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Quick Guide for

Multi-Tiered System
of Supports:
The Classroom

Purpose of this Quick Guide

The purpose of this Quick Guide is to provide an overview of MTSS for teachers.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports is a framework that includes the array of building initiatives to raise achievement
and improve behavior. At the center of the MTSS framework is the work of the classroom teacher, who is
responsible for delivering core instruction, interventions, assessing student achievement, progress monitoring, and
behavior management, and meeting the array of social needs of students. It is the classroom teacher who must
collaborate with colleagues to design instruction, develop strategies and develop interventions for students who
are struggling. The intended use is for teachers to build a common understanding of MTSS that will lead to the
thoughtful implementation of MTSS in the classroom. The audience for this MTSS Quick Guide includes classroom
teachers, the staff who support the teacher; including coaches, interventionists, counselors, school psychologists,
school social workers, speech and language pathologists, content specialists, behavior specialists, the principal, and
community stakeholders.


Table of Contents
Overview................................................................................................................................................................ 4

What is a Multi-Tiered System of Supports?........................................................................................................................................4

What are the critical elements of the MTSS framework?................................................................................................................6

What are the tiers of instruction/intervention in the MTSS framework?..................................................................................7

What are the basic components of the problem-solving process?............................................................................................8

What are the roles and responsibilities of the classroom teacher?.............................................................................................9

How will teachers receive on-going professional development and/or

coaching support for meeting the needs of all students?.......................................................................................................... 10

Tier 1: Universal Screening and Core Classroom Instruction For All Students ..............................................10

What do students need to learn?......................................................................................................................................................... 10

How will the teacher deliver highly effective instruction for all students?........................................................................... 13

How will the teacher monitor learning and track students’ growth using data?................................................................ 15

How will the teacher differentiate instruction and provide the necessary supports for all students? ...................... 17

How will the teacher implement behavior management best practices?............................................................................ 19

Tier 2: Targeted Supplemental Interventions and Supports ..........................................................................22

How will teachers identify and implement interventions to meet student needs?.......................................................... 22

How will teachers continue ongoing monitoring of the students’ progress?...................................................................... 23

How will teachers effectively collaborate utilizing problem-solving model?...................................................................... 24

Tier 3: Intensive Interventions and Added Supports.......................................................................................24

How will the teacher access intensive strategies, supports, and programs to meet the student’s needs?.............. 24

How will the teacher identify and implement personalized interventions

that are of greater duration, frequency and intensity?................................................................................................................ 26

How will the teacher monitor the effectiveness of the supports and adjustments
needed based on student progress data?........................................................................................................................................ 26

How will the teacher communicate student progress to parents/guardians

and engage them in planning for student interventions?......................................................................................................... 27

Appendix A: Sample Unit Plan...........................................................................................................................28

Appendix B: PBIS Classroom Management Checklist......................................................................................31

Appendix C: Examples of Defining Learning Expectations.............................................................................32

M U LT I - T I E R E D S Y S T E M O F S U P P O R T S — T H E C L A S S R O O M

What is a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)?

MTSS refers to a framework for support at all levels of instruction that is systemically in place to help all students
succeed. The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) defines Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) as an
integrated, multi-tiered system of instruction, assessment, and intervention designed to meet the achievement and
behavioral health needs of ALL learners.

The Essential Components of MTSS together design a system of support for all learners. The components are briefly

Essential Components of MTSS

The implementation of evidence based practices that include research-based core
instruction, research-based, valid instruction/intervention and instructional fidelity to the
research models.

A problem solving model that emphasizes collaboration of teachers and instructional

Problem Solving support specialists who work together to plan for the academic, behavioral and social
needs of students.

Data and assessment systems that are used for the purposes of universal screening,
Data Systems diagnostic study, and progress monitoring. Instructional/intervention planning decisions
are based on data.

Quality instruction for all students is foundational to an effectual MTSS. Included in the
model of quality instruction is early intervention with multi-tiered delivery of instruction/
intervention. Instruction/intervention are driven by the needs of students.


—Michigan Department of Education

The essential components of MTSS are represented in this graphic designed by the Michigan Department of
Education. It is critical to note that intentional instructional practices are evident for all students. Core instruction
does not discontinue with the provision of targeted or intensive interventions. Core instruction continues and
students receive the explicit interventions they require to be successful learners.

M U LT I - T I E R E D S Y S T E M O F S U P P O R T S — T H E C L A S S R O O M

What are the critical elements of the MTSS?

Effective, actively involved, and resolute leadership that frequently provides visible connections between a
MTSS framework with district and school mission statements and organizational improvement efforts

Alignment of policies and procedures across classroom, grade, building, district, and state levels

Ongoing efficient facilitation and accurate use of a problem-solving process to support planning,
implementing, and evaluating effectiveness of services

Strong, positive, and ongoing collaborative partnerships with all stakeholders who provide education
services or who otherwise would benefit from increases in student outcomes

Comprehensive, efficient, and user-friendly data-systems for supporting decision-making at all levels from
the individual student level up to the aggregate district level

Sufficient availability of coaching supports to assist school team and staff problem-solving efforts

Ongoing data-driven professional development activities that align to core student goals and staff needs

Communicating outcomes with stakeholders and celebrating success frequently

—From Florida MTSS Implementation

What are the tiers of instruction/intervention in the MTSS framework?

MTSS is characterized by a continuum of integrated academic and behavioral supports reflecting the need for
students to have fluid access to instruction and supports of varying intensity.


1 Tier 1 refers to the Core Universal Instruction and Supports.
These are the core academic and behavior instruction with supports designed and differentiated for all students in all
settings. Approximately 80 percent of students in Tier 1 are typically expected to meet learning targets.

Tier 1 instruction is the key component of the MTSS framework. It is the core program in which all students receive high
quality evidenced-based instruction. Generally, academic and behavior instruction and supports are designed and
differentiated for all students. Tier 1 instruction incorporates the core academic curriculum that is aligned with state
standards. The intent of the core program is the delivery of a high-quality instruction to all students with the expectation
of meeting grade-level standards and preparedness for the future.

2 Tier 2 refers to Targeted Supplemental Interventions and Supports.
These are more focused, targeted instruction/intervention and supplemental supports in addition to and aligned with the
core academic and behavior curriculum and instruction. Approximately 10–15 percent of students typically need targeted
supplemental interventions and supports while continuing to be instructed in the core program.

Tier 2 consists of the academic and behavioral instruction/intervention that are provided to students who show a need
for help in addition to the instruction/intervention they receive at Tier 1. Tier 2 instruction/intervention is designed to
meet the needs of students who are at some risk for academic failure but who are still above levels considered to indicate
a high risk for failure. The needs of these students are identified through the assessment process, and instructional
programs are delivered through smaller groups and are administered with a focus on meeting the specific needs of the

3 Tier 3 refers to the Intensive Individualized Interventions and Supports.
Tier 3 contains more focused, targeted instruction/intervention and supplemental support in addition to and aligned with
the core academic and behavior curriculum and instruction are provided to students with greatest need for personalized
attention. This tier also provides an opportunity to conduct more diagnostic study of the student’s needs to plan for more
comprehensive programming and intervention. A small percentage of students, in the range of 1–5 percent, would need
the intensive individualized interventions and supports of Tier 3.

