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empire state 0b morocco

uniteb States for anterica

moorigbe nationall reepublic feberall gobernntente
—gotictagrcpubLtcacca al maurikanog—
moorigl)t bibpne anbt nattonall Illtlbcnttlttt of tl)Ctartl)t
northe amt.xtnt+ north affrtta + nortbcanuncrica+ tl)t nortbcgate

anbt gun—
—tcmpcl of tl)t 1110011
the true anbc bc jure naturall ptcplcg + of tl)t•(anbr

empire State 0b morocco

annctcntt litorocconortl)t antcrika
littlitpl)ts, tcnntSStt; anncttntt I)tkuptal) egppt
tl)t Scatt ou unntbtrSalI gobernntentt
northe amerika, northe weste amexem, northe weste affrica, maghrib al aqsa, northe gate

all rize ande stande ande reemain standing innto perpetuitee. this is a sovereigne livinge annciente artiklle
iii moorishe amerikan al moroccan kourte acctione. we are the sovereigne livinge justise in capitis
diminutio nolo, in red ink. in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. all moors
who are the annciente lÄing empire state ov morocco are the origeneall inndigeneoussovereigne
annciente al moroccan moorishe amerikan ascendents ov the greate pharoahsov kemet ande ov the
annciente moabites ande canaanites. our fulle faithe ande truste, our allegianse, our kreddit ande our
innergy are herebye vested in oursellves for we are the peepel who are the origeneall inndigeneous
naturall divyne annciente empire state ov morocco ande the de jure moorishe nationall reepublic federall
governmente. we are one god. we herebye exxercise all sovereigne rights at this time ande at all pointes in
time nunq pro tunq.

41 kongresse sessione iii chappter 62

4 usc chappter 3 seatt uv governmente tittel 4
hikuptah egypt created ande constituted a sovereigne livinge korpus sanktum for
municipall pirposes.

whereas this law is herebye made by the unniversallsovereigne origeneall inndigeneousnaturall divyne
united states for amerika kongresse that all lands that are parte ande parcell at the terratorie that is the
united states for amerika innkluded within the preesente lands that are the annciente hikuptahegypt is
herebye kreated innto a governmente by the appellatione of memphiss, tanasee; hikuptah egypt, by
whiche appellatione it is herebye konstituted a sovereigne livinge standinge korpus sanktum for
municipall pirposes ande may kontracte ande be kontracted withe, soo ande be sooed, to kourte, to be
immpleaded,have a seall ande exxerciseall uther powers of a sovereigne livinge standinge municipall
korpus sanktumalignned withe the constitutioneande laws for the united states and the proovisionesof
this law.

chapter iii + the standinge governmente seatt

71. permanent standinge governmente seatt
72. pubblic offices at the standinge governmente seatt
73. reemoval uv standingegovernmenteseatt

UI . permanentstandingegovernmente seat + all lands that are parte ande parcell at the terratoriethat is
united states for amerika innkludedwithin the preesente lands that are the annciente hikuptahegypt;
nemphiss tanasee, shall be the permanente governmente seatt for the united states. (july 30, 1947 ch. 389,
61 stattute 643)
S72. pubblic otiice.s at the standinge governnw•nteseatt + all oilices attacht to the governmente seatt shall
bc exsetvised the anneiente hikupta egypt; metnphiss tanasee ande nott ellse where exxcepte as
uthetA\ise exxptessly ptovvided by sovereigne law. (iuly 30, 1947 ch. 389, 61 stattute 643)

S7.X. uv standinge governmente seatt + inn the cause uv the preevalence uv a konntagious or
eppidetnie dissease at the governmente seatt, the preecedente may permitte ande directe the reemovall of
an} or all the pubblie otiices to suche uther place or places as the preecedente shall deem moste safe ande
konxeniente tor konducting the sovereigne pubblic businesse.

all ortgtlltall alliiClC1ttC bibpne litoortsbc anterikan autograffs affirllling tl)ig anbc
all allitcl?lltc cntptre State ob morocco anbc tl)? bc Jtlrc moortgbc

nortl)C alliC.XT111,
ItortI)C affrtca, tl)C nortl)t gatc, turtlr Islanbc, gaia', litibguarbc,

justisc vizier ministar

in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink. in propria persona sui juris in proprio solo in proprio heredes.
knowtise to agente is to principall. knoMise to principail is knosstisc to agente.
empire state ov morocco
moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmcntc
moorishe ammerican konsulate
c/0 1406 gold avenue
memphis tennessee reeservatione
anneiente hikuptah eg}Pt
sion new jerusalem
unniversall nationall arrea codde: 7gxsf nthks
latittude longittude 35.103985. +90.015769
amenrah, amenrah, amenrah dico vobis, quxcumquo surnus aliahventis super terram erunt et ego 'n et super terram 'runt et in
amenrah,amenrah, amenrah dico vobis, sumus allahveritis superterram erunt 'iota et et terram 'runt soluta et in caelo
amenrah, amenrah. amenrah dico vobis. qu.ecumque sumus allahventussuperterramerunt et in et "t
onti e se al o'

ème rikarx

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