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Have you heard the word abortion? What comes in your mind when you hear abortion? Do you agree
with it or not? Abortion is a very controversial topic that others are still debating about. Some believe
that abortion goes against their morals and religious beliefs. Other’s strongly believe that it is a woman’s
right, and I am part of that. Religious people care so much about the unborn ones but neglect those
children in the orphanage, those children in the streets. I believe that the only reason We have so many
kids in foster care is that we lack knowledge in abortion and safe sex.

Upon hearing abortion some disregard the reason of women why they would get an abortion because
abortion goes against their moral and religious beliefs. They disregard that some of them get an
abortion is because they’re too poor to raise it, they’re minor and some is because of health issues.

Legalizing abortion won’t encourage women to abort, Instead, it would provide safer treatments for
women who wish to have an abortion, since, no matter how hard we try to deny it, many women resort
to abortion even though it is still not legal in their country. The difference is that by legalizing abortion,
the woman has a lesser risk of infections and complications caused by unsanitary procedures by illegal
abortion clinics, and self self-induced abortion procedures abortion happen more frequently than you
think anyway.

If you don’t want to get an abortion, then don’t but don’t shame nor stop those who wants to get one.
Legalizing abortion is not forcing you to get an abortion they’re just fighting for their rights to do so.
Respect their decision like how they respect yours. Their body, their choice.

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