Mock Test Gat - (28-3-22)

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MOCK TEST GAT-(28-3-22)

1. Their missiles did ENORMOUS damage to railway stations,bridges and docks.
A. Intense B. Vast C. Cruel D. Less
2. State banks are virtually INSOLVENT due to politically-directed lending.
A. Rich B. Poor C. Bankrupt D. Nonchalant
3. The atheist was allowed to leave the school auditorium before the BENEDICTION.
A. Good luck B. Blessings C. Punishment D. Appreciation
4. For years, the SCARCITY of organic fuel has been inspiring scientists to come up with renewable energy
A. Poverty B. Absence C. Insufficient D. Disappearance
5. I have vivid memories of being severely REPRIMANDED by my head teacher for making my class laugh
too much.
A. Encouraged B. Scolded C. Loved D. Suspended
6. In most romantic movies, there is always some sort of IMPEDIMENT that makes them Interesting.
A. Assistance B. Hurdle C. To give way D. Implement
7. The police discovered the INTRIGUE blow up the bridge before lives were
A. Wish B. Sincerity C. Conspiracy D. Advice
8. After being on an airplane for nearly twenty-four hours, Akshit is a bit JADED.
A. Joyful B. Interested C. Dull D. Exhausted
9. He is a KNAVE who will not hesitate to anythingfor his family members.
A. Innocent B. Honest C. Scoundrel D. Mischievous
10. People on several lower class talk shows exhibit behaviour similar to LUNACY when they yell, cuss, and fight
each other over silly problems.
A. Intelligence B. Insanity C. Normal D. Realistic
11. When the driver hit my car and rode away, there were no words for my VEXATION.
A. Comfort B. Slyness C. Fright D. Nervousness
12. The UNGAINLY teenager was so awkward that he tripped over his own shoe laces
A. Quick B. Short C. Awkward D. Graceful
13. Once upon a time, solar power was not viewed as a VIABLE energy source.
A. Enviable B. Unenviable C. Inviolable D. Impractical
14. We need the business loan in order to AUGMENT our warehouse so we can fulfil more
A. Diminish B. Restrain C. Restore D. Increase
15. Someone needs to tell Amanda that no human being is TRIVIAL and she should be nicer to the people that
work under her.
A. Important B. Small C. Easy D. Difficult
16. Most people agree that immigrant communities ENRICH our culture.
A. Devalue B. Undervalue C. Depreciate D. Impoverish
17. The nurse put on gloves so as not to CONTAMINATE herself.
A. Scanty B. Invigorate C. Taint D. Purify
18. The police promised that turning in the suspect would be a REWARDING venture and even offered money to
the tipster.
A. Lucrative B. Disappointing C. Thrilling D. Nail biting
19. The artist made a SPURIOUS claim about being a member of the royal family.
A. Fresh B. Modern C. Genuine D. Interesting
MOCK TEST GAT-(28-3-22)
20. The person who returned the stolen necklace to the police showed a great deal of PROBITY.
A. Dishonesty B. Timidity C. Insincerity D. Honesty
21. The two men were (a) quarrelling with one another (b) claiming the same watch as their own. (c) No error
22. Everybody knows (a) that India is the most peaceful (b) of all the other countries of the world. (c) No error (d)
23. My sister in law (a) who live in Kolkata (b) have come to stay with us. (c) No error (d)
24. These kind of clothes (a) are rather expensive (b) for me to buy. (c) No error (d)
25. Chilika is the (a) largest brackish water (b) lagoon in Asia. (c) No error (d)
26. The climb upside (a) the mountains (b) was not so easy. (c) No error (d)
27. Not too long then, the (a) lodge was the only (b) place to stay here. (c) No error (d)
28. He was not able to put (a) pen of paper only (b) much later. (c) No error (d)
29. Unless you don‟t obey (a) your elders you (b) will not succeed in your life. (c) No error (d)
30. Hardly had I reached the (a) exhibition where I learnt (b) about the major robbery. (c) No error (d)
31. Your bonus will dependent on your hard work.
A. Dependent B. Depends C. going to depend D. No improvement
32. He did not demand for increment because he had fear to lose his job.
A. was fearful of B. was fear to C. was afraid to D. No improvement
33. He agreed to shift the conference at some place convenience to all the participants.
A. any of the place convenience B. at place convenient C. to a place convenient D. No improvement
34. In old times the banks required to submittheir details to RBI.
A. were required to submit B. will require to submit C. are required to submit D. No improvement
35. The board has inability to provide any proper strategy to out do the competition.
A. not being able to provide B. has been unable to provide C. can not provide D. No improvement
36. When you
P. which one is closest in meaning Q. read the four sentences in your textbook and decide
R. To the statement you have heard S. hear a statement
37. Alexander,
P. was a disciple of Aristotle, Q. who was a great conqueror
R. whom the world acknowledges as the greatest philosopher S. the world has ever known
38 . When I reached my office
P. to get home early Q. I phoned my mother R. that I wouldn‟t be able S. to tell her
39. For an hour(P)/ because it had to wait(Q)/due to dense fog(R)/the plane couldn't take off(S)
40. that it took a month(P)/ to clean it(Q)/ the house(R)/ was so dirty(S)
41. To catch a tartar
A. To trap wanted criminal with great difficulty B. To catch a dangerous person
