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Business Logic

refers to the organized efforts and activities
f individuals to produce and sell goods and services for profit

a system or set of principles underlying the arrangements of elements
in a computer or electronic device so as to perform a specific task
What is Business Logic?
-the automation of business rules.

-It is a coding term that is used to distinguish between code that

implements business functions and code that is ancillary or non-

-a code that implements business rules. It is a coding term that is used to

differentiate between business specific code and code that deals with
technical details such as data access.
What is Business Logic?
-is the custom rules or algorithms that handles the exchange of
information between a database and user interface.

-the part of a computer program that contains the information (in the
form of business rules) that defines how a business operates.

-such business rules are operational policies that are usually expressed
in true o false binaries.
Designs of Business Logic
Validation -rules for validating user input.
Transactions -rules for executing a transaction such as a purchase
Calculations -calculating values such as a discount on an order
Process Flow -deciding how to trigger steps in a process.
Page Flow -deciding what pages to display to a user.
Data Transformation -rules for transforming data from one format to another
such as how to display an account number to user.
Notifications -deciding when to notify people of information.
Business Rules is what makes of Business Logic.
Without Business Rules, business logic cannot exist.
A business cannot exist without business rules.
What are Business Rules?
-a formal expression of business policy, while business logic determines
how this policy is implemented as a process. Ben Morris

-define specific instructions or constraints on how certain day-to-day

actions should be performed.

-statement that defines or constrains some aspect of the business. It is

intended to assert business structure or to control or influence the
behavior of the business.

-directives that define (or constrain) business activities.

Common Types of
Business Rules
Formula Rule
allows employees to maintain
calculations in a
no-code format, similar to creating
formulas in Microsoft Excel.

Example. Net Income Formula,

Break even point formula
Decision Table Rule
a powerful feature that lets non-developers represent related conditional decisions or “if-
then” logic in a concise manner as a spreadsheet style-table. Decision tables use columns as
the conditions, while rows specify the appropriate outcomes.

Example. An individual would like to apply for a loan from a financial institution. As the owner of a financial instituion
you have a formulated rules when it comes to application of loans. Such rules will be your guide if the said application is
approved or not.
Alethic rules
They are about how concepts, knowledge, or information are defined
or structured.
Alethic rules impose necessities, which cannot,
even in principle, be violated by the business.

Example. Govenment mandated rules to be complied by every businesses

Deontic Rules
Established by 'claiming' obligation.
Deontic rules impose
obligations, which may be vio-lated, even though they ought

Example. An employee who is late or is absent due to unseen circumstances.

Pandemic that cause businesses to close for a couple of months.
A typhoon that will cause businesses to close for a day or two.
Definitional Rule
a rule that indicates something is necessarily true (or untrue); a
rule that is intended as a definitional criterion for concepts, knowledge, or

Example. "Customer is always right"

Behavioral rule
a business rule that places an obligation on conduct, action, practice, or
procedure; a business rule whose
purpose is to shape day-to-day business activity

Example. A certain task that requires a certain character or behavior

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