Tier 3 refers to the academic and behavioral instruction/interventions that are provided to students who show a need for
intensive and individualized help that is provided in addition to Tier 1 and Tier 2. Tier 3 instruction/intervention consists
of students who are considered to be at high risk for failure and, if not responsive, are considered to be candidates for
identification as having special education needs. It is also viewed as a tier that includes students who are not identified as
being in need of special education but whose needs are at the intensive level. The groups of students at Tier 3 are of much
smaller sizes than Tier 2 with some models including one-to-one instruction.

M U LT I - T I E R E D S Y S T E M O F S U P P O R T S — T H E C L A S S R O O M

What are the basic components of the problem-solving

It is a collaborative model for decision-making. The problem-solving process

begins by defining the problem and directly measuring the skill or behavior.

The meeting participants engage in problem analysis that will validate the

problem and identify variables that contribute to the problem. The meeting
3 participants then develop and implement a plan that is progress monitored to
determine if the plan is effective. Lastly, meeting participants evaluate the plan
to determine if it was successful. The process is integral to all levels of problem-
solving when forming, implementing, and revising decisions at the building
level, classroom level, and student level. The graphic at the left represents this
problem-solving process.


What’s the problem? Why is it occurring? What are we going Is it working?
Define the problem or Analyze the problem to do about it? Measure response to
goal by determining using data to determine Develop and implement a instruction/interventions
the difference between why the issue is occurring. plan driven by the results by using data gathered
what is expected and Generate hypotheses of the team’s problem from progress monitoring
what is occurring. Ask, (reasons why students are analysis by establishing at agreed upon
“What specifically do we not meeting performance a performance goal for intervals to evaluate
want students to know goals) founded in the group of students or the effectiveness of the
and be able to do when evidence-based content the individual student intervention plan based
compared to what they do area knowledge, and developing an on the student’s or group
know and are able to do?” alterable variables, and intervention plan of students’ response
When engaged in problem instructionally relevant to achieve the goal. to the intervention.
solving at the individual domains. Gather Then, delineate how Progress-monitoring data
student level, the team assessment data to the student’s or group should directly reflect the
should strive for accuracy determine valid/non- of students’ progress targeted learning. Ask,
by asking, “What exactly valid hypotheses. Link will be monitored and “Is it working? If not,
is the problem?” validated hypotheses to implementation integrity how will the instruction/
instruction/intervention will be supported. Ask, intervention plan be
so that hypotheses will “What are we going to adjusted to better
lead to evidence-based do?” support the student’s
instructional decisions. or group of students’
Ask, “Why is/are the progress?” Team
desired goal(s) not discussion centers on
occurring? What are the how to maintain or better
barriers to the student(s) enable learning for the
doing and knowing what student(s).
is expected?” Design
or select instruction to
directly address those

—From Florida MTSS Problem-Solving Process


What are the roles and responsibilities of the classroom teacher?

Classroom Teacher Roles and Responsibilities

Build relationships with colleagues, students, and parents
Document observations and evidence of student learning, behavior, and social/emotional needs
Administer district and school assessments
Review Universal screening data to identify student learning needs
Implement the core instructional plan
Utilize research, evidenced- based instructional practices
Participate in and apply professional development strategies
Provide differentiated instruction
Collaboratively develop flexible groupings of students for targeted instructional delivery
Provide appropriate academic and behavioral supports
Maintain communication with parents on student progress

Adhere to building procedures for Tier 2 processes

Participate in Tier 2 problem solving meetings
Document observations and evidence of student learning, behavior, and social/emotional needs
Establish goals or learning objectives for the intervention
Provide small group intervention during scheduled intervention periods
Collaboratively develop flexible groupings of students for targeted instructional delivery
Administer and record progress monitoring data
Review progress monitoring data at regular intervals to revise interventions
Track fidelity of intervention delivery
Seek and utilize coaching supports
Maintain communication with parents on student progress and learning needs

Participate in Tier 3 problem solving meetings

Establish learning objectives for the intervention
Implement Tier 3 instruction/intervention
Review progress monitoring data at regular intervals to revise interventions
TIER 3 Track fidelity of intervention delivery
Seek and utilize coaching supports
Maintain communication with parents on student progress
Complete district/school special education referral process (when necessary)

M U LT I - T I E R E D S Y S T E M O F S U P P O R T S — T H E C L A S S R O O M

How will teachers receive on-going professional learning and/or coaching support for
meeting the needs of all students?

On-going professional learning, both internal and external, should be part of the district and building plans. When
schools are professional learning communities, this is the ideal model for teachers to learn together, identifying
targeted content, sharing instructional strategies, and using data to plan for instruction. A culture of shared
responsibility for the learning of students provides a climate for teachers to learn. Where coaching support is
available, access to the coach should be perceived as an opportunity for support and guidance. Coaches can
support teachers to review data and plan instruction, to learn and manage an array of strategies, and to problem-
solve together on impactful instructional practice.


What do students need to learn?

The core instructional program provides the essential knowledge and skills that all students must master to learn at
high levels. Reeves (2002) has offered criteria that teachers might use to distinguish between what is nice and what
is essential for students to know:

Endurance: Will this standard provide students with knowledge and skills that are valuable beyond
a single test date?

Leverage: Will it provide knowledge and skills that are valuable in multiple disciplines?

Readiness: Will it provide students with knowledge and skills essential for success in the next grade
or level of instruction?


Teacher teams should be determining what is essential for students to learn, the rigor, proficiency, and prerequisite
skills and knowledge necessary to master the new standards. The following essential standards chart (Reeves, 2002)
summarizes considerations for teachers when defining learning expectations:

What is it we expect students to learn?

Grade: Subject: Semester: Team Members:

Description of Example of Prerequisite Extended
When Target? Summative
Standard Rigor Skills Standard
What is the What does What prior When will this What What will we do
essential proficient knowledge, standard be assessment(s) when students
standard to student work skills, and/ taught? will be used to have already
be learned? look like? or vocabulary measure student learned this
Describe in Provide an are needed mastery? standard?
student-friendly example or for a student
language. description. to master this

*See Appendix for content-specific examples

A protocol for getting started with identifying what students need to learn is adapted from Buffum, Mattos, and
Weber (2012, pp. 58-59).

1 Complete the above chart for the first period of instruction (e.g., quarter).

2 Before the unit begins, identify how and when the teacher team will identify and support students who
need targeted support and enrichment. The entire team should reserve time for additional time and
support, not just each individual teacher on his/her own.

