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A short treatise on the life

The Gawth Hazrat Khawajjah Abdur Rahman Choorvi RadiAllahu anhu.

"Don't look at those who are endowed with the cloak of the ascetic' Should they desire a
miracle,a single gesture would be enough"

A great honour was bestowed upon the city of Haripur Hazara,situated in the Khabybar
Pakhtunkhwa,Pakistan,for from this small city a great man of Allah,the Gawth Sayyidinah
Khawajjah Abdur Rahman Choorvi radi Allahuanhu was born.This great man was a true gnostic of
Allah,the Pole of Sainthood of his time.He was unique and a true embodiment of Our Master,the
Messenger of Allah salAllahu alayhi wa Aalihi wassallam,who's initial guidance and spiritual
openings were given through Sayyidinah (Khidr Alay his Salaam)

Hazrat Abdur Rahman Choorvi.a was born in Hazara division in the city of Haripur in which,is
located in the village of Choor sharif.

The birth place of Hazrat Abdur Rahman Choorvir.a. Hazrat's lineage has an unbroken chain going
back to the forth Khalifa.Sayyidinah Ali ibn Abi Taliib radiAllahu anhu.In Silsilah(spiritual order),he
was Qadri and in Madhab,Hazrat was Hanas.

Coming from a Scholarly family Hazrat's father,Hazrat Kwajjah Khizrir. as a great gnostic himself
who was engrossed in the remembrance of Allah,He was a reflection and true adherent of the
law of lslam and the Prophetic Sunnah.

Hazrat Abdul Rahmanr.a showed great signs of sainthood from a early age,and sure enough in
Hazrat's youth he received the spiritual openings of sainthood from Sayyidinah Khidra.s. In his
youth,hazrat was once reciting in a melodious voice,at which point a
saintly looking person approached him and said'Oh young one,what is it that you are reciting,let
me listen 'Hazrat Abdur Rahman then recited to Savyidinah Khidra.s who blessed Hazrat with the
lights of secrets and wisdom.At this point,Savyidinah Khidra.s said Do you know who l am?
"Hazrat replied in the negative,to which Sayyidinah Khidr a.s responded 'I am Khidr,and I shall
come to visit you again By the gazes of Sayyidinah Khidr a.s,Hazrat received wilayah,and
eventually became the Pole of Sainthood and was given the spiritual station the Gawth.

After some time had passed,Sayyidinah Khidr a.s came to Hazrat again and advised him:'The
foundations of your friendship with Allah have been set,now go and act upon the Majestic
Sunnah of the Prophet(s.a.w)and seek out your spiritual guide
Hazrat Abdur Rahmanr.a was an U'mmi(unlettered),meaning he did not have physical training or
education in the sciences of Islam,however due to the countless openings and blessings of Allah
Ta'ala,Hazrat received Deenly inspired knowledge,known as ilm Laduni direct from Allah Ta'ala
and The Holy Prophet(s.a.M).Such was the grasp and scoop of the knowledge Hazrat
possessed,that those who were experts in the fields of lslamic Doctrine would come to seek
guidance on complex matters pertaining to the very subjects they themselves were well versed
Hazratr.a was granted such vast and comprehensive knowledge of both the outer and inner
sciences of shariah and tariqa that it would shadow and dawf the knowledge of the senior
scholars of the time.

Through ilme Laduni,Hazrat was inspired with salawa upon the Holy Prophet(s.a.w), which came
to an astonishing 30 juz(parts),covering more than 3000 pages in very extensive volumes. Being a
Ummi (unlettered), Hazrat would recite the inspired salawat to their disciple (Khalifa), Hazrat
Khawajjah Fazalul
Rehman Qadrira, who would pen this down in a book later to be named as the miraculous 'Maj
muwa Salawat ar Rasool (s.a.w)'
(translated here as 'The Great collection of prayers upon the Prophet (s.a.

From this we come to know of the expansion of the spiritual status of Hazratr.a; who when asked
a question would answer it without
hesitation, should it be something which needed clarification, hazrat would say 'wait let me ask
the Prophet (s.a.w) and without closing
His eyes or meditation, Hazrat would say 'Channi, I have the answer from the Prophet(S.a.w)

At the age of 8 years Hazrat's father Hazrat Khawajjah Khizrir.(a)passed away and at this tender
age hazrat started his spiritual exercises, which were intense and extremely discult. Once at such
a young age, hazrat was accompanied by a few associates and desired to visit the greatman of
Allah, Hazrat Akhund Babar.a. When they arrived in the holy place of Hazrat Akhund ra there was
a vast amount of devotees trying to access the durbar sharif to take aglimpse of Hazrat Akhund

