely conserved
controlled by various metabolic pathways.63,64 between humans and zebrafish.75,76 A wide network of
An alteration of glucose metabolism is connected to a molecules regulates appetite control and energy homeo-
greater risk of several chronic disorders including diabetes, stasis, and, among these, leptin is a hormone responsible for
dyslipidemia, and obesity. The supplementation of omega-3 inhibiting food intake and promoting energy expenditure.77
fatty acids,65 dairy product,66 and coffee67 can improve the It is well known, through several studies, that mutation in
glycemic profile and prevent diabetes or related comorbidities. the ob gene causes leptin deficiency and leads to obesity.78,79
Among several dietary constituents, probiotic benefits Different studies, both in mammals and fish, showed that
have been deeply investigated for improving glucose profile, leptin is able to reduce food intake by upregulating anorexi-
and data from animal models highlighted that probiotics genic signals such as melanocortin-4-receptor (MC4R) and
can reduce blood glucose and insulin resistance.68 downregulating orexigenic signals such as neuropeptide Y
The gut hormones such as glucagon-like peptide (GLP) (NPY) and cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1).80–82
and peptide YY could affect β-cell function and regulate Knock-out of MC4R directly promoted lipid uptake
energy homeostasis through insulin stimulation and satiety and triglyceride synthesis, leading to obesity.83 Fur-
properties.69 thermore, studies in humans and in mice showed that the
Results from our laboratory showed that admin- activation of MC4R limits the accumulation of body fat by
istration of L. rhamnosus 106 CFU/mL to 6 dpf zebrafish reducing food intake.84
larvae reduced transcript levels of a genes involved in glu- In contrast, NPY and its Y receptor stimulate food intake.85
cose metabolism, such as insulin and glp-1, concomitantly Like NPY, CB1 also is an orexigenic signal responsible
with a reduction of glucose level, indicating the hypo- for food intake and weight gain.86 CB1 receptor increases
glicemic properties of the probiotic70 (Table 2). hepatic lipid accumulation through the stimulation of the
Interestingly, Larsen et al74 showed that humans with lipogenic transcription factor SREBP-1c and increases de
type 2 diabetes (T2D) have altered gut microbiota compared novo fatty acid synthesis in zebrafish.87
with nondiabetic counterparts. Nowadays, a growing body of evidence supports the
In addition, a study on humans performed on 50 vol- role for gut microbiota in influencing host appetite and food
unteers with T2D showed that the consumption of Lacto- intake by regulating eating-related behavior.88
bacillus acidophilus (La-5) and Bifidobacterium animalis Gut microbiota significantly affects the bidirectional
(subsp lactis BB-12) at 109 CFU/day for 6 weeks improved communication between the brain and gastrointestinal tract,
the glycemic control in T2D subjects by reducing hemo- which has been coined as the microbiota-GBA.35,89,90
globin A1c and fasting plasma glucose.72 In addition, supplementation of probiotics modifies gut
Additional studies performed in a HF mice model microbiota that directly acts on molecules that regulate appetite
reported that Lactobacillus gasseri restored ACSL3-lipid and satiety.88
sensing altered by HF feeding.71 It has been shown the genus Bacteroides is associated
Moreover, a study performed on diet-induced obesity with elevated ingestion of a high-carbohydrate and high-
mice showed that probiotic multistrain administration glycemic index diet91,92 (Table 3).

TABLE 2. Studies on Probiotics and Glucose Profile Performed in Animals and Humans
Dose of the
Probiotic Strain Animal/Human Probiotic Effects References
Lactobacillus rhamnosus Zebrafish larvae 106 CFU/mL Reduction of glucose level Falcinelli et al70
Lactobacillus gasseri High-fat–fed mice 109 CFU/ Restores ACSL3-lipid sensing Bauer et al71
model 0.5 mL
L. rhamnosus, L. acidophilus, and Diet-induced obesity 1.8×109 CFU Changed insulin sensitivity Bagarolli et al4
Bifidobacterium bifidumi mice model
L. acidophilus and Bifidobacterium Type 2 diabetes human 109 CFU/d Improved glycemic control Tonucci et al72
L. acidophilus and B. animalis Human 3.0×109 CFU/d Does not show benefit on short-term Ivey et al73
glycemic control

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This paper can be cited using the date of access and the unique DOI number which can be found in the footnotes.
J Clin Gastroenterol  Volume 00, Number 00, ’’ 2018 Probiotic Influence on Host’s Energy Balance

TABLE 3. Studies on Probiotics and Appetite Control Performed in Animals

Dose of the
Probiotic Strain Animal/Human Probiotic Effects References
Bacteroides — — Associated with elevated ingestion of Wu et al91
a high-carbohydrate diet
Lactobacillus paracasei Pig 1010 CFU/g Lowered food intake in pigs by increasing Bjerg et al93
insulin and glucagon-like peptide-1
Lactobacillus rhamnosus Zebrafish larvae 106 CFU/mL Increased Firmicutes and Proteobacteria and Falcinelli et al70
reduction of Artemia salina nauplii intake
L. rhamnosus High-fat–fed adult 106 CFU/mL Changed microbiota and decreased nesfatin-1 Falcinelli et al57
zebrafish peptide
L. rhamnosus, L. acidophilus, Diet-induced obesity 1.8×109 CFU Improved leptin resistance Bagarolli et al4
and Bifidobacterium bifidumi mice model

Other studies showed the capability of Bifidobacteria to use host. In addition, we reported the most recent evidences of
host-indigestible carbohydrate complex, which, consequently, the action of probiotics on host lipid and glucose metabo-
can stimulate their proliferation and metabolic activity.92,94 lism and food intake.
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This paper can be cited using the date of access and the unique DOI number which can be found in the footnotes.
Falcinelli et al J Clin Gastroenterol  Volume 00, Number 00, ’’ 2018

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