C. To meet with disaster D. To deal with a person who is more than one's match
42. Weal and woe
A. all the happiness B. joy and sorrow C. all about sadness D. to be very quick
43. Wild-goose chase
A. collective effort B. hard work C. very profitable D. unprofitable
MOCK TEST GAT-(28-3-22)
44. Yeoman's service
A. excellent work B. very slow work C. hard word D. pending work
45. White elephant
A. very attractive B. very powerful B. less utility more expenditure D. very much helpful
Once upon a time, Amarasakti ruled the city-state of Mahilaropyam in the south of India. He had three witless sons
who became a matter of endless (1)........... for him. (2)............. that his sons had no interest in learning, the king
summoned his ministers and said, "You know I am not happy with my sons. According to men of learning, an
unborn son is better than a son who is a (3)............ A son who is stupid will bring dishonour to his father. How can I
make my sons fit to be my (4)............ ? I turn to you for advice."
One of the ministers (5)............. the name of Vishnu Sharman.
46. (a) ache (b) worry (c) joy (d) pity.
47. (a) fact (b) belief (c) since (d) realising
48. (a) stupid (b) brilliant (c) fool (d) understood
49. (a) self (b) place (c) successor (d) level
50. (a) suggested (b) requested (c) called (d) pointed
51. Which among the following types of coal produces most heat per unit?
(a) Coal (b) Lignite (c) Anthracite (d) Pit
52. Which among the following waves is used for communication by artificial satellites?
(a) Microwaves (b) Radio waves (c) A. M. (d) Frequency of 101 series
53. What is found in frequency modulation?
(a) Fixed frequency (b) Fixed dimension (c) Change In frequency and dimension(d) Change in dimension only
54. When the speed of car is doubled then what will be the braking force of the car to stop it in the same distance?
(a) four-times (b) two times (c) half (d) one fourth
55. The dimension of which of the following is the same as that of impulse?
(a) Volume (b) Momentum (c) Torque (d) Change in the rate of momentum
56. Which among the following is the fundamental quantity ?
(a) Volume (b) Time (c) Velocity (d) Force
57. If the diameter of a capillary is doubled then the rise of water in it will be
(a) two times (b) half (c) four times (d) no change
58. Why the needle of iron swims on Water surface when it is kept gently?
(a)It will remain under the water when it will displace more water than its weight
(b)the density of needle is less than that of water (c) due to surface tension (d) due to its shape
59. One Kilowatt hour is equal
(a) 3.6 Mega Joule (b) 3.6 micro Joule (c) 2 Mega Joule (d) 10 MegaJoule
60. What is the minimum escape velocity of rocket to be launched into space?
(a) 5KmSec. (b) 6KmSec. (c) 11Km. Sec. (d) 15Km. Sec.
61. Which of the following statements is true when we see rainbow?
(a) We face sun and raindrops (b) The Sun remains behind us and we face raindrops
(c) In light rainfall we face Sun (d) The sky remains clear and the sun is at lower position in the sky
62. The splitting of different colours of light in a prism is :
(a) Reflection of light (b) Dispersion of light (c) Diffraction of light (d) Refraction of light
63. A solid sphere is rotating in free space. If the radius of the sphere is increased keeping mass same which one
of the following will not be affected ?
(a) Angular velocity (b) Angular momentum (c) Moment of inertia (d) Rotational kinetic energy
64. A couple is acting on a two particle systems. The resultant motion will be
(a) purely rotational motion (b) purely linear motion (c) both 𝑎 and 𝑏 (d) neither of 𝑎 and 𝑏
65. A cyclist goes around a circular track once every 2 minutes. If the radius of the circular track is 105 metres,
calculate his speed. (Given 22/7=𝜋)
(a) 10m (b) 5.5m (c) 3.5 m (d) 6.8 m
MOCK TEST GAT-(28-3-22)
66. A force of 5 newtons gives a mass m1 an acceleration of 8 m/s2, and a mass m2 an acceleration of 24 m/s2.
What acceleration would it give if both the masses are tied together?
(a) 3 m/s2 (b) 8 m/s2 (c) 6m/s2 (d) 10 m/s2
67. A bullet of mass 10 g moving with a velocity of 400 m/s gets embedded in a freely suspended wooden block of
mass 900 g. What is the velocity acquired by the block ?
(a) 1.4 m/s (b) 5.6m/s (c) 4.8 m/s (d) 4.5m/s
68. An object of mass 2 kg is sliding with a constant velocity of 4 m/s on a frictionless horizontal table. The force
required to keep this object moving with the same velocity is :
(a) 32 N (b) 0N (c) 2N (d) 8N
69. A sonar device attached to a ship sends ultrasonic waves in the sea. These waves are reflected from the
bottom of the sea. If the ultrasonic waves take 4 seconds to travel from the ship to the bottom of the sea and back
to the ship (in the form of an echo), what is the depth of the sea ? (Speed of sound in water = 1500 m/s).
(a) 3 m/s (b) 30m/s (c) 300 m/s (d) 3000 m/s
70. One coulomb charge is equivalent to the charge contained in :
(a) 2.6 × 1019 electrons (b) 6.2 × 1019 electrons (c) 2.65 × 1018 electrons (d) 6.25 × 1018 electrons
71. An electrical appliance has a resistance of 25 . When this electrical appliance is connected to a 230 V supply
line, the current passing through it will be :
(a) 0.92 A (b) 2.9 A (c) 9.2 A (d) 92 A

