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PO - Futur Proche

Maintenant que tu comprends le futur proche, tu vas parler à propos d’un voyage que tu
aimerais prendre.
Now that you understand the futur proche, you will speak about a trip you would like to take.

Tu vas choisir un pays francophone que tu vas visiter. Utilise le lien suivant
pour choisir un pays.
You will chose a francophone country that you would like to visit. Use the above link to chose your country.

Le contenu de la présentation (requirements):

The contents of the presentation:
1. Tu dois utiliser le FUTUR PROCHE (p.ex. Je vais visiter…)
a. Parle de 10 choses que tu vas faire dans ce pays (p.ex. Je vais manger …)
2. La présentation doit inclure des photos

Niveau 1 Niveau 2 Niveau 3 Niveau 4

PO - B1.4 Student at Student uses the Student uses the Student uses the
Applying times uses the futur proche futur proche futur proche
Language futur proche, throughout the throughout the throughout the
Structures: with many majority of the entire entire
communicate their mistakes that presentation with presentation with presentation
meaning clearly, using
parts of speech and word hinder some mistakes. few mistakes. without
order appropriately understanding mistakes.

PO - B3.1 Student adds Student adds Student adds Student adds

Intercultural information information information information
Awareness: specific to the specific to the specific to the specific to the
communicate information country country chosen country chosen. country chosen
orally about
French-speaking chosen with with some with great depth.
communities worldwide, great difficulty. difficulty.
including aspects of their
cultures and their
contributions to la
francophonie and the
world, and make
connections to personal
experiences and their own
and other communities

Date de présentation: JEUDI, LE 31 MARS

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