3 Unwrap two or three of the essential standards into learning targets, starting with those first introduced to

4 Identify the best methods to measure progress toward learning targets (for example, common assessments
or curriculum based measurement probes).

5 Use results from these assessments to identify and monitor students needing more time and support with
specific learning targets (focusing on causes not symptoms).

6 As time permits, unwrap the next two or three essential standards into additional learning targets, follow
up with that will be next.

7 Continue the process as described above.

8 Repeat this process for the second period of instruction.

M U LT I - T I E R E D S Y S T E M O F S U P P O R T S — T H E C L A S S R O O M

Schools should place the majority of their efforts on 5 Build positive relationships with adults and
strengthening their core instructional program. As a students. This is probably the most important
collective community, the teachers must take the time connection that needs to happen for students
to identify materials to assure whether or not they to feel valued and for the school to be a caring
are standards based. Second, data on specific student learning community.
strengths and needs should inform lesson and unit
planning (Buffum, Mattos, and Weber, 2012). The school must establish a collective responsibility for
student behavior through a commitment to modeling
When teachers are working in collaborative and reinforcement of agreed-upon expectations. As
communities, what students need to know can be promoted by PBIS, the school leadership team and
planned so that the intended curriculum is clearly classroom teachers should work to do the following:
articulated and all students are being instructed with
clear learning sequences and articulated strategies of 1 Clearly define behavior as a responsibility of
differentiation. A sample unit plan that demonstrates a the schoolwide team that will conduct regular
well-developed plan is located in Appendix A. data reviews.

Effective core instruction also applies to behavior and 2 Identify expectations for desired behaviors.
teaching students the skills they need to be successful For example, a common list of topics includes:
in school. Schools that teach behavior embrace the a Be respectful to self, others, and property
ideal that the best intervention is prevention. It has
been recommended that schools should do the b Be responsible and prepared
c Be ready to follow directions
1 Explicitly teach and reinforce self-regulatory
3 Teach desired behaviors. Use modeling and
strategies. Students need to learn how
reinforcement to teach positive behaviors.
to organize themselves and to attend to
expectations for learning and behavior.

2 Assign high quality tasks for students

to complete. When tasks are relevant
and relatable, students are able to make
connections and find more meaning in their

3 Praise and encourage effort to support

a growth mindset. Effective schools help
students see connections between their efforts
and achievement.

4 Emphasize the importance of regular

attendance. If you believe that attendance and
achievement are related, then smart schools
use attendance data to predict and prevent
potential attendance problems.


How will the teacher deliver highly effective instruction for all students?

Based on research, Marzano has identified the essential nine classroom instructional practices that are known to
improve student achievement.

No. Instructional Practice Strategy

Identifying Similarities and Differences: a. Use Venn diagrams or charts to compare and
Helps students understand more complex problems classify items.
by analyzing them in a simpler way b. Engage students in comparing, classifying, and
creating metaphors and analogies.
2 Summarizing and Note-taking: a. Provide a set of rules for asking students to
Promotes comprehension because students have to summarize a literary selection, a movie clip, a
analyze what is important and what is not important section of a textbook, etc.
and put it in their own words b. Provide graphic organizers or basic outlines for
note-taking and synthesizing information
3 Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition: a. Share stories about people who succeeded by
Showing the connection between effort and not giving up.
achievement helps students to see the importance b. Find ways to personalize recognition.
of effort. Note that recognition is more effective if it Give awards for individual accomplishments.
is contingent on achieving some specified standard. c. “Pause, Prompt, Praise.” If a student is struggling,
pause to discuss the problem, then prompt with
specific suggestions to help her improve. If the
student’s performance improves as a result, offer
4 Homework and Practice: a. Establish a homework policy with a specific
Provides opportunities to extend learning outside schedule and time parameters.
the classroom, but should be assigned based on b. Vary feedback methods to maximize its
relevant grade level. All homework should have a effectiveness.
purpose and that purpose should be readily evident c. Focus practice and homework on difficult
to the students. Additionally, feedback should be concepts.
given for all homework assignments.
5 Nonlinguistic Representations: a. Incorporate words and images using symbols to
Has recently been proven to stimulate and increase represent relationships.
brain activity. b. Use physical models and physical movement to
represent information.
6 Cooperative Learning: a. Group students according to factors such as
Has been proven to have a positive impact on overall common interests or experiences.
learning. Note: Groups should be small enough to b. Vary group sizes and mixes.
be effective and the strategy should be used in a c. Focus on positive interdependence, social skills,
systematic and consistent manner. face-to-face interaction, and individual and
group accountability.

M U LT I - T I E R E D S Y S T E M O F S U P P O R T S — T H E C L A S S R O O M

No. Instructional Practice Strategy

7 Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback: a. Set a core goal for a unit, and then encourage
Provide students with a direction. Objectives should students to personalize that goal by identifying
not be too specific and should be adaptable to areas of interest to them. Questions like “I want
students’ individual objectives. There is no such to know” and “I want to know more about . . .”
thing as too much positive feedback, however, the get students thinking about their interests and
method in which you give that feedback should be actively involved in the goal-setting process.
varied. b. Use contracts to outline the specific goals that
students must attain and the grade they will
receive if they meet those goals.
c. Make sure feedback is corrective in nature; tell
students how they did in relation to specific
levels of knowledge. Rubrics are a great way to
do this.
8 Generating and Testing Hypotheses: a. Ask students to predict what would happen
It’s not just for science class! Research shows that a if an aspect of a familiar system, such as the
deductive approach works best, but both inductive government or transportation, were changed.
and deductive reasoning can help students b. Ask students to build something using limited
understand and relate to the material. resources. This task generates questions and
hypotheses about what may or may not work.
9 Cues, Questions, and Advanced Organizers: a. Pause briefly after asking a question to give
Helps students use what they already know to students time to answer with more depth.
enhance what they are about to learn. These are b. Vary the style of advance organizer used: Tell
usually most effective when used before a specific a story, skim a text, or create a graphic image.
lesson. There are many ways to expose students to
information before they “learn” it.

—Information taken from


All classrooms have an array of learners. Effective and purposeful instruction provides many modeling opportunities
and the gradual release of responsibility. In this model, the students are provided quality core instruction designed
to build competence and independence while providing examples of the thinking required to complete the work.
Part of this core instruction also involves access to academic language, peer support and needs-based guided
instruction. The figure below demonstrates the Release of Responsibility Model:


Instruction I do it.

Instruction We do it.

You do it together.

Learning You do it.


—From: Fisher, D. & Frey, N. (2008). Better learning through structured teaching:
A framework for gradual release of responsibility. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

How will the teacher monitor learning and track students’ growth using data?

Research has demonstrated that assessment for learning is significantly effective in improving student
achievement. Assessment for learning are conducted throughout teaching and learning to:

Diagnose student needs

Plan next steps for instruction

Provide students with feedback they can use to improve performance, and

Help students to feel in control of their learning (Stiggins, 2007).

