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Key Performance Indicator

to check out the performance of company and its employees relating to health and safety matters


  Key Performance Indicator Target Frequency of Reporting
Every time( When permit delays and compulsory
Kick off meeting Before start of work
weekly meetings)
 Prior to start of work at site( 03 safety
Safety Walk Every Time( on each and every site)
meeting daily basics)
 Daily(tool box meeting on daily basics & Monthly( high risk observations reported immediately
Tool box meeting
previous days observations discussed) for immediate response)
Exposure Hours Daily ( 8 hours duty) Monthly
Workforce Qualifications Once per year Annually
Leading Delivered Toolbox Talks  Daily (tool box meeting on daily basics) Monthly
Indicators Every Month ( yearly inspected)&( pre-use
Equipment Inspection Audit (in
check and inspection runs weakly and before Monthly
the work starts by our HSE department)
Near Misses Reported and  3 per month( corrective measure taken
Addressed immediately to avoid reoccurrence)
Safety Improvement suggestions
 Monthly( also in safety visit of site) Monthly
Participation in ER Drills  Monthly( All employees and employer) Annually
 Audit Once per year Annually
Days at Goal Zero  Monitor and report monthly Reported monthly
Life Saving Rule Violations  Monitor and report monthly Reported monthly
First aid cases 0 Reported monthly
Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) 0 Reported monthly
Total Recordable Case Frequency
Lagging  0 Reported monthly
Loss of Primary Containment  0 Reported monthly
Environmental non-compliances  0 Reported monthly
Security Incidents  0 Reported monthly

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