72. Using the circuit given below, state which of the following statement is correct?

(a) When 𝑆1 and 𝑆2 are closed, lamps 𝐴 and 𝐵 are lit.

(b) With 𝑆1 open and 𝑆2 closed, 𝐴 is lit and 𝐵 is not lit.
(c) With 𝑆2 open and 𝑆1 closed 𝐴 and 𝐵 are lit.
(d) With S1 closed and S2 open, lamp A remains lit even

if lamp B gets fused.

73. Which one of the following statements about gravitational force is NOT correct ?
A. It is experienced by all bodies in the universe B. It is a dominant force between celestial bodies
C. It is a negligible force for atoms D. It is same for all pairs of bodies in our universe
74. Which of the following is a single membrane-bound organelle ?
(a) Vacuole (b) Golgi Apparatus (c) Endoplasmic Reticulum (d) All of the above
75. Which of the following is not a double membrane-bound organelle?
(a) Chloroplast(b) Mitochondria(c) Endoplasmic Reticulum(d) All of the above
76. Cartilage is NOT found in
A. larynx B. Nose C. Ear D. Urinary bladder
77. Who discovered cell in 1665?
a) Robert Hook b) Robert Crook c) David Thomson d) Marie Francois
78. Solid Part of the Protoplasm is called
A. Cell Organalle B. Cytoplasm C. Nucleus D. Mitochondria
79. Which of the following vitamins functions as both hormone and visual pigment ?
(a) Thiamine (b) Retinal (c) Riboflavin (d) Folic acid
80. Which one of the following is NOT a component of human male reproductive system ?
A. Cervix B. Urethra C. Seminal vesicle D. Vas deferens
81. How many hydrogen atoms are contained in 1.50g of glucose C6 H12 O6 ?
(a) 3.01 × 1022 (b) 1.20 × 1023 (c) 2.40 × 1023 (d) 6.02 × 1022
82. How many grams of MgCO3 contain 24.00g of oxygen? (The molar mass of MgCO3 is 84.30g mol-1)
(a) 42.15g (b) 84.30g (c) 126.00g (d) 154.00g
MOCK TEST GAT-(28-3-22)
83. Bright light is found to emit from photographer's flashgun. This brightness is due to the presence of which one
of the following noble gases?
(a) Argon (b) Xenon (c) Neon (d) Helium
84. The long form of periodic table consists of
(a) seven periods and eight groups (b) seven periods and eighteen groups
(c) eight periods and eighteen groups (d) eighteen periods and eight groups
85. Which one of the following is a diagonally related pair?
(a) H, Be (b) Na, Mg (c) B, Si (d) K, Ca
86. Consider the following statements:
A. There are 16 groups and 7 periods in the modern periodic table.
B. Electro-positive character decreases on moving down a group.
C. Electro-negativity in a period increases right from the alkali metal to the inert gas element. Which of these
statement(s) is/are correct?
(a) A and B (b) A and C (c) All are correct (d) All are incorrect
87. Which of the following statement is not true about noble gases?
(a) They are non-metallic in nature (b) They exist in atomic form
(c) They are radioactive in nature (d) Xenon is the most reactive among them
88. The ionization energy of hydrogen atom ion is
(a) 13.6MeV (b) 13.6eV (c) 13.6 joule (d) Zero
89. Which one of the following is not a periodic property i.e., does not show any trend on moving from one side to
the other in the periodic table?
(a) Atomic size (b) Valency (c) Radioactivity (d) Electronegativity
90. The species that has the same number of electrons as 17 Cl is
35 34 + 40 + 35 2−
(a) 16 S (b) 16 s (c) 18 Ar (d) 16 s
91. Which one of the following is the correct order in which the gases H2 , Ne, O2 and N2 are evolved on fractional
distillation of liquid air?
(a) H2 , Ne, O2 , N2 (b) H2 , Ne, N2 , O2 (c) N2 , O2 , Ne, H2 (d) O2 , N2 , H2 , Ne
− 2−
92. In the reaction between hydrogen sulphate ion and water HSO4 + H2 O → H3 O + SO4 the water acts as
(a) an acid (b) a base (c) a salt (d) an inert medium
93 Which of the following substances cause temporary hardness in water?
1. Mg HCO3 2 2. Ca HCO3 2 3. CaCl2 4. MgSO4
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
(a) 3 and 4 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 1 and 4 (d) 1 and 2
94. How is carbon black obtained?
(a) By heating wood at high temperature in absence of air (b) By heating coal at high temperature in absence of
air (c) By burning hydrocarbons in a limited supply of air (d) By heating coal at high temperature in presence of air
95. Which one of the following properties is NOT true for graphite?
(a) Hybridization of each carbon atom of sp3 (b)Hybridization of each carbon atom is sp2
(c) Electrons are delocalized over the whole sheet of atoms (d) Each layer is composed of hexagonal rings.
96. Which one among the following statementsregardingthepropertiesofmixturesandcompoundsisnotcorrect?
(a) A mixtures shows the properties of its constituents but the properties of a compound are entirely different from
its constituents (b) A mixture may be homogeneous or heterogeneous but a compound is a homogeneous
substance (c) The constituents of a mixture can be separated by physical methods but those of a compound
cannot be separated by physical methods (d) Energy is either absorbed or evolved during the preparation of a
mixture but not in the preparation of a compound
97. Seema visited a Natural Gas Compressing Unit and found that the gas can be liquified under specific
conditions of temperature and pressure. While sharing her experience with friends she got confused. Help her to
identify the correct set of conditions
(a) Low temperature ,low pressure (b) High temperature, low pressure (b)Low temperature, high pressure
(d) High temperature, high pressure
MOCK TEST GAT-(28-3-22)

98. Match the following columns

Column-I Column-II (constituents)

