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Domain 1: Personal burnout and distribution of responses

How often are you physically exhausted?

How often are you emotionally exhausted?

How often do you think: “I can't take it anymore?”

How often do you feel weak and susceptible to


How often do you feel worn out (extremely tired)?

Domain 3: Pandemic-related burnout and

distribution of response

Do you feel it is hard to work in the current 327

scenario? (16.1%)

Does it drain more of your energy to work 287

during the current scenario? (14.2%)
Do you find it fruitful while performing your 269
work during the current scenario? (13.3%)

Do you feel that you are giving more than 563

what you get back while working in the (27.8%)
current scenario?

Do you hesitate to work during this current 232

scenario? (11.5%)

Do you feel depressed because of the current 154

scenario? (7.6%)

Do you feel that your patience is tested while 526

working in the current scenario? (26.0%)

Do you feel lockdown due to the current 284

scenario has added stress on you? (14.0%)

Do you have fear to catch COVID-19 613

infection while working in the current (30.3%)

Do you have a fear of family members 868

catching infection because of your work (42.8%)

Do you feel welcomed by the community 287

because you are an HCW and working in the (14.2%)
current scenario?

Are you indulging in any substance abuse 43

(alcohol/drugs/smoking) during this period (2.1%)
of lockdown?

Do you have a fear of death while working in 166

the current scenario? (8.2%)

Do you feel you are being properly protected 226

by the hospital while working in the current (11.2%)

Do you feel you are being supported by

colleagues during the current scenario?

Domain 2: Work-related burnout and distribution of response

Are you exhausted in the morning at the thought of another day
at work?

Do you feel that every working hour is tiring for you?

Do you have enough energy for family and friends during leisure

Do you feel that your work is emotionally exhausting?

Does your work frustrate you?

Do you feel burnt out (complete physical or mental exhaustion)

because of your work?

Always or to a very Often or to a Sometimes or Seldom or to a Never or to a very low

high degree high degree somewhat low degree degree

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