Tefl Mid Term Assignment

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EMAIL ID: manju080301@gmail.com
A. Design a conversation activity (speaking skill) based on either “Learning a musical
instrument” or “Planning a trip to any holiday destination”
Topic: Planning a trip to any holiday destination
Age: 13-14 years
Level: Intermediate
Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to have a conversation about and use
vocabulary related to travel.
Aids: Flash cards, short video, activity.
Duration: 60 minutes
Warmer (5 mins):
Activity: Word game.
Ask one student what their ideal vacation spot is, and ask the other students to think of places
which start with the ending letter of the previous student’s answer.
Context setting or pre-speaking: (10 mins)
Show pictures of beaches and mountains and introduce it to their vocabulary. Ask them
questions like:
Have you ever been to the beach?
Tell me any memory you have about a family vacation.
Did you go on any trip recently?
What are all the things you enjoyed doing on the trip?
Encourage the students to answer the questions. Ask them about what they think they would
like to do on a trip. Offer suggestions like: go sightseeing, taste the local food.
Activity: Picture description
Show the students a few pictures of people on vacation and see what they come up with.
Content: (25 mins)
Play a short video. The video is about Anna and her first trip to Brazil.
Vocabulary: Suitcase, Travel Guide, Plane, Flight attendant
After the video, divide them into groups of three and ask them to have a conversation about
planning a holiday and present it to the class. Give them suggestions on what they could talk
about: destination, type of clothes they should pack, mode of transport, local food they can try,
places they could visit, and duration of travel.
Post speaking: (10 mins)
Recall the new words used that day. Use flash cards to do this.
Introduce a fun activity, spin a yarn. In this activity, the teacher gives a prompt for a story but
stops after a few sentences and the students continue the story from the point where the
person before them stops.
Give the students a prompt related to the topic, like “Riya and her family were planning to go
on a vacation in the summer holidays…” and ask the students to use what they learnt that day
to come up with a proper story.
B. Consider any 3 of the following situations and discuss how you might handle them. (Word
limit for each situation should be within 200 to 300 words)
1. One or more student/s is/are not participating or engaged in the lesson.
I would try to understand why the students find it difficult to participate. I would keep a check
on my pace to see if I am going too fast or slow for them. If I realize that their problem is with
my pace I would try to fix it. If not, I would check to see if they feel anxious to speak out in front
of their peers as they might be self-conscious of their language or their answer. If that is the
case, I would do my best to reassure them and help them participate.
I would make it a point to emphasize that there are no wrong answers and encourage them to
participate by letting them know that their opinions are valid and that I would always take their
perspective into consideration. After all this, I would introduce an engaging activity related to
the lesson which might excite them and see if these students participate then.
I would call on these students directly and engage them in my lesson and offer them positive
reinforcement for answering my questions. If I still feel that they don’t match the level of
participation that I expect, I would let the rest of the class continue with the activity and talk to
these students alone to understand their problem and see if I can help in any way.
3. One student has her head down on the desk and other students are looking at her.
If I come across this situation in my classroom, I would have two assumptions, that the student
is sick, or that they are unable to understand what is going on and therefore, uninterested in
the lesson. My first move would be to determine which of these it is.
If I find that my student is sick, I would ask her to relax and make herself comfortable. I would
ask her if she is well enough to stay and rest in class. If she wants to stay, I will ensure that she
goes to the back or to the side of the class so that she doesn’t distract the others and get
enough rest. I would assure her that they can rest and that I will help her out with that day’s
lesson after she get well.
If I find that she is uninterested because she is unable to understand, I would ask her suggestion
on what I could do to help her better. I would explain the context to her again to help her
understand, I would include contextual examples and provide her with pictures and videos
which will help her as well as make her more interested in the topic. I would find what she is
interested in and try to use that as an example to help her understand better. I would also
check on her progress frequently and make sure that going forward, she is a more active
participant in class.
4. The beginning of the class is delayed because two students are fighting.
Firstly, I would separate the two students to de-escalate the situation. I would let them know
that I am not happy about the fact that their fight delayed the beginning of the class as it also
hinders their classmates. I would also emphasize that this sort of behaviour is not encouraged
in my classroom and I would do all this in a calm manner so they don’t assume that I am angry
or annoyed. After making this clear, I will let them off and give them some space so they can
cool down. I would start my class with a small activity so the students have some time to calm
down and let out the nervous energy they have acquired from this disruption.
Then, I would start with a small topic. If I notice that the students who were fighting are unable
to pay attention because of what happened, I would assign an assignment to the class and talk
to these students. I would try to figure out the reason behind their fight. If I feel that their fight
is something I can help resolve quickly, I would talk to them and help solve their issue so they
can pay attention in class. If I feel this is something that might need more time and perspective,
I would ask them to go back to their seats and excuse their lack of participation on that
particular day and continue with my lesson.
After my class ends, I would ask these two students to stay back so I can talk to them. I would
hear both their perspectives and try to offer a solution they both agree on. I would be objective
about the situation and not bring in my personal views so the students feel that both their
perspectives are being considered. I would do my best to help them sort their issue out. Finally,
I would encourage them to come up to me if they have any questions regarding that day’s
lesson as they weren’t able to pay proper attention.

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