Few strategies can compare to formative assessment in the impact on student learning. The formula for improving
achievement with assessment is:

Accuracy + Descriptive Feedback + Student Involvement = Achievement Gains

M U LT I - T I E R E D S Y S T E M O F S U P P O R T S — T H E C L A S S R O O M

Assessment for learning involves students in assessing In addition, universal screening is used by teachers to
their own learning while the teacher guides their identify students with learning needs. The data support
learning using targets, models, and feedback. The teachers to plan for instruction to assure that students
strategies for effective assessment for learning are are taught requisite skills and information. With
listed (Stiggins, 2007): screening assessments that occur about 3 times a year,
teachers are able to meet with grade or content teams
1 Communicate a clear and understandable to consider strategies, methods, and groupings that
learning target
can be used to reach all learners. It is important for the
2 Use examples and models of strong and weak teacher to review universal screening results, consider
work her own classroom assessments and observations of
students and formulate plans for organizing lessons
3 Offer regular descriptive feedback and student groups. For example, a middle school
might use a screening assessment on vocabulary.
4 Teach students to self-assess for setting goals
Teachers would assess vocabulary in the classroom,
5 Design lessons to focus on one aspect of listening to readers, observing uses of vocabulary in
quality performance at a time writing. Then meeting with the grade level team, the
teachers can decide what needs to be emphasized,
6 Teach students focused revision share strategies, and consider flexible groupings of
students for specific vocabulary activities.

The school should have established decision rules

for how to use the universal screening data. For
example, students below the 25th percentile may
be identified for Tier 2 interventions. Students below
the 10th percentile would be immediately referred
to the intervention team for Tier 3 interventions. The
classroom teacher will inform these decisions and
contribute to problem-solving discussions on the needs
of students, using classroom assessment data.


Diagnostics play a role in all tiers of the MTSS framework. It is important to, first, always know your students and
be mindful of the factors that could be impacting them as well as the effectiveness of instruction. The relevant
educational domains to consider are

Instruction, including grouping arrangements, task demands, and opportunities for scaffolding

Curriculum, especially the content and its pacing

Environment, such as the physical and social aspects of the classroom

Learner, including factors that might affect performance, such as health and well-being

Review Interview Observe Test

Review Instruction Interview those Observe instruction Test instruction
Instruction who know about

Review the Interview those who Observe the Test the curriculum
Curriculum Curriculum know about the curriculum

Review the Interview those who Observe the Test the environment
Environment Environment know about the environment

Review the Learner Interview those who Observe the learner Test the learner
Learner know about the

—Taken from Fisher and Frey (2010) and Heartland Education Agency 11, Johnson, Iowa.

How will the teacher differentiate instruction and provide the necessary supports
for all students?

Differentiated instruction refers to a teacher’s response to learner needs. Teachers can create differentiated,
personalized, or responsive classrooms in a number of ways. When planning for differentiation, the teacher should
begin by considering how to adapt content, learning process, and learning product according to student readiness,
interests, and learning profile.

In order to ensure all students are challenged and taught at an appropriate level the teacher needs to consider
the range of strategies being implemented in the classroom in order to meet the varying needs of students. These
methods have proven to help ensure that all students make accelerated progress without feeling disillusioned. At
times, the teacher may need to differentiate by ability, by social skills, or by confidence in performing tasks.

The figure at right presents a concept map for thinking about and planning for effectively differentiated classrooms.

M U LT I - T I E R E D S Y S T E M O F S U P P O R T S — T H E C L A S S R O O M

Differentiation of Instruction

is a teachers’s response to learner’s needs

guided by general principles of differentiation,

such as

Respectful tasks Flexible grouping Ongoing assessment and


Teachers can differentiate

Content Process Product

according to student’s

Readiness Interests Learning Profile

through a range of instructional and management strategies such as

multiple intelligences
tiered lessons varied questioning
jigsaw strategies
tiered centers
taped material interest centers
tiered products
anchor activities interest groups
learning contracts
varying organizers varied homework
small-group instruction
varied tests compacting
group investigation
varied supplementary varied journal prompts
independent study complex instruction
literature circles

From: Tomlinson, C.A. & Tomlinson, C.A. Differentiation in Practice: A Resource Guide for Differentiating Curriculum


Differentiation by Task Assessment and Feedback

Tasks need to be more open ended. When As noted earlier, research has established that
differentiating student work in varying ways, provide student learning is supported by on-going checks for
the students with of all the options and suggest a understanding and descriptive feedback.
starting point for each group. If the student finds it too
easy, or finishes, s/he can move on to the more complex How will the teacher implement behavior
tasks. For students who are struggling, the task may management best practices?
need to be reduced in complexity.
There are classroom management practices that are
Differentiation through Group Work foundational to having a safe and orderly environment
for learning to occur. There are 6 essential practices for
Working collaboratively with peers is an excellent way
classroom management that include:
to challenge all students. An example is the reciprocal
reading strategy which assigns roles to each student
during reading activities. The teacher provides scaffolds
for the lower-level students, such as question prompts
and sentence starters. Students learn from the
modeling provided by their peers. Another strategy is
peer tutoring. This is proven to be a successful, low-cost
strategy for supporting students.

Differentiation by Outcome

Not all students need to produce the same product

to demonstrate learning. By giving students different
options for showing what they know, students
experience challenge and all students are able
to demonstrate their learning at the rate that is
appropriate for him or her.

Differentiation by Resources

The goal of the teacher should be to support the

students to become independent learners and to direct
them to resources that will increase access.

Targeted Teaching

Once a class has been trained to work independently,

it is possible to move away from traditional whole-class
teaching and expand the use of flexible groupings
of students to work on identified areas of focus.
The teacher can then monitor and assess student
understanding and progress within the differentiated
learning stations.

M U LT I - T I E R E D S Y S T E M O F S U P P O R T S — T H E C L A S S R O O M

Essential Best Practices What do these essential best practices look like?
Teach and review • Provide brief (5-15 minutes) lessons from the behavior expectations matrix.
positive behavior • Use a variety of methods appropriate to the grade level:
expectations frequently Discussion, role-play, PowerPoint, video, writing, art, etc.
• Actively involve students in lessons and provide opportunities to practice. Check
for understanding.
• Schedule lessons every day at the beginning of the school year, review targeted
locations (where needed) at least once per week.
• Provide pre-corrections or reminders throughout the day, every day, immediately
before problems tend to arise.

Teach and review • Identify and directly teach clear, simple classroom procedures for all transitions
classroom routines and routine tasks.
and cues • Teach the rules for use of various locations and materials in the room.
• Make sure the physical environment is arranged to enhance effective procedures
and instruction.
• Prevent congestion
• Minimize distraction
• Allow easy traffic flow
• Identify an auditory and/or visual signal for gaining the attention of all students.
(If possible, this signal should be universal in the school.)
• Gain the attention of all students before beginning to teach.
• Use the all-class attention getting signal if more than one or a few students are
off-task or disruptive.

