Cancellation Charges: RD16484551147604359 Mar 28th 2022, 1:55 PM Ride ID Time of Ride

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Payment Summary

Ride ID RD16484551147604359
Time of Ride Mar 28th 2022, 1:55 PM

Cancellation Charges
₹ 0.00
333, Poonamallee High Rd, Aminjikarai, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600029, India

Janakiraman colony Childrens Park, 4th Street, Janakiraman Colony, Villivakkam,

Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Bill Details

Canc ellat ion Fee - Capt ain ₹ 0.00

Canc ellat ion Fee - Rapido ₹ 0.00

Total Amount ₹ 0.00

(Incl usive of Taxes)

Rapido Coins have been used for t his Ride

Tax Invoice

Invoic e No. 2122TN0008492151

Invoic e Dat e Mar 28t h 2022, 1:55 PM

Tax Cat egory Ot her servic es n.e.c . (999799)

Plac e of Supply Tamil Nadu

GST Number 33AAHCR1710J1ZN

Capt ain Name SHIVA KUMAR V

Vehic le Number TN10AZ2349

Cust omer Name Gnanu Glory

Cust omer Pic k Up Address

333, Poonamallee High Rd, Aminjikarai, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu 600029, India

Bill Details

Capt ain Canc ellat ion Fee ₹ 0.00

CGST (2.5%) ₹ 0.00

SGST (2.5%) ₹ 0.00

IGST (0%) ₹ 0.00

Cancellation Charge ₹ 0.00

(Incl usive of Taxes)

This doc ument is issued by Transport Servic e Provider and not by Roppen
Transport at ion Servic es Privat e Limit ed (Rapido). Rapido ac t s only as an Elec t ronic
Commerc e Operat or for t he t ransport at ion servic es.
Tax Invoice

Roppen Transportation Services Private Limited

389, , New Siddhapudhur, Bharat hiyar Road,
Coimbat ore, Tamil Nadu, 641044

Gnanu Glory
333, Poonamallee High Rd, Aminjikarai, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu 600029, India

Invoic e No. 2122TN0008492151

Invoic e Dat e Mar 28t h 2022, 1:55 PM

Tax Cat egory Ot her servic es n.e.c . (999799)

Plac e of Supply Tamil Nadu


Bill Details

Canc ellat ion Charges ₹ 0.00

CGST (9%) ₹ 0.00

SGST (9%) ₹ 0.00

IGST (0%) ₹ 0.00

Final Amount ₹ 0.00

(Incl usive of Taxes)

This is a syst em generat ed invoic e and henc e no signat ure required

Thank you Gnanu Glory

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