Due to the amount of devotees who had come to visit Hazrat Akhund Babar a lot of people were
unable to access or see this great man of
Allah;due to this those with Hazrat Abdur Rahmanr.a said: "let us go back as we shall not be able
to meet the Shaykh' In reply to this,
Hazrat said: 'At the time of Chast(aftersunrise), Hazrat Akhundra would sit on the uppermost stair
of the Mosque, and we shall be
able to take a glimpse of him, after this we shall leave.The following day, one of the disciples of
Hazrat Akhund Babar.a opened the door of the private courters of Hazrat at which point
Hazrat Akhund ra addressed him and said Amongst all these people, there is a child who has
come from Haripur Hazara, bring him to me Hearing this, the disciple of Hazrat Akhundr.a started
to call out for this young boy to come forward; however due to the huge numbers of devotees it
was becoming extremely difficult to find this boy (Hazrat Abdur Rahman r.a), Hazrat Akhund r.a
disciples, after much frustration, eventually called out'why is it that, the one who Hazrat wishes
to see, is not revealing himself
Those who were with Hazrat Abdur Rahman ra said to him, "it is you the Shaykh wishes to see'.
However, hazrat replied: "There are many who are from Haripur, it could be anyone' Eventually
one of those whom were accompanying Hazrat informed the disciples that the one they sought
was with them. When the disciples saw Hazrat Abdul Rahman, they lifted him and took him in the
presence of the great man of Allah, Hazrat Akhund Babara When Hazrat Akhundr.a saw this child,
who was the light of wilayah, he immediately said'He is the one, he is the one, he is the one. He
is the one whom i was seeking At this point Hazrat Akhundr.a said to him 'Oh the Orphaned
Pearl:Let us make dua
At this point Hazat Abdur Rahmanra said 'when Hazrat Akhund Babar.a lifted his blessed hands to
make dua,i felt as if the weight of the heavens was placed on my head,and when he finished
making dua,i felt as if this weight was lifted and felt a total sense of peace and tranquility. Hazrat
Akhundr.a then asked him what is it, that you saw last night?" Hazrat Abdur Rahmanra said that
he saw his place of seclusion, to which Hazrat Akhundra replied Go and sit there, your Shaykh
shall come to you and give you the oath of allegiance, there at your place of seclusion, for your
portion of spiritual mysteries is with him

After some time had passed a great gnostic of Allah came to Choor Shareef from Kashmir and
asked about a child named Muhammad Abdur Rahman r.. After searching, eventually this gnostic,
namely Hazrat Yaqoob shahr.a came to And Khawajja Abdur
Rahman Choorvi radiAllahu. Upon hearing of the arrival this great man of Allah. Khawaiia Abdur
Rahmanra came out

Hazrat Abdur Rahman Choorviradi Radiyal Allahu anhu eventually became the true spiritual
inheritor of his father,and at the time of his returning to his Lord,Hazrat was asked,who is the
Gawth? Hazrat Abdur Rahman Choonvir.a replied' After Gawih al Azam Shaykh Abdul Qadir
Jilanir.a nobody has reached this stalion,for along fime this was left as it is,until after a long
period of time it came to a young child,who was the true spiritual inheritor of the
Gawth(Referring to himself)

At the darbar of Hazratr.a fuqara,masakeen and ulama attending the thousands times.A Shaykh
once mentioned to hazart,that At your darbar many thousands attend on a daily basis and all are
fed but you have no physical wealth,let me give you a wazifah(litany) that you shall increase in
wealth.'Hazrat r.a,being a great mutawakil(one who trusts in Allah completely ,replied:
I feel shy before my Lord that people come to us the friends of Allah,and we sit here doing wazifa
for wealth.I have no need for this..!!!

In one of the duas of Hazrat Abdur Rahman Choonir.a.Hazrat asked Allah Ta'ala to always remain
hidden from the world.This
daa was accepted such that despite completing the great 5 volume book of salawat over a period
of l2 years,8 months and 20 days,
none knew of it,until the end of Hazrat's physical life before passing away Hazratr.a in formed the
disciples of this book that was inspired to him and ordered for its publication so that the creation
of Allah would derive great benest from it.
On the Ist of Dhul Hlijah 1324(16 Jan 1907),The great Gawth returned to His Merciful Lord May
Allah Ta'ala elevate His maqam,and make us benefit in both worlds.

Online Publication
This unique and powerful book of Salawat Majmuwa Salawat ar Rasool'(The Great Collection of
Pravers upon the Prophets.a.w)
has never been available online before.Under the Supervision of Mohammad Tayyab Rahman
Qadri,this publication has
been made available to them free of charge.This is like no other salawat book and it is believed to
be the only one of its kind,both
in size and spiritual blessings. We ask Allah Ta'ala to bless us all and accept this humble effort
from us,and to bless all the team of Qadria Trust who have worked tirelessly to bring this to you
in the best possible manner.All good is from Allah Ta'ala and His Rasool s a.w and any short
comings are from us,we seek Allah Ta'ala protection at all times and in both worlds
In this day and age,where so many have moved away from the true Prophetic way and people are
searching for inner peace and tran-quility,this most unique and powerful compendium of Salawat
is an excellent means of salvation,be which it is hoped one will receive
the true love of The Messenger of Allah s.a.w.

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