Implement informal • 4 to 1 quick, easy positive acknowledgments (thumbs up, specific praise,
and formal systems of “thanks,” “nice,” etc.)
positive reinforcement • Be aware of the ratio with the entire class and individual students
• Incorporate at least one reward system in daily instructional routine
• Group rewards
• Lottery/raffle system
• Point system

Active supervision in • Move

all settings • Scan
• Frequent positive contacts/greetings.
• Acknowledge students for following expectations
• Correct behavior calmly and firmly
• Predetermined consequences if necessary


Essential Best Practices What do these essential best practices look like?
Continuum of • Redirection: Emphasize what you want the student to do.
appropriate • Refer to the expectations: “We respect each other in this room and that means
consequences enforced not using put downs.”
consistently and fairly
• Corrective Feedback: “Try it again, the right way. (Student practices the
replacement behavior.) Thanks”
• Praise in public, correct in private, if possible
• Ignore minor (non-disruptive) attention-seeking behaviors
• Provide increased assistance for escape motivated behaviors related to academics
• Teach a simple problem-solving strategy for conflicts
• Teach and enforce formal classroom consequence system firmly and fairly

Provide high rates of • Whole Group Action Responses

opportunities to respond Students are asked to do something during the lesson
to instruction to — Put your finger on the title of the story
• Increase — Touch the action word in the sentence
comprehension — “Raise your hand if you think …..”
• Allow reluctant • Small Groups/Partners
learners a secure Gives everyone a chance to
environment to — Express thoughts
practice — Answer a question
• Decrease disruptions — Verbally participate
— Answers can be shared with other groups or whole group
• Whole Group Oral Response
• Choral responding
• Students repeat information in unison when teacher prompts
• Strategy for reviewing or memorizing
• Whole Group Written Response
• Response Cards
— Written responses should be short (not more than one item)

From: Wayne RESA PBIS

See the index for a classroom management checklist to support the teacher in providing classroom management
methods that provide effective instruction for all students.

M U LT I - T I E R E D S Y S T E M O F S U P P O R T S — T H E C L A S S R O O M


How will teachers identify and implement interventions to meet student needs?

Learning styles and instructional needs vary from student to student. To unlock student potential, there must be
targeted instruction and time to learn. Restated as a formula (Buffon, Matos, & Weber, 2012):

Targeted Instruction + Time = Learning

The more targeted the intervention, the more likely it will work. Most interventions are ineffective because they
are too broad in focus and rarely address a student’s individual learning needs. Students may score in the intensive
range on a universal screening assessment, but they do not have the same reading needs. It would be impossible
for one teacher to meet all of their needs in the same intervention period.

To target interventions effectively, two criteria should be considered. First, identify interventions by the student,
by the standard, and by the learning target. This level of intervention specificity is vital. Essential standards must
be clearly identified, and the standards must be unwrapped into specific student learning targets. Teachers must
continually ask, what exactly do we want students to learn from this intervention? The more specific the answer, the
more targeted the intervention, and the more likely you will hit the target.

Step 1 ��������Identify the students who are performing below criteria, e.g., the 25th percentile

Step 2 ��������Identify the standard(s) with which the students are performing below criteria,
e.g., Solving equations

Step 3 ��������Analyze the standard to identify the essential component with which the students are struggling,
e.g., Understanding the role of exponents within an equation

Step 4 ��������Further analyze the component, applying the learning targets necessary to achieve mastery,
identifying specific skills or components, e.g., Noticing patterns in graphs that include exponents

Step 5 ��������Group students with similar needs for intervention

Step 6 ��������Assess and monitor progress


The second criteria of equal importance asks: “Why didn’t the student learn?” We must address the cause of a
student’s struggles, not the symptoms. Failing grades, poor test scores, disruptive behavior, and poor attendance
are all symptoms. The key questions are: Why is this student failing a class? Why is this student demonstrating
disruptive behavior? Why did this student fail the exam? Why is this student chronically absent?

Step 7 ��������For those learners who are not making progress, use the problem-solving process to identify and
clarify the adjustments to be made, as appropriate to the learner.

Student A: Needs a different intervention

Student B: Lacks requisite skills
Student C: Chronic absenteeism
Student D: Is unmotivated, off-task, and easily distracted

Step 8 ��������The teacher works with the problem-solving intervention team to plan more specific interventions
based on student need.

Getting to this degree of specificity will allow schools to begin to ensure high levels of learning for every student.
(Buffum, Mattos, & Weber)

Time is of the essence. The instructional program must be timely in responding to learner needs as well as give
students time to learn. Not all students learn at the same rate. An effective intervention program must respond
promptly when students do not learn. During instruction, the teacher will continually make adjustments with
attention to fidelity of the intervention delivery plan. Progress monitoring must be reviewed at regularly scheduled
intervals to make formal adjustments to the intervention goal, strategies, student groupings, or methods of
monitoring learning.

—Taken from Simplifying Response to Intervention, Buffums, Mattos, & Weber, 2012

How will teachers continue ongoing monitoring of the students’ progress?

Formative assessment is not a test but a process. Formative assessment is used by both teachers and students,
and takes place as part of instruction. It provides valuable feedback about student progress toward a learning
target to both teachers and students, who then make adjustments to improve that progress. For teacher teams,
these adjustments take the form of instructional interventions, both small and large, ranging from core instruction
to intensive Tier 3 support. Teachers use formative assessment to learn which students did or did not respond to
initial instruction at Tier 1, as well as which students did and did not respond to further intervention efforts at Tier 2
(Buffums, Mattos, & Weber, 2012).

Curriculum-based measurement (CBM) is an effective method for monitoring student progress over time and how
students are responding to intervention. For example, curriculum-based measures may include running records,
diagnostic performance tasks, and rubric scored examples. Curriculum-based measures are especially useful when
monitoring early literacy and early numeracy measures. Most CBMs are efficient, accurate, and inexpensive or free.
They are quick and easy to administer and are sensitive to short-term gains in skills.