A. CNG 1. Carbon monoxide, hydrogen

B. Coal gas 2. Butane, propane
C. LPG 3. Methane, ethane
D. Water gas 4. Hydrogen, methane, Carbon monoxide
(a) A− 2,B−1 , C− 3 , D=4 (b) A−2,B=4,C−3,D=1 (c) A−3,B−4,C− 2,D−1 (d) A=3, B−1, C−2,D-4
99. What happens when a fixed amount of oxygen gas is taken in a cylinder and compressed at
constant temperature?
A. Number of collisions of oxygen molecules at per unit area of the wall of the cylinder increase.
B. Oxygen (O2) gets converted into ozone(O3). C. Kinetic energy of the molecules of oxygen
gas increases
(a) A and C (b) B and C (c) C only (d) A only
100. Why a gas from a small container when transferred to a larger container is able to fully
occupy all the space available?
A Gas has no definite mass B. Gas has no definite shape
C. Gas has no definite volume D. Gas has no definite density
101. Mullaperiyar dam, located in Kerala, is in control of which state?
[A] Karnataka [B] Tamil Nadu [C] Andhra Pradesh [D] Telangana
102. What is the name of the surface-to-surface ballistic missile, recently test-fired by India?
[A] Rudra V [B] Agni V [C] Dhruv V [D] Vishakh V
103. The United Nations General Assembly has designated the year 2021 as?
[A] International Year Against Terrorism [B] International Year of Health Care
[C] International Year to fight COVID [D] International Year of Fruits and Vegetables
104. Which institution releases the periodic Greenhouse gas (GHG) bulletin?
[A] NITI Aayog [B] World Meteorological Organisation [C] Food and Agricultural Organisation
105. „AY.4.2‟, which was seen in the news recently, is a?
[A] AI Chatbot [B] Coronavirus lineage [C] Space vehicle [D] Exo-planet
106. Which city has won Urban Affairs Ministry‟s award for the city with the best public transport
[A] Mumbai [B] Surat [C] Gandhinagar [D] Lucknow
107. When is the „World Cities Day‟ observed every year?
[A] October 29 [B] October 31 [C] November 1 [D] November 3
108. Which country is currently excavating the ancient kingdoms of Dadan and Lihyan?
[A] Saudi Arabia [B] Nepal [C] Bangladesh [D] Israel
109. Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Award 2021 is announced to how many Sports persons?

