Planting A Lot Of: We All Know That

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Bees are a keystone species; they have a vital role in our ecosystem since they

pollinate nearly 90% of plant species and they also contribute 35% of the world’s food
supply. However, bee populations are in decline due to many factors such as diseases,
viruses, pests, monocultures and so on. All of us are aware that if bees die off, a lot of
lives in this world will also end; that is why we should protect and save the bees from the
risk of extinction. We can protect the bees with these following solutions:

Planting a Lot of Nectar-Producing Flowers

We all know that bees are attracted to plants that produce nectar and pollen

since they actually need those in their diet. Nectar is a sweet substance that attracts the
bees, which in turn pollinate plants so they can develop seeds and propagate their
species. Through researching or seeking advices from gardeners, we can actually come
up with a solution which is to plant or to create our own flower garden to ensure more
food for bees. Especially during summer, food sources for bees are getting fewer due to
modern farming practices, deforestation, monocultures and so on.

Protect Pollinator Health by Preserving Wild Habitat

Humankind can protect the pollinators by preserving their habitats; we can simply
do it through planting trees, supporting reforestation and also building bee boxes/bee
garden. Bees mostly get their nectars from trees which is why it is considered as one of
their food sources aside from the nectar-producing flowers. Tree leaves and resin
provide nesting material for bees, while natural wood cavities make excellent shelters for
their species. By simply caring for trees and joining tree-planting parties in our area, we
can protect the pollinator’s health and event their habitat.

Restore Ecological Agriculture

Ecological agriculture is known as a natural based farming practice, wherein

growing food in diverse systems that are 100% organic. This type of farming can help to
reduce pollution by using natural fertilizers instead of harmful chemicals. Through
maintaining the right mix of plant species, soil fertility will also be maintained. Ecological
farming is also known as a new policy trend that will help on stabilizing the human food
production, preserving wild habitats, and most especially is to protect the bees.

Public Support for Banning Pesticides

Pesticides are harming the wildlife especially the bee species wherein exposure
to these chemicals will affect the entire hive, species or even the crop yields.
Researchers concluded that pesticides have an impact to the behaviors or even to the
health of the bees, which they can be acutely poisoned when they eat or drink
contaminated pollen, nectar and even water. That is why we should encourage or
support on banning the seven most dangerous pesticides so that we can prevent bees
from the risk of getting extinct especially they are responsible for pollination and an
essential part of the agricultural system.

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