2 Translation Test 4a

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4A Work


Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach, tak aby otrzymać zdania logiczne
i gramatycznie poprawne. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.

1. (Chociaż) ................................................ the workers were satisfied with the pay rise, they evidently wished for
something more.
2. (Robi się) ................................................ late. I think we should quit work for today and go home.
3. It’s true that the people in the factory are really upset, but (problem polega na tym) ................................................
that they are not going to go on strike.
4. That company (jest słynna z) ................................................ its unique employment policy.
5. I’m afraid that I won’t earn (dużo) ................................................ if I take a part-time job in the café on the corner.
6. They (nie wolno palić) ................................................ when they are in their laboratory.
7. (Czy chciałbyś) ................................................ to be promoted to the position of senior engineer in your factory?
8. Frances (pracuje) ................................................ as a secretary for over twelve years now.
9. (Czy mam) ................................................ inform the manager about your suggestions, Miss Parker?
10. Mike is new in our office. In fact, he doesn’t know (nikogo) ................................................ here.
11. Don’t phone me at 9 tonight. I (będę pracował) ................................................ .
12. I really don’t know what (jest wytwarzane) ................................................ in that factory.
13. The manager said he (nie zapłaci) ................................................ us any money if we didn’t come to work the next
14. Poor Martha! She is working (zbyt ciężko) ................................................ these days. That’s why she looks so bad.
15. Their personnel isn’t (tak) ................................................ numerous (jak) ................................................ ours.
16. I can’t put up with Mark any longer. I think it’s high time he (znalazł) ................................................ a job.
17. At first the boss (obiecał dać) ................................................ us a pay rise, but he went back on his word later.
18. Can you tell me (czy zarobisz) ................................................ enough to buy a car?
19. (Nie mów) ................................................ them what they are supposed to do. It’s none of your business.
20. Yesterday at six my sister was relaxing (podczas gdy) ................................................ my brother was still at work.
21. When (zaczęłaś) ................................................ working for our company?
22. (Albo) ................................................ they change their methods (albo) ................................................ they can get
ready to close down their Paris branch.
23. It was (najmniej) ................................................ controversial decision I had ever taken.
24. I didn’t know they were (tak) ................................................ hard-working people.
25. When Susan met Mr Johnson, he (był) ................................................ a chief executive officer for three months.

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Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach, tak aby otrzymać zdania logiczne
i gramatycznie poprawne. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.

1. She plans to (przejść na emeryturę) ................................................ when she turns 60.

2. He’s a great employee, but he finds it really difficult to (dotrzymywać terminów) ................................................ .
3. In addition to being a (strażakiem) ................................................ , Ann’s brother also works as a part-time
(ochroniarz) ................................................ .
4. As Martin is unemployed, he starts his day from looking at (oferty pracy) ................................................ on the
5. A fashion designer should be both (twórczy) ................................................ and (obdarzony wyobraźnią)
................................................ .
6. How does your sister (zarabia na życie) ................................................?
7. My brother gave up his job as it was very (źle opłacana) .................................................
8. If I had (zdolności organizacyjne) ................................................ , I would be a manager.
9. Incredible! She (dostała awans) ................................................ after working in the company for six months.
10. I’m thinking of getting a (pracę w niepełnym wymiarze godzin) ................................................ .
11. I wonder how Martha can reconcile daytime studies with working (na nocną zmianę) ............................................... .
12. My youngest son, who is a highly imaginative young boy, would love to become (projektantem wnętrz)
................................................ one day.
13. When are they going to (podpisać umowę) ................................................ with you?
14. One of the greatest advantages of being self-employed is that you can (mieć elastyczny czas pracy)
................................................ .
15. Betty graduated last month, but she hasn’t started to (szukać) ................................................ a job yet.
16. What kind of qualifications and skills should a (pracownik biura podróży) ................................................ have?
17. Have you heard the news? James has just (założył) ................................................ his own company!
18. It is definitely not a job of my dreams. They pay only 3 pounds (na godzinę) ................................................ .
19. It was not very clever of Stephanie to (odrzucić) ................................................ that job offer, especially that she is
unemployed at the moment.
20. They had to go to work on foot as buses don’t run. The drivers are (strajkują) ................................................ .
21. I hate wearing formal clothes, but I have to observe the (zasad ubioru) ................................................ in my
22. The manager likes Henry a lot as he is an (wydajny) ................................................ and (godny zaufania)
................................................ accountant.
23. Whenever Josh goes on a business trip, his company pays all (koszty podróży) ................................................ .
24. Do you happen to know why Kelly’s husband (został zwolniony) ................................................?
25. Excuse me, boss. Can I take (dzień wolnego) ................................................ next week?

Photocopiable © EGIS & Express Publishing

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