M U LT I - T I E R E D S Y S T E M O F S U P P O R T S — T H E C L A S S R O O M

How will teachers effectively collaborate

in the problem-solving model? TIER 3
Effective collaboration requires shared responsibility INTENSIVE INTERVENTIONS AND ADDED
for the learning of all students. Teachers are expected SUPPORTS
to be a contributing member of more than one team:
including professional learning communities, grade How will the teacher access intensive
level teams, content area teams, and problem-solving strategies, supports, and programs to
intervention teams. To be a positive, contributing meet the student’s needs?
member of a team requires teachers to examine their
The MTSS framework is grounded in the shared
beliefs, assumptions and attitudes. The quality of
responsibility of assuring that all students have access
collaboration depends, to a great degree, on the beliefs
to learning and are given instruction to be successful in
and assumptions that each teacher holds regarding
school. The tiers of intervention are to be implemented
their work: independently, with their fellow teachers,
with the intent of teaching students the skills and
administrators, and the support staff.
behaviors they need.
Clarity about what team members are expected to do
Typically, the Tier 3 interventions are an extension of
is of critical importance. Unless there is clarity about
the interventions, strategies, supports, and programs
what the teachers will be called on to do as members
but with intensification of the method in terms of:
of a collaborative team, it is doubtful the team will be
able to function at a level of quality and fidelity that Duration - More time for exposure or
is needed to be successful. For example, one method opportunity to receive the intervention
of assuring clarity is for teachers to be prepared
for meetings. Preparation includes organization of Frequency - Scheduling of the intervention to
student data, exhibits of students’ work, records of occur more often than during Tier 2
interventions, promptness to meetings, adherence to Individualization - Adaptations that are
meeting agendas, and team norms. adjusted to be unique to the learner
The tiers of intervention are not a highway to special Small group or individual attention - Increase
education. Rather, the tiers are intended to provide in time working in an individualized manner with
students with immediate and responsive instruction/ a highly qualified teacher
intervention to prevent learning failure. The
expectation for teachers is to constructively work with Revision or focus of intervention - Review the
the problem-solving team to develop, implement, and intervention and consider a revision to a more
work toward a supportive learning environment for specific method
staff and students.
Choice of progress monitoring probe -
the progress monitoring choice may not be
providing the information needed to guide
instructional efforts

The following chart summarizes the research on

factors that distinguish between Tier 2 and Tier 3 when
planning and implementing interventions.


A Summary of Research-Based Factors that Illustrate the Differences Between Tier 2 and Tier 3

Organizational Factors Tier 2 Tier 3

Time allotted for instruction 30 minutes, 3–5 days/week 45–120 minutes, 5 days/week
Instructional grouping 5–8 students 1–3 students
Duration of intervention 8–15 weeks, <20 weeks 20+ weeks
General education teacher, Intervention specialist, content
Interventionist facilitating group
intervention specialist specialist, special education teacher

Assessment Factors Tier 2 Tier 3

Level of diagnostic assessment Group diagnostic assessment Individual diagnostic assessment
Intensity of progress monitoring Biweekly or monthly Twice/week or weekly
Assessment framework Group-level RIOT/ICEL (if applicable) RIOT/ICEL

Instructional Factors Tier 2 Tier 3

Opportunities to respond (OTRs) Ensure at least 6–8 OTRs/minute Ensure at least 8–12 OTRs/minute
Ensure that the group is at least 80% Ensure that individual students
successful on new material and 90% are at least 80% successful on new
Success rate of student responses
successful in review material material and 90% successful in
review material
Use of core and supplemental More strategically structured,
programs with support of remediation intervention programs
Instructional focus reteaching and review
Individual-level needs
Group-level needs
Provide more structured systems to Use functional behavioral
Behavioral expectations reinforce and correct challenging assessment to plan an individualized
behavior intervention
Precorrection Utilize group precorrection Utilize individual precorrection
Review and practice of core More intensive practice of core and
concepts taught in Tier 1 remediation content
Amount of review and repetitions Considerably more time spent on
reviewing concepts and allowing
Prompt students to correct errors Provide direct error correction
Error correction (“Look at the word again…”) procedures (“That word is ___. What
Utilize “I do, we do, you do together, Provide more intensive guided
you do alone” framework practice during “we do”

M U LT I - T I E R E D S Y S T E M O F S U P P O R T S — T H E C L A S S R O O M

In some cases, the school may invest in a program that How will the teacher monitor the
supports the teacher in providing a more intensive effectiveness of the supports and
intervention program. There are high quality research- adjustments needed based on student
based programs that can be used to provide the progress data?
rehearsal that a student may require. The challenge for
the classroom teacher is to become familiar with the The building leadership team should have a plan
program and to intentionally plan opportunities to in place for the scheduling of regular meetings in
apply this learning to classroom content to make the which the teacher may review student progress and
transfer of new learning. the effectiveness of strategies with the intervention
team. Through the problem-solving process the
Other approaches for Tier 3 intensive interventions may teacher should be working with the team by using
include diagnostic teaching in which the teacher sets the previously described assessment matrix to
up specific lessons and conducts on-going analysis of consider and diagnose the factors contributing to the
student learning and errors to identify where to focus student success or lack of progress. Recall that the
the direct instruction to address the skill, strategy, or considerations will include:
conceptual issue.
Instruction, including grouping arrangements,
How will the teacher identify and task demands, and opportunities for scaffolding;
implement personalized interventions Curriculum, especially the content and its
that are of greater duration, frequency pacing;
and intensity?
Environment, such as the physical and social
Ideally, the grade/content area teams have created a aspects of the classroom; and
matrix of interventions on which the appropriate staff
are trained, and the building has a plan for the delivery Learner factors that might affect performance,
of the Tier 3 intervention(s). The greatest challenges such as health and well-being.
will be found in identifying evidence based methods,
Progress monitoring data during Tier 3 is on-going,
locating resources/materials, and planning the time for
embedded in instruction, and should be recorded on
the Tier 3 interventions.
a weekly basis. The progress monitoring data can be
The building leadership team and academic/PBIS simple quick probes for student understanding, error
intervention teams may also identify protocols to rates, or other quick records of student performance
be used as Tier 3 interventions. For example, many on an on-going basis. There are a number of tools
students at Tier 3 for behavior respond well to Check and methods a teacher may use for the progress
In/Check Out. Within the content areas, the team may monitoring, whether a purchased system, such as
identify direct and explicit protocols for rehearsing DIBELS, teacher developed probes that are based on
skills/strategies that are closely monitored to intensify the content being taught, protocols for listening to
student opportunities for modeling and rehearsal student reading (e.g., DRA), or probes embedded in an
experiences. intervention program, what is critical to remember is
to collect the data and then refer to it, in combination
with observations, to make relevant adjustments.


How will the teacher communicate learning or behavioral challenges. It is not unusual
student progress to parents/guardians for teachers to be faced by parents who found an
and engage them in planning for student idea on the internet and they want the teacher to use
interventions? the internet suggestion. Parents should have input
in planning for their student. Educators do need
Parents need to be informed of the progress to listen and consider the appropriateness of the
their students are making and what the school is suggestions. However, it is clearly within the realm of
doing to help him/her to be successful in school. the professionalism of the teacher and intervention
Communication needs to be on-going with regular team to make the final decision as to what is and is not
reports on the interventions that are occurring, and appropriate to implement as the intervention.
how the student’s progress is monitored. Teachers must
strive to have positive relationships with parents. The MTSS framework and tiered system of interventions
is not a stepping stone to special education. The
The school should have a system in place for regular special education referral process is in accordance
reporting to parents on student progress, academic with mandates and defined by the school district
and behavioral needs. In addition, when students are procedures. The same adherence to procedure applies
targeted for intensive Tier 3 interventions, parents for access to Section 504, ELL, or Title 1 services.
need to be informed. Methods of communication may The district should have referral procedures that are
include documented meetings, documented telephone communicated to the entire school community. It
calls, and reports sent to the home. Parents need to is a matter of professional ethics that the teacher
have the opportunity to know how to support their adhere to the district procedures for the initiation of
student at home. additional services, such as special education. The
tiered interventions should not be used to delay the
A note of caution may be in order. With the
provision of services for students who present with
conveniences of the internet, it is tempting for parents
the intensity of need for individualized and specialized
to go on-line to search solutions for their student’s

M U LT I - T I E R E D S Y S T E M O F S U P P O R T S — T H E C L A S S R O O M

Sample Unit Plan
Smart Goals

3.2A & 87% of grade 3 students will meet Unit 4 math standards as measured by Unit 4 assessment tools.

