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We, Dr. Sandeep Yadav ( DLO), Mr. Vinod Kumar (NMS) and Mr. Harish Yadav (Health Visitor) at Central District NLEP believe that each individual should be informed about leprosy no matter where they come from and what their profession is! We're on a mission to reach out to people who are often missed out when distributing knowledge. Here's a list of these sections of society: 1. Health talk to Sex Workers and NGO staff at red light area I It is mandatory to spread awareness amongst sex workers as they come in close contact with numerous people on a daily basis. 2. Health talk in ISBT People working at ISBT bus stands to deal with many passengers need to have this information for precaution. 3. Health talk to Coolie at railway stations While lifting heavy loads, Coolies at railway stations often forget to take care of themselves. 4. Health talk to night shelter staff " A lot of people stay together in these shelters and come in contact with one another. 5. Health talk in schools to students and teachers We believe that students are the future of our society and if they're properly educated they can change the face of society for us. 6. Painting competition in schools art This competition was conducted to motivate and evoke an emotion in students and make them express what they feel about this issue. 7. Health talk to labours at the construction site More than half of the labours are migrated labours and their health conditions aren't clear. So, it becomes necessary for them to have this knowledge. a = io Sen Me : This section is often overlooked and doesn't have access to information on such issues. 9. Health talk in dispensary A dispensary witnesses many patients daily so, they all need to know about this cause. 10. Munadi in district ; ess Be: i ube r& . General awareness in districts 11. Stamp on OPD slips Created stamps to spread awareness. We also created a documentary on the lives of people suffering with leprosy. Here's the link of that documentary : pklOU9rfYxOM4tNmM4Gddx11npMT/view? usp=drivesdk

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