[A] 1 [B] 3 [C] 8 [D] 12

110. Which country is the first in the world to approve an oral pill „Molnupiravir‟ to treat symptomatic Covid?
[A] USA [B] UK [C] Australia [D] China
111. The Buran wind blows across:
[A] Eastern Asia [B] Western Europe [C] Southern Africa [D] Eastern Australia
112. Who coined the term “geography” for the first time?
[A] Plato [B] Aristotle [C] Ptolemy [D] Eratosthenes
MOCK TEST GAT-(28-3-22)
113. Who among the following proposed Laws of planetary motion?
[A] Newton [B] Kepler [C] Ptolemy [D] Copernicus
114. Who among the following formulated Nebular theory?
[A] Laplace [B] Newton [C] Kepler [D] Ptolemy
115. What name has been given to the places around and between two gravitationally bound bodies where a third
object could stay stationary relative to the other two?
[A] Lagrangian point [B] Ephemeris [C] Lissajous [D] Apside
116. While going towards the centre of the earth, the weight of a body shall ?
[A] Increase [B] Decrease [C] Remain Constant [D] Become infinite
117. Mass of Sun is equal to how many moons of earth (approximately) ?
[A] 2.7 Lakh [B] 27 Lakh [C] 270 Lakh [D] 2700 Lakh
118. When one crosses 180 degrees longitude from east to west then he/she:
[A] gains a day [B] loses a day [C] neither gains a day nor loses a day
[D] may gain or lose a day depending upon latitude at which one crosses
119. The Archipelago Sea is the part of which sea?
[A] Arabian Sea [B] Mediterranean Sea [C] Baltic Sea [D] Sea of Japan
120.1 Parsec is equal to how many light years?
[A] 2.362 [B] 6.232 [C] 3.262 [D] 2.632
121. Which port is known as Queen of Arabian Sea?
[A] Vizag port [B] Paradip port [C] Kochi Port [D] Mumbai Port
122. The Chota Nagpur Plateau covers much of Jharkhand. Which are the other states covered at some extent by
this plateau?
[A] Orissa & West Bengal [B] Orissa, West Bengal & Bihar
[C] Orissa, West Bengal, Bihar and Chhattisgarh [D] Madhya Pradesh & Orissa
123. Which among the following part of Bombay (now Mumbai) is known as Old Woman‟s Island?
[A] Parel [B] Worli [C] Colaba [D] Mazgaon
124. What is the main reason for the average temperature of the Earth remains fairly steady as compared to that of
the moon?
[A] Hydrosphere [B] Biosphere [C] Lithosphere [D] Atmosphere
125. The Kolar Goldfield belongs to which of the following series of Dharwar system?
[A] Khondolite Series [B] Champion Series [C] Rialo Series [D] Chilpi Series
126. The first upheaval of Himalaya was started in which period?
[A] Oligocene [B] Miocene [C] Eocene [D] Pliocene
127. Arrange the following places of Kashmir region from North to South
1. Sri Nagar 2. Banihal 3. Gilgit 4. Kargil
Choose the correct option from the codes given below:
[A] 1, 2, 3, 4 [B] 3, 1, 2, 4 [C] 3, 4, 1, 2 [D] 1, 3, 2, 4
128. The fertile tract of the Rajasthan plains is known as by which of the following name?
[A] Dhaya [B] Chars [C] Rohi [D] Ghaggar
129. Which among the following are the important peaks of the Central Himalayas?
1. Mt. Everest 2. Kanchenjunga 3. Makalu 4. Dhaulagiri
Choose the correct option from the codes given below :
[A] 1&2 [B] 1, 2 & 3 [C] 2, 3 & 4 [D] 1, 2, 3 & 4
130. Which of the following is the highest motorable pass of India?
[A] Khardung La Pass [B] Burzail Pass [C] Zozila Pass [D] Bara Lachla Pass