3.2E: 85% of grade 3 students will meet Unit 4 math standards as measured by Unit 4 assessment tools.

Power Standards

3.2A: Represent multiplication as repeated addition, arrays, counting by multiples and equal jumps on a
number line and connect each representation to the related equation.

3.2E: Quickly recall those multiplication facts for which one factor is 1,2,5 or 10 and related division facts.

3.2F: Solve and create word problems that match multiplication or division equations.

Common Pacing Guide Check for Understanding/ Assessment

Learning Targets
Instructional Timeline • Common Formative
Mid-January - Mid-March Check for Understanding Pre-assessment
• Unit pre-assessment and
• Grade 3 team or teachers analyze
Assessment Timeline multiplication fluency
pre- and formative assessments
Pre-assessment (Day 1) • Teacher conferencing and Formative Assessment
Common assessment (Day 20) reinforcement
• Multiplication fluency checkup
Post-assessment (Day 30) • Peer sharing and feedback
• Home connection
• Quick check skill/strategy grouping
Intervention Timeline • Team generated common
• Daily learning activities assessment
Intervention after Day 20, grouping • Formative assessments
Review for Assessment
students based on strategy use. • Intervention learning activities


Differentiated Instruction/ Learning Targets Common Summative Assessment

Daily Lessons/Learning Activities
Emphasizing Essential Outcomes/ We are learning to: Unit 4 post assessment and team
Learning Targets generate advanced sheet
• Recognize common items that
• Lessons 1-24 come in equal groups (Lesson 1)
(Skipping lesson 17 and 18) • Generate multiplication
equations, models, and pictures
to show we understand
• Independent practice from multiplication using repeat
session 16; move to session 6 with addition (Lesson 2)
equal jumps on a line; • Generate multiplication
• Math story writing and solving equations, models, and pictures
after session 1 to show we understand
multiplication using equal groups
• Teach 10, 15, and 20 back to back and skip counting (Lesson 3)
• Fact Family Practice at lessons and • Generate multiplication
19, move to around 23 equations, models and pictures
• Around Session 23, some to show we understand
conceptual work with division will multiplication using arrays
need to happen. Work will center (Lessons 4, 5, 7, 8, 22)
around division problem solving • Recognize and communicate
(teacher generated) patterns in multiplication
• Differentiate through workplaces (Lesson 6)
and challenge activities • Solve a multiplication or division
Additional Array Lessons: problem using an efficient
strategy (Lessons 9,12,13,14, and
• Multiplication Array Table from 23)
Super Teacher with array tool and • Demonstrate computational
grid paper for students to make fluency with multiplication facts 0,
and label arrays 1, 2, 5, and 10 (Lessons 10, 11, 15,
• Array worksheets from 20, and 21)
Super Teacher • Write a multiplication/division
• Additional Area Lessons: story problem (session 13)
• Balobbyland TERC book from • Solve multiplication/division
Paces to Feet Investigation using a variety of dictated
• Feet Investigation 4 strategies (session 16)
• Predict, record, analyze, and draw
Additional Division Lessons:
conclusions from multiplication
• Division, Making Equal Groups game (loops and groups) data
(session 17)
• Division Story Problems
• Compare and contrast multiples
Student Practice/Homework: of different numbers (session 18)
• Home Connections 13, 16, 17 • Identify all factors of products
(session 19)
• Problem solving from Washington
Supplement section F1 • Multiply 2 digit by 1 digit by using
efficient strategies (session A2
• Fact family homework activity 1 and 2)
• Scholastic Printables: A Ray of Fun • Write multiplication and division
and Picture Perfect, front to back problems that are in the same fact
family (session A2 worksheets 3
and 4)

M U LT I - T I E R E D S Y S T E M O F S U P P O R T S — T H E C L A S S R O O M

Differentiated Instruction/Instructional Strategies

Additional Time and Support or Enrichment

Tier 2:

• Scaffolding steps
• Small group
• Support homework
• One-on-one teaching
• Peer teaching
Tier 3:

• Tier 2 steps
• Intensive interventions using strategy groupings

Intervention strategy grouping after lesson 20 including enrichment

—From Eaker, Robert & Keating, Janel. Kid by Kid, Skill by Skill: Teaching in a Professional Learning Community at Work. Solution Tree.


PBIS Classroom Management Checklist
Teach and Review Positive Behavior Expectations
Brief lessons on positive behavior expectations are taught at least weekly
Students are actively involved in lessons
Students have opportunities to practice behavior expectations
Pre-corrections/reminders of expectations are given throughout the day
Teach and Review Classroom Procedures and Cues
Procedures for transitions are taught
Rules associated with locations and materials are taught
Physical environment is arranged to prevent congestion, minimize distractions, allow easy traffic flow
All class attention-getting signal is used effectively
Informal and Formal Systems of Positive Reinforcement
4 to 1 ratio of positives to corrections is used generally
4 to 1 ratio is used with Tier 2 and 3 students individually
Classroom and/or school-wide reward system is implemented daily
Active Supervision
Unpredictable movement around the environment
Scanning for problems or early warning signs of trouble
Frequent positive contacts are given
Individuals and groups are acknowledged for following the rules
Behavior is corrected calmly and firmly
Continuum of Consequences Enforced Consistently and Fairly
Redirection to expected behaviors is used
Corrective feedback is used to address problem behavior (“Try it the right way.”)
Corrections are done in private, if possible
Minor non-disruptive behavior is ignored
Increased assistance is provided to students as needed
Students have been taught a simple problem-solving strategy for conflicts
Classroom consequence system is implemented with effectiveness
High Rates of Opportunities to Respond
Whole group oral responses/choral responding is used
Whole group written responses are used
Whole group action responses are used
Small group and partner responses are used
Small groups share responses with the whole group

—Wayne RESA PBIS 2013

M U LT I - T I E R E D S Y S T E M O F S U P P O R T S — T H E C L A S S R O O M

Mathematics Example of Defining Learning Expectations

What is it we expect students to learn?

