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Activity 1. Tell me What I can Do

1. F 4. B 7. D 10. H
2. J 5. I 8. C
3. A 6. G 9. E

Activity 2. Complete and Connect!

1. Feed Back Mechanism -

2. Effector -
3. Stimulus -
4. Control Center -
5. Receptor -

Activity 3. Fill Me Up!

1. Thyroid gland 6. Parathyroid hormone

2. Calcitonin 7. Parathyroid hormone
3. Calcitonin
4. Decreases
5. Parathyroid gland

Activity 4. Watch Me!

1. If calcium level rises above set point

2. Thyroid gland releases calcitonin
3. Blood calcium level falls
4. If calcium level falls below set point
5. Parathyroid gland release parathyroid hormone (PTH)
6. Blood calcium level rises

Activity 5. Pair me-Up

Steps Diagram (A - E)
(A - E)

I. Free nucleotides are attracted to their

1 A
complementary bases.

H. A representative portion of DNA, which is about

2 B
to undergo replication.

F. Once the new nucleotides have lined up, they

3 C are joined together by the enzyme DNA

G. Finally, all the nucleotides are joined to form a

complete polynucleotide chain using DNA
4 D polymerase. In this way, two identical strands of
DNA are formed. Each strand retains half of the
original DNA material.

J. The two strands of the DNA separate. The

5 E hydrogen bonds between the bases
Activity 6. Which comes First?

1. C 3. A
2. B 4. D

Activity 7. Be a Match Maker

1. C 3. B
2. D 4. A

Activity 8. What’s the Message?

1. Methionine/Met 5. Arginine/Arg
2. Threonine/Thr 6. Serine/Ser
3. Glutamate/Glu 7. Stop codon
4. Leucine/Leu

Activity 9. Spot the Difference

1. Inversion 4. Deletion
2. Translocation 5. Translocation
3. Inversion

Activity 10. What happened to me?

1. B 4. G
2. F 5. D
3. E 6. A

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