131. Which writ is issued by the court to enquire into the legality of claim of a person to a public office?
[A] Quo-Warranto [B] Mandamus [C] Certiorari [D] Prohibition
MOCK TEST GAT-(28-3-22)
132. Which amendment made it obligatory on the President to give his assent to a Constitutional Amendment Bill?
[A] 21st [B] 24th [C] 29th [D] 31st
133. Which of the following method is used for election of President in India?
[A] Open Ballot System [B] Single Transferable Vote System [C] Direct Election [D] None of the above
134. What is the minimum age required to be a Prime Minister of India?
[A] 21 years [B] 25 years [C] 30 years [D] 35 years
135. Which of the following is also known as the “Super-Cabinet”?
[A] Political Affairs Committee [B] Economic Affairs Committee
[C] Appointments Committee [D] Parliamentary Affairs Committee
136. What is the maximum period for which an M.P. can be absent in the House of people?
[A] Two months [B] Six months [C] Three months [D] One year
137. In which year, hindi names „Rajya Sabha‟ and „Lok Sabha‟ were adopted for the Council of States and the
House of People respectively?
[A] 1950 [B] 1947 [C] 1954 [D] 1962
138. Which Constitutional Amendment abolished the existing classification of states into four categories?
[A] 1st Amendment [B] 5th Amendment [C] 7th Amendment [D] 14th Amendment
139. The 100th Amendment Act, 2015 gave effect to the acquiring of certain territories by India and transfer of
certain other territories to which country?
[A] Pakistan [B] Nepal [C] Bhutan [D] Bangladesh
140. Which of the following comes under the territory of India?
[A] States [B] Union Territories[C] Any other area for the time being included in the territory of India [D] All
141. Who among the following presided the historic Lahore session of 1929 of Indian National Congress?
[A] Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru [B] Rajendra Prasad [C] Lala Lajpat Rai [D] Pandit Motilal Nehru
142. Which among the following regions was most affected by the Revolution of 1857 ?
[A] Punjab [B] Maharashtra [C] Awadh [D] Madras
143. Who among the following Viceroys repealed Vernacular Press Act in 1882?
[A] Lord Ripon [B] Lord Lytton [C] Lord Elgin-II [D] Lord Curzon
144. Which among the following was Last Hindu Empire of India?
[A] Maratha Empire [B] Durrani Empire [C] Kingdom of Mysore [D] Sikh Empire
145. In which year the first nationwide non cooperation movement was launched in India?
[A] 1910 [B] 1915 [C] 1920 [D] 1925
146. The first home of the Aryans was the
(a) Punjab (b) Gujarat (c) Rajasthan (d) Madhya Pradesh
147. Agriculture was the main occupation of the
(a) Aryans (b) Kushans (c) Guptas (d) Kushanas
148. Who wrote the biography of Harshavardhana?
(a) Aryabhatta (b) Kalidasa (c) Shaka (d) Banabhatta
149. Tilak Swarajya Fund was started to finance which of the following movements?
[A] Civil Disobedience Movement [B] Non Cooperation Movement[C] Champaran Satyagraha
[D] Rowlatt Satyagraha
150. Which among the following was the most significant outcome of the Punjab Land Alienation Act in 1900?
[A] Condition of the peasants improved significantly [B] The land revenue from peasants improved significantly
[C] Various cooperative societies of peasants came up [D] The large land holdings got split into small land holdings

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