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bibpne attibai)it

de id(lcntilicatione
ande e Nxchnnp.c Isnowttcc ov c Nxcliil)tc lor

ail jnnto pctpctuitcc. "overcigne• livingc

annetente atAiklle iii 111001i"lw• kouttc accttonc. "overciv.1iC
lis inge .lustise in enpitlS nolo.
ande in all the ot l}tcnenll sovercsgnc nnncw•ntc Iil
litot•oeean ov ptcatc ov ov the
tnoabltes ande our tilllc Illithe ande our allegsan•se. our our
Innet'PY are hecel»x: vested in lor tlw• peepcl arc the origcncall
Ilitidipeneous nattlt•all divyne ov njorocco oncle the (le tnoori%lu-•
nationall t•eeptlblie ledetülll govetnnw•ntc. the unnivcrsall konsulntc t11C
artielle iii litootishe konstllar kourte. arc peace. arc onc yod. we hercbyc
ex set•eise all soveteipne t'ib'lltsat this tinte ande at all pointes in tinw•nunq pro tunq.

t. issl•uer idden(ity:
appellatione naitne ov issuer: state ov tnorocco truste
ourisdietione: 1110t•oeeo.
notdhe atnetika
year lor innkorporatione: Itntnetnorialle —over 5 yeers appo
t}ope: sovereigne state (governtnente)

2. principall plaiee l'or l•onuneree ande konntacte innformatione:

isshuer: etnpitvs state ov 1110t•oeeo
cnailing loeatione: e/0 91 1 gold avenue
tnetnpllis tennessee Ipostall code e,xxentptel

3. reelated parrsons:
lasst appellatione (naitne): walton
tirste appellatione (naitne): juan
noailing locatione: : e/0 gold avenue
Inetnphis tennessee Ipostall code exxetnptel
reelationshipp: etnpire state ov Inorocco liduciarie

klarificatione ov staterncnte: wes the unniversall sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous annciente

naturall divine peepel ande our living subbjectes are the empire state ov morocco at northe
atnerika. the ernpire state ov moroeco is the sovereigne supreem jurisdictione exxercising all
sovereigne anneiente rights at all times ande at all pointes in time nunq pro tunq.

4. muurchante/businesse inndustric:
banking ande tees
other banking set'S
anae tees?
ants, ell. all uthev tees,

O.federall essentp(iones ande esxelusiones Konunnnded:

the constitutione t0v the unitesl states ande 1

7. pe os philing:
etsall. innlernationalle. nationall, localle ande pubbltc knosstitieationc on the rubblie
tvekotÄie,tot the pubblic tvekonle ande letting the pubblie ceekotÄleshossc.

S. duratione ov propherring konunande:

than one eer

9. ppe os securitees propherrcd by crcignc kommandc:

soxetvigne kreddit. thinnerall. gold andc gold backed tnoorishc sos creignc
kt•sidit.s. lassCulle ande leegall gold money tor accounte krcddtts. gold backed jnoorishe
soxervigne dollaviutn hiehe is the gold backed united states dollar, ctnpirc state ov ntotoeco
krvddits. tnuutvhante kreddits. all uthcr krvddits.

1().kounbinntionc acctione:
this pmphert•ing kotntnande is hetvl»e allinned ande is an articlle iii lassCulleande leegall
exxchange acetione.

klaritificatione ov statemente:
autogralTed. sealled. etnbossed tnoori.shesosvreignc dollariulli (tnsd) in capitis dintinutio nolo.
autogratTed in red ink is hereby bothe lasstulle ande lecgall tnoney tor the worlde ande at
earthe, as abbox• so beelows

autogratléds sealled. enlbossed tnoot'ishe sox•tvigne dollariunt (msd) in capitis dintinutio nolo.
autograilZ'd in red ink is heteby laxsfullie ande leegall exxchangcd for gold, gold backed
moorishe smetvigne dollat•iutn. gold backed banquing accounte kreddits ande gold coinage
pegged at I msd being eqquall to I gold united states dollar.

