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Meirina Adityani

Corporate relation unit(5 thn)

PT Bank Mizuho Indonesia
Telah melamar:03 Apr 2020 Terakhir diperbarui:3bulan Terakhir aktif:1Bulan

IDR 11,000,000 Sarjana (S1) South Jakarta,Jakarta Raya


9 Tahun total pengalaman

Jan 2014-Aug 2018 Corporate relation unit

4 tahun 8 bulan PT Bank Mizuho Indonesia|Jakarta Raya,Indonesia

Industri Perbankan/Pelayanan Keuangan

Spesialisasi Perbankan/Pelayanan Keuangan
Bidang Pekerjaan Lainnya
Tingkat Jabatan Pegawai (non-manajemen & non-supervisor)
Gaji Bulanan IDR 10,000,000

Conduct translation, Taking BOD minute meeting, DH minute meeting and monthly minute
meeting. Assisting on CSR implementation, Events etc. Responsible for Japanese task
matters, writing article in e-magazine, hotel, golf and restaurant reservation, etc. As per
attached in my resume.

Jul 2012-Jan 2014 Program Assistant for NGO Desk

1 tahun 7 bulan JICA INDONESIA

Industri Pemerintahan/Pertahanan
Spesialisasi Sekretaris/Personal Assistant
Bidang Pekerjaan Sekretaris/Asisten Pribadi
Tingkat Jabatan Pegawai (non-manajemen & non-supervisor)
Gaji Bulanan IDR 4,000,000

-Assist Program Coordinator to run daily management and operations of JICA NGO Desk
-To explore prospective community development cooperation possibilities with Japanese,
Indonesian and International Institutions,
-Handle inquiries and follow up on JICA grassroots activities,
-Conduct translation as required,
-Report on the unit’s daily activities and maintain JICA NGO Database (National, Local,
Japanese and International NGO).
-Maintain and nurture relationship between Government, Private company and NGOs (Local
& International)
-On behalf of the Development Education Study Tour 2012 program from JICA Tohoku in
Aceh, Accompany and prepare all the needs of 10 Japanese Teachers and Tohoku staff
itself in Aceh and in Jakarta (22-29 December, 2012).
-Prepare all the needs for Lecture series and meeting with the NGO Desk Partners, Prepare
what needed for another event such Jak-Japan Matsuri,etc.

Jun 2011-Jun 2012 Secretary

1 tahun 1 Bulan PT. Jababeka Tbk

Industri Properti/Real Estate

Spesialisasi Sekretaris/Personal Assistant
Bidang Pekerjaan Sekretaris/Asisten Pribadi
Tingkat Jabatan Lulusan baru/Pengalaman kerja kurang dari 1 tahun
Gaji Bulanan IDR 3,000,000

-Prepare meeting and Write Minute of Meeting

-Assist Director and Deputy Director on Project
-Filing documents
-Weekly and Monthly Report (Sales performances)
-Supervise sales executive performance, etc.


Jul 2010 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Sarjana (S1)dalamPendidikan/Pengajaran/Pelatihan|Indonesia

Jurusan Japanese
Tingkat Pendidikan/Pengajaran/Pelatihan

Menengah Writing Articles,Japanese Language,Ms.Office,Presentation

Dasar Photography

Tingkat kemampuan: 0 - Buruk, 10 - Sempurna

Bahasa Bicara Menulis

Bahasa Indonesia 9 9

English 8 8

Japanese 8 7

Informasi tambahan
Gaji yang diharapkan IDR 11,000,000

Preferensi Lokasi Kerja Bangkok,Jakarta Raya,Seluruh Singapore

Tentang Saya
Jenis Kelamin Perempuan

Umur 32
Rincian kontak  081290315781 

Alamat Jln. Mampang Prapatan 6 No. 65 RT/RW 005/002, Kel. Tegal Parang Kec.
Mampang Prapatan South, South Jakarta, 12790, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia

Kewarganegaraan Indonesia

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