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A. Introduction:
In this module, a brief overview of Systems Development Life Cycle will be discussed
which will guide you as future programmer in developing a simple to complex systems.

B. Objectives:

At the end of this lesson, the student should be able to:

1. identify the phases in Systems Development Life Cycle;
2. create a pseudo code and a flowchart for a Java program;

C. Learning Content:
 Systems Development Life Cycle

D. Pre-Test:
1. What is a system? And give an example of a system.
2. What do you think are the steps in developing a system?

E. Learning Activities:

Systems Development Life Cycle

A system is a set of building blocks that interact to achieve a goal. The systems
development life cycle (SDLC) is the process of understanding how an information system (IS)
can support business needs, analyzing and designing the system, developing and delivering it to
the end‐users. The SDLC is broken down to the following phases: Systems Planning, Systems
Analysis, Design Phase, System Implementation and Systems Operations, Support and Security.

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PHASE 1: Systems Planning
The systems planning phase usually starts with a formal request from end‐users, called a
system request that describes problems or desired changes in an information system or business
process. At the end of the investigation, the analyst prepares the preliminary investigation report
and makes recommendations.

PHASE 2: Systems Analysis

Systems analysis involves a detailed study of the existing system to understand the
proposed system, ensue that it will support business requirements, and build a solid foundation
for the systems design phase. The systems requirements specification, which is an overall design
for the new system, is the end‐product of system analysis phase. Requirements Modeling
Requirements modeling involves fact‐finding to describe the current system and determine the
requirements for the new system including its inputs, outputs, processes, performance, and
security. Data and Process Modeling Data and process modeling is the translation of data
gathered into a graphical representation the using traditional analysis techniques.

PHASE 3: Design Phase

Architecture design describes the hardware, software, and network infrastructure that will
be used. Interface design describes how the user will interact with the system. It includes the
user interface to input screens, menus, buttons and the design of forms and reports.
Database and file specifications define exactly what data will be stored and where they will
be stored. Program design, which defines the programs that need to be written and exactly what
each program will do. Pseudocode and flowcharting is a tool that you can use to prepare your
program design.

Pseudocode is a compact and informal high‐level description of the operating principle of a
computer program or other algorithm. It uses the structural conventions of a programming
language, but is intended for human reading rather than machine reading. It allows the designer
to focus on the logic of the algorithm without being distracted by details of language syntax. At
the same time, the pseudocode needs to be complete. It describes the entire logic of the
algorithm so that implementation becomes a rote mechanical task of translating line by line into
source code.

Common Action Keywords

Several keywords are often used to indicate common input, output, and processing
Initialize: SET, INIT

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Binary choice on a given Boolean Condition
(IF, THEN, ELSE, and ENDIF) The general form is:

IF condition THEN
sequence 1
sequence 2

IF HoursWorked > NormalMax THEN
Display overtime message
Display regular time message

The WHILE construct is used to specify a loop with a test at the top. The beginning and
ending of the loop are indicated by two keywords WHILE and ENDWHILE.

The general form is:

WHILE condition

The loop is entered only if the condition is true.The "sequence" is performed for each
iteration. At the conclusion of each iteration, the condition is evaluated and the loop continues
as long as the condition is true.

A CASE construct indicates a multi‐way branch based on conditions that are mutually
exclusive. Four keywords, CASE, OF, OTHERS, and ENDCASE, and conditions are used to
indicate the various alternatives. The general form is:

The OTHERS clause with its default sequence is optional. Conditions are normally
numbers or characters indicating the value of "expression", but they can be English statements
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or some other notation that specifies the condition under which the given sequence is to be
performed. A certain sequence may be associated with more than one condition.


This loop is similar to the WHILE loop except that the test is performed at the bottom of the
loop instead of at the top. Two keywords, REPEAT and UNTIL are used. The general form is:

UNTIL condition

The "sequence" in this type of loop is always performed at least once, because the test is
performed after the sequence is executed. At the conclusion of each iteration, the condition is
evaluated, and the loop repeats if the condition is false. The loop terminates when the condition
becomes true.

This loop is a specialized construct for iterating a specific number of times, often called a
"counting" loop. Two keywords, FOR and ENDFOR are used. The general form is:
FOR iteration bounds

In cases where the loop constraints can be obviously inferred it is best to describe the loop
using problem domain vocabulary.

FOR each month of the year (good)
FOR each faculty in the list (good)
FOR year = 1991 to 2011 (ok)
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Flow Charting
The flowchart is a means of visually presenting the flow of data through an information
processing systems, the operations performed within the system and the sequence in which they
are performed. The program flowchart can be likened to the blueprint of a building. As we know
a designer draws a blueprint before starting construction on a building. Similarly, a programmer
prefers to draw a flowchart prior to writing a computer program. As in the case of the drawing
of a blueprint, the flowchart is drawn according to defined rules and using standard flowchart
symbols prescribed by the American National Standard Institute, Inc.
Different flow chart symbols have different meanings. The most common flow chart
symbols are:
Terminator: An oval flow chart shape indicating the start or end of the process.
Process: A rectangular flow chart shape indicating a normal process flow step.
Decision: A diamond flow chart shape indication a branch in the process flow.
Connector: A small, labeled, circular flow chart shape used to indicate a jump in the process
Data: A parallelogram that indicates data input or output (I/O) for a process.
Document: used to indicate a document or report (see image in sample flow chart below).

PHASE 4: Systems Implementation

In the implementation phase, the system is actually built. This phase includes: System
Construction, System Testing, Installation, Training plan and System Evaluation.

System Construction
After designing the new system, the whole system is ready to be translated from program
specifications into computer instructions using a programming language of choice. This process
is known as coding.

System Testing
After the system is built, it is then tested to ensure it performs as designed. A test plan
should be developed and run on a given set of test data. The output of the test run should match
the expected results. Test to be performed: Unit Test, Integration Test and System Test.

After testing the system is tested, it will be deployed to the client and be used by the
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Training Plan
Training Plan includes detailed instructions on how to use the new system and help manage
the changes caused by the new system.

System Test
Post‐implementation evaluations verify that the new system meets specified requirements,
complies with user objectives, and produces the anticipated benefits.

PHASE 5: Systems Operation, Support and Security

The analyst team establishes a support plan that usually includes a formal or informal
post‐implementation review, as well as a systematic way for identifying major and minor
changes needed for the system. System security measures involve different security levels:
Physical Security, Network Security, Application Security, File Security and User Security.

F. Assessment:

A. Flowcharting: Draw a flowchart for the algorithm given below.

1. Start the program.
2. Input student name(sname), total sales(tsales), and commission rate (comrate)
3. Compute the commission
Commission = tsales * comrate
4. Display the sname, tsales, comrate, and Commission
5. End the program.

B. Problem Solving: Write an algorithm and a flowchart .

1. Write an algorithm and a flowchart to input the number of hours work, and the hourly rate.
Compute and display the salary.

2. Write an algorithm and a flowchart that inputs the number of units, tuition fee per unit, and the
miscellaneous fee. Compute and display the total fees.

C. Case Study:

Design a pseudocode/algorithm with corresponding flowchart for a kiosk of Scribe Pharmacy.

The user will be prompted for his/her desired product and quantity to be purchased. The
program will then calculate for each product’s total amount. Then it will calculate the total bill
of all the purchased products. The program will then display the purchased goods and quantity
on the screen, as well as the total amount of each product and the total bill of all the purchased

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G. References:
Instructional Manual on JAVA Programming Language by: John M. Parra

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