autogratü•d. sealled, etnbossed tuoorishe sox•reigne dollariutn as deescribcd abbove is herebye

lavsiüllie ex.xehanged I to I tör gold united states treasurie coins ande/or gold backed united
states treasurie dollars ande or gold backed banquing accounte kreddits. all ortgeneall
inndigeneous etnpitvs state ov motocco unnix•tsall conunerciall code I lien attidavids are
hereby. Ia\uilllie e.x.xchangedtör moorishe sox•tæigne dollariurn bankinge kreddits akkordinge
to banking lassesas created by 1933 unnixersall lass. hr 192 (1933) ande all laws in harmonie
ithe the constitutione tör the united states 1789 ande 1791 ande all its treaties made or whiche
shalle be made. all gold ande naturall reesources are hereby••nationalli/ßd ande presented inn the
empire state ov morocco truste for this ande all empire state ov morocco acctiones. deeposits,
exxchanges. innterchanges ande trannsacctiones. all ex.xchanges are withoutt the [UNITED

11. minnimum innvestmente: there are no töreigners at the earthe wide empire state ov
morocco. the ernpire state ov morocco is nationallized living al moroccan moorishe amerikan
peepels ande naturallized living moorishe subbiectes ipso jure. the living innvestmente is
wihtoutt minnimum. the living innvesunente is withoutt tna.x,ximum.

12. salles kompensatione: gold is withoutt inntereste ande gold is withoutt taxx in allignmente
ssithe the constitutione for the united states 1789 ande 1791 ande the united states department il)r
state reckorde aa222141 al truth.

all empire state ov morocco states ande subbjectes at earthe shalle affirme this lawfulle
soullisitatione nunq pro tunq by lawfulle acctiones.
I V 01'hccring ande salics nnunountcs:

benephisinries. kredditors, heirs, exsecutors, fiduciaries:

the state os tnorocco peepels are lasstulle as are their exxchanges.

IS. kurrencec kontrollers kommissiones ande fiduciaries phees exxpenses:

all exxchangcs are in allignmente withe the constitutione for the united states 1789 ande 1791.

16. use ov proseeds:

use ov prosecds shallc be lawfulle. all proseeds are the innheritense ov all al moroccan
tnoorishe arnerikan heirs.

reeseate ov this empire state ov morocco phorm d is acceptense ov this ande all empire state ov
morocco laws. we are the sovereigne jurisdictione at all times ande at all pointes in time nunq
pro tunq.

all sobcrctgnc ortgcnea[l tnnbtgcneougannatntc btbpnt moortshc amtrtkan autocrat(s afftrnttng

tl)ts anbc all sobcrctgnc ortgeneall tnnbtgtntous annatntt tmptrc state ou moroccoaltbc tilt bc
ntoortsl)c recpubltt frbera[l gobcrnrntntc botkumtntcs art on the pubbltc rtckorbc at
antcr1Ka, annctclltc morotto, nortf)t bcstc amt.xtm. north? Westt affrtta. the northc gate. turtle
(Slanbc, gata', nubßttarbc, cartl)c.

cl)ronog tnnc tnunctnortall tun to pcrprtuttct

cgo Bunt eon-L

in capitis dltninutio nolo. in red ink. jn propna prop-no soio proprto hcrcdcs.
knowtise to apentc is knosstr.c to pnnc•pajl knowtl€c to agcntc.
cmpjtc statc 0'. tnotocco
tnoorishc nationall tccpuhluc fcdctall go•.crnrncntc
moorishc amrncncan konsula:c
c/0 1406 gold a•.cnuc
mctnphis tcnncsscc rccscnat•onc
anncicntc hikuptah cg_•.pt
sion ne•.s ycrusaJcm
unni\ ersall nationall arrea coddcu nthks
latittude longittudc 35.103985. -90.015769
amen. amen dico vobis. qoa•cumque aii•gaventts terr•m •n
amen. amen dico vobis. qomcumqve terr•m •rent e'
amen, amen vob•s. terr•m •
veepvbEc 'e seal o


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