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Lesson 10

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Lesson 10

Other DIAGNOSIS Methods

Even before we start treating a person, we should try to note down the symptoms and
categorize them at different levels, such as, Five Elements, Six Ki, Emotions,
Reasons. Such a diagnosis is necessary for SuJok treatment. There are various
diagnostic methods available in SuJok Therapy. Some of them are given below :

It is important to bear in mind that once you are able to characterize one symptom (s)
at any one level (whether Six Ki, Five Elements, Emotions or Reasons), it can be
easily interpreted into other levels because their association with each other is fixed.
It has been given in a tabular form earlier.

1. Age Group Diagnosis

As already explained, different age groups are associated with different Six Ki
Energies. E.g.

Age group 1-10 years old belongs to Wind Period.

Age Group 11- 20 Years old - Heat Period.
Age Group 21- 30 Years old - Hotness Period
Age Group 31- 40 Years old - Humidity Period.
Age Group 41 - 50 years old - Dryness period
Age Group 51-60 years old - Coldness Period.

E.g. a person in the age group of 51-60 years has come for treatment. This age group
is associated with Coldness Energy. Yin Coldness energy is associated with Kidney
and Yang Coldness with Urinary Bladder. Thus, check whether he is having
problems related to Kidney or Urinary Bladder. Or at Emotional level, it is
associated with Fear. Check whether he is having certain fears. Try to diagnose them
into Yin or Yang, Excessive or Deficient and then treat.

2. Seasonal Diagnosis

Association of various Energies with the Seasons has also been given above. It is
given here once again :

Spring : Wind
Summer : Heat
Late Summer : Hotness
Monsoon : Humidity
Fall : Dryness
Winter : Coldness

Each season is predictable, after Fall always comes Winter and never Summer. Spring
follows Winter, etc.

Ask the patient as to in which season he feels better or worse. For instance, if a
patient feels better in the summer, he probably has a deficiency of Yin Heat energy
in his constitution. If this patient has any disease, Heart Heat tonification would
improve the patient’s condition. If the patient has Yin Heat energy in excess, on the
contrary, he would feel worse during the summer. Heart Heat sedation treatment in
this case will give good results.

Similarly, if the patient feels disappointed every Autumn, it points to Yin Dryness
excessiveness. If the patient feels well during autumn, most probably he has Yin
Dryness deficiency.

People with balanced energy feel equally well all year round.

3. Analysing symptoms based on Six Ki categories : Each Energy has certain

characteristic symptoms. These are being given hereunder, to help diagnose:

a. Symptoms of Wind Energy : Connected with the Muscle System. Long muscles
belong to Yin, and ligaments - short and strong, located near joints, are Yang.
That is why in cases of diseases of the joints (and ligaments ), tonification/sedation
of Yang Wind (Gall Bladder Wind) gives good results.

Pain is not characteristic of Wind energy. One of the symptoms of Wind energy is
itching as a initial stage.

A person with well developed muscle system points to Yin Wind excessiveness.
For instance, while walking a patient gets muscle cramps. Walking belongs to Yin
Wind energy. If walking provokes muscle spasms, the patient probably has Wind
excessiveness. Yin Wind subjugates Yin Humidity and Yin Humidity cannot
subjugate Yin Coldness, as a consequence, Yin Coldness becomes excessive. (Spasms
belong to Coldness Six Ki).

b. Symptoms based on Heat Energy : Heat energy is connected to Blood Vessels

System. Pain is not characteristic of Heat energy.

The blood vessel system as a whole belongs to Yin Heat category, but diseases of the
Arteries belong to Yang Heat of the Small Intestine and diseases of Veins - to Yin
Heat of the Heart (for example, varicose veins are a manifestation of Yin Heat
(Heart Heat) deficiency.

Heat energy corresponds to red colour. If the patient has red spots on the skin all over
the body (large part of the skin is affected ), it points to Yin Heat excessiveness. If
only the face or one part of the body’s skin manifests red coloring, or the patient
becomes red unpredictably, it points to Yang Heat excessiveness.

Menstruating in women is connected to Yang Heat, but when it comes to

periodical, it becomes Yin Heat.

c. Symptoms based on Hotness Energy : Connected to the Nervous System in our

body. Pain is not characteristic of this energy.

Symptoms of hotness are: thirst, sweating, apathy , discomfort, lazy feeling, a feeling
of expanding, hardness of breathing, etc. Psychiatric diseases are often connected
to Hotness energy (the Brain and Spinal Cord meridians).

Often some symptoms which cannot be categorized in particular Six Ki, belong
to Hotness Energy category.

d. Symptoms based on Humidity Energy : Connected with Flesh, Fat tissue and
the Lymphatic System of the body.

A dull pain is characteristic of Humidity. Itching comes from deep within (not
superficial as for Wind energy manifestation)

Symptoms : A feeling of heaviness, no desire to move, just sit or lie down for a
while. The body become blotted, fat tissue - excessive.

There is an excessiveness of liquids in all body systems, which can be seen at a

glance. A patient that has been fat or fleshy from childhood belongs to Yin
Humidity (Spleen Humidity) excessiveness, a patient who gained weight quickly
and unexpectedly is an example of Yang Humidity (Stomach Humidity)

As the Lymphatic System belongs to Humidity category, all diseases of the

Lymphatic Vessels and nodes may be treated by tonifying or sedating Yin or Yang
Humidity (depending on each individual case). In some cases, where there is an
inflammation of lymph nodes, Spleen Humidity sedation of original Six Ki treatment
gives excellent results. Or Spleen Heat sedation of branch Six Ki treatment can be
used with good results.

e. Symptoms based on Dryness Energy : Connected with Skin and Hair of our

Symptoms: Atrophy, sclerosis, benign tumours, menopause. Sharp pain is

characteristic of Dryness ( neurological pain, as a dry, crumbled leaf). Sometimes,
severe itching is there in Dryness energy.