Grade: Subject: Semester: Team Members:
Grade 7 Mathematics First Sir Cumference and Carl F. Gauss
Description of Example of Prerequisite When Target? Common Extended
Standard Rigor Skills Summative Standard

What is the What does What prior When will this What What will we do
essential proficient knowledge, standard be assessment(s) when students
standard to student work skills, and/ taught? will be used to have already
be learned? look like? Provide or vocabulary measure student learned this
Describe in an example or are needed mastery? standard?
student friendly description. for a student
language. to master this

7.RPA.2.C Students will Vocabulary October – Asher is selling Extension

read context- January carnation
Represent based situation • Multiply flowers. He makes Asher is selling
proportional and be able • For every As part of unit bouquets of carnation
relationships to model the that builds different sizes flowers. He makes
• Per
by equations. relationship students’ by using 4 white bouquets of
For example, mathematically proportional carnations for different sizes
if total cost t is using multiple reasoning and every 3 pink by using 4 white
proportional to methods, • Create tables is beginning to carnations. carnations for
the number n of including an develop the use How many every 3 pink
items purchased • Develop of expression carnations.
equation. pink carnations
at a constant number and equations.
Student work are there in a
price p, the patterns What is the
sample provided bouquet with 35
relationship • Find maximum
below. total carnations?
between the relationships number of
How many
total cost and the in patterns bouquets that can
pink carnations
number of items be made using 26
• Repeated are there in a
can be expressed addition or white carnations
bouquet with t
as t = pn. multiplication and 16 pink
total carnations?
carnations? How
Student- many flowers will
Friendly Version not be used in the
Use equations
to model


ELA Example of Defining Learning Expectations

What is it we expect students to learn?

Grade: Subject: Semester: Team Members:
Grade 7 ELA First Will Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe
Description of Example of Prerequisite When Target? Common Extended
Standard Rigor Skills Summative Standard

What is the What does What prior When will this What What will we do
essential proficient knowledge, standard be assessment(s) when students
standard to student work skills, and/ taught? will be used to have already
be learned? look like? Provide or vocabulary measure student learned this
Describe in an example or are needed mastery? standard?
student friendly description. for a student
language. to master this

R.I.6.1 Students are able To comprehend During unit Fountas Extension

to cite specific the selected of study on and Pinnell
Cite textual textual evidence informational informational Benchmark Students will
evidence to to support their text, students reading and Assessment demonstrate
support analysis understanding must possess writing. their
of what the text of the text in adequate understanding
says explicitly writing and knowledge of of informational
as well as collaborative the content text by applying
inferences drawn discussions. and vocabulary. new learning
from the text. Students must to other texts
be able to across content
Student- areas.
identify key ideas
Friendly Version
and synthesize
What does the new information.
text mean? What
is the evidence?

M U LT I - T I E R E D S Y S T E M O F S U P P O R T S — T H E C L A S S R O O M

Buffum, Austin, Mattos, Mike, and Weber, Chris. (2012) Simplifying Response to Intervention.
Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree.

Eaker, Robert & Keating, Janel. Kid by Kid, Skill by Skill: Teaching in a Professional Learning Community at Work.
Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree.

Fisher, D. & Frey, N. (2008). Better learning through structured teaching: A framework for gradual release of
responsibility. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Harlacher, Jason E. Distinguishing between Tier 2 and Tier 3 instruction in order to support implementation of RtI.
RtI Network. Taken from:

Haydon, T., Macsuga-Gage, A. S., Simonsen, B., & Hawkins, R. (2012). Opportunities to respond: A key component
of effective instruction. Beyond Behavior, 22(1), 1-12.

Hierck Tom & Weber, Chris. (2014) RtI Is a Verb. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

McEvoy, Chris. PBIS in the Classroom. Taken from

Stiggins, Richard J., Arter, Judith A., Chappuis, Jan, and Chappuis, Stephen. (2007). Classroom Assessment for
Learning: Doing It Well - Using It Right. Pearson.

Tomlinson, C.A. & Tomlinson, C.A. (2003) Differentiation in Practice: A Resource Guide for Differentiating Curriculum.

Reeves, D. (2002). The leader’s guide to standards: A blueprint for educational equity and excellence.
San Francisco: Wiley.



MTSS Committee Members

Name Title/Position District/Organization
Assistant Superintendent of
Deanna Barash Northville Public Schools
Instructional Services
Beatrice Benjamin, Ed.S. Academic Coordinator Redford Union Schools
Director of Instructional Programs
Dr. Sandra Brock Northville Public Schools
and Services
Patricia Drake, Ph.D. Special Education Data Consultant Wayne RESA
Khalil El-Sagir English Learner Program Facilitator Wayne RESA
Nada Dakroub Fouani Leadership Coach Dearborn Public Schools
Molly J. Garcia Director, Special Services Romulus Community Schools
Toni Hall ELA Consultant Reading Resources, LLC
Kristi Hanby Consultant, Mathematics Wayne RESA
Nadine Harris Director, Special Services Northville Public Schools
Executive Director, Special Education
Karen Howey Wayne RESA
and Early Intervention Services
Lisa Jenkins School Improvement Specialist Detroit Public Schools Community District
Audrie Kalisz Principal, Park Lane Elementary Grosse Ile Township Schools
Debra Krauss Chief Academic Officer Huron School District
DeAnn Mack Director, Clinical Services Detroit Public School Community District
Executive Director, Innovation and
Jennifer Martin-Green Westwood Community School District
Chris McEvoy Consultant, Behavior and PBIS Wayne RESA
Reading Intervention, RTI, Title 1,
Nicole Payne Grosse Ile Township Schools
Special Education
Debra Reeves Consultant, ELA Wayne RESA
Associate Superintendent,
Dr. Paul Salah Wayne RESA
Educational Services
Dr. Rosalyn Shahid Consultant, ELA Wayne RESA
Patti Silveri Consultant, Special Education Wayne RESA
Heather Stanley-Williams Consultant, Educational Services Wayne RESA
Cindy Taraskiewicz Consultant, Assessment Wayne RESA
Assistive Technology Consultant,
Dr. Kathi Tarrant-Parks Lincoln Park Public Schools
Angela Thomas Consultant, Educational Services Wayne RESA
Mari Treece Manager, Educational Services Wayne RESA
Joshua J. Tynan, Ph.D. Coordinator Dearborn Public Schools
Dr. Diane Walker Director of School Improvement Detroit Public School Community District
Colleen Whalen Consultant, ELA Wayne RESA
Paulette White Director Special Education Detroit Public School Community District

M U LT I - T I E R E D S Y S T E M O F S U P P O R T S — T H E C L A S S R O O M

Wayne RESA
33500 Van Born Road • Wayne, MI 48184-2497
734.334.1300 • 734.334.1620 FAX •

Board of Education
James S. Beri • Kenneth E. Berlinn • Mary E. Blackmon
Lynda S. Jackson • James Petrie

Randy A. Liepa, Ph.D., Superintendent

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