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FINAL Project in DISS

Activity 2: Story maker Time!

Read the passage below and answer the following questions that follow. Provide a
detailed explanation of your answer.

Heinz’s wife was dying because of a special kind of cancer. There was only one medicine that
the doctors thought might cure her, but it was an advanced formula that a pharmaceutical
company had recently discovered. This drug was extremely costly to produce due to high-cost
equipment and singular production techniques. On top of that, the company was selling the
drug at a price tenfold the production costs.
Heinz went to everyone he knew to borrow money but he could only collect half of what the
drug costs. He sought an audience with the CEO of the pharmaceutical company, told him that
his wife was dying and begged him to sell the drug cheaper or allowed him to defer the
payment. But the CEO refused. He couldn’t make any exception as they had spent massive
funds in the research and equipment, and turning in a profit was the top priority for the
Heinz was devastated, and at wits end about what he should do next. In the end, he broke into
the company and stole the drug for his wife.
Think about this. What would you do if you were Heinz and WHY?

If you were to pick one of the below answers, which one would you CHOOSE?

1. Heinz should NOT steal the drug because he would be put to prison for his
2. Heinz should steal the drug because he would feel gratified and happier.
3. Heinz should steal the drug because he’s a good husband and its expected of him
to do so by his wife.
4. Heinz should steal the drug but be incarcerated because he broke the law.

5. Heinz should steal the drug because saving a life is more important than
breaking the law.
6. Heinz should steal the drug but NOT be incarcerated because the law would be
unjust if it penalized an individual for saving a life.

After answering the questions, recreate the story then apply your answer by
selecting one of these choices:
1. Short Film- Create a video that illustrates the story and your answer.
Provide a detailed explanation of your answer.
2. Comic Strip – Make a comic strip that shows the flow of the story, at the
end part of the comic; provide a detailed explanation of your answer.
3. Creative Still Pictures – Create a series of pictures by yourself that shows
the flow of the story and your answer to the question. You can use video
editing applications to apply your creativity in making the still pictures
Rubrics in Art Appreciation 1
Criteria 8-10 pts 5-7 pts 3-4 pts 2-1 pts
Creativity The student’s The student’s The student’s The piece shows
work demonstrate work demonstrate work lacked little or no
a unique level of originality sincere originality evidence of
originality original thought
Effort The students gave The student The student The student did
effort far beyond completed the finished the not finish the work
requirements of project in an project but it lacks in a satisfactory
the project above average finishing touches manner
manner, yet more or can be
could have been improved upon
done with a little effort
Skills The artwork is The student The student The student
outstanding and showed above showed average showed poor
was finished with average craftsmanship and craftsmanship or
a great deal of craftsmanship and understanding lack of
patience understanding understanding
Concept The output clearly The output The output The output does not
demonstrates a key demonstrates key demonstrates a demonstrate a clear
concept concepts previous concept concept.

Final Product Final product looks Final product looks Final product Final product
professional and the decent and the required more unrefined and the
concepts were concept were revisions and the concepts were not
visibly somewhat concepts were not demonstrated
demonstrated demonstrated clearly
Heinz should steal the drug but NOT be incarcerated because the law would be unjust if it
penalized an individual for saving a life. Presumably he values his wife’s survival and health
more than the chance of getting caught and going to jail. This is a moral question, not an
ethical question so there’s not really any issue of rights or principles here. Now we’re
entering into ethical considerations. The arguments for the theft being wrong would revolve
around property rights, since a theft is by definition an attack on property rights. But I’ve
already debunked property rights, nothing can be an actual right if it goes against another
person’s rights. In this specific case, the druggist’s “property right” cannot trump the wife’s
right to life. Beyond that, I don’t see any reason why the action could be wrong. Saving
someone’s life is generally a good thing if they want to live and if it spares them future
suffering. The fact that the theft supports such an action means that it is, at the very least, not
wrong. My answer would be that stealing the drug is a right thing to do in this situation,
because it is not wrong. The same evaluation applies, I think, to not stealing the drug. Neither
of these actions can be wrong from an ethical standpoint given the information we have in
the scenario. Since my answer relies heavily on a factual statement (that property rights are
bunk), I wouldn’t rate it on the Kohlberg scale, but it would probably be rated as post-

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