If patient is slim, Yin Dryness of the Lung is in excess. If a patient lost a

considerable amount of weight in a short period of time, it could most probably be
caused by Yang Dryness excessiveness of the Large Intestine.

f. Symptoms based on Coldness Energy : Connected to Bones of our body. Pain

as a manifestation of Coldness excessiveness, is very strong, continuous and
intense. If the patient’s body is cold to touch, Yin Coldness (Kidney Coldness)
dominates. If a feeling of coldness appears from time to time unpredictably, Yang

Coldness of the Bladder is excessive. When Yin Coldness is excessive, cold showers
(Yang Coldness) can be of great help by Yang -Yin principle. Coldness can be
described by hardening and high density. Sclerosis, cirrhosis, tumours, gall bladder
or kidney stones - all belong to Coldness category.

Trauma, bone fractures, accidents and acute diseases that endanger life (heart stroke)
are all manifestation of Yang Coldness.

4. Yin-Yang Diagnosis : It is very important (though not always easy) to categorize

symptoms into Yin-Yang categories.
It is important to consider the followings :

a. How acute is the symptom? If the symptoms are acute, and clear, it belongs
to Yang. When symptoms are slight and not vivid, it is probably Yin. Yang is
strong and Yin is weak.
b. Is the process general or local? : It means whether the symptoms are on the
entire body, i.e. General, or located on some part of the body, i.e. Local.
General symptoms belong to Yin, local to Yang. For example, itching all over
the body is Yin, itching of one localized part is Yang.
c. Are symptoms predictable, repeatable? : If the symptoms appear or
aggravate at a certain time of day or night, or under certain known conditions,
Yin energy prevails. That is, the symptoms are predictable.

Yang energy shows itself unexpectedly, unpredictably, as episodes, not cycles.

d. Duration of the process : Chronic, long term cases belong to Yin. Acute, short
term diseases are Yang. New disease that just began also most probably Yang.

e. Location of the diseased organ? : If the diseased part is on outer part, it

belongs to Yang; if on inner part, it belongs to Yin. Skin belongs to Yang,
internal organs to Yin. Upper part is Yang, lower is Yin. Right side for man is
Yin, for woman is Yang. Left side for man is Yang, for woman is Yin

5. Diagnosis by Body System :

Muscle system belongs to Wind

Blood Vessels and Heart to Heat
Nervous System to Hotness
Flash, fat tissue and Lymphatic System to Humidity
Skin and Hair to Dryness
Bone to Coldness.

6. Regional Face Diagnosis :

Brain corresponds to the upper

forehead area.
Heart corresponds to the area centre
of the eyebrows.
Kidneys corresponds to the chin area.
Spleen corresponds to the nose area.
Liver corresponds to the left cheek
Lungs corresponds to the right cheek area.

Fig. 150

7. Functional Face Diagnosis

Nose corresponds to Lungs.

Mouth corresponds to Spleen.
Tongue corresponds to Heart.
Eyes corresponds to Liver (sometimes Gall
Ears corresponds to Kidneys.

Fig. 151

Eye diseases are treated applying Tonification or sedation to the Liver (or Gall
Bladder ) meridian, diseases of the Nose - Lung meridian, etc.

8. Diagnosis by Color

Skin color is controlled by the Liver. If the patient has some color change on the skin
of his body, treating Liver meridian would give good results.

Blue color of the skin points to Liver Wind excessiveness.

Red coloring points to Liver Heat excessiveness.
Yellow coloring points to Liver Heat Humidity excessiveness.
Pale (white) coloring points to Liver Dryness excessiveness.
Black (Dark) coloring points to Liver Coldness excessiveness.

Color can also be categorized independently into Six Ki categories.

Green belong to Wind category.
Red belong to Heat category.
Orange belong to Hotness category.
White belong to Humidity category.
Black belong to Coldness category.

9. Using Numbers for Treatment

Odd numbers belong to Yang, Even numbers belong to Yin. Each Energy is attributed
to two numbers, one in the Yin category and the other in the Yang.
3 and 8 : Wind category
2 and 7 : Heat category
5 and 10 : Humidity category
4 and 9 : Dryness category
1 and 6 : Coldness category

Example : In case of Heart deficiency two needles may be applied to the Heart
correspondence point, or the correspondence point must be touched by the
practitioner twice. Why? Because Heart belongs to Yin Heat category, which belongs
to Number 2.

In case of Kidney deficiency application of 6 needles is recommended, and in case
of excessiveness - 1 needle.

On the other hand each number has own Six Ki as follows.

One is Yang Wind,

Two Yang Heat,
Three Yang Hotness
Four Yang Humidity
Five Yang Dryness
Six Yang Coldness and

Seven is Yin Wind,

Eight Yin Heat,
Nine Yin Hotness
Ten Yin Humidity
Eleven Yin Dryness,
Twelve Yin Coldness.

From thirteen Yang wind starts for another Six Ki circulation until twenty four for
Yin Coldness. Sixty one will be Yang wind, Sixty nine will be Yin Hotness, etc.


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