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Multi Linear Regression

In forming the Multi Linear Regression test in SPSS system, there will form out 4 table, which is Variables Entered / removed, Model summary, anova,and
coefficients table.

Variables Entered/ Removed

Model Variable Entered Variable Removed Method

1. Economic Compute Enter
Knowledge Compute
Health Status Computeb

a. Dependent Variable: Health Adoption Compute

b. All requested variables entered.

From this Variables Entered / Removed table, we can confirm that the Economic Compute, Knowledge Compute and Health Status Compute as the
predictors, while the dependent variable or can call as the criterion variable are the Health Adoption Compute. Which the item a has mention at the table
below. It has shown the Multiple regression between 1 dependent variable and 3 independent variables.

Model Summaryb

Model R R square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the

1 .244a .059 .040 1.53274

a. Predictors: (Constant), Economic Compute, Knowledge Compute, Health Status Compute.

b. Dependent Variable: Health Adoption Compute

From this model summary, it result out the R Square are 0.059. It Is taken as a predictors, economic, knowledge and health status and 41% of the variance
in health adoption . R square are measure the amount of the variance in the dependent variable that the independent variable or the predictors account for
when taken as a group.

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig

1 Regression 21.676 3 7.225 3.076 .030b
Residual 342.997 146 2.349
Total 364.673 149

a. Dependent Variable : Health Adoption Compute

b. Predictors : (Constant), Economic Compute, Knowledge Compute, Health Status Compute

For this Anova table, we can see that the last column. Which is had a “Sig” word at there. This “Sig” is representing the significance and also the p-value. So,
we can see that the value of the significant is 0.030 which means that it is lower that the significance we set ,0.05. It can determine that the test is
significant and the Regression’s significant. In other words, R-square is significantly greater than 0. Since this is less than 0.05, we can know that this value of
R square is significantly greater than 0 and that means that our predictors are able to account for a significant amount of variance in Health Adoption. So,
this can conclude that the regression model is significance.


Model Understand Coefficients Standardized

B Std.Error Beta t Sig
1 (Constant) 13.445 1.075 0.107 12.508 0.000
Health Status 0.077 0.061 -0.005 1.268 0.207
Knowledge -0.04 0.056 0.092 -0.066 0.947
Economic Compute 0.179 0.080 2.240 0.027
a. Dependent Variable : Health Adoption Compute
From this table, the constant row, Health Status compute, Knowledge Compute and the Economic Compute. The Constant row in this table is not
important. Health Status Compute, Knowledge Compute and Economic compute, we are call these three variables as the predictors. The predictors are
individually presented. The “Sig” column which are presenting at the last column are the p-value of the test. The p- value for the health status compute and
the economic compute variable are 0.207 and 0.027. it is presented less than 0.05 (the significance value has set). While for the Knowledge variable are
0.947, it is larger than the significance value, 0.05. From here, we can conclude that the health status and the economic variable are significant while the
knowledge variable are not significant. Because their p- value are less than 0.05. Besides that, the standard coefficient of the health status compute variable
is 0.107, the knowledge variable is -0.005 and the economic compute are 0.092. they are mostly support the hypothesis. Because the figure in the standard
coefficient is not more than 0.05.

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